Hon. Edward W. Hoffman See Rating Details
Superior Court Judge
Superior Court
Burlington County
Vicinage 3
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.2 - 2 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 12 rating(s)
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* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Edward W. Hoffman



Comment #: NJ5019
Completely railroaded me. Didn't hear anything I had to say. Made fun of me for getting upset and anything I had to say he used against me and told me I had an attitude the whole time. And told me if I didn't show up with an attorney for my next hearing, I wouldn't have a chance.


Comment #: NJ5012
Worst Judge I ever had the dishonor of being in front of. My ex(Mother of my kids) applied to move out of state. When the Judge asked me if I disapprove of the move I said yes I disagree, When asked why I disagree I never was given a chance to answer. As soon as I opened my mouth I was told “You know what don’t bother answering that, it’s not gonna matter anyway.” My ex was approved to move out of state because she had already bought a house and our kids had already been registered for school in the new state. Yet this POS of a Judge saw every reason not to deny her moving of state.


Comment #: NJ4925
Rating:Not Rated
Consider testifying against Hoffman’s tenure at tomorrow’s tenure hearing 10 am at:
Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, New Jersey.
Even if your case is over you could help out other children and make a difference

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NJ4694
Rating:Not Rated
He is thee worst judge. He didn't look at my evidence or long lists of accomplishments to support my case. He threw his hands up at me. He threw my paperwork. He has denied me 2 times. I started to loose hope but then I found this page and thank God that it's not just me. This BOY does not belong on the bench.


Comment #: NJ4670
Are you kidding me that this Judge is even allowed on the bench? He needs a complaint filed against him with the ethics committee! He is the most BIASED person I have ever seen! My ex was screaming obscenities at me in court and the Judge was loving it! If I tried speaking he GROWLED at me and wasn't allowed to show any evidence. He thinks men should NOT have to pay any child support? We all need to file a complaint against this holier than now piece of garbage!


Comment #: NJ4664
Still waiting for my right to trial 2.5 years later. It has been 2.5 years since I seen my child. There are no abuse charges or criminal charges or anything. This judge literally took away all my rights, gave it to the father, who is severally alienating our child from me. It took about 2 years to get granted an expert, who concluded the father is psychologically abusing the child via severe alienation strategies, which caused 8 psychiatric hospitalizations in his care. She was a happy, well adjusted straight A all honors student before she left, when she was primarily in my care. When that report came in, the judge just kept postponing trial. Waiting until my daughter ages out. She is 17 now. No family therapy, no visitations, nothing. This judge denied everything. He even denied supervised visits! Violated my constitutional rights to have a relationship with my daughter. In fact he intentionally ruined it. I’m a licensed psychologist that works with children. The father is diagnosed bipolar disorder and cannot hold a steady job and projects his delusions onto our daughter. The ENTIRE maternal family who was so very close to my daughter has yet to see or speak to my daughter. I took out a second mortgage to file for my right to trial over and over again, it would get granted but no trial date was given, as well as other things that were denied for no reason. I would love to file a lawsuit against Burlington County, the state, and judge Hoffman for allowing this to happen . I don’t know what his issue is for women, but he really needs to seek some treatment before he hears another case and violates more women like this.


Comment #: NJ4631
Rating:Not Rated
All of these comments are accurate. His behavior is unconscionable and clearly biased against women and mothers notwithstanding the absolute evidence of dead-beat dads. He passes the buck, obviously does not like his job (not that anyone could blame him), but he is unable to be objective despite the mounting evidence of dads that are abusive and not contributing to the support of their own children. He needs to go!


Comment #: NJ4474
Were you aware that Judge Hoffman comes up for tenure in May 2024 and that you can testify against him retaining a permanent spot as a judge?

Please consider doing so.



Comment #: NJ4442
This judge hates mothers, possibly all women he slanders their name in orders with derogatory nicknames without any evidence to do so. All these comments are accurate, he supports alienation and even to the most severe cases of years of full 100% alienation. Temporary orders that go on for years. Mothers of cases he rules on are going years without seeing their children with nothing founded against them. He allows fathers to psychological abuse their children to irrationally fear their mother. He rather place children with diagnosed mentally ill fathers. He never relies on evidence and ignores doctor’s recommendations. He pretends evidence exists that doesn’t. He won’t allow experts on cases. Hoffman never enforces any his orders, just changes them to allow the other party to get away with breaking original orders he made. My child attempted suicide via Hoffman’s approach.


Comment #: NJ4429
I wonder how much it's actually worth to rip a family apart and willingly destroy the lives of innocent children. He's a criminal and should be in jail, along with the abusive parents he protects.


Comment #: NJ4397
I agree with all of the comments on this site. This man should not be sitting the bench or part of our legal system at all. He destroyed my kids (the only family I have) - by putting them into the arms of a parent that not only turned them against me but only cares about money and pays no attention to them or their well being. He's allowing this parent to continue his abuse through the legal system that is headed by none other than Judge Hoffman. Recuse him!


Comment #: NJ4024
He is gender biased to say the least. He has a "God like" representation to his cases and should not be sitting on a bench at all but especially not in Family Court. Many children are becoming RUINED by the man! Recuse him!


Comment #: NJ3992
Judge Hoffman constantly punts and will not make a decision. He ordered a Custody Natural Assessment which stated the primary parent was engaging in parental alienation, and that the non custodial was not given sufficient time with the child and there was no reason that the non custodial couldn't have additional time as he is a qualified and caring parent. Judge Hoffman's answer was he doesn't believe "that children need to spend equal time with both parents." He is a horrid Judge that has no business on the bench or practicing law. He makes his decision before even speaking with either parent. He is a embarrassment to the legal system and at minimal should be removed from family court should not be tenured.


Comment #: NJ3834
He’s an egotistical male chauvinist pig who thinks he’s more powerful than God himself. He has no place in Family Court. He is not fit to even decide what is in the best interests of children. He just likes being in a position of power and authority to boost his fragile self-esteem. He is certainly not fair and he is biased. He makes up his mind prior to even hearing a case.


Comment #: NJ3793
This Judge appeared disinterested throughout, spoke patronizingly, and had his mind made up prior to trial. It is simply a failure of the system to have him as a judge in family court. He does not have the best interests of the child at the forefront, nor in the background. Terrible.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NJ3510
Rude egotistical disinterested and unknowledgeable This man should not be a sitting judge in family court


Comment #: NJ3509
Rude almost incompetent huge ego disrespectful and should not be on the bench in family division