Hon. Cristina Mazzei See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Mateo County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Cristina Mazzei



Comment #: CA55410
Ms. Mazzie accepted a big volume of document from the Defendant on the date of trial. The Defendant and his attorney didn't send a copy or delivered a copy to the Petitioner in advance. The Petitioner informed her and Ms. Mazzie just ignored it.

Ms. Mazzie and Judge Amarra Lee further accused the Petitioner filed the DV case was "Just for the money". How horrible she and Judge Amarra were! They took the DV trial case 3 hours before the trial. Not only they were lack of the facts of the case, but also they violated many cal rules. Yes, they treated woman as criminal before they even spent time to understand the case.

What a shame for a Commissioner and the Judge who just did the way they like.

They made mistakes about the dates for the DV incident and the date the petitioner went to the defendant's place to pick up some of her belongings. They
accused the petitioner did not tell the truth. Even after the petitioner proved the facts, they refised to correct their errors or apologized to the petitioner.

Did anyone have the experience that the
Commissioner and Judge Amarra Lee said "
You filed this DV case is just for the money"? In fact, the SMSC sanctioned so many times to the Petitioner (in DV case, but the Respondent in the dissolution case).

After all her motions were denied, the Judge Reyna not only muted her, cut off her in the hearings, moreover, refused to let her testify the evidence and accused her as a VL.

Any legal experts or the Public organizations can offer the help and support to her? Thank you.


Comment #: CA55005
Judge Cristina Mazzei has been terrorizing women victims of domestic violence for years. Her consistent and blatant violations of due process and family court laws demonstrate a criminal bravado and confidence that she will never be held accountable for the extensive harm she has caused to women, children, and their extended families.

She has the audacity to deny a mother victim of domestic violence her right to an evidentiary hearing for her request for DVRO and then DENY the DVRO after the abusive father was ARRESTED for domestic assault while her young children were home. She then made a MOVE OUT order for the abusive father (which isn't possible without a finding of domestic violence). These are 2 eye-popping examples of Mazzei ignoring due process to ensure a positive outcome for the abusive father.

In DCSS court, she is denying critically needed child support that is wildly outside of her jurisdiction, as state guidelines on this are clear and not for a judge to decide or deny.


Comment #: CA49280
Awful. Did not apply the law correctly in a fraud case when the case was appealed.


Comment #: CA49226
Commissioner Cristina Mazzei is fair and impartial in my case. She firmly dismisses DA's unreasonable charge and restores justice to the innocent through her rulings.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA41965
I am incredibly disappointed in Commissioner Cristina Mazzei as a human first, as woman, and as an “acting judge” in my case. I prepared a letter of complaint to be submitted to San Mateo Superior court, but relented after serious reflection—because I didn’t believe it would ultimately change her behavior.
The way she spoke me, should be not be acceptable in any courtroom. The verdict of my case was not the issue, but in the many ways she showed favor to the other side, some subtle, others not so subtle. Ultimately accusing me of being untruthful about a sexual assault by the defendant , and telling me, “ I don’t think you are afraid or fearful of him.” She allowed the other side to submit documents the day of the hearing, but denied me same. She wanted to rush through it. She was reading some my statements for the first time (things she should have read ahead of time to prepare). I believe Cristina’s white privilege may be contributing factor. She basically told me I didn’t have right to respond when I felt threatened by defendants erratic behavior. She is out of touch, I believe, of the hardships women and people of color face. It was very apparent by her demeanor. It’s sad. I hope by the Grace of God she can rule in cases in a truly impartial manor. I had every right protect the peace and safety of myself and my family, but even a lame commissioner like Cristina had me question that for a moment. ..never again.