Hon. Robert Sanchez DuFour See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.3 - 3 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Robert Sanchez DuFour



Comment #: CA54567
Doesn’t have the patience or wisdom of Job, to be sure. As a spectator, I witnessed his unprofessional and unbridled wrath when an unrepresented woman couldn’t understand what he was saying, he rose, pointed his finger at the door while screaming at her, “Get out of my courtroom! GET OUT! The entire courtroom fell silent and you could hear a pin drop..Rather unstable behavior coming from a sitting Superior Court Judge…


Comment #: CA54037
Rating:Not Rated
tips on this judge:

1. instead of hearing all the facts of the case and before judging someones character, he settles custody first, then moves on to finances. So if you know your ex is committing perjury during their finances and you are hoping that will discredit their testimony for custody... pick a new strategy. This would be a good thing in a case with two healthy people... but if there is any type of abuse (especially financial abuse). But most narcissists believe themselves to be amazing parents no matter how abusive they are, and it's easy to convince someone how "great" you are if you believe it yourself. But if a narcissist is hiding money or willfully underemployed, they will struggle between wanting to self aggrandize VS maintain the lie that they are too broke to support their children... and that is when their true character will come out.

2. He was late to every single hearing. Expect to lose part of your allotted time + to pay your lawyer to just sit there waiting for him.

3. He loves to lecture. His big thing is to explain how dumb everyone is for being in court at all. If people could have healthy communication, the rate of divorce would be much lower. In fact, I suspect the only people getting divorced would be people who mutually fell out of love and can just write up a little paper together and submit it to the court. But that is not how most divorces go. All too often, only one person wants out -- and the other person lashes out due to how rejected they feel. (This is 1000x worse when there is domestic violence or coercive control in the relationship.) Not sure why he wastes our time (and money) reminding us of that. Keep your composure and try not to cry when it feels like you are getting in trouble for picking the wrong person.

4. He is a stickler for procedure. Make sure you ask BEFORE your court date to have him read over previous filings. Stick to the letter of the law; he seems more concerned with who will follow court rules by the book than anything else.


Comment #: CA53409
This judge has a history of punishing protective mothers and abuse victims. I had to take a TRO out to protect our kids, and OP went into hiding to avoid being served. Because of the inciting incident, DCFS told me to put both kids in therapy immediately or risk having the kids removed from my home. This judge punished me for that, saying that I shouldn't have made a medical decision without consulting OP. (Bear in mind that I was also a protected person and OP was hiding at this time, so there was no way for me to communicate this.)

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45279
He is the worst judge I have ever had to deal with when it came to child custody. I had to do a trial or aka PPA2 he was completely biased gave the mom the move away to Texas. Without thinking on how this would affect, a minor child . The judge is completely biased because he does not care about a father or a father. Having his rights he himself will violate fathers rights laws and allow the mom to violate the fathers rights without any repercussions. Worst judge I have ever had to deal with in my 11 year of child custody court in my life, and it’s hard to get over the depression, knowing that your children are being taken from you, and you’ve done nothing wrong. I wish this judge could get removed from the bench. Because he himself does not follow the laws, but only enjoys the ability to play God over other peoples kids.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40532
He is a narcissist and uneducated Judge. He does not understand Family Law. I am a family law attorney with over 25 years litigating. I have been around some highly intelligent Judges in my career. Judge Sanchez is not one of them. Judge Sanchez is biased against victims of child abuse and domestic violence. He is arrogant yet has the very legal knowledge and experience in family law. In one case, he completely, I mean completely ignored the fact that the father is a child abuser even though DCFS sustained a Child Abuse Petition against father for punching and kicking his daughter. We are talking police reports and photos documenting black eyes and bruises.

This Judge thought dad was a good father and blamed mom for lying about the abuse. Blamed mom for the children being afraid of dad. He has no business in Family Law and he should be relegated to handling traffic tickets. He was appointed by Gov. Newsom less than 18 months ago only because he came out as a gay Judge candidate. His appointment is purely political and not based on qualifications. He passes judgment against women who report domestic violence, calling them liars and then expresses sorrow for the abuser having to be put through custody litigation.

He is a horrible human being.


Comment #: CA39570
Rating:Not Rated

Post more detailed and less vague information.


Comment #: CA39569
I was defending myself in a custody hearing as I could not afford legal counsel like my ex. The Judge was very polite to his side and absolutely rude to me at every turn. For no reason. Almost every time I opened my mouth and I was not being rude, myself, or over the line.
The judgement he made was broad sweeping and based on a total judgement of my character that he had absolutely no basis to make. He even decided I was not credible on a matter where there was a first hand witness. Didn't matter. I was simply a liar. I was blown away. We have a second trial date to finish the matters at hand and I almost feel like what's the point. Nothing I say is going to matter.

I'm the Mother, in this case.


Comment #: CA39458
This Judge was incredibly biased in a recent family court hearing I appeared for. Not just mine, but in four other cases before mine he made the fathers cover all expenses and wouldn’t permit any of the fathers to say a word.

Dufour was so biased that he ordered me to file my financial statement papers in two hours, but gave the mother 30 days. He also demanded I pay $2000 in 10 days for a family court evaluator or I’d lose my custody. When I attempted to ask why the mother was getting more time and why she didn’t have to pay anything he immediately threatened to hold me in contempt.

Word of warning to any fathers going to court for custody. The family court evaluators and this Judge give absolute deference to the woman’s side, so save yourself $2,000 and put it towards your kids college fund.