Hon. Wendy M Behan See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Wendy M Behan



Comment #: CA52933
This judge destroys lives she doesn’t care what’s in the best interest of a child just what can make more money for her selfish self. I fought for a year and half to get a restraining order I have over 100 exhibits of abuse and multiple witnesses halfway threw evidence and only allowing me to present 2 witnesses Behan wouldn’t allow me to present anymore when asked for a mistrial on multiple occasions she denied when asked to recuse herself she made a comment I’m not letting go of this case after having sole custody of my son whose no 17 months 15 months yesterday on January 16th of 2024 she made the absolute most dog shit orders a judge could ever make she gave my son to an abuser stating I need a psychological evaluation due to (abuse I endured) yet she was presented at the trial with proof of my psychological evaluation and wouldn’t accept it claiming it’s hearsay. Behan is extremely bias she picks a narrative in her head and just goes with it. Little does she know what will come of this. She places children in harms way with his father who litterally was just found to have been smacking his other child in the face on camera. She enjoys seeing children hurt, harmed,etc. While she sits all high and mighty believing she is untouchable and that no one has the money to appeal her orders and make it know the inappropriate comments she made stating “she was over my case”
“She didn’t care I was abused” and there is so many more. Wendy Behans behavior will now be brought to light. A appeal will be filed of this orders that show extreme Bias. I hope we can get her off the bench she can’t make orders for the wellbeing of children she most likely can’t make orders in her new court room 1402 at the central court house!!! She deserves to feel the pain she inflicts on people. She should never be allowed to ditact any other child’s life! But we are going to the news, filing appeals, and so much more with this absolute monster who calls herself a judge and doesn’t even follow her codes she signed. Let’s pray when reconsideration is filed to show her the completion of what she based her orders off of prior to giving her orders. She will realize her mistake because I would hate to be her when it all comes down I don’t know how any mother could take a small infant away from their mom and give the child to someone who was severely abusive! I hope a judge rips her grandchildren away from her sons when they have kids so then may she feel an ounce of the grief and pain she’s caused me as a mother. I will not stop until my boy is home safe and Wendy Behans negligence and bias is brought to light! Hopefully appeals strips you of the title judge because you don’t deserve it #Judgesaresupposedtoprotect #makingvictimsscaredtogethelp #failingchildren #failingvictimsofDV


Comment #: CA52928
Absolutely the worst possible judge I’ve ever met! My best friend is a victim of domestic violence and was in court for a year and a half to get full custody of her son. Had over 200 evidence against the abuser and multiple witnesses to prove that evidence. Yesterday 2/16/24 she made a final decision and gave full custody to the abuser. She claimed that Dylan was not an abuser and basically told the victim she was insane. SHE EVEN ASKED THE VICTIM IF SHE THOUGHT THE ABUSER WAS ACTUALLY AN ABUSER. She should not be allowed to be on the bench anymore since she clearly doesn’t know how to do her job. Me and the victim are gonna do everything we can to make sure she loses her job and never judges again! She absolutely disregarded the case and basically didn’t even pay attention to it. And judging by the other reviews, it shows she’s always in favor of the man and very bias! I will do everything in my power to make sure this judge is fired and sued!


Comment #: CA47682
I am flabbergasted at having witnessed such a GROSS miscarriage of justice. My sister went before Judge Behan to obtain a permanent order of protection and primary custody of her 7 year old daughter. My niece complained that she had been molested on multiple occasions by her father Aaron Hurst. My sister did what any loving parent would do an contacted the police and took my niece to the hospital. As is often the case, no physical evidence of abuse was found. My sister was then beaten by my nieces father for reporting what my niece said to the authorities. She grabbed a knife to defend herself and flee from the situation. In going to court Judge Behan granted primary physical custody to the accused and said my sister's claim was not credible. Following the initial incident Aaron has stalked, physically assaulted (caught on video and was arrested for this assault), vandalized my property, posted my sisters address with nude photographs and more. My sister was told her claims were not credible though Judge Behan said "why would I have looked at the video?" as if it wasn't pertinent to the case. She refused to review evidence or hear from witnesses. She is also complicit in subjecting my niece to further abuse. She has torn her from a loving mother without regard to the law and what is in the best interest of the child. She is upholding unlawful behavior, exposing women and children to abuse and destroying families. I am in fear for my sister's safety and I am at a loss for where to turn. I understand fully why people take the law into their own hands when the courts fail families to such a significant degree. She is showing EXTREME bias, negligence, lack of regard for the law and should be removed from the bench. [redacted by Ed.] I can be contacted via email at raymondlledu@gmail.com


Comment #: CA44441
Poor representation and my misunderstanding of the court system has allowed a criminal to gain partial custody of my daughter, and now the negligence and downright racism of judge Wendy Behan has decided to rule to grant Full custody was granted to him without even a glance at what Bella has told us she experienced. She disregarded everything my said and she didn’t even read the report of abuse she only stated "you missed mediation". When judge Behan was informed that there was an Judge behan was told that bella was scared, in danger, fearful of her dad and she wanted to live with us and bella would testify to all the allegations and her response which is transcribed was I DON'TCARE! I have yet to have my restraining order even served so I Behan charge me with content and took my daughter screaming in court to the hands of native of america gun members given full custody. (Redacted by Ed.) someone need to sto her ruining families lifes and putting children to get abuse or kill. this our children

Brenda Beltran -Ross Warren

(760)4277351 (928)4449589

thank you for the considerations


Comment #: CA42087
I went brfore wendy behan to get help and to protecty my 7 yr old daughter from child abuse and sex teafficking at the hjands of her mother and step siblings and the moms ex husband and we got punished for it. my daughter was forcibly taken from the el cajon courthouse screamoing for help that the mom hitas her and touches her and I was held in contempt for not forcing her to go. The mom has been estranged and came back into her life this year and lied on the declaration so the judge gave her mom a total stranger to our daughter sole legal custody with no contact from me with no reason other than I didn't force my daughter to go get molested. so I have court 09/26/2022 were she stated she is going to give her sole legal custody and I have no [parental rights. I'm the only parent she has known the trauma she caused my daughter is life changeing and now she taught my daughter to never speak up against abuse or molestation again cause she will just ghet sent back to endure the pain at the judge's joy. wendy found a way to abuse her authority and legally kidnap my daughter and live a life of sexual exploitation by people who are known, as prostitutes and drug traffickers. she destroyed my daughter's innocence and raped her of her childhood with a smile on her face while sitting at the bench we elected her to.. she needs to be held accountable as well as her family. I will not stop until she is stripped of her duties and license and shamed along with her family for what she did to my daughter and myself all for reporting child abuse .