Hon. Russ Roeca See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Francisco County
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What others have said about Hon. Russ Roeca



Comment #: CA55448
Judge fails to address concern regarding child safety and determines decisions which are not in best interest of child. Judge thrives in separating child from loving parent.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55377
Rating:Not Rated
There are two recent new articles that have been published about what Judge Roeca enables.

I highly recommend that anyone who has matters in his courtroom read these. These horrors could also happen to you and your children.



Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55376
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Roeca lacks empathy. I believe that this should disqualify him from hearing Family Law matters.

In one case, a mother has completely lost any right to be in her son's life. This was after the father asked her to abort the child when she was pregnant. The father's family are well-off tech executives. They have paid several lawyers a lot of money to have the mother incarcerated in two separate states. The mother was also declared vexatious to hinder her ability to file her motions.

Now all of her parental rights have been terminated and the father has been given permission to move to Denmark.

See the docket: https://archive.ph/pMuXQ

Can you imagine the pain and suffering of a newborn child being permanently separated from his mother and given to a man who previously wanted him aborted?

This judge should be reprimanded for his conduct and the suffering that he has imposed on an innocent child.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53330
Rating:Not Rated
This judge let a guy completely off the hook for child molestation charges. The decision to do so is indicative of his callous view of child abuse.

His attitude has not changed in the Family Law venue. Judge Roeca doesn't make decisions that are based in the best interests of the child. Separating children from loving parents is routine in this courtroom.

Parents need to take into consideration how much money is at stake and whether their attorneys have a relationship to Judge Roeca to determine how best to proceed.

I have spoken to many others who have a case in this department. Many of those parents have voiced similar concerns.


Comment #: CA53328
Rating:Not Rated
Here is an article that gives more perspective on how this judge empathies with the plight of children.


Also, here:



Comment #: CA53325
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Roeca lacks the empathy necessary to make basic decisions for children. For example, he recently made an ex parte order allowing a father who wanted his child aborted to permanently move to Denmark. This was after denying the mother an opportunity to have a lawyer, while the father has been spending millions on lawyers and "expert witnesses".

Judge Roeca systematically alienated this poor child from the mother. The child has had only very limited contact from the age of 3 months.

Roeca simply doesn't care what that does to a child. He only cared about appeasing the wealthy litigants.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA51439
Judge Russ Roeca SEEMS to be a polite judge on the surface BUT... when it comes to actually preparing himself to make a ruling he is unprepared. Judge Roeca covered for his crony counterpart who is a total family wrecking ball that has/ had NO business ruling from the bench in the “best interests of of the child” standard. Roeca is complicit in the retaliatory vendetta, abuse of discretion, abuse of authority and contempt of the laws and regulations governing the family court.
I am perplexed that Roeca will not read the case information to comprehend the gravity of abuses in this case to make HIS OWN determination of the facts to realize the grossly overreaching statement of decision written by the previous judge in the case. This decision was based on an INCOMPLETE status report that was ORDERED to be completed by the previous judge, who then used the INCOMPLETE report to UNLAWFULLY and IMMEDIATELY sever the parent’s physical and legal rights to the children without reason given on record and without due process, while COMPLETELY ignoring the court ordered Professional information that was PURPOSELY EXCLUDED from the initial status report that undeniably contradicted the judge’s personal vendetta to remove the parent from the children’s lives. ROECA does not care about TRUE justice or initiating the effort to understand what is actually in “the best interests of the child” while keeping the status quo approach of cronyism, following their footsteps in order protect and uphold the gross judicial misconduct of his peers and he should be ashamed!


Comment #: CA51433
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Russ Roeca SEEMS to be a good judge on the surface, being polite while on the bench BUT... when it comes to actually preparing himself to make a ruling for a hearing, he showed up to the bench on an EMERGENCY order hearing MONTHS AFTER THE FILING, unprepared, brought counsel into chambers, stated he HAD NOT READ ANYTHING about the matter and kicked the EMERGENCY matter down the road ANOTHER COUPLE MONTHS to give him time to make a ruling. Well here’s a surprise... Judge Roeca covered for his crony counterpart who is a total family wrecking ball that has/ had NO business ruling from the bench in the “best interests of of the child” standard. Roeca is complicit in the retaliatory vendetta, abuse of discretion, abuse of authority and contempt of the laws and regulations governing the family court.
I am perplexed that Roeca will not read the case information to comprehend the gravity of abuses in this case to make HIS OWN determination of the facts to realize the grossly overreaching statement of decision written by the previous judge in the case. This decision was based on an INCOMPLETE status report that was ORDERED to be completed by the previous judge, who then used the INCOMPLETE report to UNLAWFULLY and IMMEDIATELY sever the parent’s physical and legal rights to the children without reason given on record and without due process, while COMPLETELY ignoring the court ordered Professional information that was PURPOSELY EXCLUDED from the initial status report that undeniably contradicted the judge’s personal vendetta to remove the parent from the children’s lives. Ben Reyes in my opinion does not care about TRUE justice or initiating the effort to understand what is actually in “the best interests of the child” while keeping the status quo approach of cronyism,following their footsteps in order protect and uphold the gross judicial misconduct of his peers and he should be ashamed!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49326
Controversial Judges.
[redacted by Ed.]
“The judge has ordered the court closed,” another deputy yelled. “If you fail to leave, you will be detained.”

“Are you serious?” O’Neil’s supporters said. One woman at the front said, “You are evil. Evil. Evil!”

O’Neil’s group walked out, and a deputy locked the door. Meanwhile, Roeca told Fox the hearing would occur on July 14, the immediate date when Hutchings returns.

Green stood out in the hallway of the Hall of Justice in a ring of supporters with Conger, looking forlorn. She bemoaned that without a district attorney who presses charges on police officers, Black and Latino men would be vulnerable to police use-of-force and killings.
