Hon. Alan V. Pineschi See Rating Details
Superior Court
Placer County
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Attorney Average Rating:   9.4 - 2 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 3 rating(s)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Alan V. Pineschi


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55371
Rating:Not Rated
Presiding Judge:
Seems you can have a conversation with J. Herishima on a recent L/T case that does not have SMJ on its face you failed to spot and dismiss but remanded by which got an order that is wildly improper: only contains labels form no content admits to having no jurisdiction to issue on a fed cmplt not sent back before state motion:FACT. We did not recognize the state court gave notice. Case by case or big picture the state courts are in crises no time for self dealing political advocacy with the high volume pleading factory. Public confidence in state courts is 30% or less Santa Clata the worst what this means is triggering civic engagement for court reform, legal reform enforcing both to comply with standards of care why your wasting tax payer dollars being paid salary to be advocates for an interest group known as pro landlord, pro prosecution resulting in well that population of homelessness since great recession taking away state tax dollars from state tax dollar funding of the state courts chronic cycle just keeping inmates in jail w/o counsel despite known PD shortage or despite T atty shortages. Whether it be through courts on cases and/or through tax payer cases court reform legal reform strikes by working clerks this state court is sinking ship non functional in fact more like a PAC than standard of care ya know not citing irrelvant n/a cites as done by Harishima in latest order on our case. Oh she will know what case I am omitting here but will not in the future. Politisizing of the courts is the basis for low public confidence it also means taking state taxes in form of salary but acting like a PAC utterly prohibitive can't bank on upper courts to apply controlling law either enough with the "I just disagree" "those are my feelings" that is politics not the rule of law a private speech that is coming in motions to disqualify too by the way grounds why we did not file in state court a cross complaint -- she will get it privately and publically as will the court.


Comment #: CA54993
Rating:Not Rated
so this Presiding Judge is the PJ for calendaring both civil and crim but most importantly UD cases he just sends through resulting in that homeless population then State of CA taxes are spent on that issue resulting in well State of CA budget cuts 97 million. Maybe he should read this bc we are in our third sham UD Case admitted by OPC no claim at a hearing he set for trial anyway while I have former Prof PJ who said WTF are they doing -- I would have dismissed it and told them no WYNDHAM is payee do not come back! But then all state Judges have CALPERS shares in Wyndham including retired Judge he assigned to a trial we now have to file disqualification--- that pleading factory has to go too! Come to Congress and try to fix it bc those pre COVID inmates non violent offenders havent had counsel for years and still incarcerated wasting more tax dollars-- so tax payer waste cases can be filed and should be like PDs did in SF!


Comment #: CA51445
Rating:Not Rated
All State of Calif Superior Courts have an unsustainable docket volume with crime rates, backlog on pre COVID cases and with lift of COVID Stays.
The press reports that the Courts are calling Trial lawyers, like the court is an Emergency Center, e.g. can you get out in two days, are you ready?
Here the PJ and court violated constitutional rights of tenants. See PJ is not the trial dept so no Notice to Appear and Produce can be set in PJ Dept instead must assign the trial dept, who assigns the trial date for constitutional time to serve Notices to Appear on witnesses, file jury instructions and related. This did not happen and oh PJ knows this case bc of our disqualification motions, and Judge Jones bias omg. Pay attn Sr Paralegals have JD's been in field decades, do calendaring, know state/federal court rules, civ pro and trial setting. And one more thing: read the press-- there has been national movement as Housing Advocates, tenant unionizing nationwide.. prejudice to tenants here so obvious and no this court never had jurisdiction stated in 473(d) cannot be waived at all -- do.not.game In Pro Per bc you never know how much the other guy consumers here know -- SF Sup Crt sued for (also) violating constitutional rights in crim as done here.. so you contact your state representatives for more judges == we are advocates for more Judges btw...
Were you there when PC's rolled out? That was the explosion of volume on all courts, not filings by In Pro Per, but filings by law firm mills/fast food law firms... maybe do standing orders like Fed Courts Do, Rule 11, sanction attorneys bc job title is not the test pass it on PJ to Jones, et al.


Comment #: CA49180
Rating:Not Rated
So this PJ in Placer County can learn something from Sac Co Superior Court instead of cutting off, as done to us, our discovery rights/trial date set w/ trial court, instead of surprise its TODAY.... the Sac Co Sup Crt Chief Exec [Kelly Sullivan) reports in press how they did it: NIGHT COURT oh that see we were ready to stip to a bench trial seeing the high volume but had to have rulings on MTC not done either... what is this but improper and prejudicial court management! See press reports on Sac Co Superior court fixing its back log that includes civ cases some in this court with lower case numbers than ours... unacceptable case mgmt in this Placer Co Court more like Riverside or SF!


Comment #: CA49158
Rating:Not Rated
Hopefully the PJ of this Court will read these comments and SHOULD. It turns out that both CA superior crts & Fed Dist crts, esp EDC, have had an unsustainable case load FOR DECADES, this results in cut and pasting (an issue of disqualif of course!), happens otherside of the line: law firms who DO have $$ 2 get more attys/staff unlike COURTS! Legislating thru trial crts is ineffective unless $$ interest or political unlike SCOTUS. Bar knows about kangaroo legislating thru crts, but ratio was 80/20 or so bad apples subject to appeals decades later it is how this court operates! It is time2 address this crises in state crts across all areas: family, probate, crim, civil lit and of course Landlord/Tenant -- cut off from discovery, set jury trial date, missapplic of the law. Wrkd as Sr Staff took myself off a controversial case w/ best of objective intentions learned I have a prob w/ case took myself off it is not up to voters/consumers to monitor appearance of bias at all! Know in field have 2 self regulate conflicts happens daily by members of the bar: did calendaring global law firm the calendar is unsustainable-- state court is in CRISES as are all CA superior Crts and FD Courts.... do SOMETHING productive! And again legislating aka legal realism is black hole bc not SCOTUS or Appeal Court has no statewide applic must have written stip to a commissioner & retired Assigned JUDGE yes that is the rule of law!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA49118
Rating:Not Rated
moral of the story for all ca trial courts: formalism the plain meaning rule ya know rule of law is back realism is out there is no such broad discretion by trial court judges... never was... any questions well look around the world we R in: science of law/science controls the enlightenment project accelerated with for example personal computers do not need top down theories to apply the rule(s) in any discipline natural science or social science... the law is an applied behavioral science... its boring at trial level you do not get to make up laws... e.g. see SF PD's case v. superior court...dont computer program? well then realism will not save anything but a black hole e.g. injustice

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49117
Rating:Not Rated
~The Placer Co Sup Crt PJ is not applying statewide CA law on long list in civ and crim but in not L/T, CA Const., 1 Superior Court rule; legal circles staff/attys civ & crim know wut legislating thru crts means-- the case load tho is unsustainable publications show statewide/natnwide in west the criminal system is BROKEN which unsustainable hi volume docket resulted in violating T's const rite to jury trial, discovery in L/T civ case. Case numbers on docket remain lower than our case State of Calif Judicial Council DOES have duty 2tax payers... didnt inform either retired Judge assigned no trial date-- astonishing abuses of process...shall we talk slang kangaroo crts or flat out dismissal formalistic application of the law vs. legal realism movement -- make up law as they go... SF Sup Crt sued violating crim def rites will arise in civ too... the trial courts are broken!


Comment #: CA46574
What is going on in this system. This judge only sides with the DA. We've been told not to waste our money on a lawyer since it will do nothing. This judge and the DA dept have zero compassion for people with problems, but push for the harshest punishment. Is their goal to deliberately destroy peoples lives? Is the system so corrupt? This has changed the way I feel about our system. Very disappointing.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34745
I am very upset with the court going back to punishing people with high amounts of in custody time. I have seen the same cases for years. They seem to go slightly up and down in what they are worth depending on the "crew" of District Attorney's working the courtroom. This Judge does not do much other than give the district attorney firm support and backbone to feel justified in high sentencing, including putting a pregnant woman in jail. Shame on you she needed help.


Comment #: CA14440
He took the time to hear my husband's case and all the details involved. He truly cares about every single person on trial. He is a breath of fresh air in Placcer County and most genuine and fair judge I've ever come across.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9734
What an even handed, intelligent judge. He's calm, kind, helpful, interested in helping people get through the justice system and understand what is going on. In working this job, I find a lot of fair people, but few with such a dedication to fairness, kindness, and assistance. Truly a public servant of the highest degree. In watching his criminal cases, he'll tell you if he thinks you've been a knucklehead and need to get your head on straight, but he hates to put people in jail if they can get some kind of other help. He has little tolerance for bullshit but also is forgiving. If in a custody or criminal case, you should pray to get this judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8958
Rating:Not Rated
How this clown got into the top 10 list is beyond me. I and my daughter are still suffering the consequences of this judge's allowing a secret "family law" hearing with my ex wife at the conclusion of which he summarily ended my parental relationship. He uncritically accepted fantastic representations, conducted no investigation and offered me no opportunity to speak - or even know of the hearing. By the time it became apparent that the whole thing was a malicious fantasy, the damage was done. Years and thousands of dollars on therapy later, my now-adult daughter bears emptional scar tissue that will remain forever. A pox on this charlatain.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7610
I was involved in an extremely nasty civil case that had dragged on for four years. Over 50 court appearances, and I was from out of town. When it came around for the fifth time to be called for trial ("no court room" the last four times) my client and I were at the end of our rope.

I was going to dump the case and my client was willing to let it all go if it got continued one more time. In an act of desperation, I wrote Judge Pineschei a letter and explained the dire situation. And you know what?

He listened. He got us a court room and a judge. He made it happen and we were off to trial and we won. I am so glad he was there.