Hon. Stephan C. Hansbury See Rating Details
Superior Court Judge
Superior Court
Morris County
Vicinage 10
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.6 - 6 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 12 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Stephan C. Hansbury



Comment #: NJ5135
Rating:Not Rated
I want to express my deep concern regarding a trial I observed a few months ago involving Judge Hansbury. As an advocate for victims of abuse, I was profoundly disturbed by the lack of empathy and professionalism displayed by the judge, the opposing counsel, and the overall courtroom environment.

The victim in this case, "Jane," had suffered domestic violence and has a disability. Throughout the trial, she was subjected to snickering and disrespect as she recounted her experiences. The proceedings were chaotic and unprofessional, with questionable witnesses and evidence presented.

One witness claimed to have never met "Jane," despite having done her taxes for ten years and messaging her frequently. Another witness appeared with an attorney claiming to represent Wells Fargo, but later, no one seemed to know who this person was or why they were in the jury box. These are just a few examples. Perjury seemed rampant, yet no one was held accountable.

Furthermore, "Jane's" attorney stated that the judge had already decided the outcome but still wanted to proceed with the trial, costing "Jane" money she didn't have. She has been repeatedly gaslighted and shut down when she raises concerns.

The case involved numerous disturbing elements, including evidence and witness tampering, a mysterious fire that resulted in the deaths of two people "Jane" loved, a will that was suddenly changed eight days before the fire, and a safe that was allowed to be removed during an open fire investigation. Now, "Jane" has discovered that the transcripts are missing pieces of conversations that we clearly heard in the courtroom.

I have never witnessed such a blatant disregard for justice and due process. The reviews I've read here echo my concerns, and it's shocking that these issues have not been investigated. I urge someone to look into this matter thoroughly.


Comment #: NJ5132
I am involved in a case where a Will appeared 8 days before a fire taking 50% of my home from me (long story but this was all my money in my home and I only signed my ex father in law onto the Deed to facilitate a mortgage I did not even need to take out to help him) Judge Hansbury was assigned to this case and also happened to be assigned to my case for Spoilation of evidence. He dismissed this case "with prejudice' when the night before the parties offered "without prejudice" if I agreed to what I felt to be a very unjust action removing my rights of due process. Now I have received what appears to be a heavily edited transcript removing very important items from this hearing I am shocked.
During my house matter I was thrown out of my home of 13 years with multiple references to "bad consequences"
"Jail" and a contempt of Court if I tried to stop the sale. I had a right to appeal but was scared as I did not want a criminal record and incarceration. Doctors even wrote to the Court about this. Complaint was made. No wrong doing found. At this hearing the Judge would not even allow an adjournment as my aunt had just died to go to her funeral. Then I was threatened at that very hearing.
Other reviews echo my sentiments yet I face very influential parties. Clearly and this will be buried. I need to try to find Justice. I can see many others feel the same way. Why is nothing done?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NJ4159
we believe Judge Hansbury is either BIAS or incompetent or corrupt

our experience of Nj courts can be described as something close to watching crime movie on ROGUE Nation

we firmly believe all is not well @ Nj courts

The society can not function well if Judiciary gets in the hands of either BIAS or incompetent or corrupt

Serious introspection needed

Respect is always earned by delivering par excellence

we firmly believe Judge Hansbury is serious liability to the justice department


Comment #: NJ4098
This Judge S Hansbury was sucking obnoxiously sucking on Jolly Ranchers candy while half ass listening as he already made up his mind. I never have seen a Judge suck up to his favorite lawyers verse the lawyers he does not like to this extent. He was totally useless in family court. He was divorced and had a soft spot for men going through divorce and this was clearly obvious and unprofessional.He left many open ended issues to cater to the attorneys making more money by being so weak. They put him back on the bench out of retirement and someone should shut this down.


Comment #: NJ3525
Making decision not by the law, by personal sympathy.
Arrogant and nasty personality
Lak of professionalism


Comment #: NJ3522
A lazy Judge that rendered opinions based upon his personal feelings without merit or fact based. It took me years and a new Judge to fix his irresponsible ruling. The toll his ruling took on my poor child almost ruined his childhood. He should never be able to collect a pension for his careless rulings.


Comment #: NJ2689
Judge Hansbury oversaw my very contentious divorce in 2002. He was not predictable, but my experience was that he was fair. He tried hard to make good decisions for our family.
The fact that he was a father helped in his overall decision making related to the children.


Comment #: NJ2193
This judge was in my ex husbands favor from day one of my divorce 14 years ago. I wish he could see how the effects of his decisions have affected my children all these years later and the psychological struggles they have now. It breaks my heart to see them suffer because he refused to take my children's thoughts and feelings into his decision making.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NJ2152
Nasty, arrogant and overall terrible judge. How he was ever appointed to the bench is mind boggling.


Comment #: NJ2151
Arrogant judge with limited ability.


Comment #: NJ1945
he was referred to the Department of Justice and FBI for violation of fedeal laws and to the corrupt Supreme court advisory committee on judicial conduct. Per the State of NV its attorney general notes the crimes have life or death sentences. see thomascaggiano.com for added evidence agaisnt 35 jduges and 100 govt attorneys including audio recording to the Morristown Chief of Police audio file. the munciipal judges in vicinage X are a ceasepool of corruption protected by the ACJC.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NJ1460
This judge has neither the intellect nor the interest to be a good judge. He is probably counting down the days until his retirement. Oral argument always starts off with him all smiley-faced, and then he starts to slowly boil over. He will cite a trial-level opinion over a conflicting appellate opinion, and will not change his mind when told that his trial-level opinion was overruled by a higher court.

Morris County judges in general are fairly low in ability, with a few good exceptions. Unfortunately, this judge is on the "race to the bottom."


Comment #: NJ1408
Rating:Not Rated
A terrible judge! He awarded my house for auction in favor of the plaintiffs Wells Fargo, even though we were defrauded -- and Wells Fargo isn't the holder of my mortgage, Fannie Mae is. We were never served papers, despite them legally having to do so, and there was proof that we never reviewed said documents. He has no clue what he is doing when it comes to foreclosure matters, and is very biased towards the banks. Even if you have proof it was all the bank's mistakes. He even evicted an elderly couple and told them they were given enough time to get out and wouldn't let them get their remaining stuff. The poor couple had no power due to the hurricane! He rules without a conscience or heart or an idea in his head that people's lives are in his hands and his ignorance is very costly to them.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NJ1173
Only thing worse than losing a trial is noting within 5 seconds that in the judge's written decision there is reversible error. He must have little grasp to the laws of evidence.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NJ1070
Judge Hansbury is a bad judge, but one that routinely went outside the bounds of his office. He tried to cover up evidence tampering. He disregarded witness tampering.There was evidence presented at trial that the family evaluator was receiving legal advice from my former wife's lawyer in regard to a subpoena I had served upon him by the local sheriffs office.He made a trust fund that my adversary had disappear. He made up facts and made false statements in his ruling. He is a sexist in favor of women. He mocked my disabilities, and actually wrote in my judgement of divorce that my ethnicity could not be determined at trial. That question never came up, and I fail to see how it is relevant to a divorce. It also took him four months to issue a ruling. He either lost or destroyed evidence and papers he wanted submitted to him, such as witness lists. He had a hard time following the relevant parts of the trial, I believe because he prejudged the matter. This judge is the perfect reason as why there should be an elected judiciary.


Comment #: NJ946
This judge is an unfair judge. He favors the plaintiffs and not the defendants!!! Although defendants have full proof of documents and plaintiffs agree on the record and proof of what the defendant display are true. At the end, the plaintiffs win.
I read many reviews of this judge after my case, and found out he is very unfair!!!! If you google him online under "New Jersey The Robing Room", or Worlds most trusted Judge rating site, he is a very bad judge. Find out for yourself


Comment #: NJ788
He would not even give my lawyer the time of day. Of course my suit was against Wells Fargo. Why should a nobody question the BIG BANK Also it is OK if you husband cleans out an account that never had his name on it. Oh, thanks for the one count that the bank already new they were going to lose


Comment #: NJ685
I was before Judge Hansbury for a 1 1/2 year custody battle. Even though, in the end he ruled in my ex-husband's favor, he treated me with the utmost respect and I can say that he was fair- again, I am a woman, and lost in the end, so no bias here.


Comment #: NJ474
Judge Hansbury was not able to look at my salary and make a ruling on how much I had to pay my wife while we were going through the divorce proceedings. He ordered me to pay her $1,000 more a month than I take home myself. He is a horrible excuse of a judge and never admitted publicly of his mistake. He forced me to go through 12 intensive settlement hearings and refused to make a ruling so he handed the case over to Judge Minkowitz. He is so biased and rules in favor of the woman ALL THE TIME! I will do everything in my power to see that he is not elected again!


Comment #: NJ460
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge has been removed from family court and that is the best thing that could have happened for any litigants having to deal with him. He is a sexist and if you are of the male gender, you have lost before you ever get to court. Did not listen and made bad decisions based on his personal investigation into mental illness and pending disability.