Hon. Deborah Poulos See Rating Details

Family Court
Suffolk County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Deborah Poulos


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY14185
She lowered child support without a hearing. She took away my civil life by ordering me to cease any guardianship cases I opened in North Carolina because I moved there, and she was mad about that. And I’m not allowed to file anything else anywhere else in the country.
Comment to me was “Mom, you get a lot of money in child support. You expect Dad to pay for college too.”
Said Mom, “You weren’t supposed to move this child until he got his diploma. Don’t you know what that is, Mom?”
Yeah, he’s autistic. If I got him a diploma, then he couldn’t graduate, but then you shouldn’t have taken him out of the state.
When walking at a court, her comment to me was, “Don’t get too comfortable in North Carolina. I might make the child move back in with his father.” The child is 20; he wants to be in North Carolina.
So now she forced us to start applying for guardianship in New York.
Surrogate Court 17-A for developmentally disabled adult. Which is what I was told to do by the court. Surrogate Court is still putting in motions from January. Mine probably wouldn’t have gotten until May or June.
But his new judge did an 81-A in Supreme Court, and that date is in April. My lawyer said she’s never going to go for anything in your favor because she hates you. Because I decided to move my son, she makes me fly up here. So I spent all of this money coming here, four times already, and she doesn’t even speak to me. That’s called abusive power
They go into conference, and she won’t go on the record, not allowing me to defend myself.
But she’s going to make me keep coming here apparently over and over again because she’s mad at you.
Oh, and I was threatened, “Don’t go against the judge.” She holds everything in the palm of her hands. Her court her rules
I’m a Persian Gulf war veteran 100% disabled and permanent from the time I was in the Middle East.
I live in New York and one of the most liberal states and there’s a judge out there that disregard the fact that I swear an oath to protect the right for her to administer justice. Something’s very corrupt in that system everything the father’s lawyer wanted she gave without even a hearing. I was told she’s being forced to retire at the end of the year so she can’t get any more cases so she keeps extending everybody’s case.
I do wonder when the rights of my son and my rights are taken into account

Because I also asked for accommodations and I think that pissed off her too

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY13891
No judicial decorum. Makes fun of
Litigants. Abuses judicial jurisdiction. Does not read the current law, or court protocols. Does not know the stage of divorce parties are in Appears intoxicated or heavily medicated at times on the bench. The only judge in suffolk with such terrible decorum and lack of knowledge of the laws.


Comment #: NY13883
Rating:Not Rated
I love Judge Poulos! She will fall for none of the bs and has the children best interests at heart. Before she was a judge she was my divorce attorney. She 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt fair and impartial. I didn't get everything I wanted but everything was in the best interest of my children, as a father the system can seem biased but in my case she fought for all my rights as a father without infringing on their mothers right and that's all I wanted. All I wanted was to be in their lives and have a say in everything pertaining to them and she did that. Congratulations on your becoming a Judge and God bless you! Frank S Politi Sr


Comment #: NY13863
I would be interested to know who the parties in the below complaints lawyers were. The law guardian and opposing lawyer as well. There is absolute corruption going on in this system. I was getting daggers from this judge the very first appearance. No basis what so ever for that. I was shocked by her behavior. The one who wore a mask and lied fooled the judge or this was already set in motion by pure corruption.


Comment #: NY13165
Rating:Not Rated
My case is in the universe hands and have to believe the truth comes out. My ex it’s a charmer, psychopath and has painted a believable picture of myself, set me up using the children as weapons for their social status. This judge has turned the tables on my life and destroyed good healthy people and wondering if she was severely abused as a child that’s why she sees abuse including mental hard to prove as normal from a vindictive parent all health professional see as an abuser and is ignored. My one child has self identify issues due to this court room and was a happy child prior. Honor Poulus the damage you have allowed is beyond cruel please step down from bench you are ruining lives. I cannot be a coincidence I joined a parent alienation group of 126 people and within two hours discovered 6 of us parents have this judge or had. (Not everyone could possibly be active in two hours). She forced so many unfair things on me and expectations and allows the sociopath to get away and violate court orders. She said I chose this person to marry. When someone is a sociopath the mask took over a decade to come off. My ex attacked me and I did not report it because anytime I have called the police she looks down upon the parent that is truly calling out for help. Please god remove her and save other families. Please educate judges on parent alienation, how a sociopaths parent brain operates they are not a good person or parent they paint so pretty. So much ignored and the victims is now the children


Comment #: NY13037
Totally a one sided judge. Never have i ever seen a judge so nasty toward men in my life. Didn't even know the facts and just belittled the defendant the whole time. If she would have just looked at the paperwork, she would have seen that the plaintiff was out of her mind. Worst excuse for a judge you will ever come across.


Comment #: NY13036
Rating:Not Rated
I have seen murderers treated better in court. She judges people before they even walk into the court room. How is she allowed to ruin peoples lives the way she does. One day its going to come back and bite her in the ass!


Comment #: NY13035
Rating:Not Rated
I have seen murderers treated better in court. She judges people before they even walk into the court room. How is she allowed to ruin peoples lives the way she does. One day its going to come back and bite her in the ass!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12847
What a horrible judge and person! She should NOT be allowed in court! Shame to our justice system! Made me homeless for months until my mother came from Europe and helped me.


Comment #: NY12846
Rating:Not Rated
What a horrible judge and person! She should NOT be allowed in court!


Comment #: NY12800
Overall this judge is given the power to destroy people without cause. She had me tried for an abuse case she said took place in SC, IN NY. I won this case and she refused to take my name off the list for child abuse and maltreatment to children, which does not allow me to work with my churchs children, a job that helps my community. Being a minister does not allow me to say the things I think about her. I only pray she accepts Jesus before she can destroy another family. How she is able to reside over people's lives is laughable at the least and a crime in my opinion. Someone should do something before she gets some gets someone killed, it would probably be ruled an accidental cause because as she loves to tell people in court she is the judge. I made on complaint to the judicial system, they don't care. Everyone that has a true problem with her needs to file a complaint. The more complaints maybe the judicial system will remove her and destroy her life like she has so many people.


Comment #: NY12795
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Poulos has destroyed me as a person and my children. Talks to me like I am
An idiot meanwhile she allows the abuser, manipulator who makes 4xs the amount I make to go on extensive vacations several times a month, supports child alienation (my child wanted to kill
Themselves) for what the vicious parent was putting us through Deborah Poulos looked down upon me bc my one child was in therapy thanks to me and loved it! She has allowed the sociopath spouse and their unhealthy family to take over and kick me a fully involved parent down the staircase. The sociopath parent has accused the healthy parent of severe accusations even cps saw there was domestic abuse towards me. I was a healthy (physical) parent prior to dealing with child alienation. Excuse my language but this judge is a nasty women who sounds so stupid when she talks yet talks to a wonderful parent who has a reading disability and anxiety (from
Abuse) as if I am the problem. She has alienated my childrens cousins, grandparents that are fully apart of the life. Also, have a friend who has a friend where judge Poulos allowed the GAL and the plaintiffs attorney to never disclose they share offices Rothy’s he and have a wonderful relationship meanwhile the mother kept insisting for months to her 1st attorneys something was not right this was presented to the judge I saw the email my friend sent me and she talked to the poor mom like she was an idiot. This judge is so biased there is being a documentary in the works of how she destroyed a wonderful mother.


Comment #: NY12764
My son was assigned this judge in a divorce action. A mommy judge the lawyer said. Isn’t a judge supposed to be impartial? She set the tone by providing how the settlement would go, if this went to trial. How does this allow for a fair and equitable settlement for our son. The wife now has the leverage she needed to rake him over the coals. All he wanted was equal custody of his children. This judge should be sanctioned!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12657
not even sure how this judge even passed the bar. she does not understand civil case law. she feels she runs an equitable court room but she then takes away a clients LEGAL ENTITLEMENT - she CAN'T do that but thinks she can because she wears a robe - eventually she understood my protest to a legal entitlement. she is going to have a long list of appeals - VERY bias to her lawyer girl friends and gives positions to them when they cant answer for themselves on trial or in conference. she should be deemed UNFIT to SIT until she can pass a test on DRL. Disgrace to our court system.


Comment #: NY12345
Apparently if one more case of hers settles, she wins a set of steak knives. Why else would she completely ignore established law, the facts of a case, and the admitted lies of an attorney to simply kick the can down the road? yea, if you drag a case out long enough, everyone will have to settle. I guess doing the job is not part her campaign promise.


Comment #: NY12299
This Judge is laughable, my family had to travel out of state on many occasions to go to court dates that she would change or not tell us about it at all, so we spend tons of money. She has put my family through thing they don't need to go through all the while letting my sisters ex boyfriend the rapist walk free with her child and lie his way through. She hasn't looked at any of the paperwork that we have or the affidavits that we provided. The case became not about my sisters child custody but a vendetta against my mother and we are not sure why. When she moved to Supreme Court she took the case with her when it should have stayed in family court. She lied on members of my family that wasn't even there and when asked for proof she had against them she told us that 'Im the Judge and I wear the Robe' so now my mother is on the national registry and she has been been proven not guilty.

This woman uses he position to bend the law to fit what she wants and to get what she wants. My niece is in a unsafe home and unable to talk to us because of whatever this woman's issues.


Comment #: NY12297
Never before have I seen a judge more impressed by money than this one. Has met me once for 3 minutes, decides I don't deserve equal time with my son because my wife's Father is a billionaire. Took 9 months to rule on 5 motions, didn't read any papers and simply kicked the can down the road to settlement.


Comment #: NY11978
Judge Deborah Poulos, CI supreme court, have sole custody of my days to the man who's been beating me for 18+ years. She said "why did you stay so long then?". She was super nasty rude to me, didn't care that I'm a DV victim, or that he's being investigated by CPS got abusing our daughter! She's a horrible excuse for a human and a disgrace to the robe.


Comment #: NY11878
Judge Deborah Poulos gave my granddaughter to the man that raped my daughter. She put in her decision that my daughter was not capable to raise the child she for nine years even though she was told of the domestic violence and sexual assault.
She by passed all evidence and allowed the man to lie under oath. She has no respect for the laws of any state besides NY.
If I could I'd give less than one.


Comment #: NY11699
Horrible Judge. Totally disregarded the hard evidence on the case and made biased remarks about the plaintiff. Completely ignored defendants self incriminating remarks on the stand as well.


Comment #: NY11698
Horrible Judge. Totally disregarded the hard evidence on the case and made biased about the plaintiff. Completely ignored defendants self incriminating remarks on the stand as well.


Comment #: NY10708
She get right to the point of the problem and enforces signed agreements. Thank god for judges like her not tying up the courts with everyone’s BS move the cases along great job


Comment #: NY10704
What an embarrassment to the bench. She seems to believe she's in a Judge Judy episode. It's laughable. She does not care about the case, but rather likes to embarrass parties and counsel and hear herself talk. She sounds uneducated when she speaks. I have never seen a judge so disinterested in the facts. She appears to have only this - nothing outside the court house - just an aging sad lonely woman. I actually feel sorry for her, but stay away if you can.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY10550
Did not want to be bother with the case, and told her staff to hand case off to a different judge by advising that she was not at work that day even though she was in her chambers. Look for reasons to dispose of cases quickly without any thought as to the litigants