Hon. Mildred T. Negron See Rating Details

Family Court
Queens County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Mildred T. Negron



Comment #: NY13805
I am writing as someone who has been completely broken and shattered by the effects that Mildred Negron has caused on my life. I have been being threatened and harassed for months by an individual, I have exactly 38 pages of documentation on this harassment.
I went to court to seek simply a restraining order against this individual in order to ensure my physically and mental safety and well being.
I had the horrible luck of getting stuck with Mildred Negron as my ignorant judge. She belittled me the entire case. The opposing party did not even show up therefore I should have been granted my restraining order considering I had again 38 pages of detailed contact and harassment made against me.
Mildred Negron did not even bother TO TOUCH THE FILE. Let alone read them. She acted as if I WAS WASTING HER TIME???? Now tell me why anyone would take the time out of their day, hire a lawyers, consolidate information needed for the case if I simply wanted to waste the courts time.
I am on the younger sides (25 years old) and it was my first time in court. Mildred Negron brought me to tears in front of the courtroom when she told me I was “too dense to answer a simple question”.

Mildred Negron I have a lot to say to you;
First of all how DARE YOU treat me that way in a court room where all people are supposed to be equal regardless of their education level or social status. You have proved to me that you by far and unfit judge and an ignorant miserable human being. I am currently doing everything I can do to have Mildred Negron removed from her position.

The courts of NYS need to know the truth about this corrupt judge. I think that her actions will come back to her soon and she will see the repercussions that she caused for herself.

She left me in vulnerable state so that my harasser continues to harass me to this date. If i could explain my experience with Negron in simple terms it was like having one of those nightmares where you have so much to say but no words come out. She ignored every single one of the requests for safety. How do you consider yourself someone who helps the state when you cannot even help an innocent person .

I hope that Mildred Negron faces disicplary actions for what she’s done and I hope no one ever has to experience what I have at the hands of the evil Judge Mildred Negron


Comment #: NY13741
This judge needs to be taken off the bench, she is going to get people kill and or force people to protect themselves by committing themselves. I was in her face crying and screaming for help *I need an order of protection from this person they have been poking, tapping, pinching, nudging etc me for years and I can not take it anymore help me, even in court the individual behavior match exactly what I was saying. This judge dismissed the case because I did not have camera footage for the day of one of the pushing & punching. She did not even issue a temporary order if not a permanent order. She is one of those judges who allows men to kill women, neighbors to kill neighbors, and family members to torment and kill each other. Sadly I have to agree with the other 5 persons, she's bias and makes up her own law to side with the person(s) who looks under privileged.


Comment #: NY13438
Rating:Not Rated
Typical progressive liberal boob from corrupt nyc.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12463
A biased and very dull witted human being. I would like to see her BAR Exam results b/c I do not honestly believe she passed the exam fairly and have heard numerous rumors she was has no morale compass and should be investigated immediately by the DOJ

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12359
Judge Negron always takes side with plaintiffs especially if it’s a woman (and of color even more)

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12030
She is a completely unfair, totally biased, extremely abusive judge who abuses the abused. Get rid of her immediately if you can. She is a CREEP! She invents her own laws that don't exist and routinely rules against the innocent and against the disabled.