Hon. La Tia W. Martin See Rating Details

Supreme Court (Civil)
Bronx County
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. La Tia W. Martin



Comment #: NY13797
Judge Martin is a worst judge man can have. She is totally gender discriminatory. I do not know why judge Martin is still in the courtroom please removed the judge from the courtroom.


Comment #: NY10195
This judge is deplorable. I am military and live outside of the US. My divorce case has been drug on for 1 year because I live outside of the US. My spouse has been able to lie and bend the system becaise I cannot attend the hearings. She ordered my check be garnished knowing it exceeded my monthly earnings. Did not force my spouse to vacate the premises, instead she made an order that she stay on in the house, which is contrary to the military ordering it. She refuses to listen to reason, even after reviewing my annual income, she still ordered child and spousal support in excess of what I make, which puts me in arrears from the onset. Makes her points the only valid ones, interrupts attorneys and doesn't allow them to properly defend their clients.


Comment #: NY6641
I do not like this Judge she suspended my visitations for no ground of the law. My wife was arrested for domestic violence threats, and yet I was the one who to be punished by this Judge. She ignored the law and order me to pay her 50% of my annual income for child support. I had a bad experience with the Bronx female family court judges that I came across they all violated my rights.
Sue Lee Levy and Martin and the IDV Court Judge, Judge Diane. My case first started with Sue Lee Levy, the referee at the family court. Even she did not granted me my demands, she never threaten me or did something to aggravated me, I knew she was a friend of my wife's lawyer Sandra M Prowley. Hon. Sue Levy, the referee, never enforced the visitations order my wife violated the visitations order for more than 100 times. Then our case was transferred to Judge Martin; the Judge deliberately ignored the law then violated my rights. After my wife had been arrested, our case qualified to IDV Court because of the three family matters and, then, the case transferred. We have been going to the IDV Court for more than a year now, my wife is still violating the visitations order, and yet she has the free pass to do so. The IDV Judge was aggravating me when I did not do anything wrong I recently submitted a motion to requesting her to recuse because the only thing will make the Judge happy is to put me in jail. I am not going to allow that to happen. In my opinions, is that there is a cross court's communication about our case. I believe those three Judge's I mentioned above talks about our case. One thing you all have to know is that Judges talks about pending cases with the former Judge, who was handling the case. If the first Judge handles, your case did not like you, more likely you would have a problem with the next Judge as well.


Comment #: NY5520
Rating:Not Rated
I filed the paperwork for an uncontested divorce, application for poor person status, in November 2013. A couple of months later, I found out that Judge Martin had my paperwork. Now, months later, I learned that my application has been "misplaced." So I must return to the courthouse to re-file. Just what did Judge Martin do with my papers?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY4049
She can make a case go on for years and years. She won't settle cases she knows are bogus. She sides with the Dads regardless whether they're liers. She has her assistants do everything and she never settles easy cases and sends everyone child for legal representation when it's not necessary!


Comment #: NY3384
I appeared after this judge nearly made me broke. I was fired from my job due to her conduct. She threatened to put me in jail after I could not pay $75. She demanded I get my 80 yr old grandmother to pay the costs to my ex-wife or accrue loans.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY3230
The Judge has a bad reputation and many have been seriously hurt by her. She has been tossed around many times from one court to another given her conduct as many complaints have arisen from countless people. If you are looking her at this website, I am very sorry. It is probably too late. Many attorneys I have also spoken with in regard to this judge have suggested doing everything possible to avoid being anywhere near this judge by requesting another forum to litigate. There have been two other websites - courthouseforum and ratethecourts which were taken down already noting her conduct. She is very well connected internally within the judiciary which makes the possibility of a fair outcome even with appeals extremely difficult. In short, do anything possible to stay away from this judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY3003
Justice Martin is crooked and malicious. Be very careful with this judge. Many have appeared to the Administrative judge resulting in her removal from Westchester completely. She is vindictive and ill tempered. I would try everything to avoid having your case heard before this judge. She will go out of her way to leave litigants demoralized and in shock to the point that you will want to settle at any terms possible to avoid her. In short, I am surprised she is allowed to continue in matrimonial proceedings.


Comment #: NY2607
In the wake of the "Scarsdale Wives Syndrome" shakeup, I appeared before Justice Martin in the Westchester Supreme Court (2006-7) in which Justice Martin ordered the "immediate sale" of the marital residence minutes into the first preliminary hearing. She afforded no opportunity for a substantive due process hearing and despite a pending interlucatory appeal, she acted to force the sale with in court threats and coercive dialog, all this prior to a decision on the appeal, and months prior to a dissolution of the marriage, which, itself was a blatant a manipulation of the judicial process. I subsequently brought a suit in Federal Court for violation of 14th Amendment right not to be deprived of property without due process and for conspiracy. After a lengthy progression through the Federal Courts I now await a decision on a pending petition for certiorari in the United States Supreme Court. My opinion, Justice Martin appears to have little regard for "rule of law" and even less regard for the Constitution and her oath to uplhold it.
Michael A. Hense


Comment #: NY445
Rating:Not Rated
I completely agree with Comment #NY205. I also gave up my career to support my spouse of 20 years and was not treated fairly. Justice Martin gave me a fraction of what I needed in an award of legal services from my monied spouse putting me into debt (which I had never been in my life - I have not worked in 15 years and have serious health issues). Every lawyer I've talked with agrees that she did not do the right thing by me. I wonder if she even read the decision - it reads like she handed it off to her assistant. I got the impression from the get-go that Justice Martin was not interested in my case. I feel like I was punished because I refused to take an unjust settlement in a case she didn't want to be bothered with. I got a pat speech about settling and that was basically it.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY205
This judge favors those she knows. When will there be an independent judiciary? When will women have the right to be supported after they have stayed at home and given up their career to raise their children? When will judges like Judge Martin implement women's rights and fairness instead of following public sentiment?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY177
Judge Martin is a great jurist. She is fair, even-tempered and knows the law. She has the ability to move her calendar. And she is a good soul, all round. She deserves our respect but be forewarned, don't BS her.