Hon. Kelley T.D. Streib See Rating Details
Common Pleas
Butler County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.3 - 6 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 8 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Kelley T.D. Streib



Comment #: PA556
stupid, lazy, immoderate, intemperate, unethical--pretty much sums up Judge Streib

Court Staff

Comment #: PA453
unbelievably unprofessional she threatened to through some poor girl in jail because she was 20 minutes late she screamed threatened bullied we all stared at her like she was completely insane I wish people would watch the cameras in these court rooms I'm a staff member and even the public defenders are afraid of her nobody will have a fair trial in her courtroom the only person she is bias to is the one lady prosecutor ( cant name people) but would love to she can lie all day and streib will take her word over anyone in the room god forbid that poor girl doesn't come back her she will be fount guilty just by walking in the door Kelly hated her the second she walked in this judge needs to go immediately she's ruining peoples lives especially the innocents


Comment #: PA440
Rating:Not Rated
It has been roughly 11 years since I have seen my son. Judge Streib presided over my interjurisdictional case. At the time, I was working as a family based mental health therapist, adoption counselor through SWAN and CYF, and moonlights as staff at a couple different shelters for teens. I had a 4.0 GPA at IUP. I had no history of violence, drug abuse, etc. My sons mother was keeping my son from me. I had never missed a single visit until that time. There were no provocations for her actions. Informal complaints were filed but went nowhere.

My sons mother filed for termination of parental rights and won. There were no circumstances to warrant the termination of parental rights. I did not abuse my son. I did not neglect my son. I had never missed a visit. My attorney appealed the decision to a higher court and the petition to stop the termination was granted. However, the case got kicked back down to Butler County and back to, you guessed it, Judge Streib. Where is the checks and balances? How does something like this happen? Now my son has no idea I exist. He has MH issues due to the chaotic environment in which he lives. My only son and blood relative child was taken from me and given to someone who has 5 children to 3 different men. Someone please tell me how she is still a judge.


Comment #: PA430
Judge Streib is incredibly incompetent. Butler County has her presiding over family court cases as if those cases aren’t important. But especially when kids are involved the judge should have at least some mental capacity. Judge Streib is intellectually and morally unqualified to have the power she’s been given to ruin these families’ lives


Comment #: PA396
Hire one of her attorney friends to represent you or you’re bound to lose. I went into my case unaware of what everyone in Butler knows and it cost me dearly. A perfectly horrible judge and a despicable human being.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: PA380
Her judicial temperament is abhorrent. She is anything but objective and has a poor understanding of the law especially considering she has been on the bench for 14 years. She is inconsistent in her rulings and makes up interpretations of the law that do not exist. She respects no ones time or schedules but her own. She chastises attorneys for not settling cases when their clients are entitled to their day in Court. She dictates unreasonable time constraints on trials and hearings like she knows how to present a case yet she hasn’t practiced a day in her life.

She actually required attorneys who practice before her to sign a civility agreement yet she is incomprehensibly rude, disrespectful, unprofessional and antagonistic to counsel, parties and witnesses regularly.

Her/her staff misplace orders constantly and decisions take far longer than is appropriate/acceptable. She says she’s going to do something while on the bench and either doesn’t follow through or changes her mind. She regularly fails to grant relief that is agreed upon by all parties and counsel and actually creates more issues for parties engaged in litigation then they have created for themselves.

She simply does not understand her role as a civil servant who works for the litigants appearing before her. She is an embarrassment to the judiciary and professional women. She has no business being a judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: PA346
If I could give Judge Streib a negative rating, I would. I have been a licensed for quite some time and I have been in front of quite a few judges in different jurisdictions.

Judge Streib is easily the worst and is simply not qualified to be a jurist for reasons of her temperament alone. She berated me for reasons that I am still unsure of. I have watched her berate other counsel for no apparent reason. She is one of those sad cases in which the robe is seen by her as an instrument of power rather than a great responsibility to uphold our laws.

Watching Judge Streib, one gets the definitive impression that she imagines herself as a TV family court judge 'laying down the law' and 'really telling it like it is.' I would also say that there is a noticeable difference in how she treats local attorneys, who often remain silent or obsequious when they do have to speak versus attorneys from outside of the county.

She is the most temperamental person in any official position whom I have ever met, and she has no business being on the bench. I do hope that the people of Butler County get to read these reviews. What is occurring in "her" courtroom isn't right.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: PA314
If I could give Judge Streib a negative rating for what amounts to criminal incompetence, I would. Absolutely the worst judge I’ve ever encountered.


Comment #: PA309
Her headlines speak for themselves obviously. So go ahead google this monster. I don't need to "slander" someone that does it well herself.


Comment #: PA269
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is a nightmare. So unfair. She can’t be bothered to listen. When she summarized the facts in my case she got everything backward. She argues with witnesses. I don’t know how she’s still a judge.


Comment #: PA256
Anyone coming before this judge needs to know that in order to prevail (completely regardless of the merits of your case) you need to be represented by one of two Butler attorneys who receive preferential treatment from Judge Streib. She is disrespectful and abusive to the other attorneys and parents who have the misfortune to come before her. Judge Streib demonstrates no understanding or regard for the law. Her courtroom is a fiasco; she exhibits a complete lack of professionalism. Butler County's children have suffered terribly as a result of her decisions, which are at best thoughtless and poorly considered. I believe Judge Streib's actions are a classic example of judicial misfeasance and even malfeasance, and for the sake of Butler County's children I hope she is soon removed from the bench.


Comment #: PA247
Judge Streib sent my son into a home of domestic violence and emotional abuse at the age 2 yrs. old and denied me DNA testing. Just imagine all the verbal abuse, spankings, punishments because of alcohol abuse and domestic fights. She send my little boy into a jail of domestic violence.


Comment #: PA239
if I hadn’t been in the courtroom to experience this for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. When you go into a courtroom, you expect a certain level of professionalism with someone who represents the law and will serve a non-bias decision. Judge Streib is the most unprofessional and biased person I have ever seen. It is evident she makes her own laws as she goes, and she doesn’t care about a person’s rights or what is legal and what is not when she makes her ruling. She was sweet to attorneys and clients of attorneys that are all in the same bed in Butler County. For anyone else that doesn’t serve her best interest, she was rude, screamed at my witnesses to hurry up because she Wanted to end her day, and she belittled and bullied both myself and my attorney. We never had the ability to bring up our arguments without her cutting us off and screaming about how we needed to hurry up. She also violated my rights on multiple counts, breaking the law. Because people are afraid to upset her because she retailiates against people, she usually gets away with it. Not this time. Her judgment was over-ruled by the Superior Court of PA. For those out there that are forced to be heard in front of her, there is hope that terrible judges like this will be held accountable at some point. Shame on you judge Streib.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: PA144
Totally unprofessional who thinks she's god's gift. She is completely biased. Left us hanging for over 6 hours to wait for a hearing that she was unprepared for. Then yells, screams and bully's you into getting you to do what she wants. What a joke. Only to have it postponed for the fourth time.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: PA143
Too many attorneys are now refusing to represent clients who go in front of her due to her extremely volatile, irrational temperament. This individual has absolutely no business being a judge. Perhaps having actual experience litigating would help. Obvious she has no experience on every level. Hope someone runs against her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: PA136
It is obvious this woman has not practiced law one day in her life. She is a bully and likes to intimidate people. She has no idea what being objected is. Disgrace to the profession.