South Carolina Judges - Last Name P

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NameTitleCourtCircuitCountyRate this JudgeRating# of Ratings
Hon. James B. PaslayJudge Magistrate SeventhSpartanburg 0
Hon. Vivian L. PatrickJudge Magistrate FourthChesterfield 0
Hon. Katrina L. PattonJudge Magistrate FirstDorchester 0
Hon. Seldon PedenJudge Magistrate ThirteenthGreenville 0
Hon. Sheryl M. PerryJudge Magistrate NinthCharleston 0
Hon. David E. PhillipsJudge Family Court  At Large 0
Hon. Harry L. (Don) Phillips, Jr.Judge Family Court ThirteenthGreenville 0
Hon. Dennis E. PhippsJudge Magistrate FifteenthHorry 0
Hon. Daniel F. PieperJudge Court of Appeals  At Large 0
Hon. MonĂ©t S. PincusJudge Family Court  At Large 0
Hon. Costa M. PleiconesJustice Supreme Court  At Large 0
Hon. Timothy H. PogueJudge Family Court TwelfthFlorence 0
Hon. James A. PolkJudge Magistrate NinthBerkeley 0
Hon. Daniel PollockJudge Magistrate TenthOconee 0
Hon. Steven PopJudge Magistrate FifteenthGeorgetown 0
Hon. Christina PopeJudge Magistrate FifthRichland 0
Hon. Jacqueline M. PopeJudge Magistrate SixthLancaster 0
Hon. William F. PopeJudge Magistrate SixthFairfield 0
Hon. Kelly Pope-BlackJudge Family Court  At Large 1
Hon. Lenard PriceJudge Magistrate SixthChester 0
Hon. Russell D. PriceJudge Magistrate SixthFairfield 0
Hon. Beth A. PrinceJudge Magistrate FourteenthBeaufort 0
Hon. Otis PrioleauJudge Magistrate NinthBerkeley 0
Hon. Chisa PutmanJudge Magistrate SixteenthYork 0
Hon. Isaac L. PyattJudge Magistrate FifteenthGeorgetown 0
Hon. C. Victor Pyle, Jr.Judge Circuit ThirteenthGreenville 0