Hon. David L. Belz See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.6 - 15 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 10 rating(s)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. David L. Belz


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54121
Rating:Not Rated
Watch out for this judge. He gangs up with lawyers on litigants to milk the estates of the elderly.

He also retaliates against litigants who want to call or examine witnesses.



Comment #: CA53597
Judge Waste of Space has retired

Judge David L. Belz has gone to greener pastures in the mediation business.
MAY 8,2024



Comment #: CA52862
Rating:Not Rated
Judge David L Belz, yesterday 2/6/2024 was removed from bench for 50 minutes because he was “papered”.

A stand in Judge (Carol Henson) the presiding Judge of the Costa Mesa Justice Complex Court (essentially Belz’s boss) had to replace him to hear the case.

Apparently the party at the start of belz’s 9am hearings “papered” Belz with a writ affidavit of prejudice at the start of his calendar and he couldn’t come in for the first 55 minutes of calendar. Belz was off bench and then after, belz came back to finish his calendar with the other cases.

#5 case Neil Kaczynski (attorney) filed the papers against Belz.

Belz is getting hit left and right from many parties filing disqualification papers, writ complaints (other) in the appellate court, 170.6, 170.3 ect.

A history of complaints against Belz’s prejudice, bias, conflicts, not following rules of court, California statues, probate law, ect. continues.


Comment #: CA52859
Judge Belsz is a great judge. He’s professional. He does not stand for attorney nor clients antics that are not productive towards a resolution. I respect this man’s abilities to see issues for what they really are and to stand and make it known that his courtroom will not be mocked or used to re-shape or bend laws to would-be-doers agendas.

Judge Belsz, I hope and I pray you get this message. About a year ago you told Atty David Sherak and My Uncle Martin Campbell that if they didn’t allow me funds for an attorney in my case in probate court trust accounting of my trust that you were going to be my attorney and you would walk me through the case step by step word for word, and that you’d fine and sanction them everyday that they didn’t allow me a lawyer. You also promised Sherak that he would not like the outcome. Well they haven’t gotten me a lawyer nor allowed me funds for one, of my own money. But they got themselves a new lawyer. Conner Clemons. My objections to their accounting were allowed by a judge about 5 or 6 months ago in court. 3 out of 3 objections were allowed so far. $1.1 million dollars. $1 million dollars. And $142 million dollars at 25% which is $35.5 million dollars. Trial is set for April 16, 2024. They cancelled the mandatory settlement conference due to Robert Saslow my trustee dying back on august 2023. I’m so lost as to what to do now. They don’t allow money for counsel. They lie and ignore every call I make or email I send. The only time they acted half way human to me was when you were in our courtroom a year or so ago. Please Judge Belsz, I’m begging you to keep your word and be my lawyer on my case. They’ve been so dirty amd rotten to me in this thing Eventhough I’ve hung in there the best I can. I’m scared they will cheat and use my lack of knowledge or experience against me like they always do when we go to trial. Martin Campbell my uncle come to find out after much research is ignoring my fathers percentage of the family businesses and holdings. He’s kept all of what my sisters and I should rightfully have as per the will and trust of my grandparents. Im by the book sir. Much calmer and I’ll be the perfect client for you. They’ve cheated and lied amd stolen from me. Now the court sees it too. Hence the allowed objections. Please don’t let them steal it away from us this way. Be my lawyer, your honor. I can pay you. 33% percent no problem. There is much more than that also. I’m begging you don’t let these guys manipulate the courtroom and run amuck on our justice system. I believe in our system. They are not right sir. Call me please 9517465317 Shawn Campbell case # 30-2020-01168051-pr-tr-cmc thank you sir.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52018
Rating:Not Rated
Belz is a major contributor[Redacted by Ed] to the problems in OC probate court. Doesn’t follow the laws, believes everything court appointed lawyers/fiduciaries say without asking for any evidence, hurts cases, is biased, prejudice and constantly denies due process to pro per litigants. Do what ever you can to stay out of his courtroom. He needs to go.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52016
Belz tried to stay on my mom’s conservatorship case after he was served a 170.6. He is biased and compliant with the attorneys in OC. She does nothing but rubber stamp all these attorneys file.
He is a big reason cases are delayed and the OC probate court is so back logged.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA51978
`My uncle has stolen my inheritance and profits from investments. He does it at his will. No regard for law or anything else. He lies and cheats and steals from me amd from my bank accounts. He bullies me in court. Refuses me lawyers. Even with my own money he refuses!

When judge Belsz appeared for us in court one day things were much different. He asked good questions. The answers meant something to him. He was mad at how my uncle Martin campbell and atty David Sherak mocked his court room amd disobeyed the laws of justice and his rules for his courtroom. He told them to get me a lawyer or money for one. And told them to get it moving cause of all the time they wasted in court over an accounting. He told them get me the documents I needed for court and trial readiness. It looked good like it may change for a bit, then when judge Belsz wasn’t around , they got worse and worse. Like there was nothing to stop them harassing and neglecting my livlihood they just abuse and corrupt. I hope and prey we get moved to judge Belsz courtroom. Please God get us moved to Judge Belzs courtroom. It’s the only way I’ll get a fair trial. Thank you Judge Belsz.
Respectfully, Shawn Campbell


Comment #: CA51977
So far the day that Judge Belsz oversaw my court date was the best day of any day in court this far. I’m being bullied and taken advantage of and abused and stolen from by a bad uncle over inheritance. He and his buddies (lawyer and cpa and trustee golf buddies) bully me and refuse me a lawyer to fight them with. He controls the money in trust. But judge Belsz showed up and began to fix that. He told them how the law in his court room is. He warned them. And he promised to help me when he saw what they were up to. It started to get better, but now they are back to their old tricks. They only listen when he is there. They know he sees through their antics and mockery of the court. I still have trial to go through. I only prey we go back into judge Belsz’ courtroom. It won’t be fair if we do t go on front of him. Please God I pray you get us in front of judge Belsz. And keep the monsters Martin campbell amd his bad bad cpa and Sherak his lawyer!! Please answer my prayers Lord. Bring us to judge Belsz court. He’s a great man. He’s firm. And he’s fair and he will make justice happen!! Right shall prevail in Judge Belsz courtroom.
Respectfully Shawn Campbell


Comment #: CA48783
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Belz's Lack of competence:

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46889
Not even God can save you from this guy if you are LGBT. He doesn’t even try to hide the bias, makes “motions” on “moving party papers” without reading or listening to the opposing party. His decisions are not based on facts or law. He does whatever his mood and whim tell him to do.


Comment #: CA35798
The first day I stepped into Judge David Belz Orange County California Courtroom my vision and understanding of the US court system was shattered. I expected fairness and the judge to listen to the case and get evidence. I expected Judge Belz to do what was right for my daughter and expected 50/50 custody until fact could be determined. That day in court ended with me begging for a single overnight with my daughter when after a few minutes in front of him he decided that my daughter only needed 3-4 hours a couple times a week with her dad.

I was devastated. The devastation continued although I did get 50/50 custody after my daughter's mom made a provable false allegation of domestic violence against me and my case was changed from Judge David Belz to another temporary Judge, actually and Asian American Woman Judge.
Judge David Belz shut down my business in 2012 and cost me my life savings (most of which had been invested in my business). It has been almost 8 years since then, and I am almost back to where I was financially the day I stepped into Judge David Belz courtroom.
Orange County Superior Court


Comment #: CA32831
Unqualified and incompetent.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA32828
Rating:Not Rated
OMG! He's now assigned to UD cases?? Whose brilliant idea was that?? Nothing will ever get done, he'll just spend an hour on each case lecturing the parties on how they should live their lives, and everyone will be there all day.


Comment #: CA32636
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Belz should not be allowed to make decisions for children. His decisions are baseless, of personal opinion and of whatever he paints up in his head. He favorites Attorney's and he allows them to influence his decisions. He is not diligent when it comes to court documents. He's a poor listener and lacks empathy. Worthless preaching flows from men who think more of their profession than the children and families they damage. Judge Belz do the honorable thing and disqualify yourself.


Comment #: CA31097
Judge Belz should not be a judge and removed. He cares nothing about the case nor does he thoroughly read the documents filed in the case. He's a narcissist and does nothing but preach on subjects he knows nothing about. HORRIBLE! God help you if you get this judge! It would be one thing if he was fair to both sides but he is NOT!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA28029
In 30 years in practice in family law I have not seen a worse, more arrogant and narcissistic judge. He make snap decisions not based in the law, reason, logic or analysis of the facts. He brags "I teach this stuff" as if that is a reflection on his competence. I appeared before him seeking a continuance due to severe pain, pending hip surgery. He announced "I have no empathy..." It got worse from there. A week later in surgery found I had multiple abnormal cone growths in my left hip socket which required removal, and bond grafting and replacement of the socket and hip. The doctor commented on how extremely painful it must have been. I had heard from colleagues how bad Belz could be, but did not imagine he would be so tremendously closed minded, arrogant, and wrong on the law, and refused to consider the law which was clear on the issue before him. A disgrace to the bench. Complete disregard for the law and facts and refusal to consider. Lectures to hear himself talk.

Probation or Pretrial Officer

Comment #: CA26029
Worst judge I have ever appeared before. Doesn't take pertinent evidence into consideration. Lack of knowledge of the law. When law is stated, shows complete disregard. Follows his own opinions instead. Rushes through cases, while rushing all involved. Then makes snap decisions without taking time to review & analyze the case. Not a respectable way of making decisions, that affect peoples entire life.
Shows predisposition & prejudice in cases. Yells in the court room frequently. After many hours in this judges courtroom. I think his narcissistic temperament & lack of regard are so prominent. That it would be beneficial if he took a break. And hopefully reevaluate, or retire.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA13337
Why is this inhumane person still allowed to act as an impartial and fair judge? He is a horrible and evil man!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12261
Has a poor understanding of the law and refuses to research when informed. Refuses to abide by the law and appears to favor male attorneys without consideration of party position or strengths of the case. Persistently states that he does not have time to hear matters and appears not to read filed documents. Permitted and based ruling on ex parte communication. #metoo

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12086
Out of all areas of law, this man should NOT be overseeing family law AT ALL. What kind of judge orders a 5 year old to be taken out of kindergarten COMPLETELY because two parents cant agree what school the child in question should attend??


Comment #: CA11696
This judge is a narcissist, supposed to be the best interest of my child but continued hearings even though death threats against my daughter have been made by mother, continued to disregard investigators recommendation. I have no priors, mental health issues, or drug abuse all of which mother has. I am very confused about him being a ruler over infants and hard working citizens lifes. Very distraught through all of this, very sad


Comment #: CA11446
Rating:Not Rated
Lawyers are frustrated in Belz court because the statutes and past court decisions don't matter. So, the deceased is never allowed to decide which kids get which property because Belz decides that everyone gets an even split (selling all houses and land at rock bottom prices, kicking out kids from houses). Example: It didn't matter that the trust contest was too late to be filed (Straley V Gamble and Bridgeman V Allen). Belz almost never posts pre-hearing notes. Belz is extremely biased. For example, during settlement, Belz said that mandatory settlement is before evidence is presented so distribution will be an even split (putting a bias on settlement negotiations). When an attorney took the case (huge case, years old, last minute), Belz did everything to discourage him, but the attorney said that he was prepared. Though involved in settlement discussions, he only provides bias.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA10414
He likes to hear himself talk. He's preachy. He will get it right though usually in the end.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10333

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10168
Failure as a Judge... :-(

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA9737
Denies most minor's comps petitions at the first and second hearings due to knit-picky requirements that sometimes result in the minor receiving less money. Does not have a grasp of either the law or the reasonableness standard when awarding fees.


Comment #: CA8999
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Belz in unknowledgeable of the law. I agree with many of the comments from other litigants about how he runs his courtroom. I am a DV victim confirmed by CPS. I had 14 TROs and never a permanent restraining order issued. Instead, Belz lectured me repeatedly about how "this is the consequence of a high conflict divorce." He gave my address to my abuser in court proceedings as a begged him not to. I now have a dead child based in part because of his rulings, placing my child with confirmed abuser. I wonder if he would say the same things to me now....

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8916
likes to hear himself talk, doesn't like to hear cases, makes alright decisions if he lets attorneys/litigants talk & present case, a little over dramatic, but overall makes decent orders. Sad to say that this may be as good as it gets in fam law at OC Court.


Comment #: CA8391
Completely disrupted the status quo with my daughter very first hearing by giving full custody to mom. Poor time management skill and favors and defaults to mom being the primary parent and dad being visitor/check writer.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7285
The Worst of the Worst.

Totally Incompetent, Pissy attitude,
does not follow California law or constitution, not knowledgeable of California law. Reputation of being extremely unfair to women. A 1,000% total nightmare.


Comment #: CA5788
This judge is nice but SO unknowledgable of the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4959
(1) I have seen him raise his voice at three different female attorneys (and disrespect them), but never at any male attorneys.
(2) He is very wishy-washy, and will flip-flop with his rulings.
(3) Your case in his family law courtroom will take an eternity to be finalized -- plan on being in his courtroom day-in and day-out.
(4) He loves to lecture people.
(5) He also loves continuances, as his calendar is always full.

If I were to describe him in one word, it would be "narcissist."