Hon. Theresa M. Ciccotto See Rating Details

Civil Court
Kings (Brooklyn) County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.3 - 8 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 14 rating(s)
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* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Theresa M. Ciccotto


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY14176
Like others have commented Hon. Theresa M. Ciccotto is condescending bully who does not follow the law and is never prepared. She suffers from Dementia and must be taken off the bench. All those wishing to join me in a motion to have her removed send me a message


Comment #: NY14129
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Theresa M. Ciccotto is a shame to the New York State court system. She is extremely biased, prioritizing her anger over fairness and children's safety. Her behavior includes going off-record to contradict previous rulings, yelling at parties, and favoring the abusive party while degrading the victim for perceived weakness. She can go as far as disregarding both parties' requests to avoid uncovering the truth and achieve her desired outcome.


Comment #: NY14088
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY14086
Rating:Not Rated
[Redacted by Ed.] She always favored my abusive ex while doing meetings -illegal off the record- she is sneaky and knows what she is doing - underhanded back door deals - however we have caught up with her. We must report this behavior and get her removed from the bench !!!! She sides with private expensive attorneys and mocks litigants. She feels she is above us. [Redacted by Ed.] She should not be making decisions regarding kids. [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: NY14066
Rating:Not Rated
judge CICCOTTO doesn’t follow the laws. [Redacted by Ed.] REPORT her. Let’s get this woman off the bench !!!!!she’s a danger to our children. She sides with abusive men [Redacted by Ed.] Keep posting your experiences and report her !!! OFF THE RECORD BULLYING. BULLIED ME WITH SANCTIONS !!


Comment #: NY14044
Rating:Not Rated
DO NOT DELETE !In response to the previous poster - THERESA is a MONster who threatened me with sanctions as well
For speaking up against my ex abuser. This is UNJUST !! do not delete this review !! EXPOSE CORRUPTION !!


Comment #: NY14021
Rating:Not Rated
If you are being harmed by Judge Ciccotto, you should write to:

New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
61 Broadway, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10006

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY14018
My family has suffered greatly as a result of Judge Ciccotto's uninformed rulings. She was unprepared every time I was called before her, she mocked me when I answered the questions she asked, and she rambled incoherently about anecdotes and people that "reminded" her about my case, but had nothing to do with my case. In the end, I was given the ultimatum to either settle or be sanctioned (her words). I was in court against my abuser and the person who endangers our daughter in documented ways. Judge Ciccotto did not use the law to protect us and she continued the abuse that I attempted to escape.


Comment #: NY14008
Rating:Not Rated
[Redacted by Ed.] She should not be on the bench - she [Redacted by Ed.] favors men and the more expensive attorneys. She pretends to be “ one of us “ when in fact her agenda is to drag cases and help lawyers get rich .She doesn’t call out abusive or narcissistic men. I believe she should be monitored very closely as she doesn’t follow the laws !!! Truth is she probably doesn’t even know the laws. She threatens Litigants and bullies them in illegal proceedings. I am not sure how a woman of such low character and moral
Value holds this position. Must be looked into !!!


Comment #: NY13990
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is HORRIFIC. You must record her and post on YouTube etc. she thinks she can get away because there are no cameras in courtrooms. She rolls her eyes and yells at litigants. You must record because she will try to use everything you say against you at the end. [Redacted by Ed.] She ignores evidence of abuse and sides with lying men. She sides with the “ expensive “ attorneys and drags cases to bring in more money for the attorneys. She holds meetings in her back office with litigants which is illegal. Off the record deals bullying litigants to settle for less then they are entitled to. Her behavior is not acceptable and she should not be making decisions for children when she acts like a child herself. She doesn’t know the law and thinks she is above the law. Keep posting about her and publicizing. We must stand together and get her removed asap !!!


Comment #: NY13986
Rating:Not Rated
Awful judge. Wreaks havoc. As someone who never had kids. Yet PRETENDS TO CARE about OUR KIDS. PLEASE !! STOP SIDING WITH ABUSIVE LYING MEN !!! Stop rolling your eyes at litigants. We are not criminals.This judge is a lying ?? CORRUPT person. OFF THE RECORD CORRUPT HANDSHAKE DEALS !! We caught up with this judge and must report her until she’s removed !! Don’t allow her to bully you don’t be afraid of her. She’s getting off this bench soon!!!


Comment #: NY13979
She doesn’t follow the law and believes she is “ above the law “. She will ignore evidence and try to force a bad deal in “off the record “ ILLEGAL proceedings to wipe her hands clean while siding with an abuser. She gets her emotions involved while her job is to follow and apply the law and read the EVIDENCE. Our children have nothing to do with how she FEELS. She is very clear and open in her bias against woman. Sides with men - loves the fancy expensive lawyers. [Redacted by Ed] and will go against you for speaking the truth ( isn’t that what they asked us to do )- we must continue to report this behavior until justice is served for our children !!!


Comment #: NY13977
Rating:Not Rated
If you are being harmed by Judge Ciccotto, you should write to:

New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
61 Broadway, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10006


Comment #: NY13976
Rating:Not Rated
The most interesting crazy judge you will ever meet. She sides with abusive men. [Redacted by Ed].. She ignores evidence of abuse. Record all proceedings as you will need it to protect yourself. Do not trust her to do what’s right for you and children.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13975
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY13942
Rating:Not Rated
Judicial review and appeal ! Until we get this [Redacted by Ed.] Post on YouTube. Post here. Expose it all until she’s removed. She should not be on the bench !!!! Definitely not dealing with kids - she doesn’t have any kids or understand the effects her decisions have on kids .


Comment #: NY13941
Rating:Not Rated
She is a horrible judge. In my case she sided with and abuser and encouraged the AFC to side with abuser. She’s a bully and that’s putting things lightly. Sides with the side paying more attorney fees. I’m surprised with all
These negative reviews she was not yet reported. We need to get our stories together and get her on the news. PUBLICIZE THE CORRUPTION


Comment #: NY13937
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY13936
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY13933
Rating:Not Rated
Temperament was horrific there was so much gaslighting by the Judge. I didn’t know a Judge could even behave like this inside a courtroom. I don’t understand how a women in power position could behave in the ways that I witnessed? There was no due process rights for a victim. Intimidation and tampering with evidence in a civi trial. There was constant badgering of the Plaintiff and sympathizing and colluding with violent Respondents who continuously shaking their head through the trial. Judge pointed at court witness in the audience which shows the misogynistic tones of the courtroom. The Judge sympathized with the wealthy respondent spending enough of his money. The victim was outnumbered by 3 lawyers as she had no lawyer which violates due process rights. At the end the Judge went on a terrorizing rant which eluded to the violence against woman as she blamed the victim for lawyer failings and abandonment. The Judge was smiling and smirking with the child attorney and biased against this victim. How is this legal in the United States? The child attorney and Respondent attorney are dragging this case and refusing legal
Documents this is unheard of! Our tax dollars are paying for this injustice? The Judge has threatened the victim to drop the civil VAWA lawsuit or else. How is that legal?


Comment #: NY13920
Rating:Not Rated
Awful judge. We must get her off the bench. Wreaking havoc to young families. [Redacted by Ed.] Bullies litigants to sign awful deals threatening litigants. Judicial review !!! Let’s all report her asap and get this [Redacted by Ed.] off the bench.


Comment #: NY13893
If you have tons of evidence mounted against you, you'll be successful in Judge Ciccotto's courtroom. She admitted each hearing to not reading any evidence in my case, including the motions that I believe she is legally required to know before making a decision. During one hearing, she started yelling at both sides over her own misunderstanding of what was happening because she had not read a thing. She yelled at the lawyers who tried to catch her up. She has done my family a huge disservice and has allowed an abusive parent to continue to exert abuse and control without any accountability.


Comment #: NY13865
Awful judge. Awful temperament. Yells at litigants disrespects litigants . Sides with abusive men ! She drags the case so the lawyers can bill more.you can see the greed and corruption in her eyes ! We must get her off the BENCH !!!UNJUST


Comment #: NY13858
Rating:Not Rated
See article. If anyone has to appeal - encouraging you to appeal her crazy decisions. Many have won. She belongs off the bench !! Corruption !!!!


Comment #: NY13857
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY13855
[Redacted by Ed.] She takes to the chambers for [Redacted by Ed.] off the record proceedings. She bullies you into a settlement and favors men ! Please do not delete this The [Redacted by Ed.] must be exposed and should be off the bench. Dont be afraid to appeal and let’s get this judge kicked off the bench !!! [Redacted by Ed.] . Yelling at litigants like they are criminals.


Comment #: NY13854
Rating:Not Rated
See you tube video ! Should not be a judge - previous review was removed. Someone here is hiding the corruption !!! Post more reviews and let’s her get her removed from the bench !


Comment #: NY13826
Please see my review below.


Comment #: NY13825
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Ciccotto is alarmingly transparent about ruling in whatever way is easiest at best and threatening at worst, regardless of the evidence presented or the dangers posed to children. She comports herself as "above the law," and her continuance in her position has rendered the laws that should protect families meaningless. My family has been scarred by her judgements. With Judge Ciccotto as the gatekeeper of the law, Brooklyn courts will continue to play out as a dystopian novel as opposed to a beacon of justice.


Comment #: NY13823
She is erratic, unprofessional, favors one aide over the other blatantly.
Will not read papers filed, nor hear any evidence. Is short tempered, and does not look out for the best interests of children


Comment #: NY13820
Judge Ciccotto's courtroom is irresponsible and an enemy of logic. When faced with concrete proof of child endangerment, she rolled her eyes and complained about how she inherited my case from another Judge. Her courtroom is incompatible with the wellbeing of children and her judgements in my case will have a long-lasting, negative impact in our lives. Seeing other reviews, it's clear that we are not the only family who has been harmed by Judge Ciccotto's inability to uphold the law or run a courtroom that is logical and fair.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13707
Judge Ciccotto is by far the worst judge I've been in court with. She definitely favors men. She is unprofessional. She swears, rolls her eyes, and throws her microphone like a 3-year-old. She does not listen to the facts. She puts words into your mouth and then goes off the handle over something she says you said...She believes she is Judge Judy and her court room is her TV show. Court watchers are a must, and you need to record your hearings and bring witnesses to them. Strike her as a judge if possible and file lots of complaints on her. I wish everyone the best of luck.


Comment #: NY13260
`I am writing this complaint on behalf of my colleagues who fear retaliation from Judge Ciccotto. It is important for the public to know that the only positive review of the judge was written by a corrupt jurist who has a financial interest in working on cases with her. We surveyed numerous attorneys who have appeared in front of Judge Ciccotto, and even those who have won cases gave us such shocking negative feedback that we cannot publish it here due to the use of inappropriate language.

Overall, Judge Ciccotto is incompetent, unprepared, and does not follow the law. She shows no concern for the well-being of children and litigants, and has been known to threaten attorneys, litigants, and others. She exploits families in distress, including minor children. If litigants speak to her directly about positive things, she will use it against them in the most negative way. Therefore, it is best not to trust her.

There is no doubt that Judge Ciccotto is intelligent, charismatic, and fully aware of her actions. However, this is precisely why people should be extremely cautious when dealing with her, as she has been able to manipulate and deceive many.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13255
Rating:Not Rated
I have appeared before Judge Ciccotto on several cases. She makes herself available to lawyers in between adjourn dates who are unable to agree on certain issues. She knows the law, is patient & understands the emotional states of litigants. Litigants can speak directly to her. This is no “bully,”just a terrific judge trying to do the right thing every day.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13207
Rating:Not Rated
Sharp, competent, well prepared, down to earth. A breath of fresh air.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13204
After reading these “comments “ I am in disbelief. I appear on a frequent basis before this Judge. She is smart, insightful, courteous, even tempered & very compassionate. She advocates strongly for children, so neglectful parents won’t have an easy time of it. As to my colleague’s 30 plus years in practice, we know who you are, & your reputation is less than stellar. You’re probably upset because she ruled against you or stopped you from making ridiculous motions. Most judges who know what they’re doing would. Anyway Justice Ciccotto didn’t receive an approved rating because she did not appear in front of that committee. Get your facts right before you “judge” someone!


Comment #: NY13052
She shouldn’t be allowed to work on any cases involving children, she doesn’t have children and can’t feel the pain she causes to children, she doesn’t follow the law, she causes de-parenting and conflict between litigants. She hates children primarily because they add complexity to the cases. If she is rolling her eyes and shaking, don’t take it personally, she does it in front of other people too and she does it in public. A lot of her ridiculous decisions get appealed, so if you became a victim of that person don’t give up, file an appeal, ask court watchers to attend your hearings, file complaints to the supervising judge, board, UCS Managing Inspector General for Bias Matters and Commission on Judicial Conduct on the state level, file complaint on the Federal level. She is xenophobic and does discriminate. You have a constitutional right to see and raise your children and that’s your responsibility to protect your children from injustice.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12994
The worst judge I have encountered in 30 years of practice. No understanding of the law, no ability to control the parties, blames attorneys for everything, says she wants to move cases along but does nothing, flies off the handle for no reason and threatens contempt. Whoever supervises this monstrosity either doesn't know or doesn't care.


Comment #: NY12972
This judge is nothing but a bully and does not follow the law but makes up her own as she goes along. She is has off the records meetings so that her bullying is not on record. her bullying causes discord btwn lawyer and client so you are forced to settle for less than what the law says you are entitled to. She is a disappointed and bad example of not only a woman in power but justice overall.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12971
Rating:Not Rated
People like this should not be judges. Terrible temperament and an even worse understanding of the law. It's disheartening to see bullies like Ciccotto putting on a black robe every day...

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12356
Absolutely incompetent. No understanding of the law. This is not an overstatement: she truly does not understand the most fundamental aspect of law. She knows that shoe doesn't understand what she's doing and lashes out at people. If allowed to remain on the bench she will eventually do great damage to someone appearing before her.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY12352
Needs to go back to law school though I doubt that would help. Makes derogatory comments to litigants as well as court personnel,and has temper tantrums in the courtroom.


Comment #: NY12334
This woman is NOT deserving of sitting on the Supreme Court bench at all! She solely goes on what the lawyers say... my ex husband’s lawyer lied all about me even though I supplied all written documentation that Ciccotto didn’t even look at! When I had to put a motion in because she was wrong on her first ruling (due to her not taking the time to READ documentation given) she had an attitude with my lawyer & was nasty on our second court date... not to mention her NOT being prepared by looking at all papers filed & the extra documentation given to prove even more to the original filing!!There is absolutely NO JUSTICE with this woman & how she literally degrades people when you don’t make her job easier for her & you point out mistakes SHE has made! It’s disgusting & she needs to be REMOVED! There is way too much to write on here. Complaining to the Comission & the Bar! I totally agree with the first person that commented on this woman... and YES... she was NOT approved by the Bar! From what I have witnessed in these two court appearances, she needs to do her job by viewing FACTS in black & white, not by listening to lies thrown out in court & getting her feelings involved when she was proven to make a mistake. You’ll loose the case! What a disgrace to our court system. It’s a circus.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12250
Staggeringly inept. Her "Not [approved]" rating by the NYC Bar Association does not do her justice. Judge Ciccotto does not understand even the most basic elements of the law. [redacted] If she stays on the bench she going to cause a miscarriage of justice that would cause someone significant harm.


Comment #: NY11108
A year ago, I was facing a custody trial. I was emotionally and financially exhausted. I had every accusation thrown at me. On paper, I looked bad. By the grace of God, Judge Ciccotto saw through that and recognized that the person standing before her was not the person I was painted out to be. She enabled me to settle the case and avoid trial. Although I technically "lost", in the end I won. Today, I am an advocate and role model for mothers who do not have custody. I have a wonderful relationship with my children. I am an integral part of my childrens school and my community. I give hope and inspiration to others. I am breaking stigmas and stereotypes. I am helping other women find strength and hope. None of that would have been possible had I continued to be ensnared in the court system. By allowing me to settle, she gave me a new lease on life. She probably doesn't remember me, but I will never forget her. I just want to tell her "thank you".