Hon. James M. Mize See Rating Details
Superior Court
Sacramento County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.4 - 3 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 23 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. James M. Mize


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54273
The absolute worst judge! The only person to report him to is the governor. He is a narcissistic sociopathic disgrace. He hates women. He lives to hear himself talk and act like you should know how he believes kids should be raised. A despicable excuse and waste of air of a human being. He’ll is for people like him.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52164
Rating:Not Rated
Mize is p. of power over people who he simply doesn’t like. I see many his cases and attorneys told me about his bias unfairly decisions . It does not matter if is woman or man or different color of skin, he is just as.. and he thinks he is the best. [redacted by Ed.] Mize damaged and screw up my life including my child’s life. NOT acceptable from any Judges. Finally he retiring but too late for me and my innocent child.


Comment #: CA45296
Rating:Not Rated
My hearing was resolved quickly and in my favor by judge Mize.... What I witnessed before my case was called was completely unjust and caused me to have doubt in this judge's ability to rule fairly. I watched Judge Mize refuse to look at a few pieces of a man's evidence. Mize then cut off the man anytime he was trying to make a point and provide evidence to support his statements. It was concerning how anything the woman said even with no evidence to support was somehow regarded as truth. Anytime the man spoke the judge would challenge everything as if he was the woman's lawyer. This same case he opened by saying the woman would need to file a new motion for new visitation issues to be heard. By the end, he ordered the woman visitation after stating she was not a good mother multiple times. He then concluded their hearing by yelling at the father and throwing his hands up after the father tried to explain the woman made perjurious statements in her declaration. Judge Mize seems to have a bias against men, people of color, or both. If you aren't really familiar with family law, your rights, or don't have an attorney...... YOU WILL BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF


Comment #: CA45293
Mr. Mize couldn’t be more unfair if he tried. He does not ask questions to gain knowledge of the cases. He asks questions so he can cut off the litigants if their answer does not coincide with his predetermined conclusion. I watched as he ruled two cases to be moved to FCS and that the litigants file motions for items not indicated on the declaration/complaint. However, the most concerning case was just afterwards where the same issue presented itself but instead of having the respondents file a motion to request additional items not mentioned on the complaint he added more items all the while having violated the plaintiffs 14 Amendment in a prior hearing leading the plaintiff to request to have the 3rd party visitation set aside. He was demeaning and biased from the beginning. It appeared as though the judge knew he had violated the Constitution and covered it up by combining cases. He is not in his right mind and is far too elderly to be on the bench. He claims to act in the best interest of the child. However, will purposely attempt to ruin good parents just to give the worthless ones a chance. He started the hearing with the wrong file. Was making a judgment based on wrong information and clearly lost his cool. Arms wailing, raised voice and obviously too overwhelmed to make fair and just rulings. Retire him already!!


Comment #: CA45067
Rating:Not Rated
[Redacted by Ed.] This man made me go through serious depression and anxiety. [redacted] Separate innocent kids from good parents. Even with all the evidence summited to the court and mediation department, they don't look anything in black and white rather they listen to sentiments and lies from my ex wife with no evidence from her. My prayers every night and day is, may their children childrens unto their 4th generation NEVER see anything good in their life. May darkness cover all their luck 24hrs of their live. All those evil demonic judge, mediation, child support department who conspired to make me go through this situation in life, may karma visit them and their children childern's one after another. Amen. [redacted by Ed.] Another demonic judge is Judge Bunmi Awoniyi, [redacted] I am ever ready to be part of the group who will demonstrate to vote out this demons from office. Karma will visit them one by one. Amen

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA40597
Rating:Not Rated
Who’s up for getting him out! Contact me!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA40593
Rating:Not Rated
If you want to get rid of Mize, get a letter from your dr, psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, etc., stating that Mize is destructive for your mental health and that you are medically instructed to never be in his presence again. He’s a fucking asshole who thrives on destroying peoples lives as well as driving them crazy in court with his degrading and illegal rederick.
Let’s all get together for a date to dejudge him in front of the courthouse with banners, flyers and handouts! He’s got to be run out! We’ll have all the news channels there too! Who’s up for this? Let me know and we’ll plan a picket against him at the family courthouse!


Comment #: CA40541
He is the most disrespectful judge I saw. And trust me, I have seen a lot. He shuts me up just because I have no attorney. SHAME


Comment #: CA40392
Mize is an extremely competent ethical judge. Mize is unbiased either by gender, race, ethnicity.


Comment #: CA39138
Everyone's story is differnt and very confused by the comments below but Judge Mize has been a life saver. My ex was recently convicted of battery against our youngest son. My ex husband is an extremely manipulative person, real tears too. Alot of injustice my ex has done through the family court system with his lying about CPS records that didn't come in until after trial in 2019 proving his lies. But Thanks to Judge Mize after finding out my ex perjured himself on the stand claiming he was a changed man and hadn't had any enstances of domestic violence in 2019. Come to find out a month before trial he was arressted for spousal abuse as well as having possesion of an illegal assult weapon, it mattered to him, he's been the only person since the custody trial in 2019, that hasn't been manipulated by my ex. I know the injustice that can happen in the court system and is why my youngest son was beat by his Dad but Judge Mize is a strong advocate for children and victims of Domestic Violence.


Comment #: CA38804
Rating:Not Rated
Mize is just another individual sitting behind the table with legal power to ruin others' lives. Mize lies and his bias showed up many times in many other cases. He does not put the child's best, but he likes, enjoying when he can punish the parent more and more. Mize lies to parents to do this and that to get back custody of their kids, but he then continues his punishment even over the evidence that parents do the best to be fit for custody. Mize is aware that those kids are suffering being purposely separated from parents by his personal decisions to do so. Mize lies that his own peaceful CKO order for both parents cannot be violated otherwise the parents will be reduced from custody, as my ex goes on and on with nasty and threatening text toward me, Mize ignored that over his own court order in place and did nothing about that. Mize can be fine for some easy cases, but he takes advantage of his power many years as he was found to be in corruption position with others Judge Blizzard, Judge Gary etc. And NOT just Those are evil's judges what I face to, as they damaged my side and my child in 5 years custody battle. Prays

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA36055
This guy is an idiot. My daughters ex husband told total lies about me and without any type of hearing or ever even seeing me, ruled that I had to take anger management and parenting classes to see my granddaughter. I took the classes and then my daughters ex changed his mind and said he still didn’t want me to see my granddaughter who lived with us and is crazy about me. It has been well over a year. She is 4 yrs old. Who does this fool think he is???? He thinks he’s gonna make a ruling on a family over what some mad ex says?? With no evidence whatsoever. He thinks he’s beyond reproach and that justice is not going to prevail. Reading the other comments I see that I am not alone. I e never seen this judge but I certainly will


Comment #: CA34303
This man needs to retire. He is ruining children's lives with his lack of understanding of what is best for little defenseless children.He doesn't even take take what is best for child into consideration. He didn't even listen to one side of the story in court. Very tragic situation. Real damage has been done to a little girls soul.


Comment #: CA30224
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Mize does not allow evidence to be used in your hearings. When the other side spews such blatant lies. And never asked for proof. He does not like Pro Se litigants. He often brings up religion as a basis for his decisions. He injects his opinions in his rulings. He has not in my experience used the law to make his decisions. He told my daughter that because there was an "accusation" of her ex boyfriend molesting her daughter. That she couldn't ever have a boyfriend. No arrest, no charges, no evidence. He should not be a judge. He needs to keep religion out of the courtroom.


Comment #: CA28636
I dealt with this judge for 13+ years. I went from full custody of my child to no custody and paying child support to a deadbeat dad because of his bias against women and children. One court appearance, I didn’t even get to speak, he went ahead and wrote orders for supervised visitation for me (from 50/50 custody) with zero evidence provided by the father, he has no interest in what’s best for the child at all. I wish I had been able to recuse him from my case early on. I think he must be bought in order to make such horrible judgements. Also avoid Penny Hancock as a mediator, she feeds into the completely broken system.


Comment #: CA23899
This judge ABSOLUTELY lived up to his reputation of not looking at evidence or even reading declarations of any kind. Definitely makes judgements in favor of the father. And boy do he and the fathers pat each other on the backs. "I have to say you've been the first judge to actually rule fair." "Oh, why thank you" ??
Fair to WHO?? Its supposed to be fair to THE CHILD, not the father. Don't expect anything your child is going through to matter to him. Not even if your child is the one telling her experiences. Thats not enough proof. "How can you prove she's not lying that her dad did that? Or that maybe it was a dream..." A DREAM? ?? yeah my 12yr old DREAMT her dad has been repeatedly drinking around her every weekend she's with him. And she DREAMT that he tried to get her in a full car with no available seat or seatbelt just so he can save $30 for parking to a Raiders game. Thats it! It was a DREAM. What possible reason would a child LIE about something like that. Story of her life. Dad and the judge calling her a liar. Smh. Today was a NIGHTMARE. And its judges like him that make mothers afraid to seek legal help for the safety of their children. WATCH OUT! You go in with issues regarding the safety of your child, you might walk out without custody of your child.


Comment #: CA18720
This Judge gets on his own little world, hears what he wants and runs with it, he makes rulings but forgets to add his full rulings in the court order which makes things very difficult and more wasted money down the drain because we have to go back to court. This Judge Doesn't look any evidence nor does he ask for proof if its something the other side is throwing and claiming. This judge is extremely unpredictable and I have witnessed him many times make rulings that don't match with the laws, its like he likes to play god when people lives are in his hands and makes poor Judgments in what's best for the kids. I feel he might have ADD and just not taking meds, added his abuse of power, he gets distracted very easy, over all this man shouldn't be a Judge he's to unorganized and likes to make rulings not followed by the law.


Comment #: CA16164
I was blessed with the opportunity of James Mize. He's an honest, thorough, and very respectable judge to say the least. I have had many hearing with him throughout the last 10+ years and he has been the most just and lawful I've ever had. He is unbias which is a rarity in this day considering all I've experienced in family court. His consideration for my child and overall ability to make the righteous calls for the betterment of my child's future was profound. He broke down the importance of the child seeing the children's regularity with both parents and awareness of what legitimacy is vs not between individuals has she'd light on my case many times. He has my favor and the utmost respect for me. I hope I will be able to have him help me in the near future and think he should be the model for all judges. Though I haven't been able to have you as a judge due to your relocation and having many struggles since. I've been subjected to various bias judgements and conduct in the court's. He needs his own curriculum that other judges should follow and be subjected to adhere to. Thank you Judge Mize and may God bless you. Ellis H.


Comment #: CA11255
he is a real p.o.s he has no color in his eyes. he is a snake in a black robe study your law and recuse him for any foulf ups also file for public hearing notice immidiatly even if your attorney says otherwise its your constitional right.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA11104
I must say there must be an investigation. As court staff knows, James Mize does not review any evidence by the litigants and admitted he never bothers to look at the case file.


Comment #: CA10522
He does not look at evidence and admitted to me that he never looked at the case file. He was going to hand over the children to their father who has a history of domestic violence, who took a Psych Evaluation which said he's a sociopath and should not be around the children unsupervised. He rules how ever he feels like it. He is biased against women. He's horrible and needs to go.


Comment #: CA9022
Very much an advocate of co parenting. One of the few judges who does not tolerate parental alienation nor perjury in his court room.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8586
Judge Mize thinks he is God. He lectures parents about how to parent. He has no understanding of what his role should be in Family Law. He also seems to have issues with women.


Comment #: CA8188
He is biased and only leans toward men and their favor. He does not care what type of criminal background the man has, he will automatically grant custody. He does not listen to both side of the stories, nor does he care for children's best interest. He is a horrible judge.


Comment #: CA7990
He rules in favor of the father & ignores domestic violence background. He stated, "I don't care if it's a dead beat dad, the second he wants to come into his child's life I'm going to give him that chance." Ignoring the mothers concern of the father DV background & arrest not to mention he has not paid any child support. Instead of having the father prove himself & slowly over time integrate into the child's life is rules one way only. There is a 2011 case of a child murdered by her father because he would not rule on supervised visitations that the mother pleaded for in court. Also, he rules one thing in court but the paperwork from his court is key items he ruled on. He makes decisions or rulings on emotion not facts.


Comment #: CA7799
I have had him as my family court judge for 2 years now and have sat in on several other cases as well. This judge seems more concerned with the 50/50 split than what is best for the children. He does cut out the nonsense in the courtroom and gets to the matter at hand which is good. He does not tolerate whining from any party or lawyer as well. As a whole he seems to be overcompensating for previous complaints of gender bias towards females and tends to lean a little more toward the men. Things to watch for: he is 100% against spanking, believes in weekend parenting saying that of course they will spoil the kids and not set boundries because they don't have as much time (neither of these were in my case but other people's). Have your documentation and history before you go into the courtroom. Bottom line, be prepared, men have an advantage with him, don't argue. If you keep going back and fighting since he believes in compromise every time, you will eventually get to 50/50 male or female parent. Your child does not come first in this local court system


Comment #: CA7553
Judge Mize is extremely fair and does what he can to settle matters without a trial. He is quick to punish whichever parent does not comply with co parenting procedures or lies in court or on documents.....even if it is the mother! First Sac judge that does not automatically favor moms!


Comment #: CA7217
Rating:Not Rated
Does not read the case file nor consider the evidence. Goes off his own biased opinion that has no legal support. Recuse him at least two weeks before your initial trial.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA6342
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Mize is a self-righteous person. He Never reads pleadings or case files. He puts total confidence in the biased mediators who have the power to destroy parents relationships with children. He puts off every case he can, as if we have nothing to do but return over and over to hear him flex his gender-biased power. He must have had a screwed-up childhood, because he obviously tries to cut fathers out of the lives of their children.


Comment #: CA6154
Judge Mize is by far the most fair and hard working Judge I have yet to come across. He works very hard to personally assist in settling disputes that would otherwise have both litigants spending thousands for a trial. He listens well and actually reads evidence put before him.


Comment #: CA6126
Horrible judge! Does not look at evidence and doesn't listen when you talk. Complete idiot and sorry excuse for a judge. Does not care about the best interest of the child.


Comment #: CA6099
Judge Mize seems like he wants children in danger and to live in an unsafe environment. He doesn't care about the children or the parent that is trying to raise the child right, he cares about the unfit parent and whether or not his/her rights have been taken into account.


Comment #: CA4938
Sacramento Family Court is the worst! I was literally told in mediation by the two pro tem judges in there with us that I should just do what my ex-wife wants because Judge Mize will always side with the female party! They don't even try to cover it up anymore!


Comment #: CA2963
Judge Mize always gives a fair hearing. No, it doesn't always go your way. But He is very thorough and makes sure the best interest of the child is at hand. Parents should stop thinking about their own best interest and their vendettas against each other and then maybe you wouldn't need a courtroom.


Comment #: CA2647
Rating:Not Rated
This is the worst Judge I have encountered in Family Court. He practices social work (that is what his degree is in) from the bench, you can tell his degree is from UCBerkley. I have sat and listen to him tell parents that make $2,000 a month to buy a computer so they can communicate via email. Get REAL! Judge Mize doesn't know what it is like to live on $2,000 a month and support kids. His poor decisions have recently resulted in a death of a child a year ago. He needs to be STOPPED! Just pull up the attached link for the details.



Comment #: CA1786
Rating:Not Rated
I realize that therobingroom.com is esentailly a complaint site for bad judges. Love that there are no comments here, as he is my new Judge. Previously had Judge Roman, whose comments are absolutely horrible (as was my experience in his courtroom where Mom's get whatever they want). Looking forward to getting in front of an unbiased Judge who will hopefully look out for my kids first before either me or my ex-wife's best interests.