Hon. Joseph R. Distaso See Rating Details
Superior Court
Stanislaus County
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What others have said about Hon. Joseph R. Distaso



Comment #: CA53925
This judge is bias if you are a Black woman with a soon to be ex white spouse.Yes, racism does exist within the Stanislaus County Family Court System. The Lady Justice statue needs to be changed to show the scales of equality does not exist for all people. The scarf over her eyes must have holes in it.


Comment #: CA53922
This judge is bias if you are a Black woman with a soon to be ex white spouse.Yes, racism does exist within the Stanislaus County Family Court System. The Lady Justice statue needs to be changed to show the scales of equality does not exist for all people. The scarf over her eyes must have holes in it.


Comment #: CA53856
Title: This Judge Should Be Removed from Family Law

I am deeply disappointed with Judge Richard Distaso's handling of my family law case. His past as a DA in the Scott Peterson trials may have given him celebrity status, but his current role in family law is far from honorable.

Bias and Unfair Practices
Judge Distaso has demonstrated clear bias. He stripped me of my custodial rights based on false allegations orchestrated by the court-appointed reunification therapist, Yvette Allivato, who made baseless accusations to CPS. Despite these accusations being deemed unfounded and inconclusive during my mediation hearing on September 25, 2023, he still ordered me to relinquish custody of my child to my ex.

Violation of Parental Rights
Reunification therapy, which is banned in both Arizona and California, was forced upon me and my child against our wishes on May 18, 2023. This judge continues to violate my parental rights unjustly. It's important to note that on November 10, 2023, Senate Bill 331, also known as Piqui's Law, was passed. This law prohibits California family court judges from forcing children into so-called reunification camps and ensures that judges and others involved in domestic violence and child custody cases receive additional training. These controversial methods involve removing children from their preferred or safe parent despite their allegations of abuse or mistreatment directed toward the other parent. Reunification therapy and camps typically accompany accusations of parental alienation against the protective parent. Refer to Exhibit C in my Petitioner's Exhibit List for Appeal about Robert Garza's New Bill – Time Taken Time Back Bill HB718, highlighting that my daughter was taken based on unfounded and inconclusive allegations. I have filed complaints with the CRU, BBS, and the Commission on Judicial Performance for violating my parental rights and depriving my daughter of her right to California Family Code 3042.

Lack of Due Process
The systemic corruption in Stanislaus County’s family courts persists. Staff changes in mid-2023 hinted at an attempt to address this, yet the violations of parental and constitutional rights continue under Judge Distaso’s watch. My daughter's Zoom call on April 2, 2024, remains sealed, and I cannot obtain the transcript, highlighting a blatant disregard for transparency and due process.

Personal Impact
For 13 years, I was the primary guardian and homeschool teacher for my daughter. She was abruptly taken from her home and now resides 600 miles away in San Diego. I am unaware of her current location or wellbeing. My ex’s lawyer, Tracy Toledo, has committed perjury with false allegations to defame me, further complicating this already dire situation.

Call to Action
If anyone else has been harmed by Judge Richard Distaso, please contact me. It’s time to expose the injustices perpetuated by this judge and work together to reclaim our parental rights. This man does not deserve judicial immunity for his actions in the corrupt family court system.

Sumith B. Samarakoon

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47053
I feel that you get a better feel for a Judge when you see them on another case besides your own. You have to be unbiased, like a judge. Obviously he’s not perfect but I think for the position he’s in he’s doing his best and he actually tires to see both sides.


Comment #: CA46926
This man needs to remind himself of his Scott Peterson days as DA. There were plenty of people that were confused as to how this loving family man could kill his wife and unborn child. But DA Distaso fought hard because he knew Scott was guilty. Well your Honor so are a lot of the abusive parents you release innocent children to.


Comment #: CA13478
Judge Distaso isn't perfect, but he's fairer than many of the alternatives. I got stuck with a bad temporary child custody order due to poor legal representation. After I switched lawyers, Judge Distaso was reluctant to make major changes to the order, despite it being incredibly unfair (stay-at-home parent transformed into every other weekend parent). However, as time went on, Judge Distaso's cautious approach and relative impartiality worked in my favor. He was willing to overrule a very biased in-house court mediator when she made unreasonable recommendations. Over time, therefore, Judge Distaso earned my grudging respect.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5214
Biased Judge against a non-attorney party, and makes comments during proceedings that are favored towards one side or the other. He has his special interest attorney's and repeatedly allows unethical and illegal processing, ex partes and motions to continue in his court room. Court dates are changed and allows motions to be filed in place of the hearing. I'm in agreement with other comments made and feel that this Judge should be removed as soon as possible.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA4516
My husband has sat in this judge's court many times for child custody. He is rude and has treated my husband unfairly and poorly. We live in another state now. My husband has been told that if he wants to see his children, he has to travel and come back to court. His ex has broken the order countless times, and the judge has never done anything to punish her. He refuses to look at the evidence, and when my husband brought up the fact that we have evidence, he was told that the judge did not have the time to look at all of the evidence, and then they sent him back to mediation. Now isn't that a judge's job, to look at the evidence and make a ruling, and not just pass the buck? I am angry that this guy is still on the bench; he needs to stop presiding over child custody cases, because he clearly does not have the child's best interests at heart. If anyone out there has had similar issues, and knows who he has to answer to, please contact me, because I am willing to file a formal complaint against him, so that other families won't have to go through the same child custody nightmare that we have been going through since 2009.


Comment #: CA461
I have witnessed this man's behavior in court and it is rude and inconsiderate and totally objectionable. A prior judge had ordered a hearing in a domestic case and cancelled the hearing because the judge called the woman a "scorned woman." What kind of man says that to a woman in court? This individual should be turned over to the commission on judicial performance and his judgeship revoked. He is a terrible excuse for a judge. He should be ashamed of himself and deserves to be removed from the bench for his antics and rude behavior.