Hon. Eric I. Prus See Rating Details

Supreme Court
Kings (Brooklyn) County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.6 - 12 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 9 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Eric I. Prus


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13931
If you are being harmed by Judge Prus, you should write to:

New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct
61 Broadway, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10006

Re: Judge Eric I. Prus. Unprofessional and unstable demeanor that should be of grave concert.
His docket of cases is enormous and loaded with delays and inefficiencies.

It is my opinion that he the Judge, Judge Pus, will become a legal Liability to the NYC Legal System.

A mass tort action is probably almost ready to be filed.

I respectfully request that the Judge be investigated and that an emergency judge be Appointed to his caseload.

This man's behaviors is Tortuous, in my opinion.

He serves at the Kings County Supreme
Court, (Civil Term) in the Secondary Judicial District of New York.

If you share my concerns you can write a letter to the address stated above, and prepare a similar message.

Without complaining about people that do wrong, are lazy, are rude, are just stealing the salary from the taxpayer, no good change will come about, there will be no justice, and the legal process becomes corrupted.

Send your letter, make it anonymous if you are afraid of retaliation. But don;t remain silent, because then you will become a true victim, and you will suffer the consequences.

Regarding the questions listed above: Punctually Zero, he even forgot the reason for the litigation, after he conveques the parties bak to his room after 4 month. It was like dealing with a lazy fat cow, that was completely irresponsible about his caseload. Forget about being a legal process, it was like having a stupid child used to abusing people in front of him, screaming at lawyers defendants, forgetting whatever had been said at pre-tiral before. A complete lack of preparation. Outrageous. Tortuous in my opinion. How is it possible that NYC employees this level of deficiency. Incredible, sad and outrageous. Someone needs to pay for this idiotic judge, there is a mass tort in the making here, if an aggressive lawyer start contacting the people that have gone through his court.

in NYC everything is rotting, rotting to death, causing everyone to leave the city, a cancer of indifference that is spreading and spreading to ultimately ruin everyone. Dn't let that happen. Send your anonymous letter.


Comment #: NY13467
He is an abhorrent human being who will not do what's in the best interest of the child, he consistently has alienated a father from his daughter, and her grandmother for almost 2 years. And now only has intermittent, expensive, supervised visits. HOW is it that he is still on the bench?! There is so much wrong with this man and who he chooses to punish. I feel so helpless for a friend that just wants to see their child. Someone HAS to do something!!! He is ruining lives and the lives of children.


Comment #: NY13371
Judge is biased towards men. Specifically favoring Orthodox Jewish deadbeat men. Will not do his job. Will not make men pay child support. Will not make men comply with his own orders. After realizing men won't comply with orders in a case, he will pretend threaten men in court and issue pretend orders in court BUT THEN - Never signs the Orders - it's all just a game. He will appoint all his Jewish Male lawyer friends for $500 an hour as attorneys for child, parent coordinators etc etc etc. Not a woman in Brooklyn it seems that can get on his list of "friends" to give $500 an hour jobs to. Same $500 an hour "attorneys" yes him to death and play his fiddle all day long so that they can keep getting more no work jobs at $500 an hour. He Adjourns motions to compel and motions for contempt without either party asking for adjournment - on child support even - seems he enjoys his seat of power doling out misery to the helpless. Prus just adjourns adjourns adjourns for years (seriously yes - years) and then threatens women to settle and makes sure women are forced to settle because they run out of money for his circus. Read news articles about this "Judge", new york times, new york post etc etc. If anyone from the court system with any power is reading this - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get this "Judge" off the bench!


Comment #: NY13093
Rating:Not Rated
Truly awful man. Just look at what he did to Etsy Ausch.


Comment #: NY12505
Favored my ex husband blindly and only ordered one of my four children weekly visits and the benefit of my and my parents loving home, depriving the others of normal social up bringing. I must say, it's gratifying to read all these years later that his honor is less than honorable.


Comment #: NY12314
Rating:Not Rated
Treats parents working on getting stable after suffering in an abusive marriage like criminals and won't lift a finger to arrange for visitation with teenage children

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY11857
I am writing this to help others who have been railroaded in this sick man’s courtroom. I have had to deal with this bizarre judge and have now seen that I am not the only one that has suffered trauma from this judge and his chambers. I recently learned that this judge once trampled all over a parent’s constitutional rights, solely because that parent was a blind black father. He also once denied the constitutional rights of a mother because she was a member of the LGBTQ community and was no longer actively Jewish. Google this judge. You will not find anything favorable. Please stay far away from this judge. Does Kings County and the state of New York seriously have no other qualified individuals to serve our communities and families as public servants? Where is the commission to investigate this man? Someone somewhere needs to confront this judge and everyone in his chambers on his sick behavior, because he is absolutely unfit and promotes dysfunction. Logic And facts do not matter In this sick man’s court room, and you will only be left exhausted. This man is sick and his behavior is beyond bizarre.


Comment #: NY11806
Rating:Not Rated
He is indeed a madman, and degrades his litigants, but thats not all. The worst is,he doesn't even read papers submitted and rules based on his imagination but never based on true proven facts as he distorts every single clear fact presented before him and turns it upside down, turns day to night and night into day. He is incompetent in even the simple task of reading papers, let alone judge and rule!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY11734
Where to start? This judge is a train wreck. The man once ordered a family already struggling during a divorce to build an entire wall through their entire home. Literally, the family was ordered to build walls in their house by this judge. The man is an idiot. His rationalization with the law is entirely based on confirmation bias. Meaning, he is primitively driven by his own strange biases and fits law and evidence into his skewed understanding of very complex problems. Extremely sensitive issues such as custody and divorce should be handled with the utmost care, not by an emotionally charged relic of the Kings County legal system that cannot even arrive on time to his bench in the morning. The judge and his chambers do not even read the motions provided to them. This judge and his staff are a joke. Unfortunately, the damage they are doing to families is no joke at all.


Comment #: NY11729
Rating:Not Rated
I have been practicing for well over a decade, but came before Judge Pruss as a litigant. I have never seen a more biased judge in my life. He was rude and literally could not care if my son was raped, murdered, amd thrown in a meat grinder so long as he moved the case off of his calendar. He is rotten to his core and deserves nothing but to feel the agony he inflicts on others. He is a monster without a soul who bullies and belittles people.


Comment #: NY11416
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is should be investigated,he is a a bias judge, and don't let people talk, to prove any evidence whatsoever. Running at baby's life over money..


Comment #: NY11409
This judge horrifies me. To start, everyone who has rated him poorly already is spot-on with their descriptions. In simplest terms, the judge is just not intelligent. He is emotionally immature, yelling and spitting while he is talking, and his hands literally shake from his outbursts. He is highly susceptible to being influenced by ad hominem attacks and builds his biases off them. His court attorney is miserable. She is just as toxic as the judge. She randomly inserts herself in the room, giving dirty looks for whoever she has deemed unworthy, and without any full trials from even happening yet or final decisions entered. The judge makes comments that are logically inconsistent, analyzing everything separately and within a vacuum. There is actually a writ of certiorari filed in the US Supreme Court against him from someone in Israel for the judge’s absurd logic and impulsively brutish handling of the law. How do you talk intelligently to a judge that is spitting and yelling with hands trembling from anger? I have no good answer. This guy and his court attorney are miserable, and they are toxic.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11237
Rating:Not Rated
Wow... I have never waited fr over 45 minutes for a courtroom to open. This judge shows up whenever he wants to and has no regard for the attorneys or litigants.


Comment #: NY11027
This judge is beyond horrible,shrieks and yells in the court, degrading his litigants, making th em feel less than dust
Then.when he rules, he reverses his own written decisions on a constant basis, depending on.his mood that day, what does he care if his litigants are harmed and incurr ireparable.damage s!


Comment #: NY10406
Hard to describe what a horrible judge and what a horrible person Eric I. Prus is. His behavior in the courtroom is one of a mad-man. He has no clue what he is talking about but has strong opinions on every matter. He yells like an idiot and loses his temper regularly. He does not remember what he said from one appearance to the next. As a woman, his comments and attitude felt misogynistic and sexist. I am actually doing well in spite of him, but he is in no way fit to serve as a judge.


Comment #: NY8492
Nasty individual, arrogant and rude. He is biased against victimized women and children by aiding abusive husbands.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8357
Justice Prus is able to figure out solutions to complex matters. He is a fair judge and takes all issues into consideration. He pushes cases towards settlement and resolves matters.


Comment #: NY8071
Makes hasty and nasty decisions based on guilty until proven innocent philosophy.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8046
Monster, over and over and over and over again.


Comment #: NY6059
Rating:Not Rated
I had a divorce case with this judge and so far I think he is a great judge who understands my concern...
I would like to contact him - I need his help... If anyone can give me his email address, I will appreciate it- thank you so much.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY4828
This judge allows gouging in the extreme. My client was given restraining orders, although there was no evidence it was required, and in fact they did not even know where the other party lived. It was just a series of meaningless motions designed to rack up money for the other attorney and destroy the well-earned stellar reputation of my client. There is no amount of fear this judge will not inflict, and for no reason whatsoever, as he pleases ruthless, greedy attorneys to curry their favor. He destroys families and people, but his entire courtroom is delighted, as they watch and are entertained by his antics. His court attorney is insensitive at best and more likely deliberately sadistic, as she makes conclusions based on assumptions and speculation, and never on verified facts. My advice is to settle without stepping inside this court of injustice and evil.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY4815
It is interesting that litigants' ratings are not included. So that proves what they believe, that the system is not geared to helping them or caring about the outcome, but rather to providing lawyers an income -- nothing else is the priority of the courts. Imagine a ratings system which does not even want to tally how litigants respond to it? It would be like asking students to rate the professor but discarding their ratings, and only allowing the ratings of the department chair, or other professors. What a joke this corrupt justice system is! Lying attorneys blaming hapless litigants for everything, and judges being as cruel as they can be.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY4126
Belongs in small claims court

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY3348
It seems that everyone hates their matrimonial judge. Judge Prus is a fine judge, who exhibited no bias in my case, pushed it towards settlement, appropriately, and we resolved the case, amicably. I am not shilling for the judge, and I am not saying he is a superstar, but he is a decent judge with a decent reputation. To allow a litigant to post on this site who claims that their matrimonial action is a "cause of action from 9/11" shows how out-there some of the commentators are.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY2935
In my almost 20 years of practicing matrimonial law, on a high level, I was stunned by this Judge's unprofessional demeanor in the courtroom. He is repeatedly rude to the attorneys and the litigants, and that attitude seeps down to his court attorney and court officer, both of whom are downright obnoxious. The only positive thing I can say about the court is Cliff, the court part clerk, who is very nice and very professional. He should sit the judge and the other two down and give them some tutorials. I was embarrassed, as an attorney, to stand there in court with my poor client and be a witness to this Judge's nasty temperament and intemperate comments. He is an intellectual lightweight, at best, and unfit to wear that robe - and clearly, because he was somehow elected to a 14-term, thinks that he's untouchable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY2115
Ours was his first contested matrimonial case. The cause of action was terrorism from 9/11 which Prus exploited causing new and greater damage to my partner and our children than any terrorism caused. He uniformly denied all constitutional rights such as witnesses, trial by jury, transcripts and largely abused law in the most extreme ways. Damage to our children is extreme and ongoing as a result. Failure includes biasing even the psychiatric material so as to force a conclusion. I sued in the federal court and am returning to sue in the state court. After the federal filing the OCA removed Judge Silbermann and eliminated her department.


Comment #: NY1850
Leaves everything in the hands of his court attorney, who thinks litigants don't really matter. She loves to see litigants squirm and attorneys get all their money. Any illegal maneuver she thinks she can get away with, she engages in. She does not believe you when you are totally truthful and fabricates the facts she wants to get the results she wants. She has no compassion and is most happy when she blames Judge Prus for being the mean one while looking and smelling like the rose she is not.
Prus just goes along with anything the attorneys want him to, as outlandish and mean as it is. A lawless atmosphere exists and he threatens litigants for no reason with incarceration and dangles handcuffs at them when there is no provocation. He also prefers a lawyer to prose but lawyers are prevented from helping their clients in his courtroom, once the clerk decdes what she wants to go down.
He will close the case to make himself look good then prolong it indefinitely with post motions which have no valididty and reason to exist.
His courtroom can be nice and protective one minute then bullying and demeaning the next.
Definitely NOT a place where there is justice for all. Almost as bad as your ex., but with more power.