Hon. Monica F. Wiley See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Francisco County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.6 - 23 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   8.0 - 11 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Monica F. Wiley



Comment #: CA54542
Rating:Not Rated
I am in a trial with Judge Wiley. So far she appears more than patient and impartial. Will update on the ruling and whether or not iit is fair to both parties later on…


Comment #: CA50724
Just spent a day watching a program with Judge Wiley sponsored by the Association of Certified Family Law Specialists - she is terrific and such an asset to the family bench in California.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA44987
Congratulations Judge Wiley for receiving the 2022 California Family Law Judicial Officer of the Year Award! So deserved - it is a privilege to work with you and see how you help families and children on a daily basis.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA36802
This woman has absolutely no business wearing the robe or being in a courtroom! She's incredibly rude and hateful. She discriminates and contradicts herself. The most unprofessional judge I've ever come into contact with. I don't understand how such a person became a judge let alone supervising judge. How can you look at a person going through whatever it may be while in your court room with such discussed in judgment without even hearing them out first. I was felt betrayed by my judicial system when I was put in front of this judge. This person is supposed to represent our County and she is one of the most ugly person I've ever been around. Her manner on the bench is of a careless soul. She wouldn't even let me finish my sentence let alone give her my evidence and proof of incidents Brought at hand. I had police reports, surveillance pictures, physical evidence none of which she let me present. The danger of my family and myself was imminent. After being fed up with the whole case because it wasn't going in the direction she wanted ( which was in my favor) she stormed out of the court room like a small child to her chamber slamming the door ultimately not finding in my favorite though I had everything needed and had provided. The uncertainty of my families safety was sealed because of this woman. And she made that decision so easily without the blink of an eye or a care in the world. And as a matter of factly seemed annoyed that I had even asked her for such a thing as fairness. I hope and pray everyday that this woman is taken off the bench!


Comment #: CA36112
Judge Wiley is very even tempered on the bench. She allows all parties to speak and listens to all the evidence. Although her ruling did not go in my favor, in hindsight and after analyzing her decision, I realized it was in the best interest of both parties and our children. I wish there were more family law judges who were as compassionate and thoughtful as Judge Wiley.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35936
Is this This the Judges clerk again writing comments to falsely promote from within.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA35921
This Judge has no children, has never been married, and is the Supervising Judge of the San Francisco Family Court? Makes sense she's oblivious, watch out for this one's wrath, does not explains her rulings, remains silent, taking advantage of the Doctrine of Implied Findings-so she doesn't get reversed on appeal, Presumption of Correctness From Incomplete Orders Without Factual Findings, Application of Law Memorialized - Deprivation of Constitutional Rights: Due Process, Right of Appeal, Access to Court, Equal Protection of Law - California Superior Courts - Code of Judicial Ethics - Commission on Judicial Performance

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA34948
Judge Wiley, is unfair and acts callously indifferent to the best interest of the children, survivors of domestic violence, the law and justice. She is a good example of someone who should never have been given so much unchecked power, over others, because she will abuse it. Very obvious regarding her outright biases and favoritism for one party and insider, expensive lawyers. Her ignorance about family systems, facts, evidence, the law, best interest of the children and domestic violence, should disqualify her from family law and entire judgeship.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34918
Rating:Not Rated
Terrible, terrible Judge, 170.6 ASAP


Comment #: CA34405
Judge Wiley is a great judge. Incredibly sharp, well-prepared, excellent use of her authority and very fair. She commands the respect that is apparent in her courtroom.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34102
This woman has absolutely no business wearing the robe or being in a courtroom! She's incredibly rude and hateful. She discriminates and contradicts herself. The most unprofessional judge I've ever come into contact with. I don't understand how such a person became a judge let alone supervising judge. How can you look at a person going through whatever it may be while in your court room with such discussed in judgment without even hearing them out first. I was felt betrayed by my judicial system when I was put in front of this judge. This person is supposed to represent our County and she is one of the most ugly person I've ever been around. Her manner on the bench is of a careless soul. She wouldn't even let me finish my sentence let alone give her my evidence and proof of incidents Brought at hand. I had police reports, surveillance pictures, physical evidence none of which she let me present. The danger of my family and myself was imminent. After being fed up with the whole case because it wasn't going in the direction she wanted ( which was in my favor) she stormed out of the court room like a small child to her chamber slamming the door ultimately not finding in my favorite though I had everything needed and had provided. The uncertainty of my families safety was sealed because of this woman. And she made that decision so easily without the blink of an eye or a care in the world. And as a matter of factly seemed annoyed that I had even asked her for such a thing as fairness. I hope and pray everyday that this woman is taken off the bench!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34066
File your [redacted] complaints with the FBI against this judge ASAP.
Judge Wiley is a nightmare [redacted by Ed.]
If your case has been illegally dragged out for years and you have illegal restraining orders against you that prohibits you from contact with your children, and if your ex has failed to comply with mandatory disclosure requirements, in any case involving Judge Wiley, file a civil lawsuit against the county and against Judge Wiley because she has no authority to act in excess of his authority and violate the law in favor of abusers.


Court Staff

Comment #: CA34031
Judge Wiley does not belong on the family law bench. She makes terrible decisions and is easily swayed. She does not know the law and does not care about children or women at all. She is seriously the worst judge I have ever appeared before.

“Nobody knows this stuff. … this court has some very bad judges here,”
The complaint about her are voluminous; those who have been through child custody proceedings with her describe being put in an impossible situation: she’ll force you to admit to something they didn’t do as a condition of having your kids returned, or risk going without your children.
“Obviously the courts don’t have evidence of wrongdoing or they wouldn’t require a confession,” She will basically break families financially; she will push you through years of court.”
There needs to be stronger legal standards for child custody hearings, which Judge Wiley allows for “hearsay and rumors” and assumes them to be true, while inhibiting parents from presenting evidence in their favor. Judge Wiley is the epitome of the corrupt family courts system, she even though black, discriminates against minorities and people from low-income households, which is evidenced by so many, standing outside of court and seeing who attends hearings each day.“I’d say it’s around 75 percent are minorities, from low-income families, single moms or parents of kids with special needs,” family court judges needlessly prolong custody cases to create a “need for funding, and has created many additional opportunities for emoluments, for the personal benefit of these judges.”
She wants to do away with judicial immunity, which protects judges from lawsuits that come as a result of their rulings. She will not allow your family court hearings to be more open to the public, which she does on purpose so it makes it easier for Judge Wiley to make unfair rulings.
They point out that children taken from their families put into foster care are susceptible to becoming human trafficking or child molestation victims.
She lets social workers, experts, lie on the stand and get away with it.
There needs to be a recall for this Judge.


Comment #: CA33911
Rating:Not Rated
It is unfortunate that this woman is sitting on the bench. Standard operating procedure in my firm is to 170.6 her asap no matter which side we are taking. Her oblivious demeanor, her inability to comprehend anything that's going on, and her refusal to read papers are at the very bottom of judges that I have been in front of in my 53 years of practice. Enough is enough. She is a disgusting example of everything that's wrong with our court system and it is disgraceful that she is allowed to continue as supervising judge of the UFC on and on and on.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33856
Apathetic and incompetent would be the two words that immediately come to mind when describing Judge Wiley. She engages in a vicious cycle of being idiotic, and then supporting her idiocy with total obliviousness. My theory is that she is a straight nihilist and believes that the more destruction she creates the better she has served society. It is malpractice not to paper this judge. Upshot is that she has a great temperament and will pretend to listen to you instead of getting mad if you challenge her reasoning, but don’t be fooled, she’s oblivious.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA33716
Judge Wiley is a nightmare from hell.. if you get her as a judge 170.6 her immediately.. you do not want this judge.. she does not follow the law.

No joke. She is incompetent at best and appears to be downright psychopathic. The abuse of power she engages in is absolutely terrifying. depriving so many parents of their rights without any kind of due process and without any cause, she needs to be removed from family court .. where she is wreaking havoc over other people’s lives.

Any attorney dealing with her should sit in her courtroom for a couple days just to observe how insane she really is. This is no joke.

Victims are constantly filing complaints desperately trying to have her investigated and removed from the bench. She won’t make it another term after this one ends.

Whatever you do, steer clear of Judge Hall as if your Clients life depends on it, because it does.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA33422
How you gonna be a Family Law Judge, without ever having experience having a family? Judge Wiley is a Single Women that
s childless , how you gonna know whats on the best interests of the child when you have no children?

Probation or Pretrial Officer

Comment #: CA33255
Rating:Not Rated
I am still in shock at Judge Wiley's behavior in SF Family Court. Her courtroom was an absolute circus. She has no interest in the Respondent's statement nor does she take the time review conflicting evidence submitted. I have suggested to my client an appeal of her ridiculous ruling and that my client contact the Judicial Commission .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA33249
Judge Wiley is incompetent, the Family Court SF Superior is probably the worst run courthouse in the system given that they spend a good portion of the Judiciary's budget.

The building remains mostly closed and unused (dark court rooms). Clerks are very intelligent in person, but the new mandatory e-filing system has created unprecedented headaches since there is no alternative to filing when the system goes down.


Comment #: CA33224
Rating:Not Rated
I think the overall concept of rating a judge by litigants or attorneys is ridiculous. Those that are bitter about losing a case will simply use ratings as a revenge mechanism. Reading all of the comments below, I strongly feel that they are coming from the same sad people. Being a judge is an incredibly hard job - Judge Wiley works hard and does a fantastic job as the Supervising Judge in the family law department. And for what its worth, this is NOT a paid advertisement.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA32910
She's a terrible Judge. Filing a CCP 170.6 is a complete joke in the this county family courts, evidenced by how conflicted, biased this judge has been, have mishandled the family lawless division.
Judge Hall look like an “on the take” fool- as they repeatedly lied, failed to Meet and Confer, filed a copious amount of •••late filed, materially false, ( •late filed) paperwork and evidentiary objections, only 2 days before a hearing- while instead of striking them- she ruled on them before we even entered the courtroom / failing me due process and opportunity to object and impeach false statements— - while making Judge Wiley
look like a compromised, foolish judge-
Who can easily have the wool
Pulled over her eyes. report to the Center for Judicial Performance, and Reuters.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32906
Rating:Not Rated
Does the Judge have Watch Dogs or what? What's with all these paid promotional comments?


Comment #: CA32853
Kudos to Judge Wiley who has worked hard during the Pandemic to ensure that San Francisco's family law departments continued to hold hearings daily when a lot of other courts shut down. I've worked with her for the last 9 months and the San Francisco Court is lucky to have such a fantastic judge in family law.


Comment #: CA32850
The last few comments are absolutely unbelieveable. As a litigant who has appeared in front of Judge Wiley on several occassions, I have seen how diligent and conscientious she is. She approaches her decision-making seriously, and tries to make rulings based upon the facts and law. She is NEVER condescending or arrogant in my experience and is very compassionate. Unlike other judges she will hold review hearings to make sure the orders she makes are working for the families who appear in front of her. She is an exceptional judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA32815
Worst Judge of the San Francisco Superior Court, completely bias, I’m an experienced attorney. I’m not writing this because I lost. Good lawyers lose in court all the time and it does not usually mean a judge is bad. This one is so disappointing because our bench in SF historically has been very good. However, over the past 9 years, several bad ones have landed on the bench. I experienced ALL of the above comments with this judge. I won’t go into details because I’m concerned Her Honor will come after me. The less I say, the better. DISQUALIFY HER if you feel she won’t be fair. Generally, experienced attorneys don’t disqualify judges just because they lost. However; sometimes a judge has earned it. This one has.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA31977
In my experience, I have found her honor to be prepared, thoughtful, and deliberate.


Comment #: CA29113
Rating:Not Rated
Even temperment, fair, respectfull of litigants and their attorneys, great at settlement, a real profesional.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA26742
I like this judge, but I have concerns because I saw how she was not fair to one person and then went out of Her Honor’s way to be too kind to another who was in the same boat. My colleagues say she sticks to the law and won’t often use her discretion, which I don’t agree with. I do agree that she takes too tough a position in cases where she thinks it may impact her goal to get onto the Appellate Court and that is bad. I would not disqualify her, period. Most Judges are like Her Honor. And because I’ve seen worse, I will keep this one.


Comment #: CA13957
Just read the last two postings and couldn't agree with the last one more. Judge Wiley is a very well respected judge in San Franciso and she has dedicated the majority of her judicial career to trying to improve the lives of children and helping divorcing families. I have been in her courtroom many times have never seen her display bias for or against anyone.


Comment #: CA13956
It's a shame that people use the anonymity of a computer to trash judges who work hard every day, listen to hundreds of cases every year, and do their best to get it right. In response to the last poster - "blatantly anti-white male??" "Will always side with the mother." Sounds like you are a white male who lost a case. It happens. She's one of the best family law judges we have in California.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA13679
I have had the opportunity to observe and appear before many of the judicial officers on the San Francisco Superior Court bench and there is not a single judicial officer who has a better demeanor than Judge Wiley. She is intelligent, industrious, and tries to facilitate settlement between the parties.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA12869
Judge Wiley is thoughtful, efficient, and exceedingly fair. She is an excellent judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA12868
I believe Judge Wiley wants to do a good job, but she has never been a family law attorney and she does not understand dysfunctional family dynamics. As a result, her rulings are meddlesome. It is never a good idea to have parties in the same place and forcing communications with each other when there was a prior restraining order in the past. She wants us all to "get along." The parties are divorced for a reason! She created more litigation as a result. She also chose to ignore that the Petitioner had perjured herself at a trial and was taken in by her unsubstantiated hearsay statements. She is biased and refuses to be persuaded by admissible evidence, which is contrary to her bias and alignment with one of the parties.


Comment #: CA12455
I have sat in Judge Wiley's courtroom on several occasions and have always been impressed with her temperament and her rulings. She is thoughtful, she listens to both parties, and she follows the law. Judge Wiley is great family court judge!

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA10154
Rating:Not Rated
As a litigator, I understand how difficult it is to be a Judge in a high volume calendar. Reading the comment about Judge Wiley "behavior" in her courtroom, I can only shake my head. As attorneys with only one case at a time in court, it is fairly easy to slip into a the trap of thinking that the Judge is our personal employee. Judge Wiley is able to do something that I think not too many Judges can do - which is to give equal time to everyone. These comments simply do not reflect the reality in her courtroom.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA9835
Judge Wiley is an exceptional jurist. I have been in her courtroom many times and she is fair, reasoned and listens to all parties in the courtroom both represented and in pro per. You cannot find a better judge on the San Francisco Superior Court bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9786
I am a family lawyer. Wife Dved my client with knife, wife arrested, wife 5150ed. I got DV temp order against Wife. At start of hearing, Wiley asked counsel to go into chambers. She was pushing me to drop DV, and talking about we need to focus "holistically" of family. She would not done with if the DVer was a man. Wiley made comments that showed she had been talking and getting recommendations from FCS, even though SF is a non-recommendation county.

I got a DV order with Wiley against a guy one time because he called wife a "c*unt." I was happy for my client that day, but the ruling was an outrage to the DV law contained in DVPA. It was all done to cut dad off from kids, which in my opinion, happens all the time in SF court due to the bias against men, especially black ones,

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA9420
I am still in shock at Judge Wiley's behavior in SF Family Court. Her courtroom was an absolute circus. She has no interest in the Respondent's statement nor does she take the time review conflicting evidence submitted. I have suggested to my client an appeal of her ridiculous ruling and that my client contact the Judicial Commission .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2269
The only judge I know of to agree to personally inspect a litigant's residence to ensure the safety of a minor while on overnight visits. She is tough, personable, and does not panic under pressure; really like this judge.