Hon. Nicholas Palos See Rating Details

JHO/Support Magistrates
New York County
See Comments
New York City

Attorney Average Rating:   1.8 - 10 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 15 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Nicholas Palos



Comment #: NY14014
Rating:Not Rated
I was very u professional.
Talking to adults like if I'm his wife,kid, or dog.
This person has no respect for ppl. Then when you talk to him in the same manner he gets upset.
He's like a 5 year old child that has to have his way.
He needs to be removed from being a judge.
Matter of fact even barred from being in law all together. He is a self-centered person only focus on tormenting people for no reason there's no need to talk to anyone the way he did. And I'm quite sure is a lot more people who will write this and say this about this guy he needs to be investigated. Put somebody in the political passion do realize the fathers of today are not the fathers of 70 years ago please understand that us Father's love our children nowadays this is why I have custody of my son and fought for custody of my son and got it. Please do something about this man he should no longer be in the judge position at all he's killing people's lives cuz he has an attitude.
I had to hang up the phone on him I just couldn't take it anymore


Comment #: NY13617
Rating:Not Rated
If misogyny and condescension had a face, this judge would be on the poster. As a woman, he made me feel like I was too low on the food chain for him to explain some things to me in layman's terms. Mind you, I'm also an immigrant and the accent is heard.

He yells. A lot. Makes inappropriate comments. Constantly. One of them was regarding my intellect because apparently, I should know more about the court system and legal procedures than people who get paid to do it. After another comment he made regarding one of my questions for a clarification (note: comment, not response), he turned to his secretary and remarked that it was off the record. So yes, some self-awareness is there but only to protect himself, not a child or a mother who is both a bread-winner and primary childcare provider. Every time we have a hearing, I feel like I am splashed with a bucket of undeserved hate. I know it's on him but still.


Comment #: NY13517
i had the displeasure of being in his courtroom for three years or so (2016-2019). He never took anything i said into account, and the child support amount of $1349, for one child, was outrageous I petitioned for a modification, and he put me out of the courtroom because i became enraged, at his pompous behavior. I have worked in the legal field since 21, I am college educated, and will not allow to disrespect me. i wrote a two page letter to the Chief Judge seeking to have m case transferred to a more partial and fair Judge, because on tow occasions, our conversations became heated, but unfortunately, that petition was denied.

Finally, in 2019, I had my case terminated because i reconciled with the mother of my child.


Comment #: NY13132
Rating:Not Rated
First time in family court and I was over the phone , he kept throwing all these directives and legal terminology around all at once I was confused and asked questions to get clarity , he yelled at me at the top of his lungs , I felt he was either racist or misogynistic, after he screamed he continued to chastise me and humiliated me , I didn’t know if you studied law and moved up in your position as a judge you have the right to treat people like garbage that are being respectful , I’ve never spoken to like that in my life , what interesting is after he looked at my documentation and realized I was a director at a very prestigious church and my salary was pretty good he was still mean but his toned it down and allowed me to ask questions , I called family court to ask about the process to request a new judge was told I can’t I said even if I felt like he was being racist or misogynistic, the clerk said he’s not racist she believes she was around when he spoke to me and than had the nerve to ask me if I’m sure I knew the definitions , I know how that man made me feel and it was unethical , I have 3 kids same dad I waited until the the oldest was 20 to file because I didn’t want to deal with court and I’m so discouraged I did t know it was this bad , I’m not going to the return date , I’ll take care of my kids and deal with what there father gives me , I can’t explain the way I felt , like I was a criminal in criminal court .


Comment #: NY13068
This man shouldn't be in this position, he is not looking at the facts, I have been rejected twice by him even though I had solid supporting docs.
He doesn't care about people's health and
their life problems.
he should be fired !!!


Comment #: NY12364

Let me preface this email by first saying, I AM A BLACK MAN AND I AM NOT A DEADBEAT DAD.

I want to file a formal complaint against Judge Nicholas Palos, on the basis of bias and unfair treatment, in my recent child support hearing on downward modification.

My daughter Cassidy who I’ve diligently been paying child support for since 2009, turned 21 years old in 2019. This means I am no longer obligated to supporting her. My court date for downward modification was set in April 2020, but due to COVID-19 my case was postponed.

Fast forward to June 23, 2021 and my first court hearing (via Zoom audio) to have my order reduced.

Upon calling in, Judge Nicolas Palos asked me why are we here and I told him due to the fact that my daughter is of age (now nearly 23 years old). Judge Palos completely overlooked the fact that for last 18 months (1.5 years) I have overpaid my support due to the inability to be seen in court due to COVID-19. The Judge Palos should have imposed a credit for the overpayment for the year and a half, then mandated a new order for my remaining child.

When I persisted with the fact I’ve overpaid monies for a whole year and half he refused to take that into account, my persistence was finally met by him LITERALLY hanging the call up on me. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? Because I persisted in what I consider is unfair to me, a hard-working man…I get my call/case cut off?

I cannot sue my ex for the overpaid money (how would that look I take her to court for overpaid monies?) and I definitely won’t be able to get it back from NYC Family Courts.

So, where does that leave me? Overpayment with no credit put towards my remaining child on support? In the past I have received credit by my former Judge Fassone for overpayment. Why is it that Judge Nicholas Palos refused to even entertain this this time?

As a black man, I feel extremely wronged by the court system that is supposed to be upright and truthful. In this day and age, I as a black man I can feel victimized by the Police and now also BY A JUDGE? ????????

I thought judges were put on the bench to perform unbiased and equal treatment to all. It appears to me, that Judge Nicholas Palos harbors the notion that if a man appears in front of him, that he is some sort of deadbeat dad. That is the furthest thing from me.

With this said, and I want to reiterate the following, I HAVE OVERPAID FOR 1.5 YEARS, I should have been credited those monies and then a temporary order be put in place, as was done to me in the past by now retired Judge Fassone.

Now because of my ex, who deliberately came to court without her proof of expenses, my court date got adjourned to Sept. 21, 2021.

So, until I meet with Judge Nicholas Palos again in Sept. 2021, I will continue paying child support for my now 23 year old daughter.

How is that fair and unbiased treatment?

I respectfully ask this governing body to look into this matter as soon as possible. The unfair treatment provided to me by Judge Nicholas Palos, I hope is NOT an indication of how Brooklyn Family Court conducts business. If it is, I would like the general public to be made aware of this fact, and above all the actions of Judge Nicholas Palos.


Mark Ashby
Cell: 917-701-1670


Comment #: NY12034
The judge is borderline literate based on his opinions I have read. He imputes income amounts to people based on a sense of white privilege that will make the reader's eyes roll. This judge has miserable ratings excepts for one fan who is either his mother or received an unwarranted favorable ruling.


Comment #: NY11563
He is by far undeserving of any title of
authority. It is criminal that he has remained
staffed at Kings County Family Court
as a magistrate.

He has violated the constitution, deprived
Families of their rights provided to them
by the one true Judge of the Universe.

Attorneys come into court with zero talent
or knowledge of law and he makes
decisions in their favor- the behavior in the
court is suspicious, vulgar and without
Legal weights of truth.

The court house is not standing on the face
of justice but is riding on the fierce wind of
Devilishness and perversity.

He needs to be tried for treason, as he
is participating in the destruction of America.


Comment #: NY11039
This judge is just what our court system needs! Straight forward and doesn’t take shit. Also, not swayed by emotions. Anyone that has anything other to say must have a problem on a personal level. I can appreciate his level of professionalism and willingness to stick to the script! Say what you mean and mean what you say type of judge. Won’t hold punches but will be just.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY10788
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is a PIG....extremely unprofessional. How can someone like him be a judge. You must have an attorney with you. He’s not going to give you an opportunity to talk. He’s condescending....pathetic...miserable...and very unjust. I had so much facts and proof and he failed to even acknowledge me. The system is a joke.


Comment #: NY10705
Rating:Not Rated
Nicholas Palos made me feel extremely uncomfortable and from the way he was speaking to me I felt that I was being attacked. Both times I was in the court room he kept his attention solely on me, asking me for various documents and picked on every little thing in my income tax. Meanwhile he didn't ask for one thing from the other party. How is this even possible? I believe him to be someone who hates women in general and he believes it to be his duty to help the men. I honestly do not know how can a person such as him serve on the bench and be allowed to practice law when he is obviously bias and a sexist. He probably has no idea what it is like being a single parent or raising kids and trying to provide for them in one of the most expensive cities in the world.


Comment #: NY10444
This man should never be a judge, he doesn't listen and he uses his authority to be extremely smudge, rude and belligerent. He refused to see my paperwork and starters screaming for me to " wipe that smirk off your face"- How does the system allow people with partial, predatory behavior to exist in a court room that is supposed to be about calm rationale judgement, especially in family court where you're temperament is supposed to supersede that of rationality not humiliate people with illogical, flippant attitude and subject them to grotesque antics. I need a real magistrate minus clown behavior. My look was a smirk it was sheer shock at the ridiculousness of the selected judge. 1 is for the worst but this dude needs a -10 because he is below subpar and makes the judicial system laughable

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY10129
Extremely unprofessional and volatile. Often provokes parties and makes reproachful and disparaging comments. This magistrate would not hear much from the parties and would scream throughout the process. He is proficient in making pro se litigants nervous and mostly leaves them without any guidelines. This family court judge believes in creating fake offenders by gaming the system and by abusing his powers that were supposed to be used to be just. He is using his powers in a manner where if there was an independent oversight, this man would be sitting and doing a desk job at best where he is kept away from interacting with people including his own colleagues. Overall, a huge disappointment and a disgrace to the Civil Law system in NYS.


Comment #: NY9985
Hot tempered, condescending, curt, smug, unhelpful, doesn't make eye contact, might have gone to law school but no expert on families or children.


Comment #: NY9766
I was sitting in his courtroom to observe Judge Nicholas for the day as a pro bono assignment for work. I am appalled. He treats people with absolutely no respect and strips them of their dignity. He is on a complete power trip. I just finished my 1L year at law school and viewed judges with the utmost respect until l observed this judge today. He lacks empathy and this translates to him communicating and judging ineffectively and illogically. He seems disgusted with people from low income and low socioeconomic backgrounds and it’s truly disheartening. In a country where the system already disadvantages low income minorites—their last hope is to their day in front of a judge to present their case— and not even that can be handled effectively with this incompetent and irrational judge. Truly disgusted by this courtroom and hope to God that he is not representative of our justice system. The juxtaposition of “In God with Trust” behind this ruthless man is the biggest contradiction I’ve witnessed in my life. He is a Godless man.


Comment #: NY9672
Nicholas J. Palos is the worse individual to ever sit on the bench. He is a rude a fowl human being(if he can be referred to as such). He talks to people with such disgust. He doesnt even try and listen andnhe isnt fair at all. No matter how many compliments their are against him he isnt removed from the bench nor from someones case. He is a prime example of how unfair and broken the system is.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY9422
A Complete and utter disgrace. A poor excuse for a human being. A miserable old man who even puts the children at risk of not being properly cared for because his answer is to lock up the parents!


Comment #: NY9421
Rating:Not Rated
Dishonorable Nicholas Palos is a DISGRACE to the judicial system! He is highly unprofessional, belligerent, he yells at people, he NEVER exercises proper judgement in cases. In fact, an objection warranted my case to be reviewed because he made an order that dismissed accompanying facts. How is he still allowed to serve? He is unfair and threatens to lock people up who pay. I have other children who he NEVER took into account for and is THREATENING to lock me up even after I complied will all requests. If this idiot locks a parent up, how will I support all of my children! Does this make any sense? The idea is to provide for my children when I am doing and then some! If I'm in jail, how can I do that? What kind of system is this????

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9412
Magistrate Palos is a man without friends in the courthouse. Even his peers and the court staff despise him. It is easy to see why. He is arrogant and very vindictive and delights in putting people down. He is supposed to be competent (although I did not get that impression) regarding child support enforcement matters but his temperament is just such that he simply should not be a judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY9402
This judge need to be removed from presiding over child support cases . One this guy wants me to pay $1000 A month for my son when 1 I'm not work I get 300 a week from child support now this to buy is insane


Comment #: NY9121
Magistrate Nicholas Palos is very belligerent and incompetent. He cheats women and children out of child support. If a woman filed an Enforcement petition he uses the petition to give the man a FREE lawyer to fight for a downward modification of child support knowing that the man is not entitled to a FREE attorney to lower child support. It is a Court Scam he uses to lower child support and arrears if a mother files for Enforcement. He lies on paper. He will do anything to lower child support for men. He can not be trusted.


Comment #: NY8224
Nicholas Palos is a real disgrace to the Law community. He should really be investigated.


Comment #: NY8195
Rating:Not Rated
Obvious he is retaliatory and vengeful when his decisions are appealed. Shouldn't put a magistrate to do a judge's job- totally biased, unfair, unprofessional. Maybe someone needs to learn how to respect before expecting respect.


Comment #: NY7203
Clearly someone who is not deserving of a title befitting a judge. Clearly is oblivious and uneducated in the very law that he represents. Not only has he made numerous mistakes on my husbands case he has violated my privacy by disclosing all of my personal and financial premarital and current marital information to the opposing attorney and his client then tries to cover his own sorry ***


Comment #: NY7129
Rating:Not Rated
I keep reading he's biased against women. This piece of work is just biased period. No one double checks his numbers, no one checks him and he is one of the most arrogant, condescending piece of... I have ever spoken to in my life barre none. He didn't explain anything, OBVIOUSLY LIED, on his paper work and I just can't believe this guy. I'm a man and he is not biased against women, he is just biased against humanity, logic, reason, math, you name it. Anything that doesn't agree woth the great Nocholas J Palos is wrong and should be spat on.


Comment #: NY6717
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is so bias against women it's not even funny. He is extremely condescending, rude and tyrannical. You can't even speak in his court room and ask legitimate questions without him humiliating him. He did a severe injustice to my child and he is not capable of being diplomatic to both parties. In my opinion as a citizen of this country , he is not impartial , should not be appointed a judge and clearly abuses his judicial authority.


Comment #: NY5777
He has got to be the worst Judge in the state of New York.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY4441
I'm a Christian, And simply put this miserable person that has this ridiculous title Hon. In front of his name will not be allowed into Gods kingdom


Comment #: NY3914
Refused to let me have an attorney.


Comment #: NY3814
My rating of Palos is off the charts. He is below grade. He has made NUMEROUS errors in calculation of child support. I have gone to the trial judge, to the appellate division and here I am back in his part. He doesn't read the paperwork presented. He has not only cost me thousands in attys fees, but has garnished my salary for monies already paid. He is not only stupid, but he is arrogant and incompetent. How he ever got to be Magistrate is a mystery. He should be de-benched.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY2314
These numbers should be attached to my earlier comments. This magistrate does not even merit one star. An evaluation of his incredible incompetence and questionable conduct is not based solely on my observation, but I stand on the UNANIMOUS REVERSALS decided by justices of the Appellate Division. One justice said of Magistrate Palos: "I find the magistrate's work amazing, appalling, and incredible." He has many, many complaints against him. Every day that he remains on the bench anywhere in the New York State Court system, the rights and best interests of the people of this state are in jeopardy. He should be removed from the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY1559
This man is one of the poorest excuses for a Support Magistrate that NYC can find. He is a screamer, belligerent, nasty, power-hungry, and incompetent. He yells to disguise his incompetence. Read the many websites that criticize his abilities.