Hon. Cheryl Weir-Reeves See Rating Details

JHO/Support Magistrates
New York County
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New York City

Attorney Average Rating:   2.4 - 7 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Cheryl Weir-Reeves


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY14122
Rating:Not Rated
One of the worst despotic. Racists rude impolite hater ever seat as Magistrate. Lazy. Forget motions, trial parts. Bitter incompetent and evil woman. Again retaliatory judgment if she dislike you. Bad Outcomes decisions...the brutal Judiciary system..she is part of the problem. Dragged cases for years..thanks Lord he retired. Damage people lies. Zero integrity or compassion. Liar.. one of the ignorant Magistrate I ever see. Zero intelligent. Forget about everything. Damage the judicial systems people like her. No credibility..


Comment #: NY12856
It is seven years since I have been before this nightmare of a human being. the scars have still not healed. Other than supposedly having a law degree this woman lacks any skills necessary to be a support magistrate. She is not well informed of economics and believes that a man in his 50's should have had a easy time finding a job that paid what he was paid in that job in his 30's or 40's. She is vile and rude to boot. I still have nightmares about my time in court with her and I worry about other fathers that have been before this evil witch of a woman with an ego bigger than a brain and heart smaller than a pin point. I have changed career fields and have finally gotten back on my feet, while my ex continues to make 10x what I was making and was treated like a needy pauper who needed to extract 3500 a month from a father who was living off distribution from his retirement. Thankfully I changed careers and am now no longer dependent on friends and family for survival.


Comment #: NY11807
This incompetent witch attempted to ruin my husband's life with her unfair rulings. She refused to accept any evidence despite the fact that he had all his receipts and paperwork. She refused to allow him to speak in court to defend himself. This is a father whom she ordered to pay back retroactive child support for years that he was raising his child on his own after her mother left her. When she decided to come back and get the child, he was forbidden from seeing her or having any contact with her. This evil witch did not want to hear any of that. She told him that she didn't want to see any of the receipts he had or documents. Before she dies she will suffer like a rabid wild animal for all the lives that she's destroyed and all the families she has ruined. She has no idea what a real father is. Perhaps she resents her own father and she's taking it out on all men. Shame on this PIECE OF SHIT of a judge! The justice system should be embarrassed to have this incompetent, evil constipated pig making decisions that affect people's lives.


Comment #: NY11656
She has NO PLACE being in the position she is in. If I could have sued her or had her fired I would have gladly. She cost me so much time, constant postponements and thousands and thousands of dollars in requests that when we fulfilled, she asked why we did what we did, she asked for unreasonable amounts of paper generation, we got nothing done, dragged out the case making a circus out of a very clear cut situation. She was rude, ill mannered and had a serious superiority complex...worst of all she publicly shamed and humiliated me with what I think are not fair legal practices. She is a straight up POS with too much power...how she is still practicing I don't understand.
SHAME ON HER AND THE SYSTEM. I settled out of court. Run to Supreme Court and avoid her at all costs.


Comment #: NY11393
One of the dirty tricks Child Support Cheryl Weir-Reeves and her feminist/communist cohort favored lawyers use, is to drag child support cases out for many years, in contravention to family law and the U.S. Constitution, effectively transforming her court into a veritable torture chamber.

Although one can not, according to law, re-open or file a modification of child support until every 3 years, or unless there's “changed circumstances,” in order to respect contract and allow the divorced (usually male) non-custodial parent time to heal and grow their life (maybe marry again), Cheryl Weir-Reeves allows these women to file a modification case, aggressively litigate, get discovery, intrusive financials and bank statements for years while adjourning the case over and over again, then allowing the criminal female to “withdraw” her case if they all see that the targeted father (usually non-communist, or non-socialist) will not have to pay more support, according to his financials.

Upon withdrawal Cheryl Weir-Reeves will purposefully not issue a written decision, thus effectively erasing that this case ever took place, allowing her (and her favored communist/feminist litigant) to pretend like she is not abusing the “every 3 year rule,” and effectively keeping the targeted male father in continuous, bone-crushing, debilitating, destructive, expensive, disruptive, and harmful “child support litigation” for tens of years, straight, with no breaks or stops or respites, anywhere.


Comment #: NY11387
Trying to be as objective As possible in my comment:
This magistrates workload is obviously completely overburdening her, to the point where you can see your obvious aggravation and stress that anybody would even have to present a case and her court room Is obviously the total burden to her. You enter the quart room and you can cut her resentment with a knife.
It seems that the laws that are written or completely useless guidelines in her court room.
In my case I was paying a very high child support on my own based on the calculations I made from the documentation provided to me I never missed a single payment. I never threatened to eliminate payments.
Because of my appearance, and my role in the company, it felt like she was treating my support case as though it was a divorce settlement case to person I was never married to. It took 13 “appearances to award, the mother20% higher than I was already paying, my attorneys have never seen such an out rages decision made.

The opposition attorney was able to question me as though I had committed mass murder, and all of my counsel’s objections were overruled. The cross examinations were denied and sped through, I don’t want to attack this woman’s personal life in anyway, however I will say that
Justice cannot be served in a place where the magistrate is completely 100% biased and overworked.


Comment #: NY11188
Hard to know where to begin on her. She lacks decency, manners, understanding of the situation presented to her, she is extremely mean spirited, takes blatantly obvious sides during the sessions. As many others have written here, she drags cases out for years and years. She dismisses years of testimony and evidence because she feels like it. She is capricious, insane, out of her mind, makes one wonder how she has intellectually gotten as far as being a lawyer and appointed to her role as magistrate. She is darkness personified. NY needs to take her off the bench to preserve any iota of justice or honor that maybe they would like to preserve in their judicial system. I heard she was fired from her post in Staten Island and was able to get a job in Manhattan b/c of overburdened family court case load. She takes advantage of good, hard working men, women and families just because she can. The fact that she is still there, doing her dirty work, is a deep stain and shame on New York.


Comment #: NY10775
The worst judge that I ever see first of all she always posponed the case because she’s not appear and also she got preference she’s only let the respondent talks she’s don’t let to show proof of nothing to the plaintiff in other way she not a good representation of a woman she have no kindness no sensibility at all and this judge don’t have no children not even a mother or sister she’s a piece of shit , rude and stupid


Comment #: NY10415
She allowed the mother to come into the courtroom late for the hearing. As I was testifying she rudely interrupted me to converse with the mother who reported late for the hearing. Both me and the mother had legal representation and came to an agreement. Magistrate Weir-Reeves refused our agreement and attempted to reschedule the hearing. I explained the problem it caused with me traveling from out of state and working a new job. Her response was "I didn't ask you that." As I try to keep a job to pay my support and other family responsibilities she forces me to make court appointments that jepardized my employment and family lifestyle. I'm not a criminal on trial. I am a parent trying to resolve child support in which I want to provide.


Comment #: NY10275
Rating:Not Rated
She the worst of the worst I had the opportunity to call in two time I explain I move to another state and I was looking for work I would like to inform
The court and keep my child support low at this time my income change . She told me she didn’t care and it will be $175 week . WTF with no job .
Second time call in was a month later got job send her paid stub she ask for w2 form and letter from my old boss stating why I left ?????? like I told her the first time I move can you hear me now still $175 week and my son isn’t seen a dime now tell me what’s wrong with the picture.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY10090


Comment #: NY9658
I feel I have been mistreated by Judge Suoport Magistrate Cheryl Weir-Reeves. I have been to court to close a child support case 6 times. I am the father of a 20 year old boy and I have paid for his entire living expenses and taken care of his mother with everything as well. We simply went to court to get an official paper stating the child support case is closed beucase we keep getting mail. It has taken a lot of legal fees in representation, several appearences and nothing has happened. The judge treats myself, my lawyer and my son's mother unfairly. She treats me case unlike the others. I do not think she is playing fair or will even give our case the 20 mins of time it needs instead she pushes us off or reschedules or makes up a new rule to make us return back once more. I have followed everything she asked, but going into her courtroom is crushing my soul and I just really want this all to be over, for myself and my son's mother. We just want this to end.


Comment #: NY9264
Rating:Not Rated
she drags on case for years and years when it could be done in a month. she doesn't look at all material and forgets things because it does drag on for years.


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8246
This racist woman must be taken off the bench and she should certainly not be in child support! She doesn't know math and how to add. She is by far one of the dumbest if not stupidest person on the bench... Why does Family Court keep her are they the desperate? they got rid of her when she was in Staten Island ....she is a complete moron a 6th grader can do better math than her....AH


Comment #: NY7933
She is the worst judge I have ever seen. I can't believe that she went to law school. In addition is terrible bias, sexist and racist. Every time I read a transcript I can not understand how she is in that position .

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7867
This judge is racist and sexist


Comment #: NY7712
Cheryl Weir-Reeves is a the best magistrate in NYC. She is fair, truthful, and honest. She enforces the law on behalf of those who need it most. I am grateful for her wisdom and rulings on my child support case.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7393
Cheryl Weir-Reeves is clueless. She is using family court as job security. She couldnt make it in private practice. What a cover up! Everyone can see right through her. Petition to have her Ousted! !!!! WHAT A PHONEY!


Comment #: NY7064
Has destroyed my life without basis


Comment #: NY6986
Rating:Not Rated
Of the 3 times I have this Magistrate has been assigned to my case, I have the unpleasant pleasure of actually going before her 2 times. The other time she decided to take an unexpected vacation even though she had a full case load that particular day.....how inconsiderate. She is the queen of adjournment. Instead of seeing the case through and getting results, she drags it out, as if she and the Petitioner loves going through the proceedings. One has to wonder how she made it 27yrs in the law field. She has so many complaints against her on the internet, all with the same issue. UNBELIEVABLE!


Comment #: NY6944
smart, professional, by-the-book, tough. I was a little afraid of her, but she was fair. Tough yet courteous to both sides.


Comment #: NY6851
Rating:Not Rated
Weir-Reeves is THE worse magistrate thus far at Manhattan Family Court. She has ZERO interest in getting resolution 2 the case brought before her. She constantly adjourns cases, and does so for more than 30 days. She needs to take a page from Magistrate Troy. He gets to the issue and moves on. I've never had to visit him more than two times. It's almost two hands worth of refiling, adjournment, and no progress with Weir-Reeves. She is the worse!!!!


Comment #: NY6100
She is abusive and disgusting. She ruined my husband's life and has indirectly ruined our family. She has no idea what the characteristics of a good father is.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY6070
Awful judge, awful person. Nothing honorable about her. Unprofessional, cruel, dismissive, arrogant, lazy, does the minimum, does not show up on a snowy day or inclement weather, does not keep her word or stick to the letter of the law, makes the rules up as she goes along. Does not favor woman or custodial parents at all. In fact she appears to despise other woman and custodial moms and rules against custody agreements and pre-set terms which is not her place to do. Why is she allowed to behave this way? She should be removed immediately. I know it is a difficult job and respect that but there is no reason to behave this way and dehumanize people. Everyone leaves her chambers swearing and cursing, or yelling, or crying. Enough said.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY5697
She is a menace who enjoys hearing the sound of her own voice in the courtroom more than anything else. She has no knowledge of the law or the facts of the case and displays a flagrant disregard for the law by denying due process and intentionally delaying time-sensitive proceedings to frustrte litigant's rights and spite their counsel with adjournments rather than letting the parties be heard. She needs to be removed immediatey.


Comment #: NY5052
I agree with the above posts. Support Magistrate Cheryl Weir-Reeves is totally out of control and routinely abuses her position.

Like in your situation, she also tampered with my file to remove and throw out evidence that was useful to show that I was a good father and that I paid my child support, she would verbally abuse me on the record, she would motion to her court officers to physically surround and intimidate me when she wanted to terrorize me, and she also would never let me speak, interrupting me throughout, even when she asked me questions.

She has a serious anger management problem, and only writes down what she wants to hear, and butchers your words and changes them to mean something else for her legal opinions.

She is an arch-feminist and African-American bully, belonging 100% to feminist and LGBT special interest groups (they use her because she is a black woman and can therefore get away with being racist, sexist, unethical, and unfair), and she gets off by harassing and terrorizing men, and the problem is, she gets away with it because the NY Family Court is a star chamber that is closed off to the public.

I have spoken to several federal and local law enforcement officers, and it appears that she is already under the microscope and is being investigated by several different federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, and is about to be criminally indicted soon for rampant corruption and chronic abuse of her position on the bench in the Moreland Commission investigation.

She routinely violates the U.S. and New York State Constitutions in her witch hunt against good fathers, and the U.S. Government is well aware of this.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY4777
I think that she's malicious and capricious. She has no idea of what a good father is. She is awfully disrespectful towards men.


Comment #: NY2256
This woman has a big problem, She needs to withdraw her view of men and start treating us father with more respect. I understand there are fathers that has it coming to them.It seems to me that she put us all in the same boat.