Hon. Lon F. Hurwitz See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.6 - 11 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Lon F. Hurwitz



Comment #: CA53691
Rating:Not Rated
Offensive, abusive, hater, disgruntled attorney troll, "wanna" be judge, LASC family court, mental case, guilty, "insider" attorney, nepotism nasty attorney troll, at it again writing offensive, personal attack, posts on this judge and other judges, various counties, to deflect push down posts, within minutes, on the attorney troll's judge connection, a troll who also abuses litigants on this TRR site, who ironically post about these very abuses, and troll's judge connection , cronies and client are all complicit. Looking at same MO, timing, words, pattern, posts on other judges, below, and timing of offensive posts like this--- etc.


Comment #: CA50705
Reading his biography is really interesting. Says how much he loves kids and knows how to sniff out the truth. I wonder if thats why he handed over a family law case to Donald F Gaffney when Steven L Weiss told him to do so. Seems like more and more of the truth comes out the longer this goes on. Really hope something or someone handles and corrects this before the whole thing blows up in Hurwitz, Gaffney's, Weiss', and even though they aren't working in their non respective positions at the moment, DA investigator Mena and deputy DA James Bacin's faces. Loose lips sink ships and all that.


Comment #: CA48762
Blue collar boat owner I waited for many years for the security and affability of a slip in Dana point only to have that ripped from beneath my feet by big business and state capitalism and a summery judgment by this uniquified judge in this field regarding our public harbor a shameful display of cronyism


Comment #: CA40010
I was dealing with this judge for many years for divorce/custody/DV hearings. No lie....NINE YEARS and as someone else stated, every time you brought something else to the table he'd add an additional thing was missing this time. I felt defeated even though I had tons of complaints of DV, police reports, arrests for tresspassing and harrassment, even child abuse on ex's parental time that I was told off record wouldn't lead to anything because he was a veteran, and STILL he would not issue a permanent restraining order or sole custody. Nine years of almost every other month missing work, going to court, having another incident...repeat. I had already decided that if my next court date didn't result in a permanent custody change and restraining order that I would request a different judge. Thankfully in 2020 (from 2011) a different judge heard my case. The first thing out of his mouth was "I see this has been going on for many years"...long story short, I was finally granted sole custody and a permanent restraining order. Nobody who is lying would miss work almost every month for so many years. His actions in the courtroom were those of someone who was bothered with each case. His facial expressions and posture said what his words didn't. He seems like the type of person who would be very militant outside of the courtroom and someone angry. I'm so glad that nightmare is over.


Comment #: CA33115
The Honorable Judge Lon Hurwitz is smart, cares deeply for the kids involved in custody cases. He knows how to sniff out the truth. He starts of with an equal playing field, he takes his time to listen to both parties. His focus is genuine for the best interest for the child/children. His values are solid and he knows what the child needs at each stage of their life which is the basis for his decisions. I spoke to 5 different attorneys, none of them related to each other, as soon as I mentioned Hurwitz's name, they immediately said, "that is a good judge, he is smart, knows how to find the truth and cares about the kids with solid values" they are 100% right. I am so grateful he was our judge. I was scared because I represented myself and went up against an attorney. I went in it with all my heart and soul, prepared evidence and what my efforts have been for our child, I was honest with my weaknesses and he saw all my efforts and dedication. He was also patient and really gave both sides to explain themselves. Even though I was thrown under the bus over and over, I focused on our child, and the facts. If you are a good person with a genuine heart for what is best for your child and make consistent dedicated efforts to provide the best choices for your child, Judge Hurwitz will see that. He became our child's biggest advocate. We had to go back multiple times with Ex Parte's even after his final orders issued at the end of our trial with me having sole custody. I needed help enforcing the orders with a defiant child and a majority of the time, uncooperative ex. I felt bad having to back to court over and over, but Judge Hurwitz was ok with it and each time we went back he helped making stricter and stricter orders until he needed to make orders that forced compliance from all parties involved and I was able to get my child off to an amazing program to help her. Judge Hurwitz is a solid man of values. He helped me with his abilities that I simply did not have the past 14 years to force action in the best interest for the child. Focus from your heart, admit your mistakes and share everything you work on for your child's best interest, this judge will see that. He is a straight shooter, no games. Love this man!!!!! If you get him as a judge and you know your heart is in the right place. You are in GREAT HANDS!!!!!! Judge Hurwitz is a very smart man.


Comment #: CA31984
I went through 7 or 8 judges and this is a bad judge who sent me to the worst, most corrupt judge on all of Orange county, named Donald Gaffney who specializes in alienating children from their parents, both mothers and fathers for up to 4 years, even having police come at night and break down the front door to abduct children. Fathers who have never been violent or threatened violence. This judge needs to be removed and dismissed or sent to jail. But he has immunity as every corrupt judge in OC does as they send continuation after continuation bankrupting parents and alienating children from one parent all for cash thanks to rules like title 4-D. Most corrupt County in all of California.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31842
YAY!!! so happy to hear a complaint has been filed against this pathetic excuse for a judge! This guy is THE WORST Judge ever! I'd give more detail but if he finds out who i am, he would no doubt retaliate, thats how he rolls. honestly, his rulings are so disheartening. Reason and fairness went extinct in his courtroom a long time ago. Everyone who has to deal with him in his court room, their lives would change exponentially for the better if this man were defrocked. he absolutely does not deserve to be a judge. its disgusting he has been one for so long the way he abuses his position. It really is terrible, incredibly damaging to any person dealing with his irrational, unrestrained wrath. His being so unreasonable, makes you feel incredibly hopeless. No matter how much youve done to please him, he will just move the goal posts, you will never be able to do enough...for years on end. He doesnt ever end things in court, maybe he like the control over people? If you have him for your next judge... may GOD help you.

PS: Here's another link to the complaint the prior commentor posted, just copy and paste into the address bar: https://ncfm.org/2020/09/news/uncategorized/ncfm-files-complaint-with-california-commission-on-judicial-performance-about-orange-county-family-court-judges. and im not the same person, im just really glad to hear there has been some complaint made about him because, he is a bad representative of the judicial branch. He is an embarrassment of the judicial branch. His gross and excessive infringement on parental rights is sickening. No rational person would come to the same conclusions this POS does. Everyday people walk away from his courtroom with less and less respect for the judiciary altogether. He does not represent freedom, he does not stand for American values. his decisions are either self- serving or retaliatory. His moral compass is quite literally broken. God hep us.


Comment #: CA31839
FINALLY - A Complaint has been filed with the Judicial Commission on Judge Hurwitz. Go to the link and read.



Comment #: CA30346
Rating:Not Rated

He is trying to throw off his scent, with purposeful misspellings and even occassionally, changing some of his typical comments, writing on a different set of judges, but he always slips and makes the same obvious mistakes and continues the same obvious pattern. He is a psycho.


Comment #: CA13208
Very impatient. Does not listen to or read all the facts. Thinks it is his right to "scold" the litigants based on his personal opinion of them rather then points of law. Does not seem to want to be "bothered" with hearings. Personally know of decisions he made that were not in the best interest of a child but were made because he was tired of the child's parent requesting the hearings.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA11720
Take him to the Orange Circle hang a sign on his neck that says "under this black robe I am a lousy lawyer" and let him walk the circle 10 hours a day 6 days a week for one year. Take away his government pension, his government salary, sell his house and take his dog and give him a pair of shoes that keeps his arrogant feet on the ground.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA10415
Has he ever heard a case? Seems like he doesn't like hearings AT ALL. Does he ever follow the law and award attorney fees? I've never seen it. We need judges who follow the law and are patient enough to hear cases and not shut cases needing a hearing down. The knowledge and ability of judge's at Lamoreaux Justice Center over the last 15 years has gone down sharply. The judges haven't practiced Family Law and want to sit on the panel only to put on their resume when they retire and apply to work for arbitration companies. There is no predictability anymore in family law re ex partes. Hearings are a rarity. Reasonable family law judges who know the law are hard to come by now. It's sad what has happened to the family law panel over the last 15 years at Lamoreaux Justice Center.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10397
Lon Hurwitz uses the litigants to advance his own personal agenda. He undermines the same judges he is assigned to oversee. he is racist, anti immigrant, sexist and he cares more about fitting in with people of his own kind than rendering just and equitable decisions. Be afraid of him. He abuses his office to the detriment of litigants. Be very afraid of him.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8917
doesn't like to hear cases; not worst fam judge; definitely not great; gets things wrong but not as wrong as some; can be snide; wonder why attorneys have addictions? coping with fam law panel in OC; pig headed group; no one is steller; many awful.


Comment #: CA5664
This website is proof positive that it is a farce and is controlled by the very judges with whom negative comments are being made. This site has removed several negative comments about Judge Hurwitz who is perhaps the worst family court judge in Orange County History. He is the typical feminist trained, feminist minded male hating judge who issues illegal restraining orders against males with no evidence and will not even give the males the opportunity to speak. There are scores of complaints from victims of family court tyranny, alienated parents, and gender discriminated fathers. Words used to describe the DIS-Honorable clown Hurwitz, are “buffoon” “clown” and “coward.” He routinely issues adverse rulings against males, from the safety of his chambers, and then sends his female staff out in the courtroom to hand the terrible decisions to males, most of who are fathers who have been denied parental rights. The DIS-Honorable Hurwtiz is the stereotypical pompous, elitist, “I know everything” horses-ass of a judge; the type that shouldn’t judge a pie eating contest at a county fair, let alone have the power to alter the lives of fathers and children, which he has put thousands into states of misery and financial ruin.

If there was any judge in the solar system who should be removed from the bench, it is the DIS-Honorable Clown Hurwtiz.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4868
Judge Hurwitz was very fair, and worked with the parties to come up with an equitable resolution to their case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4832
His demeanor on the bench is one of fairness.