Hon. James F. Quinn See Rating Details

Supreme Court
Suffolk County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.5 - 5 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. James F. Quinn


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13895
Although my client did not prevail on all issues, Judge Quinn was very fair. He helped both parties to settle the case by mediating a settlement.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13596
Judge Quinn was a pleasure. It is refreshing to appear before a Judge who understands what lawyers do to prepare their case. I recently had a 2 week civil trial before Judge Quinn and found him to be extremely fair and evenhanded. His rulings were informed and his knowledge of evidence was right on. He really cares about what he is doing and wants to get it right. He has all the qualities a lawyer or litigant can expect in a member of the judiciary. I wish more Judges had the temperament of Judge Quinn. Can't wait to be back before him on my next trail in Suffolk County.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13188
Judge Quinn is the most unfair biased person I ever came across! Quinn is the most unfair judge I have ever
heard of in my life! He gave custody of my son to a
father that worked many hours, and awarded a house
I purchased prior to meeting my husband to him,
imputed a child support amount on me that was
about 80 o/o of my disability income and refused to
calculate my child support obligations from actual

income submitted. So as I am disabled and receiving
public assistance from Ny state a Ny Judge refused
to acknowledge this fact and now I am $54,533 in
arrears and had my drivers license suspended! I
know some judges retire to Florida where the
weather is warm , but I am confident where judge
Quinn’s final destination is is much hotter!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13034
I was in a position where I getting physically and mentally abused by the child’s father. My life was threatened so if I left the father. For the sake of my life and my kids. I had a trial case with biased judge Quinn. He completely ignored everything I showed including proven evidence of threatening messages. The father had no place to live and he still have him full custody. I filled at least 7 more petitions due to the abuse of my 3 now year old son from the father. I had proven pictures of it the bruises. Unfortunately he continued to be the judge. Because no matter how much proof I showed him. He still ruled in the fathers favors. I have been fighting custody for the last 4 years I lost a child due to the stress the father has put me through. I finally got approved for another trial where I have at lease 30 police reports, 170 assignments my son missed. Mental abuse from my kids. And fear of them being with the father. I filed a violation and a change of custody. I had without a doubt enough evidence to get my kids. And he still kept custody with the father. He needs to be removed.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY11936
Rating:Not Rated
This guy was terrible. He was so biased and rude it was unbelievable. His temperament was disgusting. He is willing to put a child’s health and safety at risk and not even look at the facts. He I didn’t even take the child advocates advice. He threatened me in the courtroom and took advantage of a female. A complaint needs to be filed. This guy needs removed.


Comment #: NY11338
Rating:Not Rated
This is a supervising judge. It is horrific when someone like this is supposed to be the one keeping the others in line. This judge threw my order to show cause out, never heard me, and had the audacity to allow my ex and his hired guns to open an order to show cause on me the very next day. The law is a game to these "people". As a result my children are becoming mentally and psychologically disabled. These judges need lessons in empathy. Someone needs to kick them down the hole of reality. They are too busy gardening on the weekend, and or taking their boats out to Montauk. Reform is very much needed.


Comment #: NY9949
Rating:Not Rated
Biased, for reasons yet to be discovered through investigation.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY8281
I would give him 0 very bad temperament cannot control himself.