Hon. Michelle I. Schauer See Rating Details

Family Court
Westchester County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.2 - 14 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 19 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Michelle I. Schauer


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY14028
Trump needs to remove her from office


Comment #: NY13704
Does not seem to judge based on the law but rather whatever she feels like. Flopped back and forth on her decision several times. Seems to judge on a whim. Also biased against mothers.


Comment #: NY13666
I have been dealing with this Judge since 2019. She has never been on my side, and she has stated on the record that she was able to grant me custody of my child but she won't because she doesn't want to traumatize my child and has been using my child's mental health as a defense to not grant me custody. False allegations were brought against me several times and she sides with the other side, she doesn't listen to my attorney and disregards everything he says. He told the judge it wouldn't be in my child's best interest to stop my overnight visits and she completely ignored him and stopped them anyway, now my child has been having behavioral issues since the over nights stopped. She goes back and forth on her decisions one month I have overnights and the next I don't the only person traumatizing my child is the judge and this court system. If you have had a case with this judge please reach out to the email attached, I will be starting a petition to get this judge impeached and removed for re-election. It doesn't matter how long ago or how new your case is, we have to stand up and use our voices or nothing is going to change!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13333
This “judge” is not only ignorant but entirely unprofessional. She screams at clients and attorneys, relies upon the unsupported allegations of whomever she chooses, and has no idea what the law is or how it should be applied. Schauer is basically a horror show on the bench. My wish is that she leaves the bench, the practice of law, and removes herself to a place far far away from the courts. My question: why is this person still occupying a seat on the bench? All involved with her placement in family court are accountable to the litigants ANDchildren’s lives she so assiduously destroyed. Shame an all of you! But Schauer—the most shameful of all.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12918
This Judge is perhaps the worst judge ever to be on the bench. Is proud of the fact she knows relatively nothing, spews wrong law and feels perfectly comfortable siding with one side—absent ANY corroborating evidence. And her law clerk is as dumb if not dumber than the Judge. How in g-d’s name did this cretin get on the bench. Impeachment is too good of an outcome. A sorry excuse for a human, much less an occupant of any bench-/


Comment #: NY12911
I have never been before a judge like this who makes a snap decision about who she likes and then rules based on that. She does not follow the rule of law and beyond that makes being in her courtroom a misery. Why do they voters keep electing her

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12700
I have appeared before my share of distasteful jurists, but this woman eclipses all the worst. She is rude, crafts orders based on supposition, NOT evidence, demonstrates a less than pedestrian understanding of law or legal process. This occupier of the bench screams at attorneys, litigants, and asks question which are not only inappropriate by violate conceptions of due process; something I doubt she understands with any depth of knowledge. This woman shouldn’t be permitted to adjudicate where lost dogs belong much less critical matters which affect children and their parents. She is a disgrace to the Court system and to the families unfortunate to appear before her. She should be taken off the bench. Immediately, if not sooner. And to write this, saddens me deeply. Very deeply.


Comment #: NY12472
Biased prejudiced and unfair. Angry and disrespectful. Yells and exhibits her preconceived


Comment #: NY12239
This judge stated explicitly thatshe thinks anyone who is going to therapy is fragile and must be depressed! What an archaic and moralistic viewpoint! Totally obsolete. It's like she's from the 1950s. Clearly, she should not be making any decisions regarding families or children.


Comment #: NY12151
Disgusting Excuse For A Judge. Unprofessional In Every Form Possible. This Lady Had The Audacity To Talk Down On My Mother Before The Case Started, Told All The Prosecutors And Cps That She Is Guilty Before The Case, Evidence Or Trial Even Started. This Lady Is Sick, She Wants To Give My Brothers And Sisters Away To Strangers So She Gets A Bonus For Each Child Before She Retires This Year, She Is Not Honorable And Never Will Be, She Is A Disgrace And It’s Despicable That She Has The Ability To Judge People And Lie.


Comment #: NY12102
Miserable excuse for a judge. Dishonors the Robe with her bad temperament, discriminating comments and bullying of men. Write to Commission on Judicial Conduct to remove this biased judge. Schauer feels she is untouchable and above the law.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY12041
Sucks as a judge even worst as a person. Rude is an understatement.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11961
Most hated judge in family court. Schauer called the health Dept and complained of mold and lead in old Yonkers courthouse so she could get transferred to white plains. Fellow judges hate Schauer because she causes so many problems, gets reversed in appeal and leave other judges to deal with her faulty decisions and broken families.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11613
Had a case where mom lost custody because judges Schauer felt the moms residence at a homeless shelter was grounds to disqualify bests interests of the child. Schauer’s poor judgement sent the kid to Abusive father. Schauer is a family killer. Schauer is curt, rude, disrespectful and unprofessional. Schauer will manipulate trial so she forces you to lose. Totally unfit for the bench.


Comment #: NY11579
Rating:Not Rated
Judge should be evicted from office. Schauer is the most biased judge in Family court. Her disdain for law and rules has no limit. Schauer ignores the law and just seeks to punish a spouse she hates at trial. If satan were a judge, it would be Schauer.


Comment #: NY11142
For all mothers who have suffered n children placed in danger due to this judges negligence and disregard of or for the law please email the address associated with this message. It doesnt matter how many years its been 2015 till now.


Comment #: NY10675
No place being a judge. This judge discriminated heavily against Hispanics. Judge laughs at those who are poor and homeless. Judge Schauer enjoys punishing moms in homeless shelters. Schauer took my kids away because I lived in a shelter. Unfit for office. Too biased and discriminating to wear the sacred judicial robe of a high court judge.


Comment #: NY9960
Judge is the most disability discriminating judge in Westchester County. Awaiting Federal Court to hold judge accountable for her failure to accommodate disabilities, and retaliation. This judge laughed at me in court and belittled me for my disabilities.


Comment #: NY9850
Superior Judge, She is a matter of fact judge. She is absolutely in control of her courtroom. She has moral and values that she will not compromise all the will giving equal opportunities to prove themselves. She was the best Judge I had in family court and my case spanded through different states. She cares about families and the welfare of children. She can see through, over and under peoples deceptive ways. She is stern but what do you expect she probably has seen it all. She is very skilled and competent. She is passionate and has compassion. However you she can be misinterpreted by her harsh tone at times. She doesnt play games simply put. She can be like Judge Judy firm and direct. Have your ducks in order when you come in her chambers that includes lawyers too. The one time she snapped at me it was for my good. If and When she chastens you look at it as a warning!! Love her style.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY9757
Feel very uncomfortable in Westchester with this super controlling Judge. Judge Schauer delays the court clerk from sending transcripts to transcribers to delay litigants Rights. Never seen anything like this. Notified inspector General who has not taken any substantive action.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9729
Most unfair Judge that I have ever appeared before. Judge Schauer lacks empathy, poise, professionalism, courtesy and basic fairness standards. Judge Schauer’s wrath is displayed in her courtroom. Be careful. If Schauer hates your client, the onslaught of judicial unfairnessis is so ttough that a litigant has a lot to fear.


Comment #: NY9521
Judge hates kids. She denied my disabled son an american with disabilities act advocate for his learning disabilities and denied a medical test recommended by his pediatric neurologist. Judge Schauer thinks disabled kids special needs should not be accommodated and that kids should be punished and denied needed medical care. Judge Schauer strongly feels her medical judgement is more valid than a doctor. Consequently Schauer practices associational disability discrimination in violation of retaliation clause in title two of ada by jailing father for assisting his disabled son.


Comment #: NY9348
The single most bias judge in family court. Schauer takes away kids from qualified loving parents. Schauer discriminated against the parent she hates. Schauer needs to be removed from the bench. This power hungry judge violates judicial codes of Conduct repeatedly without fear of consequences.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9343
Judge Schauer is obsessed with hurting men in family and custody proceedings. She breaks up families and ignores the requests and views of the children. Schauer denies expert Witnesses from testifying to shape the outcome of the trial her way. Never presented in front of a judge like this one who regularly disregards the law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY9342
Most biased judge in Westchester Family court.


Comment #: NY8868
This judge blames everyone in front of her for her own divorce with Wayne Spector.
Most discriminating and biased judge ever to sit in Westchester County.


Comment #: NY8654
Rating:Not Rated
Worst Family Court Judge ever! Has narcissistic personality disorder and no empathy. Dangerous power hungry biased judge. Totally unfit for judicial office.


Comment #: NY8635
Rating:Not Rated
A disaster judge who ruins families. Schauer blames others for her own divorce. Should be removed from the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY8582
I have presented in front of Judge Schauer on many occasions and she is typically kind, hard working and fair. I am unsure why other reviewers have said what they have; but if schauer tpr's a child it's because it is warranted. She listens , cares and knows the law. and no, I am not biased. I work with all the fc judges


Comment #: NY8436
Rating:Not Rated
I cannot believe she is a Judge i lost custody of my 2 year old son on false allegation, i went to trial and by law she has to listen to both sides of the case. She knew nothing about my sons father and even though i was able to prove both myself and the professional that they were all false allegations. She still gave him full custody.. WELL i won my appeal she got thrown of the bench in WP i have a new judge and as of 2017 thing are turning around in my favor. 5 years after spending over 500k


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7928
Rating:Not Rated
Just overheard someone in the courthouse a litigant, bragging that they know an senior ranking officer who spoke to this judge during a hearing. they knew the court officer thru their wife whose father is a cop, and that this judge met with them seperate and confidentially during the proceeding

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY7865
This judge is completly fair in my experience and really does a great job.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7074
Rating:Not Rated
For all of the woman who lost their kids, or for the ones who are searching the internet about this judge because they have a case open and their case doesn't 'feel right', contact the Office for Woman and the child advocacy groups about this judge. You have to speak up! Attorneys are afraid of this judge. There is no help unless you speak up.


Comment #: NY7071
She has No business being a Judge, A judge doesn't judge people base on false allegations, she makes a decisions without give the other parent a chance to defend themselves. I lost custody of my 3 year old son. YOU SHOULD CARE MORE ABOUT OUR KIDS. SHAME ON YOU !


Comment #: NY7070
This judge should be forced to step down. Children's welfare are at risk if she remains in the courtroom. I've had sole custody of my son for 8yrs and I've submitted physical proof of how my son is mistreated when he visits his dad and she granted him more time. I don't know what her deal us. My son doesn't want to be over there like that and she's making him.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7013
She did it again!!!!!!!!! Whoever wrote this last post file a formal complaint!!!! immediately!!!!!! She makes up her own facts, covers forensics, overturns drug tests in favor of the abuser AND is in bed with the YWCA holding reports from Law Guardians!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7012
Rating:Not Rated
By far the MOST unfair Judge EVER who has a history of unfair trials who makes decisions on false allegations and doesn't give you the opportunity to defend yourself. you would think that a judge would know the games people play. what you should do is who ever makes up false allegations and is caught they should be a punishment. instead she only hears 1 side believes it and make a decisions. Good job Hon. Michele Schauers. you really have whats in best interest for a child. EVERYONE knows you need good reasons to take a child away from his mother.


Comment #: NY6966
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY6106
She isn't as bad as what others make her out to be she is rather quite nice and fair.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY5873
Rating:Not Rated
Please report which attorneys were on the winning side


Comment #: NY5822
Rating:Not Rated
This judge clearly has it out for mother's. The most dangerous judge on the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY5657
Rating:Not Rated

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY5620
Rating:Not Rated
I recently lost a custody battle with my ex who was verbally and physically abusive yet this judge gave him sole legal custody of my 7 year old daughter. I am planning to file a complaint and I was wondering if you would be willing to do the same. Let's have our voices heard!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY5566
This judge will take control of your case and 'test' the litigants. She does not follow through with what is ordered on forensics, and uses her own methods to test (manipulate) litigants. She has no ability to think out of the box- she's moody, gets 'into it' head to head with abusers and the child comes out on the losing end. She is uneven in her decisions, and all over the place from one court date to the next. She should be removed before her actions get a child killed, and court appearances are best described as an abusers playground.


Comment #: NY5503
Rating:Not Rated
This judge has ruined me
No help no justice
N has placed a child who didn't deserve to be taking away from her mother with out even listening to either side of the parent or the child none the less the lawyers
She is def NOT honorable !


Comment #: NY5249
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Schauer is extremely biased and prejudiced. Her actions show an inability to handle family matters, and she should not be deciding the lives of New York's most vulnerable inhabitants.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY5087
This judge is a joke!