Hon. David B. Walgren See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. David B. Walgren



Comment #: CA53809
[Redacted by Ed.] A few years ago, I was a defendant in his court room. My case was simple credit card theft. Initially I'd hired an attorney (Arvand Naderi) but then I had a public defender. I was always punctual, never spoke out or acted out in any manner. I followed my attorney's directions at all times. I was willing to plead to a reasonable sentence. However, even after I had pled & awaited weeks before sentencing, my then attorney [Redacted by Ed.] a notoriously crooked lawyer who makes deals with the judges & prosecution to hand over his own clients for ways that benefit him & his illicit personal drug use, my sentence was illegaly rescinded by the prosecution & this [Redacted by Ed.] judge agreed. Although the court should have then re-applied my original bail, this judge denied me my original bail of over 300,000.00 dollars (Although my original plea being rescinded was No Fault of mine) and actually tossed me in jail and subjected me to far larger and unconscionable bail of over a million dollars. You might say this is illegal-And yes, it was & is. However, Walgren has favor with higher ups and consequently gets away with actions that even the most seasoned judge would never escape. (BTW: His wife was a prosecutor at the time, too). I was buried under the worst jail in California, abused, forced to beg and plead many bail bondsmen for many weeks, before I could post bail. Then, even when I posted bail, Walgren decided to arbitrarily again put me into custody. Was i late to court? No. I was always early. Did I misbehave in any manner? No, never? Did I commit any wrongdoing while on bail? No, never. Walgren simply decided that repeatedly throwing me in jail, while my attorney ([Redacted by Ed.]) had his buddy bail bondsman take more money from me, was a profitable venture on both of their parts. I was literally tortured and abused for 2 years, pending this case. And, in the end, when I was so broke & ill from the wrongdoings of my paid attorney, I was sentenced to a stiff prison sentence that did not in any way fit the crime. Many people only assume this reprehensible judge, Walgren, is legitimate simply because he prosecuted the Jackson case. But open your eyes & look deeper into not just all that I've stated, but into all of his actions since the day he became judge. Walgren had no "honor" and no dignity. He is a hack for a corrupt system.