Hon. Rebecca Connolly See Rating Details
Superior Court
Santa Cruz County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.6 - 6 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 13 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Rebecca Connolly



Comment #: CA54427
Rating:Not Rated
Insulting. I was lying!?’ Based on my address. !?
Believed rent-an-attorney various multiple lies without knowledge of remedial types of consumer vs. open account..
No respect for integrity of my most basic reflection of my rights. evidence and ignorance, said the signature looked alike the forged one. DUH!! Ignored and interrupted my present employment suit and ifraudulent court case. Ms. Connelly represents the worst of worse representative of judicial system. Santa Cruz citizens do not and i will not accept such indecent , irresponsible “judge”


Comment #: CA53199
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable Judge Connelly is an AMAZING judge who FINALLY re instilled my faith in the family court system and allowed me to regain sole custody of my son after years of abuse my ex and using our son as a weapon and took for power and control. It was an answer to prayer that Judge Connelly seemed to have really looked at my case and made a fair and just decision allowing me start repairing the damage that had been done when Almquist and mediator Kimberly Prohaska made a grave neglectful decision in recommending custody of my son at 15 mo old to his father who faced criminal charges … justice has been served God Bless Judge Rebecca Connelly


Comment #: CA52935
She has no place making decisions without looking at the facts, especially when young children are involved. She took my grandchildren that lived with their dad most of their young lives with, and sent then to live with a mental unstable mother in Florida! She got mad when my son’s attonery asked to have the side talk recorded because in his opion she was making comments that were not legally correct and she got mad and shut her books and said kids go back to Florida. My son put a app on their tablets so they could call him anytime they needed and she took it off immediately and now he is lucky if he talks once a week. He is now forced to move to Florida with no job their and no living space. She is the worst!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52129
A judge without comment since has no place handling legal matters


Comment #: CA52113
Judge is outrageously liacking the ability of common sense in her rulings allows abusers custody rights wrecking happy homes traumatizing family's innocent kids and disregarding evidence presented and knowledgeable that she violates laws as she continues cases shes a conflict of interest in

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA51641
How dare she claim those children were lying and force them to spend time with their abuser. People like this have no right being a member of the legal system, let alone a judge. Shame on you Nonhonorable Rebecca Connolly.


Comment #: CA49002
Rating:Not Rated
This crazy lady doesn’t know left from right she literally lectured me for 10 minutes about giving the police the wrong minute order, when in fact, it was the mother that gave the police the order and attempts to have me arrested for more false allegations about Rebecca and all her superiority can’t even figure out who submitted what this lady is a freaking mess


Comment #: CA48676
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Rebecca Connolly seems to be to confident in decisions based on court appointed professionals who benefit from her rulings. Her inability to question, pause, listen to facts and perhaps change her mind is quite startling and worrisome given her endless power over families. She may need further training or a new line of work. Domestic Violence is violence from a family member. It should be believed as a pattern of behavior and children should be protected at all cost. After all isn't it all supposed to be "In their best interest". She seems to have lost her way and being right has become more important than protection of children.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48133
She's a psychopath who ignores the handbook, ignores abuse and the law.


Comment #: CA47346
Rating:Not Rated
Absolutely terrible unprofessional basis her assessments on emotions and her personal feelings not logic. When judges run unopposed, they feel no obligation to do their duties professionally with dignity, honor and justice in mind. This lady needs to be deposed of her position. Rebecca only cares about her own personal power and has no care about the real best interest of children. She’s 100% in favor of women regardless of their history. She is a complete disgrace to the justice system.


Comment #: CA46369
Can verify that most previous comments are not simply hyperbole, Rebecca Connolly is the most irrational, temperamental, and mean spirited person I've ever seen as a judge. She has a well earned reputation for being ignorant of actual case law regarding family issues and she is clearly unilaterally concerned with imposing her power and will upon people with no regard to the damage incurred on children and families. She is nothing short of a terror, anyone who is set to have a case heard by her should be very wary and get the best lawyer possible. I only pray she is elected out of her position as soon as possible due to her well earned noteriety.


Comment #: CA46344
Judge Rebecca Connolly needs to take back control of her courtroom or resign. Rather than making her own judgments based on facts, Judge Connolly allows the Association of family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) to infiltrate her court room and make decisions for her that are NOT in the best interest of children. Court ordered AFCC “cash only” therapists use our family courts for personal profit and ignore claims of domestic violence, substance abuse, and best interest of child standards. They know that whatever they recommend will be ordered by the court. These AFCC court appointed therapists enjoy full quasi-judicial immunity, and their opinions and recommendations cannot be challenged, as stated in our Local rules of Court. Their recommendations often force our children into their abusive therapies and remove children from stable loving homes and into the homes of abusers- all recommended by AFCC and then rubber stamped by Judge Connolly. Judge Connolly has allowed this racket to thrive in her court room and as a result she has made some very questionable judgments that have caused irreparable harm to our children. Judge Connolly needs to stop allowing AFCC to act as the judge in her courtroom and stop continuing to allow them to harm and extort children and families in our community.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45581
Rating:Not Rated
She denies child safety and protection doesn’t take domestic violence seriously ( even when given proof ) doesn’t listen to children advocating for themselves at an age when they are legally allowed and orders children back into the custody of their abusive parents. Parental rights over child safety. She does not care if a child has an order of protection against a parent she is more than willing to place them back with their abuser unsupervised. Connolly ordered the violent removal of Sebastian and Maya, and has still not corrected herself and brought them home. Be careful who she appoints to your case, she loves using “ reunification “ therapists to help her out. She needs to step down or be recalled immediately!


Comment #: CA45272
This judge has zero empathy or morals. Ordering to kidnap and traffic traumatized children to bring them back to their abuser. FREE SEBASTIAN AND MAYA


Comment #: CA45031
Rating:Not Rated
Shame on this judge for her support of policies that violently remove kids from positive family settings. In case this sounds unlikely and harsh, simply Google the case of Sebastian and Maya Liang. The kids’ grandmother is our neighbor and we lived across the street from the family on Getchell St. PLEASE oppose Connolly’s reelection in 2023.


Comment #: CA44465
Forcing children to be with their abusers is absolutely disgusting and this "judge" should be disbarred she is a joke and cleaned has no true want to keep people safe and provide justice she chooses to neglect and cause more damage she's a disgusting "person"


Comment #: CA43097
Rating:Not Rated
Just saw a video were two children were forced to leave a home were they felt save. The judge ordered the children to go to a “reunification camp” with their mother, who is also their abuser, but the children begged to not be taken. You can see 2 “transporter” grabbing the 15 year old girl, one by the legs and the other by the arms, all while her shirt is being lifter. Another transporter is carrying the younger boy to the car as the boy is billing on their hair attempting to escape. The screams were horrific and I don’t understand why anyone would’ve ok with that. I googled the judges name and there is another girl who is begging to go back to live with her dad because she made a mistake and lied about an argument she had with her dad to a teacher that reported the incident. Now she is in a group home living in a bad environment and she has tried to explain how she exaggerated the incident but now no one is listening to her and forcing her to stay there. it is unacceptable to be in a position of power and not help the voiceless, but instead seem to be part of the problem.


Comment #: CA42648
Rating:Not Rated
I just watched judge Connelly send two kids away from safety of parents. And into the arms of child molesters. This woman does this deliberately and is sixk. She needs to be behind bars.


Comment #: CA39816
This judge granted an illegal ex parte that was filed to cover up a felony charge of maliciously withholding or enticing a minor under a custody order that SCPC filed against my ex after he violated our joint custody agreement for over 60 days. She ignored evidence of domestic violence that the code says a judge must consider. She would not let me speak a word, and shamed my by saying multiple times that she questioned my mental health. She refuses to allow my 15 y.o. son to be interviewed even though my ex is claiming he is the one who wants the change. She honored the ex parte to remove my joint custody because I called the police when the custody order was violated per the self-help instructions posted on ca.gov website. She threatened me with litigation abuse charges when I am the respondent. I cannot believe she is allowed on the bench in family court she is leaving my son in the care of a diagnosed clinical narcissist with BPD who had a gun removed by police and smashed my vehicle with my baby daughter in the car seat while I was carrying an active DVRO. Police came that day too, but she says I have no proof of DV.


Comment #: CA39075
This judge is biased, condescending, irrational, racist, arrogant. Disregards reason, facts, and men. She took my legal rights to my son for not "consenting" to daycare during a pandemic! My raising a concern ( a legal effing right- given to me to co-parent in whats best for my son) with good reason was punished by taking away my legal rights. Isn't my legal right given to me for the exact reason I was punished? This person is mentally ill and incompetent. No logical reason. Does what she wants and uses the words "my concern for the child is" to undermine parents rights and do as she pleases. Power tripper and deserves. prison time at the. very least for destroying and preventing what the court is there for to forster a relationship with child. TRASH.


Comment #: CA38118
Judge Connolly as a true representative of the judicial system in the State of California has helping devised an organized crime syndicate to Murder, Human Traffic and Pillage mothers and children by raping/stripping us of our rights using racial, age, and ethnic hate slurs to seize parents and children, our possessions, freedom and then ORDER to MURDER my daughter by toxic drugs far away from family in the middle of nowhere in locked psychiatric facility the close copy of a Gestapo Camp to silence us and cover up the crimes (the “California Murder for Hire[1]/Trafficking Enterprise”). Through the years, she continued set up ahead the scenarion for her hearings to harm and destroy just like Satan does destroy everying on his way, so Judge Connolly does too.


Comment #: CA32587
This Judge began with significant hostility, resentment, and contempt for me as a pro per litigant. It was clear she was serious biased in favor of the County. I felt like I was being treated like a murderer in a land use violation case. SHe could not wait to punish me and it was shocking and humiliating. Recuse asap!


Comment #: CA24216
I watched with disbelief as she made decisions to keep a child from family for flimsy reasons. This causes extreme expense for our county along with the extreme distress for children kept in terrible foster conditions, made worse by the piled on months of waiting between hearings. This judge seemed as intent on stretching out time between "hearings" as the family court system. We The People need to become more familiar with the harm befalling children and families in Santa Cruz County who are forcibly separated at great taxpayer expense, such as this judge aids happening.


Comment #: CA22281
Rating:Not Rated
Conolly is evil, short tempered, power-hungry, negligent, nasty, after having a priest, people from the church, several friends that are respectful and respectable completely disrespected by this horrible person for no reason. She is snappy and just watch the show everybody she has power. She is disgusting

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA21120
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is incredibly temperamental, does not listen to reason, cannot finish a sentence. Appears to be intoxicated. Makes no proper judgment when listening to opposing side, CPS Appears to be intoxicated on the bench. Does not pay attention to reason, commonsense, or respect anything 12-year-old child has to say.


Comment #: CA20387
Rating:Not Rated
Case scheduled to be heard at 10:00 took place at 8:30 without informing plaintiffs. Therefore, judgement was made without plaintiffs presence or testimony.


Comment #: CA15395
Rating:Not Rated
Horrible judge absolutely just honest and biased


Comment #: CA15164
Judge Connolly is biased and guilty of child abuse by ordering forced family separation without a requested bonding study or taking evidence in consideration. One victim appealed one of her decisions and won.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7218
Judge Connolly is rude and generally legally incorrect. She has no interest in hearing either parties argument nor does she have any interest in considering the applicable law. Her goal in every hearing is to assert her power over the attorneys in the court room. Definitely pro-defense.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7177
Rarely prepared, frequently late, always confused and hides her lack of understanding with a brusque manner. Her reputation as an attorney was poor and it followed her into the courtroom.