Hon. Sherri L. Honer See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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What others have said about Hon. Sherri L. Honer


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53668
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is horrible. She says one thing at one hearing and contradicts herself at the following hearing. We have done everything she asked us to do for the following hearing and when the hearing is up she doesn’t read her prior notes/minutes. She had us rescheduled for another hearing in 3 more months when all the information was already infront of her, everything was filed with enough time for her to read and be ready for the hearing. She has made us spent a lot of attorney fees because she is not prepared. If she only read and actually do her job she wouldn’t make us re do the same hearing all over again. This lady is no good !!!!!


Comment #: CA49384
This judge is absolutely worthless, and should be disbarred. She has continually delayed hearings for over a year on custody matters and visitation due to her not showing up, mistakes in scheduling, or being unavailable on scheduled hearing days. She has delayed visitation with a parent for over a year, for reasons unsubstantiated, and completely denying this parent's constitutional rights to visit the children. I understand there is a class action suit against several other OC judges, and she should be included in this suit, fined, and be disbarred. She truly is a disgrace to justice and equal and fair judgment.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48547
Rating:Not Rated
I concur with the many comments below regarding the unprofessional, dangerous rulings from Sherri Honer, JP. How does her reputation match all of awards she claims. Our current society in Orange County is declining, responses from this particular Judge, is breeding hate, distrust and feeding societal outrage.


Comment #: CA48544
Hon. Sherri Honer is a great judge. She was efficient, punctual, respectful of individuals time with multiple cases to evaluate. She thoroughly read both party’s declarations and had studied the arguments and exhibits. She gave room for evidence to be presented and when there was nothing to support the narrative she made a decisive rule on the law and facts of the case. I felt she was kind and fair to all individuals. She wasn’t demeaning and she articulated her reasons for her ruling with thoroughness. I was super appreciative that she did not belabor the case when there were no facts or evidence to support the claims. Our previous judge was good but I thought she was even better.


Comment #: CA39839
Rating:Not Rated
She must be the most incompetent, uneducated and unsophisticated judge within Orange County. She is bias, a BASIC MAN HATER above all else was wrong! 2 months before my son turn 18 my son validated everything within to court docs. She should pay every cent back to the county for misrepresentation! I hope her grandchild get get what she dish out! Enjoy hell Sherri! You earned it!!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35071
This judge's public profile says she's a college graduate. This is a public clarification request that she clearly clarify whether she is in fact, a college graduate, or whether she is an HS graduate who took part in some sort of a legal certification program that also doubled as a college degree. This judge is an embarrassment to her employer.


Comment #: CA32822
This judge has poop for brains. The only thing greater than her arrogance is her incompetents.
She ruled against me in a civil matter without evident or reason. At least that's what the appellate court said.
I was instructed by this mental midget to "search the internet forums" for a legal document. That's right, I was to just search around the internet for some random form she required me to fill out.
My attorney said this judge is a know anti-gun libtard. That she is.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA27538
Judge Honer is responsible for issuing all fee waivers for the OC Court. She decides whether you are eligible based upon where you live, your name, the color of your shoes... total violation of law. Ordered by the COA to grant a fee waiver in case G058701. And now she's done it again. The sheer arrogance. I, a pro per, have come to her (figuratively) and said Judge Honer "this is SH*T and this is SHINEOLA"... "This is your ass and this is a hole in the ground..." She seems to have no clue.


Comment #: CA24097
I can't think of ONE negative thing to say about this Judge. She is patient, kind and gracious. She has a true heart for the disabled and YES im a woman and NO she didnt diss me like other females here rant about. She was so sensitive & compassionate & no she didnt give me "what I want" she followed the law & forced my landlords attorney to do the same or else ! She is a shining example of grace and charity and beauty. I would give her 100 stars if I could :) GOD bless you, Judge Honer !

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA24019
Poor excuse of a judge.  This person has limited cognitive ability.


Comment #: CA22974
My case was in the family law division where my ex husband was trying to prove I had remarried to avoid paying alimony. This judge obviously likes men and doesn’t like capable women. She is not impartial and makes emotional decisions. She declared me married although the opp could not produce a marriage license, leaving me without the income my ex had agreed to pay. Some 18 months later the appeals court unanimously reversed her ruling. She wastes people’s time and money from having a poor understanding of family law and interpreting law from from an emotional standpoint.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA19482
If she issues a tentative decision, she will stick to the tentative. She does not understand that a party is not suppose to bring up new evidence and arguments in the reply brief. Very frustrating.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA18822
This "Judge" is a disgrace. She Spent 3 HOURS coddling a non-english-speaking, mentally ill Defendant. A Defendant who kept yelling out, “No Freedom!!!’ at least 20 times during the day. The Defendant constantly interrupted the Judge, the Plaintiff and the Bailiff- and was allowed to continue her time-wasting, outrageous behavior - for THREE HOURS. All the while I got to sit there and watch this reality TV scene playing out before me. Not once did the Judge ever end the crazy ranting, hysterical sobbing, the ringing cell phone - meanwhile the others of us waiting were held to a higher stander and had to following all of the cell phone rules, etc. The judge told the woman the rules over and over but never enforced them. FINALLY, after the defendant was ESCORTED out of the Court room after literally a lunch break and TWO court breaks over three hours, my case was called. At this point the Judge was tired, angry and highly irritated. She proceeded to rush my case- threatening that if we don’t hurry up and finish this, she’d continue the case for another day. A day I won’t get paid for from work and another $45 parking fee I get to pay because SHE wasted MY time holding hands with a mental patient. She was downright- nasty. Cut me off immediately, had ZERO patience with me. She would NOT accept or even acknowledge the Signed/notarized declaration of my witness who was have surgery that day so she could not join me-. She rudely told me unless the witness was there, she “wasn’t interested in hearing another word about it". She yelled at me, told me to “stop making “that face”- I guess my eyes would involuntarily widen when she would viciously scold and yell at me in such a degrading way- so my face offended her delicate sensibilities. Nice. out of the blue. She didn’t listen to a single thing I said and seemed to enjoy trying to humiliate me. She Dismissed ALL of my evidence photos and let the person who viciously assaulted me (and was dressed like a church girl and spoke in a fake soft voice) happily go about her life with out issuing a permanent restraining order. This “Judge” was beyond unprofessional. SHe was - IS, rather loathsome and utterly conscienceless..


Comment #: CA14230
Rating:Not Rated
Sherri Honer is overreaching, even dictating what should have occurred in FEDERAL court with respect to state court records and actually fined the civil rights plaintiff for using state documents in a federal lawsuit when the federal judge approved their use. She repeatedly protects a dangerous man whose son ended up lifeless in this man's bathroom. The father had a documented and proven history of abuse of the boy, the father is severely alcoholic, he denied his son had a mental illness and got him to give up his medications. Judge Honer applauded this man. She continued to hound the mother because she sued the County and the Court in federal court. She is unfit to be on the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13097
I have known this judge for many years. She was a DA for a time and seems to think she is above everyone else. All of the negative reviews are warranted and it is interesting to see the consistency in the criticisms. She is biased against mothers ... especially professional women. Note, the only positive review is from a father who appear to have left the court feeling that he had obviously won an unexpected victory. Her baseline personality is now, and has always been, incredibly arrogant, prideful and rude. She has a VERY high opinion of herself and if you disagree with her, she takes it as personal insult. Throw out rational arguments, precedent and procedural rules. She does not want to hear what you have to say. She thinks she is smarter than everyone and she believes she is gracing the world with her genius by appearing for work. She rules based purely on her personal opinions, which as noted by so many, are strongly biased. She should have never been permitted to sit on a bench. What has happened to the legal system? What a shame!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13000
If arrogance, lack of ability and/or willingness to understand needs of the litigants, and total lack of puncuality are judicial qualities, give her a "10".

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA11795
Very short tempered, very limited knowledge of family law and refuses to follow rules of court. This judge has never raised children and has a hard time understanding the effects of her rulings on parents who want to participate and are denied.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10624
She can't make decisions and keeps "kicking the can down" the road, dragging out cases for months. Allows parties and their counsel to "stall" by continually continuing hearings. She does not understand the Evidence Code, particularly the business records exception to the hearsay rule. Thinks that anything contained in a "business record" is automatically admissible not withstanding the fact that opinions and other hearsay statements are not admissible and must be stricken. Most frustrating, she routinely repeats the mantra; "dad needs to see the child" even when a Court appointed custody evaluator says Dad, who had been sleeping with is teenage daughter, should not see the child until he has completed mental health counseling. She refused to order mandatory counsel as recommended by the Evaluator.


Comment #: CA9566
Unbelievable! This judge not only does not know law, she does not have common sense. I not only have to pay for all of our child's expenses, I have to pay for my ex's travel cost for visitation. I have to take care of the child the whole time and pay all the expenses and go to work even more to pay for my exhusband's travel cost! I am just wondering who certified her as a JUDGE!


Comment #: CA9565
I have seen three judges during my divorce case. Sherri Honer is horrible. She cannot make a decision, in other words, she cannot rule!
For child support calculation we went to the court 11 times! My attorney fees was higher than the amount of child support that I would receive in 10 years! She is biased with women. She will punish you if you are a successful woman. She did not let me speak and with ex-husband was so patient and spent hours listening to him.


Comment #: CA8998
My experience in OC family court is appalling. I have been in the system 8 years. I have litigated before many judges in the OC family court panel.Judge Honer is one of the worst because she does not follow the law. It is not a lot to ask for a judge to be knowledgeable about the law and the procedures of the court. She fails miserably. Even the simplest of court procedural processes such as issuing minute orders (check out acknowledged minute order irregularities in OC)are purposefully held so she can proceed with illegal hearings when she has no jurisdiction because an appeal was filed, which she fails to acknowledge. This is just one example. Our families deserve better. She is up for reelection this fall....


Comment #: CA8390
This Judge replaced our old Judge and I am thankful. Our old judge simply followed the formula of mom gets the kids and dad gets to write checks and maybe get to visit every other weekend whereas Honorable Sheri Honer seems to at least attempt to consider the facts while being sympathetic to the mother. We do not have a final judgement yet, so we will see when the Findings and Orders come out if I am reading her correctly.

In the hearings she runs the courtroom well and keeps things on track. Thankful Belz is gone.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8226
This judge is clueless about even the most basic concepts of law. A judge like her is why American families are in peril. Her ruling was down right unconstitutional and violating basic human rights. She is arrogant and does not grasp family law and has a complete disregard how her rulings affect families. and individuals.


Comment #: CA7725
Judge Honer does should not be a family court judge. She does not listen to the mothers and I have watched her for several hours berate women and be sympathetic towards the fathers. She is only concerned with how much money she can make the court system, she does not listen to both parties and certainly does NOT care about the children. The only hope any family can have in having a fair unbiased judge, would be to have someone other than Judge Honer. She is too prideful and arrogant to be of any good to anyone, especially children. I hope that she moves out of family law and if she doesn't I hope she moves out of California. We already have enough wack jobs.


Comment #: CA7669
I overheard attorneys talking about something she said in the halls. One of them said "I'm concerned. She doesn't even know..." talking about some type of paperwork. I'm not an attorney and don't know legalese. But another attorney in the conversation said "Yeah, that's Law School 101."

She's incompetent.


Comment #: CA7668
I agree with what one of the prior litigants said here. This judge's loyalty is to whatever association probably threw some type of judicial party for her and her fellows. Her loyalty is NOT with the innocent children she is affecting. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. While she hides behind her pretty smile, she patronizes you, disrespects you and does not rule on LAW. I have never given her any reason to have such little respect for me. I'm a competent parent and it was pulling teeth just to let her hear my position. It didn't matter though. In the end, she made her biased ruling based off of what she feels, NOT based off of Family Code sections.

She is replacing our prior judge and she makes him look like the best judge in the world. I'll never forget our old judge saying on the record "I can't rule off of emotion. I can only rule off of law." That judge didn't always rule in my favor, but at least he was fair and would hear both sides. Wish he would come back!


Comment #: CA7578
This Judge either pretends to not know Family Law or doesn't? After seeing in plain site some of her apprehensible rulings as she moves through her cases it is clearly the fact that she caters to experienced and highly networked lawyers that are known to help Judges during election time so it depends on which lawyer can do more for her and the child or children are another causality. She does not have the moral ground to do what is right. It is the as everyone. states "Kids for Cash"and "Follow the Money."She won't have any respect in my book or with anyone I know with the life altering decisions she made that has left my child traumatized for life. I hope she got paid well for that one! Don't know how these people sleep at night.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA6730
Rating:Not Rated
Great Judge. Great Temperment. Great Legal Knowledge. Very Fair.