Hon. Andrew A Steckler See Rating Details
Superior Court
Alameda County
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Attorney Average Rating:   8.2 - 4 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 7 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Andrew A Steckler



Comment #: CA54465
Rating:Not Rated
This judge has something against me and I'm not sure what it is. He has granted my ex a DVRO with NO police report, evidence only based on his word and his best cousins falsified testimony against me. he even ordered I pay for something that I already paid for. I obtained new cousal and she even said, this judge has something agains you.... his whole demeanor was not to hear my counsal out, just said and what else what else. She mentioned he already had his mind set no matter what my attorney said. [Redacted by Ed.] My ex is an amazing con artist and this judge is also fooled. I now do not believe in our judicial system, it's nothing but a "good old boy" system even with proof! my faith is crushed and I can now see many others are as well :(


Comment #: CA53940
Rating:Not Rated
Unfair Judge. Doesn't go by family code laws. He basis his decisions on emotion and feelings about the party and has a very retaliatory in conduct. I am going to complain to the Presiding Judge of Family Law who is his boss about him. He should be removed off the bench for misconduct.


Comment #: CA53879
Has Judge Steckler not heard about Family Code 3044. This is a serious topic and courts should be cautious about keeping victim's rights protected which he doesn't seem to care about. Also this Judge doesn't know about
California Family Code 3026 that states that family reunification services cannot be ordered as part of a child custody or visitation rights proceeding. Did he even go to law school? He is putting domestic violence victims at risk. Doesn't matter if your male or female, a victim is a victim. Realize that! I think appealing his ruling would be easy since he doesn't rule based on law.


Comment #: CA53711
Andrew Steckler is biased anyway he doesn't like and will make certain they get punished even when his rulings are against the law. He is not an impartial Judge as a Judge is supposed to be. If you are not a white woman, then good luck to you since he only listens to white woman telling him what to do.


Comment #: CA53628
How is Andrew Steckler even a Judge? He is not a fair Judge. He doesn't read documents if you don't have a lawyer, he just goes by what the other party's lawyer says. How is this even okay or part of the justice system when all parties are not treated fairly? There needs be be judicial reviews of his cases and conduct. If you have no lawyer and the other side has is a liar then you are in deep trouble because this Judge can NOT tell good from bad or right from wrong. He will try and do very unlawful things to a person just to show his power. That is why he needs to get out of family law because he is ruining peoples lives. There should be a petition to get this guy out from destroying lives.

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Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53591
Judge Steckler has a bias against women/mothers and will take your child away without cause. He was already shown to have bias in a criminal case that he had to recuse himself. I consulted several attorney's that held this regard of him and it proved correct in my case.


Comment #: CA53441
Judge Andrew Steckler is not good Judge. He doesn't seem to know anything and is causing many families problems in family law. He should be removed from family law or go to traffic court instead to rule on simple parking violations so that he isn't ruining people's futures with his bad decisions. He is a terrible Judge and should be removed from Family Law like he was he was removed from Criminal Law.


Comment #: CA53301
I have heard this Judge in court and he seems to have no knowledge of law. I was present when there was this party and this judge was saying really rude things to him and the Judge didn't seem to be following the law, but just goes with what the lawyer he like wants and it usually a woman. It was weird because he doesn't know what right is and for a Judge to make decisions, they should know. Also, this other case, he was to provide a schedule for a party that lived out of states, even that was confusing and not feasible, but that was his ruling. Andrew Steckler should not be a family court Judge, he doesn't have the empathy or knowledge.


Comment #: CA53174
This person favors women and wears blinders, period. Ive been in his courtroom for over a year now with no resolution in sight. Does not allow men to speak; shuts comments down. Was exploited today in the room by this judge. Currently trying to get him dismissed from my case.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35587
A Good Judge. I read what was said on one of the other comments. In particular with regard to black and white families. I to am black and was in probate court. I believe what happens in probate court is a normal high level of arguments, hotheads, and accusations between family members, something judges may become irritated with. But it is my opinion that Judge Stecklar is very observant and acts accordingly. Because this guy had an attorney who obviously wasn't apprised of his clients wishes and therefore incompetent when failing to convey the matter where his client felt the need to speak in his place. Those type of attorneys should be disbarred. A good attorney's first duty is to his clients needs and purpose for retaining those services. How sad it is that attorneys have made a practice of not delivering and using the excuse of the judges ruling. They know the law, what can be expected, and what to do if a judge deviates from the law. What's the use in an adoversarial system with an advocate?? It's time clients learn what must be done when as often as it may be an attorney fails to act compentently. It's certainly not to pay them for nothing or to ruin your life. How disheartening is that? I'm sure if they had shame they would be shame.


Comment #: CA35425
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Steckler is a very honorable man. He knows whats going on and he is very observant. He is very careful to make wise decisions. Most of all to be fair in making them. Judge Steckler honors a moral code of ethics and is intolerant towards high price games that affect peoples lives. He respects honesty and understands human errors. He is a good guy who believes in good and isn't afraid of demonstrating his goodness. I do have a very good opinion of him and it comes from personal experience. This judge showed us what happens when you speak up for right. He acted immediatley within the power of the law. I respect him and I wish I could expect the same from any judge to be heard by. To have a hearing and have the judge rule in favor of your opposition just because they have a lawyer is so disheartening. What should always happen is a ruling based upon the provisions of law. If someone is pro per it's usually because they can't afford an attorney. This should not bar them from standing up against being taken advantage of and certainly shouldn't be the basis of ruling against them. Thank you Judge Steckler for renewing my faith in the good.


Comment #: CA12429
I was the executor of an Estate. My encounters with Judge Stickler were not positive. There is a distinct difference in how he responds to Black families versus white clients. The white family who preceded me was treated respectfully, they were allowed to ask him questions regarding their case even though they had a lawyer. When I asked to address the Court he told me he didn't have to talk to me becauseI had a lawyer. He further stated if I wanted to talk to him I could fire my lawyer right there and he would talk to me. I was very embarrassed by his statement.

I am a retired Probation Officer Supervisor, so I am not ignorant when it comes to Court procedure. I feel he is biased towards African Americans and he treats you like a child in his Courtroom. Maybe he is just rude and arrogant.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10104
Provides litigants with a fair trial. The judge has a good handle on the law and is able follow the law. His rulings are clearly stated and well reasoned.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA9524
Patient. Straightforward. Allows both sides to present their case. Reasonable approach to the introduction of evidence. Not heavy handed, but will sustain properly asserted evidentiary objections.