Hon. Michael Lief See Rating Details
Superior Court
Ventura County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.4 - 11 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 9 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Michael Lief



Comment #: CA54374
With regard to monetary issues...the person who gave high marks sounds like perhaps money was the main focus. Money was not the focus for myself, though it was part of what was brought before this judge. Judge Lief followed the guidelines for support. Ex lied about income and got away with a lot, but did not have it reduced to zero as requested. I had been advised to request support, but would trade every dollar (which did not cover close to the cost for all of this) to have my children in a safe and healthy environment. It is unfortunate that an individual's financial success in court would cause "surprise" at so many negative reports regarding sexism in deciding custody by this judge. Just because a judge thinks men should pay something toward support doesn't mean that judge understands the damage to children and their mothers by abusive fathers. This judge does not get it. Money doesn't buy safety or happiness. For victims of abuse the custody decisions cause lifelong therapist bills for the kids. I'd rather have safety and peace.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA54301
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA54297

“Surprised to read these other comments.”

This exact same language (or close to it) has been said before on other Ventura judges. It’s no surprise that judges and their staff are seeking to distract from legitimate criticism using false flag posts.

Many legal abuse victims have come forward concerning judge Lief. Several attorneys are aware of his bias issues. I can literally count the attorneys who have contacted me, but I need both hands to do it. He is not a good judge.

Your family’s safety is not worth the risk. Paper this judge before he makes a first decision in your case.


Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA54297
He was very fair and saw through my ex husband's thin logic trying to get child support reduced to zero. Judge Lief made an efficient ruling on child support, and imputed a reasonable income on my ex spouse. I came in with a realistic request for order, was organized, and respectful. He appreciates preparedness and reasonableness. I didn't see any sexism or other bias. Surprised to read these other comments.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53152
Rating:Not Rated
Radiant Truth is spot on. Judges need to do a better job and believe victims. Hilary Clinton once said, "Victims have a right to be believed," and it is true.

I've been in practice for over 10 years as a family law attorney, and I've never met a client who wasn't telling me the truth about their abusive relationship.

The truth is that false accusations are extremely rare, not domestic violence. Violence against women is actually extremely common. Judges should watch this video to educate themselves on the problem, "How common are false accusations, really?"


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53125
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

Over the years I have witnessed numerous instances of protective mothers escaping abuse being disbelieved and revictimized in your court. You really need to be trained on the facts about domestic violence. Here’s an excerpt from an online article you should read and consider:

“Judges are suspicious about who is making the domestic abuse allegations. Often the woman might appear ‘crazy’ because she has suffered the impact of trauma and to them that makes her less credible. Then, the father comes in, often charismatic, saying, ‘I’m a reasonable person.’ And when he might say the mother is a good one and she should have visitation, he looks more reasonable.”

Why do judges do it? It’s “good old misogyny and the trope of women who want revenge after he cheats on her” portrayed in the media, movies and literature.

“The second thing is it’s more comfortable to accept the explanation that women are crazy, rather than that many men are violent,” she said. “Statistics about fathers being violent against women and children are super high and judges see the most conflictual cases—so an even higher proportion of violence. But it’s difficult for them to believe that all these men are violent. … It simply cannot be true. Judges cling to the idea that domestic abuse is rare and an exception.”

Domestic abuse victims suffer intimate partner trauma to themselves and their children, but when they go to the legal system for help, they are actually punished for being traumatized. This causes a secondary trauma wound called institutional betrayal: when an institution causes harm to the very people who depend on it.

“Institutional betrayal can occur through ignorance, meaning you don’t have to wake up with evil thoughts to cause harm. You can cause harm because you’re ignorant and don’t understand interpersonal violence,”

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53124
Rating:Not Rated
Lief likes to pretend he’s a cowboy in his off hours, but just like his courtroom performance he’s “all hat, no cattle.” He only pretends to do his job, but in truth he’s incredibly incompetent and has no idea what he’s doing. In family court, this is a recipe for disaster with dire consequences, especially for women escaping abuse. He’s a very bad judge.


Comment #: CA52805
Rating:Not Rated
When victims of domestic abuse go to court, we expect to be heard and treated with respect by the judge. Judge Lief awarded everything to my abusive ex-husband because I complained about being beaten by him the day I left. He gave me a hairline fracture to my orbital rim when he beat me on my face. Lief actually bought my ex’s conspiracy story saying I fell down the stairs and blamed him as “harassment”. That’s what every abuser says to try to turn the tables on their victim. Lief said I was alienating the children and that there was “no evidence” of abuse. It’s just not fair. You can’t challenge the judge after they do this to you, the system is designed to shut you up and oppress women. Lief needs DV training, but more than that he should stop being a family law judge and resign for what he did to me and the others who have also told their stories about this judge. He’s a terrible person.


Comment #: CA52692
Judge Lief should not be allowed to handle cases in family law. He is lazy, allows bullying in his courtroom and does not respect his job, nor the individuals whose lives he negatively impacts with his personal biases and incompetence. At the risk of retaliation I will not post specifics, but suffice it to say, pray you do not end up in his courtroom especially if you have been a victim of abuse of any kind because you, and your children will be subject to further abuse at the demand of the court. This man recklessly endangers those who should be protected at all costs. [Redacted by Ed.] I absolutely give credence to the statements already written. This man believes women make things up to "get back at" men and lawyers in his courtroom know how to play this bias to their advantage and will make up lies to make it appear women have complained even when they haven't knowing full well he will buy the bait. Disgraceful and harmful.


Comment #: CA52305
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: CA52201
Rating:Not Rated
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty


Comment #: CA48582
Rating:Not Rated
Michael Lief acted like an advocate for my abuser. He seems fair as you go through trial, but he’s incredibly biased, finding creative ways to rule against. I was raped and suffered physical injury. Lief disallowed my medical records showing mutilation of my genitalia by my abuser. He won’t give you a fair trial, quite the opposite. I wish I had used my 170.6.


Comment #: CA48249
This judge gave my abusive ex custody of my children and falsely accused me of being the abuser! He denied my DVRO and said I filed it because I was angry that my ex was dating!!! He is terrible and puts children and women at risk!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA48055
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA48043

Dear Public,

This victim's case is one of the most disturbing I have come across in my several years of advocacy for victims of crime. The pure emotion and pain of this victim should give us all pause. Anger is an expression of hopelessness and is common in survivors of sexual assault; it is a strong indicator of truth.

Abusers will often gaslight victims of crime by using their PTSD symptoms against them to cast doubt, which are the very symptoms they created in the first place with their abuse. They use the biases and prejudices of the community against their victims to revictimize them over and over again.

I have been in contact with this victim and they have provided me with their medical records. These medical records have not yet been published in order to protect the victim from retaliation. Lief is responsible for allowing the perpetrator to repeatedly lie and hijack the court to further torture and humiliate his victim. It has been going on for over 10 years, and it needs to stop. This victim keeps getting dragged back to court over and over, forced to pay judgements and sanctions over and over. It is theft and corruption. Fraud on the court is corruption no matter how the court tries to spin it!

We will publish this victim's medical records proving rape and physical injury once it is safe for the victim.

If you have information on Judge Lief, we want to hear from you. Email us at RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA46632
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Protective Parent,

Lief has been reported to us many times for bias, especially against women and victims of violence. He seems to not believe victims, and views any claims of violence with skepticism. He does this even in the face of overwhelming physical evidence such as medical records showing injury, such as the mutilation that happens following a rape, but he seeks out ways to block any evidence contrary to his pre-established notions and biases. I have many examples of bias by this judge.

Contact me and we can discuss resources that can expose this judge so others can know what to expect and so they can file a 170.6 peremptory challenge prior to a first ruling by this judge on their cases.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA46631
Rating:Not Rated
This judges has left children in the custody of their abuses and refused a

Court Staff

Comment #: CA45280
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA45100

Dear Private,

Lief has serious misconduct in his personal life that makes him far from the "10 stars" judge that you claim. A multiplicity of attorneys have confided with me privately that this judge rules based on his own internal prejudices, especially against single moms and victims of sexual assault.

Several posters have shared their stories with me including:

1) A victim of sexual assault who was ordered by Lief to pay their rapist over $40,000 in attorney fees after he denied a garden variety restraining order. The victim presented medical records from two separate doctors detailing mutilation of the genitals, call records proving stalking, and the perpetrator's own admissions in prior restraining order hearings, but not even this was enough to overcome Lief's bias.

2) A single mom shared her young daughter's story of being raped by her father and injecting her with drugs against her will. The mom video taped her daughter's recollection of the abuse while they played with toys in a way that child development experts will agree can't be couched. Lief gave the abusive dad full custody after the mom tried to protect her daughter in court by asking for a restraining order. The daughter's abuse continues even today.

Lief does not deserve a glowing 10/10 review simply because he did his job ONCE in your case. It doesn't redeem the victims he has created in other cases, which reveals his true character. Lief is not a good judge. 170.6.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45100
My client was abused by a domestic partner. Lief reviewed the facts and ruled in our favor.

Looks like someone with a few screws loose is this judge's personal data online. My guess is that they are either in custody or a mental institution.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA43177
Rating:Not Rated
The origin of the Ventura family law department's hostility toward protective mothers has its genesis in the 1980s where women were increasingly assertive of their victimization in patriarchal families, giving voice to what has been a phenomenon for ages: domestic violence and sexual abuse of women and children.

Throughout the 80's and 90's, disgraced psychiatrist and self-publishers Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager called this "an epidemic of vindictive women and false accusations." They appeared as expert witnesses in hundreds of abuse cases defending perpetrators of sexual abuse in court.

Underwager proposed that children were "brainwashed into making false accusations" and "false memory of abuse was a disorder of young women that was induced in therapy." He formulated that "parental alienation was the result of programming of the child," and that "false sex abuse accusations were another way of mothers gaining leverage in the courts."

Gardner testified in court that these "alienated" children need to be transferred to the "rejected" father and that the mother must have "no contact at all with the children." He further advised, "the court might have to threaten sanctions such as fines or permanent loss of custody and even jail if the mother does not comply."

Gardner and Underwager were both disgraced in the 1990's by defending sex with children. Underwager told a Dutch magazine, Paidika, in 1993 that pedophiles could "boldly and courageously affirm what they choose," and Gardner argued in his 1993 book, True and false Accusations of Child Sex Abuse, that pedophilia could "encourage early sexualization and enhance the survival of the human species."

When asked what a good mother should do if her child alleged sexual abuse, Gardner replied, "sometimes you say I don't believe you, I'm going to beat you for saying it, you don't ever talk that way about your father."

Gardner and Underwager's legacy lives on today in our antiquated court system, which continues the patriarchal abuse of women and children. The courts hate victims, and it is evident by the survivors who reach out to me with their stories.

Only 2% of rape accusations are false, yet only 2% of rape cases end with convictions. That means 96% of victims are being revictimized by our courts!

The Ventura judges who deserve to be held accountable for the revictimization of sexual abuse survivors include: Murphy, Lief, Bennett, and Kellegrew. If you or your child are a victim of sexual abuse, it is imperative that you file a 170.6 motion to recuse these judges before they make a first ruling on your case.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA42985
Rating:Not Rated

Comments containing personal identifying information about judges or their families will be removed from this site as inappropriate.


Comment #: CA42756
Rating:Not Rated
This morning totally disregarded my evidence for my concerns about my 1 year old grandson whom I had a pre existing relationship with.
I had so much evidence that he would not look at. What's the use of putting together evidence if he does not EVER look at it! He is biased, just like his mediator whom did not open up the file to go over with me EITHER, in order to see what my concerns were for my grandson. Her name is Tiffany Horton and I'm writing a mediator complaint as we speak to make sure that her higher upside know how biased she was. She acted like a lawyer and not a mediator. Why would she do that. She even told me "I have no case" with a smile. Twice.
There are some horrific heart breaking stories on here and I am going to pray for all of "Lief's victims" this site is "CLEARLY SHOWING" a "TRAIL" of injustice being done to our "CHILDREN". Some would want to use this as their own evidence against a child predator judge who just waits for the next case to fall on his lap, and continues the torture.


Comment #: CA42731
Rating:Not Rated
I had a review hearing, learned I had a new judge that morning. It was Michael Lief. I’ve been in court since 2018. I had full custody and lived in Ventura. My ex kidnapped my kids during coronavirus after having me falsely arrested. He has now brainwashed them and I haven’t seen my 2 daughters for 3 years. I showed up for my review hearing and within 5 minutes, Michael Lief made a final order granting my ex full custody. My ex lost custody because CPS substantiated child abuse years ago. He’s in the national child abuse index! The neighbors and teachers call CPS once a month on him for Domestic Violence with his ex. I have no record, no abuse or CPS reports against me, no drug charges, etc. My false arrest charges were dropped. This Judge not only gave him custody, but stripped me of ALL my parental rights including phone calls. I have not spoken to my now 12 and 13 year old girls in 3 years. What can I do? I need help! This judge knew nothing about my case. I’ve been in court for 8 years. My ex is the abuser and now brainwashing my Girls. His wife even called the cops on him for abuse, but no one does anything!! What a corrupt and disgusting court system. This judge needs to go! I have court tomorrow. We will see what happens.

Update: Lief again denied me the right to see my kids. How does a substantiated abuser get full custody when the other side has a totally clean record? It’s because I’m female and he’s male. It’s because I had the audacity to complain. This judge is so unfair and it’s highly discriminatory. There’s no legitimate reason I shouldn’t be with my Girls. They need their mother!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42721
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA4557

Dear Other,

I'm sorry to hear that you have judge Lief on your case. If this is your first hearing with Lief, I recommend that you come prepared with your 170.6 ready to court. If you do not have a paper motion to submit, it is equally acceptable to use a verbal motion. Just say to the court, "I'm using my peremptory challenge." Do this before Lief is able to make even the most minor ruling on your case.

Good luck. You'll need it.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA4557
Rating:Not Rated
Oh wow! Just finding out about this awesome site and about form 170.6, and how I'm screwed this Monday morning at 8:30am in dept. 32 with Judge Leif..

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42460
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA42459

On what basis do you make this statement?

Tell that to the minor teenage child who's father sexually abused and trafficked her, but Judge Lief saw no problem with it. The girl was video tapped by the mother recounting her ordeal, using carnal language and describing being injected with drugs by her father. Did Lief protect her? (No, he did not.)

Tell that to the rape victim who was repeatedly ridiculed and forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to the perpetrator. The victim's medical records were ignored. Was Lief a good judge here too?

Tell that to the countless single moms who lost their kids after daring to bring up abuse allegations. Did Lief really help these kids?

This judge is biased on the side of abusers, and many attorneys share this opinion. Your one line, 10/10 stars comment trying to refute the countless stories here, doesn't help anyone.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA42459
Good judge if you are dealing with a deceptive or manipulative abuser.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42352
Rating:Not Rated
RE CA42344:

It is troubling to hear that Lief continues to abuse protective mothers. He seems to think any allegation against abusive fathers needs to be treated with suspicion, even when the abuse is supported with overwhelming evidence. He even ignores medical evidence when it doesn't support his cursory, biased opinions.

About attorneys being reluctant to challenge Judge Lief, I know this personally to be true. Several attorneys have shared this information with me privately. One of these attorneys, initials B.F., who is retirement age and no longer requires anonymity, shared that she was badgered by opposing council for hours without Lief doing anything to stop it. She often feels that Lief is biased, but "has to protect herself and her career." Several attorneys know about this story and will recognize these initials, proving that I have very personal, damaging information on this judge.

If you have information on Judge Lief, I want to hear about it. Email me at RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA42344
Judge Lief makes rulings with overt sexism by favoring the father despite evidence supporting the mother’s position.
Judge Lief openly insulted and emotionally abused me during proceedings, and operated with extreme bias. He openly disregards procedural codes, and makes ruling that are illegal, such as illegal move-away orders. Due to attorneys having to appear before him again, they are reluctant to file appeals or confront him because of his egoism and their belief that he will have greater bias against their clients as a result.


Comment #: CA41928
Rating:Not Rated
“When exposing a crime is treated the same as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals.” ~Edward Snowden

When a judge has to lie to save face, willful misrepresentation becomes fraud upon the court. Lief revictimized me on purpose. My blood is on his hands.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA41878
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

Once again this judge is at it again. A concerned mother reached out to write about her experience with judge Mike Lief:

“Hello, I recently was made aware of finding out about my current judge. I have him, and will be going to court for the third time with him. Trying to fight for my daughter for her safety and well being. But feel defeated with the court system.”

Biased courts often side with abusive fathers, punishing the protective parent for daring to say NO to the abuse. Judge Lief is purposely destroying families, harming children, and he does it with both eyes open!

When a parent repeatedly keeps going to court to protect their kids, despite the legal abuse, it is because the abuse is real and they don’t have a choice!

Lief needs to step down. He has hurt too many people. There have been many reports against this judge from attorneys, psychologists, care workers, and even a court bailiff. 170.6.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41049
Practicing attorney here with 5 years experience with Mike Lief. This judge does NOT respect the interests of women and children, and I’ve seen him repeatedly give deadbeat dads the benefit of the doubt. He awards huge judgements against protective mothers. I reported him to the CJP recently for appearing intoxicated while holding court. I believe he doesn’t care for his job anymore and is just going through the motions. 170.6.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39646
Dear Victim,

I believe you and I know other attorneys do as well. Lief has a pattern of revictimizing women and victims of sexual abuse.

For those reading this survivor’s grueling post, full of genuine emotion, know that it is common for victims to experience homicidal ideation. It is actually a strong indication of truth and evidence of the victim’s PTSD. Homicidal and suicidal ideation share the same energy, and I can only imagine the pain this rape victim is going through. To be raped and then disbelieved by the court can feel like getting raped a second time. The trauma is betrayal, first by an acquaintance you trust, then by society.

Lief should hold his head in shame for all to see. I will fight for this victim to make her truth known. The truth will be radiant!

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA39645
Rating:Not Rated
I hate Lief for what he did to me, and I don’t say that about anyone other than my perpetrator and his sociopath attorney. Lief has very distinct handwriting, with curly undercase and a huge signature. My perpetrator also has a huge signature. His signature and handwriting made it seem like he was gleefully signing away my future to my perpetrator for the insolence of complaining about the abuse. I was raped, and Lief thought it appropriate to rule that I didn’t have a reasonable fear of a perpetrator that is still actively engaged in stalking years later. He is so out of touch. Of course I’m afraid, that’s why I came to your court for help in the first place. Fuck Lief. He can go die a horrible death for all I care. Go fuck yourself.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39632
Rating:Not Rated
The following post was wrongfully censored by the editor on 4/2/2022:

Dear Public,

I would like to share an email sent by US Senator Dianne Feinstein to a rape survivor who experienced revictimization in Michael Lief's court:

"I want to thank you for the powerful and personal message you recently sent to me. I can only imagine the pain this experience has caused you. My heart goes out to you, and I commend you for your bravery in sharing your story.

I am also very sorry to hear about the difficulties you experienced reporting your case to law enforcement and receiving justice in court. All law enforcement officials, including judges, have a special duty to conduct themselves professionally, ethically, and respectfully toward the citizens they are sworn to protect. When public officials behave in ways that are harmful to the public, it damages the faith that citizens have in our legal system.

Sexual assault is a heinous crime that largely goes unseen. Disclosing these traumatic memories can be one of the most excruciatingly difficult things any person will ever do. Many victims remain silent for decades due to the trauma they suffered and out of fear that their voices will not be heard.

In this moment, a chorus of women and men are courageously finding their voices and sharing their stories of pain, survival, and perseverance. While no words I offer could ever heal the pain you have felt, know that I hear you.

I also want you to know that I will continue to do everything I can in the United States Senate to enact laws that prevent sexual assault and allow victims to pursue justice. Most recently, in the previous Congress, I authored and passed the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act (Public Law 115-126), which extended the civil statute of limitations to age 28 for minor victims of sexual offenses or 10 years after the victim discovers his or her injury, giving more time to a person victimized as a minor to file a civil lawsuit under federal law against their assailant.

Again, thank you for writing. I am honored that you shared your story with me, and your courage will continue to inspire me. Should you have any further comments or concerns, please feel welcome to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841 or visit my website at feinstein.senate.gov.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator"

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39410
Dear Public,

I’ve been recently informed of a disturbing case of stalking and harassment committed by a fellow officer of the court against a victim of crime. This attorney recently sent documents to the victim’s confidential home address, which is protected by California Safe at Home. She additionally bypassed the victim’s attorney, sending communications directly to the crime victim on behalf of her client. The perpetrating attorney is aware of the victim’s PTSD and intentionally committed this misconduct to further torture the victim.

This victim of crime held a restraining order against the perpetrator for several years. This misconduct by council crosses boundaries no attorney should cross, and I hope the victim files a complaint for the clear violation of Bar rules. The attorney in question runs the very likely risk of losing her license to practice law by defeating and bypassing state protections designed to keep victims of violence safe.

Judge Lief enabled this misconduct with a series of rulings that revictimized this survivor. Lief is partially responsible for the ongoing stalking being committed. I have withheld the names of the parties to protect the victim.

If you have information on judge Michael Lief, I want to hear from you. Contact us at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39153
Rating:Not Rated
Mike Lief relies on stereotypes and rape myths when judging victims of sexual assault. He awards large cash judgements against victims, forcing them into financial ties with their abusers. This is despicable behavior by a judge and needs to end.

We have received much information on this judge from many people including several attorneys. Lief is perhaps the absolute worst judge in Ventura. Attorneys have known it for years. According to one female attorney who regularly tries cases in his courtroom, she is “not surprised” when I informed her of some of the litigants who have come forward. Lief’s abuse of discretion is systematic, unfair, and biased toward abusers whom he seems to give deferential treatment. In his past he was a frat boy who no doubt attended wild parties filled with sex, drugs, and coverups. If you’re a woman or a victim, I highly recommend using your 170.6 and get another judge. You have to do it on your first appearance, so do not wait and see or you will be stuck with him.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39076
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

If you have information on judge Michael Lief, I want to hear from you. Email me at RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39029
Lief is proof that a village somewhere is missing it’s idiot. He does not have the temperament for complex litigation and made many wild assumptions that prejudiced and hurt my client. I’ve seen him allow a fellow attorney (acting as an expert witness psychologist in a child abuse case) to be badgered and mistreated by opposing counsel for what seemed like hours. His courtroom is lawless for one side and rigid for the other. Beware this judge’s bias, which is very real. He outright ignores any evidence that doesn’t fit his cursory assumptions. Definitely on my 170.6 list.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38390
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Litigant,

This judge needs to be trauma informed. The fact that he commits so many abuses of discretion and gets away with it shows how biased the appeals courts are on the side of judges who misbehave.

It’s really shocking to hear that a family court judge cheated on his wife. Despicable. He needs to step down from this role. Of course he’s going to rule on the side of abusers when he is one himself…

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA38329
Rating:Not Rated
I’m also a victim of Mike Lief. He ran a kangaroo court for my rapist and let him do whatever he wanted in trial, even following me out of the courtroom directly behind and touching me before we got out the doors. The message was, “I can do whatever I want to you and get away with it.” Lief didn’t care when my lawyer brought the incident up later. Lief protects rapists, and from his sexual behavior while getting a divorce from his first wife in 2014, I’m not surprised. He forced me to pay tens of thousands of dollars to my rapist after denying my TRO. The betrayal trauma from being treated this way by the court feels like being raped a second time.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38284
Rating:Not Rated
Hi [redacted],

I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with this mistreatment from Judge Michael Lief. As you’ve seen on TRR, I’m covering the case of a rape victim who was repeatedly fined by judge Lief despite having trauma to the genitals and medical evidence of the abuse documented by both an emergency clinic and the victim’s family physician. He is a biased judge who favors abusers and disbelieves victims. Four different attorneys have reached out to me with their own stories, including one with a close friend and colleague who was badgered by the abuser’s council for hours while testifying as an expert witness. The colleague who was badgered is also an attorney with dual license as a psychologist who regularly defends victims and testifies in Lief’s court. Lief made no attempt to stop the misconduct toward this attorney by opposing council and it left a strong negative impression on other attorneys who witnessed this in Lief’s courtroom.

Unfortunately, the 170.6 petition won’t work in your case because a first decision has already been made.

I wish you the best and if there is anything I can do to help please let me know. I’m maintaining anonymity, and I can only communicate through email for now.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

"When presented in full brilliance, the brightest light casts the longest shadows. The Truth Will Be Radiant."

Sent from ProtonMail for iOS

On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at xx:xx PM, [redacted] wrote:
Hello, thank you for posting my comment about my daughters being placed with their abuser by Judge Leif’s careless ruling. My daughters are suffering immensely, being tortured and sexually abused. I see them one hour a week and their attorney Amy Van Sickle is covering up the crimes and making excuses for the children’s abuser every chance she gets when he violates or clearly neglects the children. I would love to speak with someone to further publicize the horrific circumstances my children are enduring at the hands of the same Judge Leif, Doctor Adams, and minors counsel Amy Van Sickle attempting to shame and humiliate me and my children along with the dozen prior accusers. Judge Lief even issued a restraining order for me in 2018 and most recently denied a new restraining order after denying my children examinations and switching father to sole custody after the pedophile father spent the past three years on supervised visits. My children are suffering and I’m not willing to stand by quietly. I will be filing out the 170 form ASAP. Thank you for the advice and I hope to hear back. [redacted]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38236
Bully misogynistic child rapist apologist. He’s complicit in every instance of child abuse his reckless family law decisions have enabled. I don’t know how he sleeps at night


Comment #: CA38195
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is absolutely terrible I have had many problems with the mother of my son and her unwillingness to coparent despite the fact my sons mother has had repeated encounters with the law and exposing our son to domestic violence and a number of abuse/neglect complaints to dcfs he rewards her with primary custody just because I was put in jail for battery that is not a reason to completely take away most my rights and offer me a temporary order of supervised visitation when I havent been convicted of anything even and it being a misdemeanor


Comment #: CA38184
Rating:Not Rated
I agree 100% with these comments on judge lief. He was BIASED against me as a black man. He wouldn’t let me speak and disallowed all my evidence. I had a lawyer, but it didn’t matter. He allowed the respondent to berate me on the witness stand for HOURS with totally fabricated accusations that were meant to cast him as the victim instead of me. I was stabbed, do you think I did it to myself? Dishonorable Lief allowed it all to happen and then ruled in his favor… respondent is a White male. He ordered me to pay attorneys fees at the end of it all and wouldn’t say why. Total bullshit. Thank you to other posters for their stories. It is all true and I lived it.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38170
Rating:Not Rated
In Lief’s court and among other Ventura family law judges, attorneys have witnessed a pattern.

These cases start out firmly on the side of survivors, with victims winning their restraining order cases. However, as the case continues to develop, like flipping a switch, the survivor is no longer believed and starts losing *every* hearing. The survivor is forced by the court to pay their perpetrator over and over and over again with judgement amounts that are impossible to pay.

Debt is a form of social control. Several family law judges, including Judge Walsh, are handing control to victim’s perpetrators, placating the perpetrator at the expense of the victim’s freedom. This is not justice. Women have a right to be believed!

False judgements obtained through fraud upon the court are a form of oppression. This oppression must be resisted, and it is this truth that drives the radicalization of survivors to join Radiant Truth in exposing corruption in our courts. The court only brought this upon themselves.

If the court wishes my advocacy to stop, they will need to demonstrate a fundamental reform in their behavior and support survivors and victims of violent crime. Until that happens, I will never rest in my pursuit of justice for victims.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38070
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

Our network of attorneys have confirmed that the rumors about Judge Mike Lief are true. His history has been known among his regular courtroom attorneys for quite a long time.

We are targeting this judge for accountability because of the many legal abuse victims who have come forward. We will expose this judge for the abuse of discretion he has committed, which really shocks the conscience.

If you have information on Judge Lief, we want to hear from you. Contact us at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA37889
Rating:Not Rated
37886 Who says "I've been a *trial lawyer?" There is one creepy lawyer, who says this a lot.


Comment #: CA37887
Rating:Not Rated

And, you know all of this how, 'counsel'? You seem to be getting your own "sins" and secrets, off of your chest.

And, people have said a very similar things, about my abusive ex's lawyer, the well known flirting and alleged infidelity, while some women call him creepy and many call his wife a fool,for blindly trusting him and helping him with his criminal activity, making her an accomplice,for compromising herself, to help this creep engage in wrongdoings, while doing a substantial amount of her own wrongdoings, when he is always embarrassing her, even more than she is an embarrassment to herself and her own transgressions.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA37886
I've been a trial lawyer in Lief's courtroom since he first began in Ventura in 2015. Lief is one of the worst judges in Ventura when it comes to being evenhanded. He picks a side and awards everything to that party. It is true that he routinely denies restraining orders, and I've seen him award very large cash judgements to criminal perpetrators. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder against victims from his time as a deputy DA. He also doesn't like to be questioned by attorneys and lets ego get in the way of real justice. My experience with him was that he's very pro-defendant. I'm appalled, but not surprised that he has family issues and infidelity toward his first wife. It is important that a Family Law judge set a good example for the litigants he rules over, and it's shocking that he doesn't practice what he preaches.

My advice is to 170.6. There are better judges in Ventura such as Michele Castillo who will fight for both sides to get real resolution in a case. That is what a real judge looks like in my opinion. We need less ego in the courtroom.

Probation or Pretrial Officer

Comment #: CA37772
Rating:Not Rated
Justice for Yvonne and Harrison. Michael Lief took advantage of his position in the DA office and the courts in 2014 to gain advantage in his bitter divorce. He was "controlling" and "domineering" toward his ex-wife and family. His infidelity in marriage makes him unfit to be a family law judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37610
Rating:Not Rated
To the Residents of Ventura County:

Today I have learned of Judge Michael Lief's recusal from the 6-year old's rape case. Our advocacy has proven to be effective and successful. However, there are still other victims of Lief's judicial bias and abuse of discretion. Our litmus test is not completed simply because Lief threw in the towel on a single case.

According to the mother, "This is good news as it wouldn't have happened without your assistance. Thank you. Lief is losing sleep over his responsibility for my girls... I told him he is solely responsible for their suffering now."

Judge Lief, you have a general duty to show evenhandedness toward litigants in your court for exactly this reason, just in case you could be wrong. You made an error that severely affected a young girl's life. Bunting on this, although a step in the right direction, hardly redeems your prior behavior toward this mother and other legal abuse victims.

We will hold off on your disclosure for now, but only if we are satisfied that you have learned evenhandedness, which is our general goal. To avoid further disclosure, we highly recommend you practice evenhandedness in all your cases going forward.

They are Here. We are They. We are Anonymous. Ventura County, you should have expected us.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37599
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

We have been investigating you for the past several months. Your victims are numerous, but we are also numerous.

Each one of your victims has sent me a deluge of supporting material proving the legitimacy of their case. I'm in possession of medical records proving rape and a 6 year old girl's video interview detailing rape including describing bleeding from penetration and using carnal language.

Anonymous is giving you one last chance to prove yourself before we pass judgement. Fail in our litmus test, and we will expose what we have learned.

Every bitter divorce comes loaded with a treasure trove of information, and we have it all. Infidelity is often a result of a failed marriage, but "she did it first" is not an excuse. Our source described you as being "domineering" and "controlling" toward your ex-wife.

Again, I offer you an olive branch. Will you accept responsibility, learn evenhandedness toward litigants, and change your behavior? Or will you suffer at our hand now and into the future? The choice is yours.

We cannot be stopped. You cannot arrest an idea. We are Anonymous. Expect us.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37571
Rating:Not Rated
A reminder that we are watching!

We have information on Lief’s bitter divorce, provided by an attorney who knows Lief well since before he became a judge. It was disclosed in group therapy. Don’t tempt Anonymous and what we can uncover!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37442
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

No one wants to see a child's CSA interview exposed on the internet, but it is important information of public concern and I will expose it if I must.

However, I am reasonable and I wish to offer an alternative. I want to discuss with you the general policy of your court and encourage you to exercise more evenhandedness in your decisions. I am assuming you are not reaching out because it could create a potential ex-parte communication.

Therefore, I propose the following litmus test: demonstrate your capacity to show evenhandedness in the upcoming cases I am following, and I will respond in kind. There are several victims of rape and domestic violence that have reached out, including the victim of child rape I have mentioned, and I will be watching the outcome of their cases.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37371
Rating:Not Rated
To mslief@hotmail.com:

Since you feel above reproach and won’t even talk to prevent this information from being released, I will assume you consent to full disclosure and have no objection to release of the information whatsoever. I have a network of attorneys backing me, many of whom have already offered this woman assistance pro-bono. These are people you see daily on the job, and they know what you’ve done. Things are going to get very tough for you. My goal is to totally destroy your court’s legitimacy and get you papered with so many 170.6’s you will have nothing to do but twittle your thumbs. You might as well retire because I’m not going anywhere. All because you wouldn’t let go of hubris. Shame on you and let your reputation be damned in the name of the child you harmed. You indirectly caused her rape, but you’re directly responsible. I will make sure everyone knows.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37348
Rating:Not Rated
It’s an intentional misspelling. Kompromised as in “Kompromat,” a Russian word meaning that damaging information is available on this judge that calls his court’s legitimacy into question. It is the biggest insult a former submariner can face and he earned it. We have information on this judge that can ruin his career.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37341
Rating:Not Rated
A Kompromised judge. Protects and defends child rape. Always a devil’s advocate.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37267
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

Despite the time you spent on a submarine, your COB would be ashamed of you and your actions. You are a disgrace to your office and to the United States Government. We are going to expose you in the name of Anonymous. We have the dirt and we’re coming for you.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37142
Rating:Not Rated
See my comments on Judge Jo Ann Johnson


Comment #: CA37140
Rating:Not Rated
See my comment on Judge Jo Ann Johanson

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37097
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Christopher Borkovek,
DA Office, Special Victims Division,

I’ve received video of a very young child, 5-6 yrs old, describing rape by her father. In this video the child is playing while describing being assaulted with needles and suffering injury from penetration until she was bleeding from the vagina. It is my understanding that Judge Lief awarded sole legal custody to the abusing parent to punish the protecting parent for bringing the matter to court, a disgusting act by this judge.

I offered to speak with Michael Lief about the issues, but he feels he is above reproach and hasn’t made contact. You do realize that leaves me no choice but to post the video to the internet. I would rather not take away power from a victim by posting a video, but the family is desperate and I will assist. Lief has only one day remaining before I start putting the video together. I suggest he get over his ego and contact me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37070
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

I have received video of a very young child describing the sexual abuse including bleeding from her vagina after being penetrated by the abusive father.

Your bad decision to place sole custody in the hands of the abuser was without conscience and morally disgusting.

You have 72 hours to contact me or I will make the video public. Email me at RadiantTruth@pm.me to discuss the issues. I’m not kidding around here.

Return custody to the mother NOW!

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37052
Rating:Not Rated
The mother also writes,

“Thank you for the response. I am disheartened to hear of the horror stories involving this judge. I’m sorry to hear of her circumstances. My daughters have also been severely molested, groomed, tortured with scissors and tweezers and even forced water down their throats and had pillows piled on them, sex trafficked, medicated with needles and pills, threatened with death and have come forward! He doesn’t find me credible despite this not even being my truth. He won’t allow medical evaluation and disregards evidence of abuse or anything the children have been brave enough to tell. I’m pretty sure to not incriminate the abuser. He’s limited my time to 1 hr supervised the past five months. As all I can do is ask my supervisor to take note of my girl’s track marks and deterioration.”

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36945
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

I have been following the cases of several victims of legal abuse and injustice in the Ventura courts, and this case stands out as the worst I’ve seen. The abuser is taking advantage of the court’s bias against victims of rape and sexual assault to repeatedly bring his victim back to court and consistently win wrongful judgements against the victim.

Only you can end this by showing evenhandedness. Don’t reward this perpetrator, who brags about having millions of dollars and doesn’t need his victim’s money.

It has come to our attention that the latest tactics of this perpetrator has been to demand over $20,000 in attorney fees for simply writing a 9 page brief and to attend a 5 minute hearing. This kind of work deserves only $2,000 maximum in the very best light, not 10X that amount. That represents thousands of dollars per hour in fees, which truly shocks the conscience. It is unfair and unjust.

The perpetrator’s attorney has lied repeatedly and committed fraud upon the court according to motions filed by the victim’s attorney. The victim’s attorney cited court transcripts proving fraud upon the court, blatant gamesmanship, and misconduct such as the filing of emergency ex parte motions while the victim’s attorney was on noticed travel outside the United States.

This rape survivor has our full support. We will see whether evenhandedness or bias and corruption rules the day. This responsibility rests 100% on you to choose the right outcome, which is to be fair and fight for real, proven victims such as this survivor who has medical records with physical injury proving rape.

However, if you revictimize this rape survivor again, expect us to reject your ruling and fully expose it.

Let this be a litmus test of your moral character and the legitimacy of your court. We will be watching.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA36897
Rating:Not Rated
My genitals were mutilated by my rapist, but Judge Lief denied my medical records into evidence, then ruled against me and awarded my rapist a 5 figure judgement. My attorney feels Lief was biased, sexist, and that the result was “shameful and despicable.” 170.6 this judge ASAP. Don’t wait and see how he will turn out.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36888
Rating:Not Rated
The following post was made on RadiantTruth.com on 8/26/2021 concerning abuse of discretion by Michael Lief:

“ This judge carelessly assigned sole custody of my three little girls to a serial child abuser after they were placed in foster care and provided details of their abuse, simultaneously ordering an investigation into the sexual abuse allegations. This judge repeatedly abused his discretion and violated family law codes that protect victims of abuse. Showed clear bias foe his past employer, the DA office. He is an example of an abuse of power and how the system gets in wrong in protecting children and mothers of sexual abuse and domestic violence.”

If you have information on Michael Lief, we want to hear from you. Email us at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36751
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

We urge you to reject recent tactics by this victim’s perpetrator. The victim offered a settlement for no exchange of monies and to drop litigation in exchange for an agreement to forever leave the victim alone. The perpetrator refused, instead threatening that if the victim didn’t pay a sum exceeding $200,000 he would prosecute the victim for malicious prosecution.

This threat is completely preposterous, without merit, and an act of intimidation meant to deny the victim rights of due process. The victim has medical records proving rape with physical injury. The perpetrator also made incriminating admissions on the record in trial and in deposition. The notion that the victim was malicious and not defending themselves is totally baseless.

The perpetrator has a criminal history, being charged with “crimes against property” in the early 1990s. He has also been the subject of litigation for sexual harassment by another victim in the mid 2000s.

Judge Lief, your bad decisions emboldened this longtime criminal and sexual predator to further attack his victim using the courts where he has faced no consequences. Your continued support of this proven rapist will not go unnoticed.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36683
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

The prior poster, CA36643, is one of three attorneys who have reached out to me about judge Lief so far. She describes how judge Lief allowed an expert witness psychologist in a DV case to be badgered and berated on the witness stand for over half a day by the perpetrator’s counsel, overruling any objection to the abusive misconduct by the respondent’s attorney.

Multiple attorneys have expressed concern about this judge, with one prominent attorney noting that Judge Lief “routinely shows bias against her clients.” I have withheld the name of this attorney because she fears retaliation by this judge.

We call litigants and attorneys to action: continue filing 170.6 petitions to disqualify this judge from your cases. You must petition the court for a new judge before a first decision is made on your case.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA36643
He has no idea what he's doing and does what is easy, and he will not do the hard word of figure out what is going on in a case. He also does not understand or apply evidence appropriately. I asked witness a question and the witness turned and told me I should ask a different question, and judge Lief overruled my non responsive objection.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36486
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

I’m currently seeking to collaborate with an investigative journalist on this case. This is a horrific case of rape revictimization perpetrated by members of our court. Anonymous has received overwhelming feedback proving rape and DV are huge problems that our community cares deeply about. If interested, please contact me at RadiantTruth@pm.me and I will put you in contact with the victim.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36181
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

This video sums up how victims are treated in Michael Lief’s court:


If you make an accusation of abuse, this court will systematically disbelieve the victim and protect the perpetrator.

Parents and crime victims, beware this judge and file your 170.6 on the day of your very first hearing to disqualify him from your cases.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA36004
Rating:Not Rated
I was revictimized in Michael Lief’s courtroom, and judge Lief did nothing to protect me from the lies told by my perpetrator. He misquoted my testimony and then stretched incorrect “facts” to justify a preconceived decision. These incorrect, revisionist assumptions were later used against me, which compounded lies upon lies. He showed bias against me as a victim and abuse survivor. I wasn’t believed despite the existence of medical records by two separate doctors detailing my physical injuries from the abuse. Judge Lief either knows or should have known that he made a mistake, yet he hasn’t taken any steps to correct it.

Judge Lief, I understand that you were a new judge at the time you made this decision, but it is time for you to use the wisdom you’ve gained over the years and show evenhandedness, to right wrongs, and acknowledge the court’s role in my revictimization.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35957
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Lief,

Truth is always self evident, and every victim that reaches out to me sends me a deluge of supporting evidence proving their case. Such is the case here, and your court clearly screwed up this victim's life.

We have verified this rape victim's evidence and we believe them. Rape is so hard to prove, but when it can be proven - such as when victims have medical evidence as this victim clearly does - judges have a legal, moral, and ethical responsibility to protect TRO petitioners from harm.

If you couldn't bring yourself to believe the victim, then perhaps you should believe the perpetrator's other accusers:


Strikingly, the victim's attorney noted judicial misconduct issues such as Kent Kellegrew holding ex-parte meetings with the perpetrator's council to discuss a related civil case. The victim kept detailed notes, including screenshots of text messages with their attorney detailing the ex-parte communications and the attorney's response to it. The attorney noted that when Kent Kellegrew was confronted about the communications, "he went white in the face."

Judicial misconduct and corruption is a very real problem in Ventura, and Judge Lief is not immune. The amount of fines levied against this victim shock the conscience at $16,000. Usually when a TRO petitioner loses at a hearing, the amount awarded is around $2,000. Shockingly, the victim was awarded only $4,500 after a restraining order hearing against this same perpetrator 5 years ago, a reduction of almost 4x. Judge Lief's outrageous decision told the victim that the insolence of complaining of the abuse was 4 times worse than actually committing abuse in the first place. It was wrong.

Therefore, we will release all of the doxx the victim has sent us in due time as appropriate to protect the victim. You can expect us to release:

1) Medical records showing physical injury
2) Deposition transcripts
3) Expert witness reports detailing the victim's proven PTSD
4) Video evidence
5) Evidence of stalking including packages mailed to the victim's employer and family
6) Much, much more.

Judge Lief, I hope you learn from this experience and realize that you can't rule with impunity forever. Eventually the truth comes out.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35805
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

The editor continues to wrongfully censor this victim of crime. We have verified the victim's claim of multiple accusers against the perpetrator going back as far as 2007. Of particular concern is the alleged sexual harassment of a minor victim, then only 13-15 years of age, by a then 53 year old man.

This link contains redacted conversations between the victim and two other accusers. We have redacted information to protect the victim from further legal abuse by the perpetrator:


Judge Lief needs to realize that he cannot censor his way out of this grave injustice. We will persistently pursue this case and expose those responsible, including judge Lief who unfairly punished a rape victim for seeking a restraining order. Victims of rape have a right to be believed.

Perhaps Judge Lief will learn from this exposure and be more evenhanded in the future, just in case he could be wrong as he clearly was in this case. Judge Lief fined the victim over $16,000 simply for the insolence of seeking the court's protection from the abuse. The victim also has medical records from multiple providers showing physical injury, which we will post next if the censorship does not stop.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35710
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Victim of Crime:

Thank you so much for speaking truth to power. We need to hold judges accountable when they fail to protect victims and perpetrate further abuse onto already vulnerable survivors.

We have noticed the editor's continued censorship, and we find it abhorrent considering that you are simply telling your story, quoting real, verifiable evidence of the abuse. We find it telling that the editor jumps to conclusions rather than reaching out to you first to verify your claims.

We respect your decision to decline our help at this time, but the offer still stands and always will. You have our eternal support and gratitude. Judges need to realize that they are not immune to criticism.

If the Editor removes your post again, we will take appropriate action.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA35391
Rating:Not Rated
Radiant Truth, thank you. I can prove that I'm a victim of crime, and I have medical records that absolutely prove it. It's so revictimizing being fined over and over and over again when I don't deserve it. I just don't know what to do. I'm a good person, and I never imagined being treated this way when I asked for the court's help.

Other victims get it, how the lies in court snowball until the court’s rationale for their decisions defies all notion of reality. I don’t deserve any of these judgements, and I shouldn’t have to pay my perpetrator.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35335
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

The RR Editor has censored the story of a litigant who was mistreated by judge Lief. This judge unfairly disparaged this petitioner’s case by claiming that the petitioner was in a relationship with their abuser. The petitioner pointed out an age difference with the abuser of over 30 years, yet judge Lief still made the assumption that a relationship existed despite no evidence that this was so. The petitioner was a victim of acquaintance rape and commented about the TRO hearing experience, “this betrayal felt like being raped a second time.”

Censorship by TRR editor needs to end. This is important information that the public needs to know. We will continue posting this information day and night if the censorship does not stop.

Dear Victim: I feel your pain and wish you the best. I advocate for victims of legal abuse by giving light to their stories, holding accountable those that perpetrated the fraud and abuse. I wish to help. Contact me at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA34755
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Lief does not support Women's rights. Beware of this judge.


Comment #: CA33331
Rating:Not Rated
My perpetrator kept stalking me and my family and Judge Lief not only refused to stop the behavior, he actually encouraged it. Judge Lief ordered me to pay my perpetrator tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees despite holding evidence in his hands proving that I am a victim of violence by my perpetrator (before disallowing it into evidence).

This is what Legal abuse looks like. The litigation and abuse seems to never end and it leaves you feeling hopeless. Judge Lief believed my perpetrator and granted him free reign to continue the stalking and harassment except now under the color of law.

Please 170.6 this judge. He does not deserve your trust and will find any excuse to justify his pro perpetrator, anti victim bias. He definitely has a chip on his shoulder against victims of crime.


Comment #: CA33053
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Lief is biased against victims. 170.6 is your best defense against this judge if you are a victim of violent crime. I can't go into more detail, but trust Radiant Truth on this one. He speaks the truth about this judge.


Comment #: CA32964
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Lief’s bias and wrongful decisions severely hurt me and my family. He has our blood on his hands. 170.6.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA32804
Rating:Not Rated
The poster in the prior comment, [Redacted], has also posted 10/10 glowing reviews on several other judges that have had negative information recently come to light. Her postings may be attempts to curry favor from several judges by attempting to counter damaging information. She included her initials in one post. According to her website, “Anyone with a legal matter here needs to understand that Ventura County is different than other counties” meaning that you need an attorney who knows everyone in Ventura’s court to increase your odds of success in litigation here. The reader should beware of toxic positivity that some local attorneys express, as if the courts never make a mistake and injustice doesn’t exist at all in our court!

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32799
I have appeared before Judge Lief in criminal matters and one family law matter. He has always been prepared and has consistently rendered thoughtful decisions. He is a former DA so I was skeptical about his assignment to family law. But he is very good there. The Evidence Code is alive in Ventura County family law!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA32780
Rating:Not Rated
If you have information on judge Lief, I want to hear from you.


Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA31786
170.6. Use it.


Comment #: CA28269
Attorneys, you need to add Lief to your “170” list. Biased.


Comment #: CA12363
Biased. I had records in a small "text communication prohibited while driving" case. He completely disregarded evidence, elected not even to review phone bill showing no texts received/sent within full hour of time of infraction. He ignored the fact officer could not say he witnessed me "reading texts." He ignored the law at the time which did not prohibit "handling of device," which was the cause to plug into charger. He ruled merely because he "felt officer was more credible." What a joke! And I saw him give the same unprofessional, rude treatment to others in the courtroom. He seems like your typical stick up his robe, white privilege elitist. As a taxpayer, law-abiding citizen, I resent having to subsidize this poser's salary and fat pension.