Hon. Adolfo M. Corona See Rating Details
Superior Court
Fresno County
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What others have said about Hon. Adolfo M. Corona



Comment #: CA53699
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable judge I have to believe this was done at a Tulare county judges request..I have a half brother named Curt Fries he is someone that will plant evidence and get people in trouble I have experienced this first hand he has a kid with Brianna Smith whose mother Cheryl smith worked at me Tulare county when was a court clerk and when was a typist stenographer who got fired for stealing out of the courthouse or falsifying documents curt was arrested in Fresno county and his case was transferred to Tulare county this is something that I've never heard of it shows that he appeared in front of you so The same weekend that curt was arrested in Fresno county I was falsely imprisoned in St Petersburg Florida by St Petersburg police officer Eric Smith
Who is Tulare county court clerks Cheryl smiths son there are a lot of us who would like to know who requested that curts case transfer from Fresno to Tulare county there are people that are related to him that have had their lives ruined because of this .. please understand once again I am sure it is at the request of somebody in Tulare county with that type of authority any help would be greatly appreciated thank you in advance sir 559-845-9057


Comment #: CA53682
Rating:Not Rated
Mr Corona I have never appeared in front of you but I would like to ask why you would transfer a Fresno county drug case to Tulare county where it would be treated very lenient.. I've been arrested a few times and this is something I've never heard of unless you're in Florida where they do this all the time for people that are from the Fresno and Tulare county areas that get to steal
I also wanted to ask if you were somebody that was familiar with Minnesota please contact me at your earliest convenience thank you


Comment #: CA47687
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable Judge I was wondering if you could help me out I wanted to apply for the Fresno Tulare County Joint assistance program where when I get arrested in Fresno County they transfer my case to Tulare County where I receive probation or it gets thrown out who has the power to do that I know that every time I have been arrested in Fresno County I go to Fresno County jail and Fresno County Courts.... and when I'm arrested in Tulare County I go to Tulare County courts and Tulare County jails..... my half brother Curt Fries was allegedly arrested in Fresno with a bunch of prescription pills.... the case was transferred to Tulare County where it was allegedly thrown out or he received probation how is this possible were the judge on that case I was thinking that he was with somebody that purposely and intentionally had him arrested and then had it moved over to Visalia to make it appear that he has these law enforcement connections so ...Sir where do i sign up for that friends and family program even though I don't have either.. PS I should mention my half brother is the type of person that will get somebody in trouble and act like he isn't doing it how he has these people or connections I do not know I'm obviously not trustworthy or not part of the family he's related to Cheryl Smith through having a kid he's never took care of and her son is over in St Petersburg Fl City arresting people and have been doing this for a very long time
Carye Hoy


Comment #: CA46319
Rating:Not Rated
~ Honorable Judge I was wondering where I could pose for the George Boston photo shoots there's a lot of Minnesota people it looks like also where do you sign up for the transfer your case to another County program... it isn't common for them to transfer a case from Fresno County to Tulare County please feel free to take a look at my Facebook so you can see the type of thing you're associating yourself with... some of these people like the ones that are posing for their photo shoots obviously have no fear or worry of
Prosecution.. that's because the case gets transferred to another County and it gets thrown out or they give them probation which they will not enforce....