Hon. Peter Kelly See Rating Details

Surrogate's Court
Queens County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.1 - 23 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Peter Kelly



Comment #: NY14079
Judge Kelly Improper demeanor and suspect court
Clerks take money through democratic committee if criminals treated like this I believe innocent people in jail . 75 percent or more cases go
Settle it’s a lawyers playground 3 years in court and then settle and overlook lawyer withholding vital evidence . Email me if you any
To file for improper demeanor he’s mistaken this is not England pomp and circumstance or
The 1950s he stuck in threatening in family court no manners lkfootwear@yahoo.com

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY14022
Rating:Not Rated
He's an embarassment to the profession. He abusive, manipulates cases, and disregards the law to stroke his own ego. He should be ashamed of himself.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13923
I've never seen any courtroom run like a dictatorship. Honestly I think he has a Napoleon complex. He will skirt over procedures and the law if it meets his desires. Things like: Service of process, Notice, evidence.... do not mean anything to him. And not just on my cases but on everyone's cases. He doesn't hide his feelings or judgments as he's passing them. He will straight out tell you he doesn't believe you without even listening to testimony or taking evidence. If he's going to skirt the law he's going to call you into chambers to conference. This is a guy you have to keep everything on the record or he will screw you/your client.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13879
Have to be a WOKE democrat just to enter the Court Room. Extremely biased against the average person who appears in front of him. Has his 'ld Boys Club, which he runs in Court on a regular basis. Appoints only his friends and fellow democrats to Guardian Ad Litem positions and award huge fees, for doing little or no work. AVOID queens if you can.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13859
Worst demeanor I have ever seen from a judge. My hope for this judge is that one day he wakes up and realizes he has mistreated people in his courtroom throughout his tenure and that he spends the rest of his life trying to be a decent judge and human being. Unfortunately he is what happens when someone who lacks manners, civility and decency becomes a judge and without ever having been a practicing attorney.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13309
Kelly is the worst Surrogate Judge in the history of the State of New York. He is pollically biased in favor of Democrats. If you are not a member of the Democratic Party of Queen county, you are on his shit list. Always thought that the jackass was the appropriate symbol of the Democratic Party

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13306
He’s the worst judge in NYS and maybe the entire country. He embarrasses himself in court everyday. I don’t know how narcissists like him get to be, and stay, a judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13231
Don't let rude, discourteous people like Kelly drag you down to their level. Instead, use their behavior as an example of how not to act and be grateful you are nothing like them.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13197
He doesn't treat people in his courtroom with respect, compassion and courtesy.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13159
Unfortunately, he is another example of a judge who never practiced law a day in his life and is consistently disrespectful towards practicing attorneys. If he has the same rude and disrespectful demeanor when he’s not in court, he’s even more of a lost soul that he appears to be in court.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13094
He is abusive in his style. He should revisit what he leaned in kindergarten about manners and treating people with respect. He is emboldened by his black robe to think his behavior is acceptable. I am sure he would never act this way outside of court. In addition to his abusive style, he is also one of the less intelligent judges I have ever encountered. It's a disgrace that he is a judge. There is nothing noble or "judge-worthy" here.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13008
`Another political hack who got the job for the wrong reasons. More concerned about moving cases than getting them right.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12885
Arrogance reigns supreme with this judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12867
Don’t expect to be treated with dignity and consideration in his courtroom. He lacks basic civility skills.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12857
Suffers from an advanced case of Black Robe Syndrome.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12725
Unfortunately, there is nothing honorable about how this individual became a judge or how he acts on the bench. He should be ashamed of himself.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12699
While some people teach you who want to be, other people like Judge Kelly teach you who you don't want to be. People like Kelly who teach you who don't want to be actually provide some of the more lasting and memorable lessons on social graces, professionalism, human dignity and the importance of acting with decency, courtesy, respect for everyone, and integrity.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12665
I agree with all the other comments people have made. This is an awful judge with an awful demeanor.


Comment #: NY12628
Peter Kelly doesn't know the law, is not motivated to enforce the law and has no relationship with the law. He is a hot dog vendor from Shea Stadium who is now the Queens County Surrogate — a shamelessly inept disgrace.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12553
Worst judge I have encountered in decades of practice. Childlike behavior on bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12502
Terrible temperament, bad judgment, lazy, and pre-judges cases. Unfortunately he "learned" from Nahman who was also a disaster.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12462
This judge and court is so dysfunctional, ill-mannered, and a political quagmire that my office refuses to take cases under its jurisdiction.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12423
A good judge de-escalates tensions in the courtroom. This judge does the exact opposite. When Judge Paul Feinman recently died, he was remembered as having great humility, being warm, and being personable and respectful to the bar. Unfortunately, this judge will never be fondly remembered by the bar. Attorneys when speaking about this judge never have anything nice or positive to say about him which is all you need to know.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12271
Terrible Judge. Classic case of a political hack who somehow got a position of authority without any aptitude for it. His behavior is bizarre, intemperate, and an embarrassment to the judiciary and legal profession. He should be ashamed of himself and take a hard look at himself in the mirror.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12149
Lacks judicial temperament. Never practiced law and is the result of his and his sister's political connections. Consistently disrespectful towards attorneys. Ignores basic principles of law. His staff is equally bad as they are often rude, inconsistent, and petty.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9443
He is more occupied with the Queens Democratic Party than he is with his job, His frivolous requirements for the content of papers submitted is ridiculous, often requesting immaterial and irrelevant material instead of dealing with the basic facts. His staff is worse than he is, making petty objections to minor errors. His practice of requiring clerks to reject papers upon discovery of the first mistake is ludicrous. The clerk should go through the entire set of papers, offer suggestions, and then return the papers for correction of all mistakes, not just the first one discovered. The former chief clerk Gribbon was no winner either. She had an excellent mentor in Violent Katz, but ignored her advise. The inefficiencies and incompetence of the Court personnel can be traced back directly to her and Kelly. If at all possible, stay out of Queens County Surrogate's Court.
I had an administration proceeding in front of Nahman, of a New Jersey resident, that was going no where. Went to New Jersey, and received Letters of Administration is three (3) days, and the Judge called and apologized that it took so long. This is the kind of judiciary that NYS needs, not a bunch of clowns.