Hon. Carlos M. Cabrera See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Bernardino County
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What others have said about Hon. Carlos M. Cabrera



Comment #: CA53679
This judge not only denied me a restraining order twice from my abusive Ex but also ignored video of me being raped by him! He proceeds to watch a video of me in the nude that my ex presented without out the video ever being excepted into court(don't you have let the courts know what evidence you will be providing before the hearing?).I begged the courts to just listen to the audio, I have nothing to hide or problem with what I said on this video, instead he takes the phone, turns it sideways to get a full view of my naked body and doesn't even listen to the audio! I was asbused for 20 years and finally had the courage to escape only to fall into the hands of this incompetent Judge. I am terrefied of this judge and had to return when my daughter turned 18 to modify her support ( I file becuase my ex wouldn't and I didn't want to get in trouble) I also filed for custody modification and visitation. I came with a lawyer this time but that didn't change anything. He said he wouldn't change anything because my circumstances didn't change... I am now employed full time, Intern on the weekend and run a business. When I intially came into the court to file for divorce I had not worked in almost 20 years (because I was not allowed too). Seems like a lot has changed in my opinion. I was asking for one weekend a month with my son even though the father doesnt get our son on his time and only spends 6 hours with him on Sunday. I wanted it on paper so the ex would stop using it as "this is my time" whenever he wants to create chaos. I have to coparent with my tail between my legs becuase I am scared of this man and his irresponsible practices. When I contacted the local DV shelter for legal assitance they asked me who the presiding judge was, when I mentioned his name the woman on the phone said Oh no.... It took years for me to be brave only to be cowering like a chicken again becuase I can't even trust the legal system.


Comment #: CA53618
Rating:Not Rated
Very unprofessional.
"Judge is truly bias toward women.."
maybe because of this:
looks like he was going through divorce...
He shouldn't be judge at family court at all due to his divorce.


Comment #: CA53587
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Carlos Cabrera ignored every law I placed before him and he lied to the presiding judge regarding the action of a commissioner I complained about. I have documented evidence of everything that I am saying. Also, he is not the supervising family law judge anymore. He is in claims court. I believe that he was moved their due to all of the complaints against him.


Comment #: CA53184
Refused to uphold not only basic fundamental constitution rights of my right to that of being served, and the right to due process, but that of even HIPPA law, refusing outright of taking any remedial action to address illegally submitted private medical information, that in which I have to only make further public to bring to the court of appeals.

This individual had the audacity to tell me he was ordering I would not be seeing my children until upcoming retrial on custody purely based on the fact I was unable to share my address with the opposing party due to multiple evidenced facts of being actively stalked and harassed, extensively, over a several year period.

Ironically, his own ruling not only made it clear he had prejudged the future rehearing, but what made it clear as to why he did it, is knowing to him and not myself, he would be reassigned off this case prior to retrial, leaving zero accountability for his extraordinarily unethical rulings; outside an investigation I will assure takes place on this egotistical psychopath.

To only add more fuel to the file, he ruled against me as I did not provide "any filing requesting accessibility", while ironically, I have filed twice, both with his signature on them. Both blocking any possibility of assistance of being an autistic individual while ruling unfavorably based on confidential filings he knew was a lie.

If you look at not only his reviews on this site, but also his reviews as an attorney, you will find that in mass majority his clients found him to be a fraud. Would take their money and refuse to perform. This is the same judge that literally, as per the record, found that the opposing party lying on a MORTGAGE APPLICATION was not considered fraud. Impartial?

This absolute garbage of a human has no capacity to exist in a court and is well deserving of a metaphorical tar and feathering. This guy is absolute trash. If I worked in his office under this disgusting person, I would walk out and leave this disguising human with his penis left in his hand. We should all work with honor. It is not possible working under such a disgrace of a human.



Comment #: CA53000
The judge has a quick temper and a large ego, making him easily influenced by any party that chooses to act dishonestly.


Comment #: CA52758
Rating:Not Rated
Judge is truly bias toward women and if your looking to request a new judge or switch venues he is also the head judge to sign off on the change. My suggestion would be to get your supporting documents like court transcripts put it on paper that way he has to address the issue and will be held responsible if anything happens.


Comment #: CA52266
Rating:Not Rated
Women beware: no matter what type of abuse or violence was reported/evidence by mothers and children, fathers maintain some form of direct contact with the children. Growing trend of CPIT, court and perpetrator induced trauma, where the threshold between mothers and father behaviors were considered worthy of criminal prosecution and conviction are in stark contrast i.e., speaking publicly about abuse may lead to grim consequences for mothers, whereas all forms DV & child abuse by fathers will not. These abusive professional practices revictimize and can lead to more harmful outcomes than the original violence experienced leading to further abuse and discrimination against women and children. Courts appear to be prioritizing and interpreting joint custody and the maintenance of links between fathers and children as the most pressing and efficient solution to parental alienation claims and litigation, regardless of history of violence or any other characteristics including health. The weaponization of children in custody cases is an act of re-establishment of power and control by abusive fathers over mothers and child victims. These actions have gone beyond silencing and limitation of rights and freedoms is nothing short of inhumane torture of terrorizing victims into permanent subjugation. The largest study globally on custody outcomes in the US found ‘alienation trumps abuse’, whereas allegations of PA double the risk of a child being removed completely from a protective mother and permanently placed with an abusive father. At its inception, PA was created by Richard Gardner, who had extremely harmful child beliefs.


Comment #: CA52035
Rating:Not Rated
Father in the case had recent DUI and Mother expressed concern that Father was drinking alcohol while with their children where in his care. Judge Cabrera dismissed Mother’s concerns and ordered unsupervised overnight visitations with Father while he completed the rest of his DUI classes. In another case Judge Cabrera dismissed a different Mother’s concern that the Father physically assaulted his child.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA51455
Rating:Not Rated
Please ask your court reporter for transcripts to gather evidence to take down this unfit bias judge


Comment #: CA47713
Judge Carlos Cabrera listens to the trial on the TRO due to my daughter’s suicidal thoughts, past physical, emotional and psychological abuse. He heard the testimonies of two witnesses that have heard my daughter state her fears of being with her father, who have heard her state she would rather die than be with her father. He heard that his lack of care, his negligence caused a hospitalization and dismissed it, he heard that his lack of knowledge of being a parent was considered an accident, when she needed stitches and was taken to the emergency room, he heard the amount of times this child was hurt and in danger during her fathers care and dismissed it. Every piece of evidence that I provided Judge Carlos Cabrera would dismiss it. However, when the Father stated something with no evidence, the judge would go out of his way to search for evidence and help him even after he stated that it was not admissible and smiled. He was demonstrating bias towards me as a woman and mother seeking help for my daughter. He was favoring the father in every way he could. Not only did he disrespect my witnesses, but he was showing a great disrespect to the feelings and voice of my daughter who is feeling like she is unsafe at her father’s house and would rather kill herself than be with him. He completely ignored everything, then stated fathers visitation should continue and if he needed to call the police to force my daughter to go to her visit, law enforcement is free to force her. How can a judge willingly place a child in danger like that?! How can a judge not see that this child is afraid for her life so much so that she would rather take her own life than be with her father?!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA47233
Rating:Not Rated
Clearly affected by the assumption family court should be a high pase process, leaving him highly venerable to narcissistic personality disorder. But aren't we all?

I remain optimistic he will give equal opportunity to speak on issues and handle the case on merits. After being pulled to the side by sheriffs in that very court after hearing of my case, from what I've seen, he is the best chance I have to merely apply the law. However poorly the well known societal track record of the San Bernardino family court.

We will see.

My children being left in the hands of violence will not suprise me. No matter the evidense. No matter the transcripts. No matter the facts.

This is not to go against Carlos. But we will see.

Ego is best left at the door. Let's see how far this ego inflates.


Comment #: CA38479
Judge Carlos Cabrera is a very conflicted Judge. If he has a high profile and public scandal in the future it will not shock me. When I went before him to have access to my Son who had been taken away from me for 6 months by his mentally challenged mother who had falsely accused me of domestic violence he ordered that we perform family mental health counseling. My ex-wife was diagnosed with Obssessive compulsive personality disorder while I was investigate and no evidence of domestic violence was found against me. Family court mediators recommended that I should have primary custody of our Son, I was ready to do 50-50 but my ex-wife only wanted full custody for herself. I never wanted to deny her access to our Son only to keep him safe. This Judge awarded her primary custody and only gave me visitation. Till this day my Son is struggling with the repercussions of this Judges ruling over my family. But I will not give up on being a good father no matter how hard this Judge makes it. I will make sure my Son grows up to be an upstanding citizen no matter the cost. I think this Judge hates fathers, especially black fathers for whatever reason. By the grace of God my Son will not be a bad statistic.


Comment #: CA37659
Rating:Not Rated
Unprofessional. Has clear woman issues. A big " boys will be boys" type of personality when it comes to serious accusations. He justifies serious accusations. Does not follow The laws he was meant to enforce. Has to be constantly reminded of the details in a case only to disregard of they don't fit his narrative. Will risk a child's safety and over look proof if he feels like it. Will disregard mediators reports completely. Which is a big deal if child safety is an issue .
He will punish a domestic violence victim for seeking help.
He will over look evidence even from 3 Rd party sources he ordered if it does not fit the narrative in his mind
There is no neutrality.
If you have this judge change him immediately!!!


Comment #: CA37521
So far, with my many visits in front of Judge Cabrera. I have full respect for this man of law and his Judgements. Not all matters I have brought before him where approved, but this is not because of any other reason but the best interest of the child involved. As I have more dates set before me to go in front of this Judge, I believe his rulings are fare and fit, even if the hearing dose not go the way I hoped. Us parents are in court for the children NOT in court to fight over are children. Us parents need to work together for our kids well being!


Comment #: CA35065
This judge was AWFUL!!!! He follows his own rules. I was going through a custody battle with my kids father. My kids fathers attorney FAILED to notify me of the initial hearing where her client was granted 70% custody of my children. I brought proof of how she failed to notify me and her admitting she failed to notify me and he did NOTHING about it and even allowed her to use it against me during the custody battle and how I failed to show up to that hearing. Because of being failed to be notified my kids father and I were involved in a domestic violence case where i was badly injury and taken to the hospital all while being 23 weeks pregnant. This occurred in LA county were I reside. I have child services, the police department, and other domestic violence hotlines that contact me twice a month to check me on (that’s how serious LA county takes these matters as they should)! I was advised by LA county to file my restraining order against my kids father in SB county due to the fact that they felt he should NOT have my children and because that case was already out there (custody case) to also have my restraining order case out there as well. My fathers kids had ZERO marks left on him, but swore under oath that I ATTACKED HIM. The judge allowed him to use photos of his girlfriend who was present who was also saying I “attacked her” even though the restraining order AND custody case was between me and the father !!!!! There “proof” that my kids fathers girlfriend brought in were TINY red lines “left on her” and he did not make her prove when those photos were taken and also did not make her prove she submitted them to police. This judge allowed the both of them to not only lie under oath but GET AWAY WITH IT!!! I suffered awful injuries on both my right and left leg due to being attacked by them that turned into scars , suffered extremely painful contractions due to stress and my baby stopped moving. This judge failed to protect me. We also had mediation and he failed to change ANYTHING when it came to the custody agreement. I’ve showed up to every single hearing except the one I was FAILED to be notified of and the judge also used that against me. This judge clearly is one sided and I’ve seen him over and over again favor the fathers side in tons of cases while waiting for mine. I can’t believe how SB county runs things. I will now try to move everything down to LA county because HE FAILED his own job!!!! This judge is awful!!!!! No wonder why women are scared to come out about domestic violence!!!


Comment #: CA24714
I am VERY DISAPPOINTED with Judge Carlos M. Cabrera. He follows his own law and has a hidden agenda. His behavior on the bench makes me sick. I have heard him be rude to and berate most of the woman that stand before him in custody hearings. He is a woman hater that constantly sides with the father, even if the father is unfit to parent. He holds a very important position of power and instead of using the law, common sense and evidence to come to the correct child custody ruling, he lets his ego make decisions. Why will he not hear any evidence for cases? Why does he allow a father to disobey court orders, live in his car while he has his daughter(who's under 3), lie to the mother, do drugs and still have custody every other month. Make the mother pay for everything, including the plane tickets for the child to fly every other month. What kind of judge thinks that a child under 3, flying every other month, sometimes twice in one month, thousands of miles just 1 way, IS A GOOD IDEA?????? He needs to be removed from the bench, have all the cases he ruled over looked at closely, including all court transcripts. The California legal system is a joke, just like this judge and the politicians that run it!!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA20927
Has gone off the rails since becoming a judge. Does not follow the law. Paper him.


Comment #: CA20106
Previous comments have been deleted. I guess he doesn't want people to know how he really is. He's unfair, he will not go the extra mile. His law office, closed now, has bad reviews as well. We need better judges.