Hon. Michele M. Castillo See Rating Details
Superior Court
Ventura County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Michele M. Castillo



Comment #: CA54337
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Michele Castillo does not uphold the uphold justice for the victim. If you are a victim looking for justice know she will NOT protect you. Her court room reflects the feeling of a corrupt organization. Unfortunately, you have been warned.I read all the reviews before my outcome and thought there was no way she would deny my request for order with all of my burden of proof. Now on to legislation for awareness! I have some strong people in my corner...


Comment #: CA54302
Castillo doesn't even attempt to hide her bias. She will not read filings from one side. She encourages perjury. She will let a lawyer rant and say 4 contradictory things and then still give the lying lawyer whatever they ask for.

Castillo seems to enjoy drama and causing friction. She ignores expert testimony in favor of wanting her courtroom to be a reality TV show. Really an awful judge who doesn't care about facts

Court Staff

Comment #: CA53084
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Protective Parent,

It is really shameful how family law judges get corrupted over time into a bastardized version of the role they should be serving. Like a good apple thrown into the compost heap, she’s turned into the very thing we all despise. I remember only 8 years ago when she took the job, one prominent attorney told me, “I have so much respect for her.” However, that is *definitely* not the case anymore. She has grown lazy and treated protective parents with contempt and flippant disregard. Castillo is a Bad Apple.

All protective parents and victims of abuse should 170.6.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA53083
Rating:Not Rated
judge Castillo made mine and my children's life a living hell, I was dealing with a move away case where my ex wanted to move our children to Humboldt humboldt county about 12hrs drive away where he manages over 500 acre marijuana farm, to both take care of he's father and work at the farm, after finding out how aware and close our children were of the cannabis plants and how much exposer my kids had to the cannabis after the mediator suggested that Dad could move but the children would stay with me (Mom).

I have only seen our children a few hours every weekend, despite Dad's lies on the witness stand, and gatekeeping the kids from me, we proved the kids developed health issues within the time dad had temporal custody and dad's lack of communication on the children with me when it came to the children. judge Castillo still awarded him custody and move away and she gave me to only see my children every other weekend which is to pick them up on Friday after school and drop them off on Sunday to Dad's on Sunday evening; like how does that work, the kids will leave school to drive 12 hours to me and same amount of time again on Sunday which basically means that out of 2 weeks I only get to see and spend time with my children just for one day.

my ex transports cannabis from humboldt to LA with my children in the car with him while he smokes he's bong in the car with the children in it, even the children has raised this concern to talk to their dad to stop smoking in the car, with all these concerns that was presented to the judge she still gave him custody putting my children in serious danger which the mediator took very seriously when she said the children couldn't move. I now fear what life awaits my children under he's care.

my kids are sad and I am too, now I barely get talk to my children or see them because there's hardly any service in Humboldt county, which is affecting my relationship with my children, and my hear completely shattered as a mom.

my ex is extremely abusive and I thought I was coming to the court for help and protection and this Judge made everything worse for my kids and I. I would've appealed the case but this case has taken all finances and savings on attorneys fees

she is a terrible Family Judge


Comment #: CA49170
How is it possible that this court assign me DVRO’s and this judge refuse me a custody hearing for the other being a pedophile, the other side painting the head of the devil on my house and the other side and her family trying to kill me? [Redacted by Ed.]

Court Staff

Comment #: CA48817
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA48810

Dear Protective Parent,

It is shameful when judges ignore the legitimate pleas for help from parents who are trying to protect their kids from severe abuse. There is an epidemic of callousness and reckless disregard in American courts that makes this type of judicial misconduct possible. If most judges did their job correctly, there would be tremendous political pressure against judges who do kids and families harm.

Thank you for calling out Laurie Peters & Associates for what they did to you and your kids. We need to expose and root out corruption wherever it exists.

If you have more information of Laurie Peters & Associates or judge Castillo, we want to hear from you. Email us at RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA48810
This judge does not care about the best interest of my child.
She is only here to make the court money it’s seems like she works side by side with Laurie Peters & Associates, APLC in Camarillo.
All they care about is getting paid.
Laurie peters knows of the abuse my child is on going. My child has asked to please be able to spend time with me and she lies to my child and scares her to not say anything she says if she speaks up she will go to a foster home. The court has caused so much stress on my family, my child has Lost valuable time with me and is struggling of serious mental health and depression thanks to her abusive parent, Laurie Peters & Associates, APLC and judge Castillo. It does not matter how much proof I have judge Castillo only listens to what Laurie peters says. Fighting for my child for 3 years has been the hardest thing but i will keep fighting for her safety. They are responsable for the distress depression anxiety my child is going through. No child should go through this.


Comment #: CA40011
Judge Castillo is the only judge who saw through my abuser's lies and truly helped me. Other judges believe his lies, and he's used the courts to punish me for years after Castillo granted my TRO. I don't understand why judges automatically disbelieve victims of crime, and no amount of evidence ever seems like enough. Castillo carefully listened during my abuser's testimony and caught him in lie after lie. She understood the nuances of the case and her ruling brought me some sense of peace in my life.

I don't understand the motivation that other judges have to automatically believe my perpetrator. It seems like they want to move the case along quickly, and that means by denying all my claims. They simply don't care. Perhaps the bias is because those other judges are white and male. Those judges failed me and hurt me. Castillo didn't fall for any of that. She actually made a difference in my life.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34570
She is outstanding. So calm and fair.


Comment #: CA31765
Judge Castillo was the only judge who really listened and got it right out of years of litigation, stalking, and harassment, and now legal abuse from my perpetrator. Her ruling was spot on and I have so much respect for her. I know other attorneys hold her in high respect as well. It is telling that she has no negative comments here despite being a judge for many years.