Hon. Maureen Duffy-Lewis See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   7.5 - 36 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 8 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Maureen Duffy-Lewis


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54423
I had a complicated civil matter in this judge's courtroom as a plaintiff's counsel.
This judge was extremely knowledgable of the law, read the pleadings and was well versed in applying the law.
I noticed the previous comments complained about the judge being "prejudice" against them but their poorly written comment indicates why they had difficulty at a trial and why they lost on the facts.
The other attorney's both plaintiff an defense I encountered at the courthouse during my trial all had great comments about what an outstanding jurist Judge Duffy-Lewis is.
I hope I have her again.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54422
I had a complicated civil matter in this judge's courtroom as a plaintiff's counsel.
This judge was extremely knowledgable of the law, read the pleadings and was well versed in applying the law.
I noticed the previous comments complained about the judge being "prejudice" against them but their poorly written comment indicates why they had difficulty at a trial and why they lost on the facts.
The other attorney's both plaintiff an defense I encountered at the courthouse during my trial all had great comments about what an outstanding jurist Judge Duffy-Lewis is.
I hope I have her again.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54421
I had a complicated civil matter in this judge's courtroom as a plaintiff's counsel.
This judge was extremely knowledgable of the law, read the pleadings and was well versed in applying the law.
I noticed the previous comments complained about the judge being "prejudice" against them but their poorly written comment indicates why they had difficulty at a trial and why they lost on the facts.
The other attorney's both plaintiff an defense I encountered at the courthouse during my trial all had great comments about what an outstanding jurist Judge Duffy-Lewis is.
I hope I have her again.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54420
I had a complicated civil matter in this judge's courtroom as a plaintiff's counsel.
This judge was extremely knowledgable of the law, read the pleadings and was well versed in applying the law.
I noticed the previous comments complained about the judge being "prejudice" against them but their poorly written comment indicates why they had difficulty at a trial and why they lost on the facts.
The other attorney's both plaintiff an defense I encountered at the courthouse during my trial all had great comments about what an outstanding jurist Judge Duffy-Lewis is.
I hope I have her again.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54419
I had a complicated civil matter in this judge's courtroom as a plaintiff's counsel.
This judge was extremely knowledgable of the law, read the pleadings and was well versed in applying the law.
I noticed the previous comments complained about the judge being "prejudice" against them but their poorly written comment indicates why they had difficulty at a trial and why they lost on the facts.
The other attorney's both plaintiff an defense I encountered at the courthouse during my trial all had great comments about what an outstanding jurist Judge Duffy-Lewis is.
I hope I have her again.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54418
I had a complicated civil matter in this judge's courtroom as a plaintiff's counsel.
This judge was extremely knowledgable of the law, read the pleadings and was well versed in applying the law.
I noticed the previous comments complained about the judge being "prejudice" against them but their poorly written comment indicates why they had difficulty at a trial and why they lost on the facts.
The other attorney's both plaintiff an defense I encountered at the courthouse during my trial all had great comments about what an outstanding jurist Judge Duffy-Lewis is.
I hope I have her again.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA49149
This judge goes out of her way to create a fair, competent and pleasant environment to try a case in. I have lost a jury trial in her court but my client told me after that he thought she was very fair in her rulings, knowledge of the law, excellent demeanor. She is very fair and knowledgable in her rulings.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41804
She seems woefully unprepared, and at times her rulings are indecipherable. The only good news is that opposing parties have a good laugh together at her expense. There is some gallows humor among the lawyers who have to deal with her.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA41151
This Judge does not have what it takes to be impartial or fair rendering a judgment.
I Plaintiff filed my Mom's wrongful death case along with the Preponderance of the Evidence against the "Defendant Bellmont Village Nursing Home" in Palos Verdes.

Unfortunately, after two years of going back and forth, she said I got too many cases to handle and I must dismiss a few of them altogether.

Litigants, please beware of this senile incompetent impotent Judge.
Now my case against this incompetent Judge has been filed with the California Supreme Court.
Hopefully, those seven Justices will reprimand this senile Judge and would replace her with a qualified knowledgeable Justice who does not give our justice system a BAD NAME !!!!


Comment #: CA40479
Rating:Not Rated
Finally reaching a point after spending thousands and thousands of dollars to have Judge Duffy-Lewis be impatient and uninformed, all the while hiding behind the walls of Zoom is simply unprofessional. Whether or not we prevailed is not the point here. The point is that those of us who are on the receiving end of a legal procedure (innocently) trust that we will be treated respectfully from a Judge who has taken the time to fully understand what's in front of them and not make improvised rulings.


Comment #: CA37625
Rating:Not Rated
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Comment 37622
How old are you, 70? Who says, "She is losing her 'faculties'...?" You are an old fart, and you are also a racist and misogynistic attorney, and the comment about this judge and her clerk, just proves that you are a racist idiot, you seem insecure and threatened by this judge and intelligent females; you probably also stick to and do bad things, with your "own people." You're an idiot.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37622
She is losing her faculties and asks the counsel she is familiar with to inform of “ where are we in this case? “and then the defense counsel lies about everything and when I correct her lies( misrepresentations) judge Duffy Lewis just ignores the truth and downplays and capitulates and even repeats verbatim what is said by the dishonest defense lawyer. She needs to retire or buckle down and get real as she is adversely affecting people’s lives with her ineffective work on the bench., and her clerk roger is a mo,e for the persian community and will change rulings and orders to fit the needs of his Persian lawyer friends. Beware this is a completely corrupt courtroom


Comment #: CA31324
Rating:Not Rated
She is responsible for overseeing judges in California. She do a terrible job. According to a recent audit, she has allowed judicial misconduct "to persist." To see the scathing audit, google "audit of California commission on judicial performance."


Comment #: CA31318
They take no action, even when there's proof of an illegal decision/ruling in California. They deferred to the local Superior Court's decision - like this corrupt county would ever take action against one of their own. Like other reviewers have stated, it's a joke and a PR stunt to make one "falsely believe" there is an oversight committee on judicial prudence. Judge Maureen Duffy-Lewis is one of the most suspicious justices and certainly one the Federal Government should investigate immediately. We live in the far west apparently still today. Where is the FBI when we need it? maybe busy being a political police.?


Comment #: CA31289
Shame on people who are running this administration and Judge Lewis chambers. I wish I could give them 000 star. I had a case against a corrupt Contractor, and after providing all the exhibits after 16 months or so they said the case is pending. Judge Lewis pretended to understand the industry claiming-her son was involved in the Cannabis industry and after further research I found her son online owing allot of money to people, always running from one place to the other, Ryan Lewis was a violent wife beater a real white trash and a guy with more problem with the judicial system than any other person I know, and that is whom she compared my business to. Horrible Judge zero common sense. We wont he case on Appeal.


Comment #: CA31288
The judicial commission It was reported that in 2019,dismissed 90% of people's complaints against judges. They are just there for public relations to make it seem like judges have some accountability. My complaint about Judge Maureen Duffy-Lewis was not even addressed. I submitted a motion to dismiss, entering a plea for me, despite my objection at not having been informed of the cause and nature of the proceedings I was ignored by the Judge whom simply reprimanded me. She was overturned eventually by the Appellate Court.


Comment #: CA31285
My friend has a truly injustice case and sent a complaint to the CA committee on judicial Performance. But they wouldn't like to take any action against the Judge. They have no heart for victims. It is sad. Judge Duffy-Lewis was out of place and I suspect related to the Defendant.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA31235
She knows what she is doing and has a good grasp of the law. I appreciate that she is always familiar with the briefing on the day of the hearing.

She can get testy depending on the day you catch her on. Minute orders tend to get sloppy at times, in that they will not reflect what actually happened at the hearing.

A tip for practitioners--call the department before you stipulate to continue a hearing.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA29121
Great judge. Amazing. Smart, gracious, professional, respectful to counsel and witnesses, great staff in courtroom, and absolute pleasure to have as a judge. You will be lucky enough to have Judge Duffy-Lewis as your trial judge.


Comment #: CA24883
If Pro Per don't go near this judge. For 2 1/2 years I've appeared against five defense attorneys in a Financial Elder Abuse case. Hearing after hearing all this judge can do is "order" me to "find an Attorney" while she knows I'm broke. Oral argument? Forget it. Now I am headed into an appeal with guess what? No attorney. 170.6? I wish.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA17002
An outstanding trial judge for complex cases. She knows the law and controls her courtroom in a way that is firm but not offensive. She lets the lawyers try their case and makes litigants feel comfortable. She is very good resolving discovery disputes before trial. If you are in her court you are lucky.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA15498
I had a case assigned to this judge for over two years from initial filing to conclusion at trial. She was always prompt, courteous, and extremely knowledgeable of the law and procedure. My client felt he was treated fairly by the court and given every opportunity to present his case to the jury. Even though we lost our case I would highly recommend this Judge if you are lucky enough to get assigned to her court. This court was extremely fair at trial to both sides. She was always well prepared at motions and clearly read the moving papers and understood the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11698
If you would like a trial on the merits, do not permit this judge to handle your case. If you have an optically attractive case, but poor merits, have this court try it as this court is guided by bias and prejudice and that bias and prejudice is uncloaked. This judge is a party litigant.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11177
Has a great understanding of the law and applies it correctly to the facts of the case I had in her court. Although the jury found in favor of the opposing party, my client and I found this judge to be very even handed in her rulings and allowed both counsel to try our case to verdict. She understands the law very well and knows how to apply the facts to her rulings.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11176
I have tried several complex civil real estate and tort cases in her court. She is always pleasant with a very nice demeanor. Makes all counsel comfortable at trial and allows you to try your case. Does not put up with incompetent counsel who delay and are not prepared. The clients like her ability to know the value of a case and works to get it settled at a fair amount. An excellent judge to try a case with.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10443
The 170.6 Queen!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10134
Great judge. I am very impressed by her demeanor and ability. She is awesome. She truly wants cases and parties to resolve the issues and will help in doing so.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA8169
Ok I had a lot of my business at stake in this lawsuit. She was so good at picking up BS. She stopped us mid court trial took us to chambers and settled case. I am so grateful

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8167
Good demeanor
Let's you try your case
Generally likes lawyers
Well known for mediation skills

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7891
A good judge on complex matters.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7510
Worst judge ever. Does not read papers and makes believe she does. On top of that she is mean spirited, cuts off lawyers, and routinely makes wrong decisions. She also has very poor calendar control.


Comment #: CA7395
A uniquely outstanding and knowledgeable judge who uses her congenial yet commanding courtroom temperament to personally, impartially, forthrightly, and respectfully assess even a pro se litigant case, such as mine. Her clerical staff are equally professional, considerate and courteous, even under pressure. More judges should follow her lead.


Comment #: CA6823
Extremely patient, fair and very knowledgeable about the law. I had a jury trial with her and thought I was treated very fairly even though I did not get everything I asked for. Clearly, the low ratings above are by losers who are angry with the results of their bad attorney, poor preparation and their bad testimony....

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA6284
A basic good egg who is even handed and not afraid to rule, and will, unlike most of the stuffed shirt lazy ones, have the good grace to change a ruling where shown to be in error, even on a motion for summary judgment...thumbs up

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4910
She is extremely knowledgeable about the law, and well-prepared to hear all of the issues presented to her at trial. She is an excellent trial judge, who controls the courtroom and gives both sides a fair trial.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA4875
She is an excellent judge when the situation requires the court to hear complex litigation with a jury. She really knows how to handle both juries and attorneys. Although I lost my case, this judge gave me a fair trial and allowed my attorney to present my entire case. She seems to know the law, and does not tolerate obnoxious lawyers in the courtroom in front of the jury.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA4722
Judge Duffy-Lewis is one of the best judges with whom to have a case. She is very courteous to counsel, respects the individual litigants and makes herself available whenever possible to resolve whatever issues come up in the case. She is up on the law, very pleasant to work with and "tells it like it is" to both sides.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA4435
She is a very great judge to work with. She is very pungent, and never late. She is straightforward and rules fairly. She reads every detail and has insightful judgement. Clearly, there are some false comments out here.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4373
This judge has a surprisingly poor grasp of the law. She is indecisive, and is not aware of arguments made in papers. She is easily swayed in hearings because of her lack of understanding of legal issues. She does have a nice temperament, but she makes you appreciate some of the stricter judges.


Comment #: CA4338
This judge has an excellent knowledge of the law and also has a great judicial temperament. She is also very fair. She listens carefully to both sides before making a decision. (And I lost!)

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA3918
A truly good judge. Smart, listens, knows. I like her a lot.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2631
Thoughtful judge who took the time to understand the relief requested on an ex parte application. She was not above reconsidering her previous denial of portions of an unopposed stipulation once we explained what we were trying to do and why.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2368
Fantastic judge! Open fair-minded and thoughtful.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2134
Astoundingly ill-prepared. Blatantly obvious that she does not read the parties' papers; asked questions that were clearly and primarily addressed in the briefings.

Very poor grasp of the law. Her orders cite cases in a haphazard manner seemingly based only on the general subject matter of the legal argument. Not persuaded by sophisticated or technically sound legal arguments.

Previous reviewer who said "The more Dr. Suess your writing, the better you'll do. If you're on defense, forget it. It won't matter." was absolutely correct. Seems that a good story and creative truth-telling are much more important than being correct on the law. Content of declarations/affidavits seems to be irrelevant, so long as brief tells a good story and supporting documents kind-of/sort-of back it up.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA2102
A great judge who has a wonderful temperment with litigants and lawyers in her court. Excellent on voir dire. But if you are one of those incompetant unprepared lawyers afraid to try a case to a jury and want to dump your client by settling short, go somewhere else. We need more judges like her. Get rid of the incompetant lawyers and things will improve. They are the ones complaining.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1630
Unprepared. Won't read the evidence or the case law. When she hasn't read your papers, she will belittle your work product in hopes of bullying you into submission. Don't even attempt sophisticated argument. The more Dr. Suess your writing, the better you'll do. If you're on defense, forget it. It won't matter.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1209
Intellectual lightweight. Temperment is nice, though.