Hon. Ayesha K. Brantley See Rating Details

Family Court
Nassau County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.2 - 4 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Ayesha K. Brantley



Comment #: NY13929
What kind of human being strips a child from their mother when the child is OBVIOUSLY terrified to be DEPORTED and live with their ABUSIVE father. Disgusting.


Comment #: NY13914
Rating:Not Rated
I really do pray that someday she will be investigated and all of her cases will be revisited. For a judge to receive so many negative reviews on multiple sites, including Reddit, is extremely embarrassing. She needs to be investigated. There seems to be a pattern of her making her victims experience more abuse. There is a possibility that she’s suffering from a wound and taking it out on others which is why she doesn’t make rational decisions at all. She is an embarrassment.


Comment #: NY13846
Rating:Not Rated
Ayesha Brantley is one poor excuse of a judge. How can you take a child away from a loving mother to send him to Russia with an abusive father? The child has told her the father abuses him but Brantley doesn’t care because the father and family are paying her under the table. She also had the mother locked up for no reason. Please someone look over this case and don’t allow Arsen to be sent to Russia with his abuser.


Comment #: NY13822
The nicest thing I have ever heard about this charmer was a colleague who has appeared before her many times. The quote was, "the only time I ever saw her act even remotely human was...". Major abuse of power, misguided sense of entitlement and signs things without reading them, resulting in inappropriate and harsh results for innocent litigants she could care less about. Disgraceful.


Comment #: NY13768
You could show dozens of proof that the sky is blue and this judge would still believe that the sky is red.


Comment #: NY13678
Rating:Not Rated
This judge committed tax fraud. Read the document: Case 2:17-cv-03173-JFB-AKT


Comment #: NY13676
I didn't want to believe the comments but now I see. Abused her power... Removed my child's AFC 2 WEEKS before trial. The minimum that could have been done was a replacement of AFC for the child. Stated there was no reason for the child to have an AFC due to age and unable to communicate. My child had an AFC appointed at 8 months of age, AFC was with him for OVER A YEAR! and then removed without a legitimate reason. VERY RASH and irresponsible decision on her part. A reversable error, 100%. Replacement of AFC at minimum! This judge seems to have a pattern of making unnecessary messes and a bully to say the least. Why has she not been removed yet? I'm not sure. But I will not give up for what is right for my child. She certainly did not have my child's best interest in mind and it's sad that there are times that we have to put our child's fate in a [Redacted by Ed.] condescending, dismissive judges like her in such a corrupt justice system. Ladies and gentlemen, please keep reporting her, something has got to give. I'd like to also state that she did say on record that the child did NOT need an AFC due to his age and not being able to communicate (again he was given one at 8 months old and had one for over a year...) because SHE had the final say... I have so much to say but I do agree with a comment here... I hope God touches her heart. No good deed goes unpunished. SHE NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED immediately and REMOVED.


Comment #: NY13627
Power hungry, money hungry and a bully. Her conference that took place on December 2023 exposes it all since she’s complaining about not being paid enough. Regardless of how much you’re paid, you should always do right under oath. You could read about this on The Jewish Press website.


Comment #: NY13621
She needs to be thoroughly investigated.


Comment #: NY13618
The absolute most horrible judge - at this point after reading reviews I am appalled she has not been CRIMINALLY INVESTIGATED. This judge might be as well be called an abuser herself - she forces victims to face their abuser again and again and grants additional rights to abusers merely out of spite. She sides with abusers despite criminal records and legal documents supporting the victim. Rather than acknowledge that her actions can and will continue to put mothers and children in danger, she believes the abusers have been "wronged." Listen lady, there is a reason that in previous rulings, THE ABUSER LOST CUSTODY OF THE CHILD!! Look at the evidence. Look at the records. Look at their behavior in the courtroom even years later. At this point I will be going to the media with my story because I have had enough of watching mothers be silenced and forced to relive trauma so this judge can get off on their pain. It is sad that someone who utilized funds and support from WOMENS EQUALITY GROUPS TO GET ELECTED would turn around and spend every day of her life putting women in danger after they've narrowly escaped with their lives. Disgusting, vile, and should be REMOVED.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13571
Keep reporting her to The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. This judge and her court proceedings must be investigated. She allows destructive people to get away with things they shouldn’t get away with despite all of the proof submitted to her. A person could submit a false document and get away with all because she has some personal vendetta against the victim despite not knowing the victim nor abuser through a can of paint. She’s unprofessional and she could be the reason why a person could end up murdered. She’s a very dangerous, inhumane, untrustworthy judge. She’s the type of person that doesn’t like anyone who has more knowledge in a situation than her so if a victim shows that they’re intelligent, she’ll do anything in her power to make the victim look like the villian because judge Brant can’t take accountability for her toxicity.


Comment #: NY13552
Rating:Not Rated
the most inhumane horrible judge in existence. I will leave it as that

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13544
This is the type of judge that’ll have you and/or your child in danger because she’s so big on keeping families together instead of looking at the facts of the matter. She’s the type to give someone with a long criminal background custody versus someone who’s hardworking and tries their best all because of whatever her personal experience in life was. She doesn’t make reasonable judgments based off of the facts of situations. I think she’s very emotional and she needs to no longer be a judge because she’s the type of judge that’ll put someone and/or their kids in danger. She’s disgusting. For people to bring evidence upon evidence and you allow people who commit perjury under oath to still rise above situation they shouldn’t be rising above all because you’re perhaps jealous of the hardworking individuals is insane to me. I think she needs a therapist and to be retaught about the actual society we live in because she’s the type to put people in harms way for absolutely no reason. She doesn’t care about victims nor the kids, she just cares about covering her wrongdoings in these cases she’s given. She’s a danger to other people’s lives.


Comment #: NY13539
Rating:Not Rated
I thought about writing all of the terrible things I feel and see in Judge Brantley's courtroom but instead I will say that I hope God touches her heart and that she can let go of her upbringing, bias, and political agendas and realize that sometimes some people are just bad people and don't need or want to be avenged or rehabilitated and sometimes its not about "putting families back together" because when there is toxicity and danger its about keeping the child safe and sane. Not everyone is supposed to be a parent. I pray that God helps you let go of whatever unfairness you experienced in life and when you take the bench you take it with an open mind for BOTH sides, not just for the person YOU FEEL is the under dog. maybe take time to meet with the children of the cases yourself maybe take time to listen to the alleged victims. Look inside yourself and make sure every decision is coming from the right place:
""On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?' Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers'" (Matthew 7:21-23)""

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13410
Judge Brantley is the type of Judge I like in my family court practice. She is practical and cuts to the chase. She always lets you know where she stands, and has zero tolerance for nonsense. She will let litigants have their say, but will push back on nonsense. Don't lie to her and don't come up with a ridiculous story, it will not go well. She is even handed between mothers and fathers. Mothers should be aware, she does not give you a pass because you are the mother.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13211
Rating:Not Rated
Has no empathy, doesn’t care to hear factual, she has no regard for hard working moms just basically rule based on her own feelings. The most horrible judge I’ve ever met in my life. She should never represents families. What an embarrassment to women and society. Just awful. 0 is not even a rating that fits this horrible human being.


Comment #: NY12968
Rating:Not Rated
This woman is the reason some one will get killed or worse a child. Zero regard for factual evidence and dismisses orders full knowing the other party has a abuse record and access to firearms. Time will tell, blood will be on her hands.


Comment #: NY12777
Rating:Not Rated
The worst experience of my life. She would not let my attorney speak.She was rude, arrogant,dismissive, nasty and overall just really nasty.
She literally did not care to hear anything from my lawyer!!!! She made a decision based on her own knowledge without any understanding of why my lawyer was asking for certain things.


Comment #: NY12644
Judge Brantley is dismissive, disrespectful, and a bully she is unsympathetic, condescending and rude Judge Brantley unwillingness hear or see the victim’s trauma shows a lack of empathy as a human [Redacted by Editor].

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12598
Rating:Not Rated
I feel like I was abused all over again! This woman let my abuser get off! No accountability
She was rude and made me feel small


Comment #: NY12540
Judge Brantley is an embarrassment to women. She re-victimizes victims of abuse. She takes away protection orders even when there are credible video graphic threats as evidence. "Words are just words" I'll rememberthat for the rest of life. I would've actually have been stabbed in the head for her to think I needed a protective order. THIS IS HOW WOMEN GET KILLED. She's arrogant and rude. Wish I could rate her a zero. If I get killed it is HER fault.


Comment #: NY12338
Worst judge ever. Most horrible human being, condescending, arrogant, obnoxious and rude. She shouldn’t work with animals yet along humans. Most horrible person I’ve ever met. If there was a score worst than worst that’s what she would have gotten.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12254
The most horrible, condescending human being, dismissive, disrespectful judge I've ever met. she's nasty and does not care to hear your case.


Comment #: NY11264
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Brantley wasted my time numerous days where I took off of work and paid for childcare as a single mom. She was nasty condescending and looked and acted like doing her job was a hassle.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11259
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is only for women. She has ignored all factors of my case in which as a judge the case should have been dismissed on several grounds. She seems only interested in making men look like the bad guys.


Comment #: NY11210
Thorough, well-prepared, and has a great attitude on the bench. Takes her time to preview case. Has a very bright future ahead.


Comment #: NY10490
Terrible judge I agree. Arrogant, disrespectful, dismissive agreed Unwilling to listen to the whole truth. Zero empathy or sensitivity for the victims agreed. Its a shame her decisions will have a huge mental effect on the victim that will last a lifetime.


Comment #: NY9493
Terrible judge. Arrogant, disrespectful, dismissive.
Zero empathy or sensitivity for the victims.