Hon. Mary Ann Murphy See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.2 - 26 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 10 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Mary Ann Murphy


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53919
Worst judge ever. Hands down. She isn’t that smart and gets easily thrown off track. So, she yells at people, interrupts people, and ignores people. Her first inclination is to berate others for her own shortcomings. She is nasty and mean. Once she picks a side, she will undermine the other side and show her bias. She should not be on the bench.


Comment #: CA48935
Rating:Not Rated
I've been on 5 trials as a juror and have never seen such a mean judge - she verbally berated jurors who were late by a few minutes and made them sit separately; yelled at both attorneys several times in front of jurors, snapped at her own staff multiple times and would not let witness speak more than yes & no answers. Even told her court assistant to remove staples from a document. Wow.... just wow. She needs to retire so as to allow cases an actual fair trial.


Comment #: CA47207
Judge Mary Ann Murphy is mercurial, brazen, vindictive, and cruel. If you draw her, exercise your 170.6 immediately. You will never have a fair trial in front of her. I've never been treated with such disrespect and hostility by a judge. She rules as a tyrant from the bench and gets a sick satisfaction from ridiculing counsel on irrelevant minutiae of a case. She was wrong on the law numerous times, but would not let counsel speak to address the court. She admonishes attorneys on the public record to embarrass and shame them. She raised issues sua sponte and expected counsel to argue on a dime. Examples included page-line designations already ruled upon, motions in limine, and Sargon motions. She mused that defense counsel should file a nonsuit before jury selection even began. I now believe she uses her position and tactics to force the parties to settle. My guess is most litigants only last 3-4 days before tapping out. She made semi-racist comments, called millennials uneducated, and chastised the Court Reporter for sneezing in her court room. Do yourself a favor and avoid her at all costs. You've been warned!


Comment #: CA33712
Rating:Not Rated
Extremely rude. Disrespectful. Horrible temper. Egotistical.


Comment #: CA33711
Rating:Not Rated

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA24805
Judge Murphy works hard and tries to get the law right, but her mercurial temperament gets in the way. She can turn from a judicious calm to engaging in a humiliating rant on a dime. She wears her insecurities on her sleeve. If she takes a dislike to one side, it may be near impossible to turn her around.


Comment #: CA24233
I was a prospective juror in Judge Murphy's courtroom on a civil trial. The defense apparently was based on denying that one could suffer from PTSD unless they were in the military. We were not given an intake form of any kind, but were asked in the voir dire box if we had flashbacks of childhood trauma or if we had experienced pyschological trauma. We were asked to elaborate on the details but NOT in the judge's chambers, but for all to see and hear. I was silently crying during this for two hours and then I had a panic attack and was treated abominably. I was finally handed a tissue but the defense attorney then harangued me with questions about my childhood trauma while pointing at me from a short distance away. I was crying so hard and panicking and it was horrific. I was finally dismissed. I was not given any compassion. I can't understand why this judge did not have sensitive questions asked in her chambers. At least two other jurors were crying, one of whom had been a witness to a recent mass shooting. She had not been dismissed at the time I left. This judge needs to be counseled on proper judicial etiquette and to treat jurors with the respect they deserve.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA18772
Appears to mask her own insecurities or incompetence with rudeness to counsel and jurors.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA16930
Judge Murphy has a very poor judicial temperament. She is caustic, rude and speaks over the attorneys. She also appears to have a very short memory and does not recall the rulings that she has made. Overall, one of the most arbitrary and capricious jurists I have encountered.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA16855
30 years of practice I've never experienced a worse judge. She was a bag man for the defense. I had heard stories from plaintiff and defense lawyers who warned about how lop sided a judge she was. ive never referred to a judge a a racist before... today that changed. I would never bring a plaintiff or any client of color in front of her again. I warn any lawyer especially with a client of color not to try a case in her court. She was rude and disrespectful to both the plaintiff and the entire gallery.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10944
This is one of the worst judges in Los Angeles County. I refuse to have my case before her. Here are some examples, all from the one business litigation case that I had before her:

1) an unopposed ex parte motion (done more out of an abundance of caution) to enable an expert deposition to be taken after the discovery cut-off turned into a 9-month sua sponte trial continuance that no one wanted but her;

2) She decided at 2:45 one afternoon that we should have an MSC... THE NEXT MORNING. I got the call and was advised to notify all counsel, one of whom was in Northern California. Naturally adjusters and clients were supposed to be present as well, including one from back east.

3. We appeared at 8:30 for a Monday morning status conference. At 9:45, after she'd still not taken the bench, we were advised that she would not be appearing as she was ill, and to come back the following morning. This, totally coincidentally I'm sure, was the Monday following the judges conference in Las Vegas, which I later confirmed she'd attended.

She's emotionally unstable, isn't very bright, and only compounds this with her arrogance and unwillingness to listen. I really don't have anything good to say about her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10426
Not the brightest judge, she goes by the book because she is of limited intelligence. Lacks imagination. Gets "angry" and has made some stupid rulings. There are so few good judges, and she is not one of those.


Comment #: CA9780
She is absolutely the meanest person I have ever dealt with. She needs to be retired. If I see her name on any ballot for any position I won't vote for her, no way.


Comment #: CA8731
This Judge handle my case And I felt that justice was served this Judge is tough and very fair....

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8562
Judge Murphy is tough and does follow the letter of the law. My case was assigned to her after the court of appeals over-ruled the work of a terrible Judge that disregarded the law and made rules as she went along. Filing an appeal is always an option and when I won my case the second time the appeal filed against me was slammed down. Judge Murphy made sure to make excellent and pointed comments on record. I was up against one of the most vindictive attorneys out there and even with all the purposeful delays and antics this attorney did in court I was surprised that Judge Murphy made sure to show this disgusting attorney respect. This judge goes out of her way to be fair to both sides. What a sigh of relief to know that there are judges that care and do respect the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7886
Never have a been before a judge more caught up in procedural minutia than this judge. She required the parties in our case to re-file a summary judgment motion and opposition papers three times claiming that each time, the filings (of both plaintiff and defense) did not comply with the CRC and Local Rules. However, our papers (each time) complied with the rules to the letter. Then she complained that the evidentiary objections were too long because they explained the objections. Moreover, she is openly hostile to all who appear before her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6341
She is incredibly defense oriented, and has made some really one-sided decisions. Once she ruled that my client's claim for fraudulent inducement to contract was barred by the Parol Evidence Rule. In another case, where I had a client out of the country on a date set for trial, and opposing counsel stipulated to a 23-day extension of the trial date to avoid the problem, she refused to allow it, stating that "a new case" said that she did not need to follow the rule making a stipulated continuance of less than 30 days mandatory. There was no case, she was just being pigheaded. If you're a defendant, stick with her, you'll get a judge biased in your favor. If you're a plaintiff, run.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA5694
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable Judgment
This is an Inventor of Technology Michael Avaspour on State of California 91367. and I got on 2 cases , then I think son an Internationa Special Super Civil Attorney to accepting to get on my Cases ( Fraud Business on $ 18000.000.00 ) and ( Discrimination Lawsuit on $ ) and may be ,I come on International TV ,

Thank you , on your a respond messaging on Americans .I do a too appreciate .

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA5693
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable Judgment
This is an Inventor of Technology Michael Avaspour on State of California 91367. and I got on 2 cases , then I think son an Internationa Special Super Civil Attorney to accepting to get on my Cases ( Fraud Business on $ 18000.000.00 ) and ( Discrimination Lawsuit on $ ) and may be ,I come on International TV ,

Thank you , on your a respond messaging on Americans .I do a too appreciate .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5691
Worst judge ever- bounce her as soon as you can- its malpractice if you don't bounce her. She is mean, bigoted and lazy as well. She must have created fake emails to leave the "ten star" ratings on this site.


Comment #: CA5595
Judge Murphy is a tough cookie. She deals justice with a firm hand and takes no excuses for lazy attorneys that don't come to court prepared. With all the budget cuts are courts have suffered this Judge works overtime. I can't say all her rulings went my way but when they didn't I could understand why. She may be rude at times but the woman is running a courtroom not trying to be your friend on Facebook. It's like the teacher ratings we have....If the teacher fails you for being a lazy, non-productive student you hate the teacher and rate him/her an F when you deserved the F you received. How childlike to bitch about a judge when it doesn't go your way. If you had a point then you would take it up to the Court of Appeal.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5537
This is an AWFUL judge! Judge Murphy is habitually rude, arrogant and disrespectful to counsel and litigants. She has a mean streak one-half mile wide. Coming out of her courtroom, you wonder why they don't put judges like her through mandatory remedial training on treating the people that appear before her with simple courtesy and respect. She's a PUBLIC SERVANT, for God's sake!
170.6 her just as soon as your case is assigned to her, or later you'll wish you had. I GUARANTEE it!


Comment #: CA5162
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable Judgment Mary Ann Murphy and Honorable Judgment William . this is on Fraud agreement and on Mr, Bobby Pouya as a Attorney on that Case # BC372745 IN a LA Court and he did to Fraud on my Money on Money $ 42,000.00 and his a Boss said to me , ok, Michael Avapour when next time to call on this Office then to be a death , and I did to report on it to State Bar Association
at March-21-2014-Friday afternoon ,and your honor you will get on that reporting from the State LA Bar association . I am requesting to get on a help please ,..and the Judgment SK, of Collection Law to said oh, Mr, Michael Avaspour on some body else to got on that amount and her name is MS,Susan and you have to report on that Fraud to on Honorable Mary Ann Murphy .
and another Case when yourhonor accept to process on it . Yes I am an Inventor of nvest problem then to checking on an investor Mr, Jimy Jamshid Sedghi from CA 90024 . then after 3 days on that Investor to got to check on that Technology Instruction documents Invention. then he gave on a his a Business Partner name: Mr, Jim Jevad Goudarzi then to sent on him In CHina Conturythen to sold on it by $ 18,000.000.00 Ok, I ma requesting from your honor. Would you to respond on that case please. then I would like to give on your a action response Fee on that Fraud Busines Case $ 9,000.000.00 and would you to accept on that case please .
((( Information )))
01) - the Fraud man name : Mr,Jimmy Jamshid Sedghi to Lives in the West wood City CA 90024. and he is a salesperson .
02) - on his a Business Partner ship
name : Mr, Jim Jevad Goudarzi to works on Fraud /Fake Documents then he did a Fraud Contracting on my Technology Invention:U.S.International plumber
then to made on my Technology Book on my Information and ona last page of my a Book ,
Respectfully !
Michael Avaspour ,
Inventor of Technology & Support of City Planning U.S.Project
a too appreciate on a helping please ,
5550 Owensmoth Avenue #C 112 Woodland Hills California 91367 .

yourhonor please to help on me .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5158
Highly biased. She gives one side legal aid, legal suggestions and legal counsel. If you are on the other side you will be the one getting yelled at and are losing more than you can ever imagine. She's absurd. Go watch and you'll see.


Comment #: CA5157
Rating:Not Rated
Horrendous Judge. This is the only Judge I have ever seen in a courtroom suggest the grounds for the Plaintiffs objections while at the same time did not offer the same legal aid to the Defense. Highly improper behavior for a Judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5108
Very evenhanded. Can have a temper and be difficult to deal with, but generally acts and rules fairly. Law and motion in front of her takes forever as she controls the proceedings and cuts off lawyers. But she lets you try your case and is fair.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5078
Miss Murphy turned a 7 hour injunction hearing into a 5 day capital trial. After the Plaintiff's put on 3 full days of nonsense time her patience was so thins she only allowed 2 witnesses to appear for the Defense. She used an arrest that had not gone to trial against the defendant - me - then proceeded to reign a sentence of terror on me with no mercy. She used double hearsay as credible evidence and granted plaintiff's injunction. I can't drive down parts of Wilshire boulevard because the street needs protection from me, along with two buildings, one I've never been to and even the one where I live(d). I'm homeless now because of this cunt which under California Law is illegal because you cannot evict someone with a permanent injunction. But Judge Murphy does not know that and even if she does she doesn't give a shit. She's Nancy Grace with a gavel.


Comment #: CA5070
After experience "justice" at the hands of "Judge" Murphy, I believe she does great disservice to the courts of Los Angeles. Having 148 peremptory challenges between 2001 and 2003, and hearing from others in the law community confirming that she isn't the brightest seed, I feel safe in that belief. Be wary of her. You will not feel justice was had in her courtroom. Sit down and watch. You'll see.


Comment #: CA4850
She is a great judge. All of the negative comments here appear to be from a single source. She is as good as it gets, and is well-liked at USC.


Comment #: CA4473
Rating:Not Rated
She is just plain mean-spirited, abrasive and rude. I have never seen a more biased or inconsiderate judge in all the years that I have been working in the courts. She's a disgrace to the courts. It was the most stressful trial I have ever been a part of, because everyone, including the jury, was afraid to even sneeze or breathe, for fear of her constant condescending rants. Pretty sad.


Comment #: CA4382
She appears to go into the courtroom with a predisposed attitude towards the litigants and their representatives. She is a terrible judge that does a disservice to the court.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA3660
An unpleasant judge to all. Rants at counsel with clients present. Smart enough. Fair enough. But entirely lacking in judicial temperament. Trial in her courtroom is an ordeal.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA3287
Im not a lawyer, so I can't comment whether her rulings were correct or not, but as a fellow human being ---- she is NASTY rude and pompous! "what is it now?" "what's your problem now?" are the responses I got when I asked for clarification. likes to belittle people. just so unnecessarily MEAN.


Comment #: CA2734
Fair and honest

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2720
Unforgivably rude to an older attorney who was trying to apologize to her for his difficulty in hearing her during a case management conference. I will forever regret that I did not file a complaint with the council on judicial performance. She is unfit for the job of Superior Court Judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2357
Terrible judge -- as bad as it gets.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2164
Extremely rude. Disrespectful. Horrible temper. Egotistical. Will not let you speak even on a germane issue. Ridicules counsel attempting to embarrass them in front of others.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1952
Very nasty person and not at all intelligent. Some judges remind you why you like the practice of law, other judges, like this judge, make law practice seem like a depressing waste of time. It would be nice to see judges like this stop all the horrible attitude and just do their job like everyone else.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1924
This judge is smart, prepared and even handed. She will do the work necessary to rule on complex matter.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1708
Rude, overweening, unjudicial in temperament. Does not research the issues, flip-flops on oral argument and sometimes is so unprepared she conducts research right in front of the lawyers when the matter is called. Seems to care more about the form of filings (did you remember to tab exhibits??) than the content.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1503
This judge's style includes ridiculing and berating counsel, often without any justification. She refuses to reconsider a position, even if all parties agree she is wrong. She finds fictional paperwork errors in order to avoid ruling on a motion. She sets OSC re: Sanctions anytime she is mad. If you file a lengthy motion, she will find a reason not to hear the merits and she will try to humiliate you for nebulous "errors." She is simply horrible.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA1121
I conducted two bench trials with her. This goes back at least ten years. They were easier than normal to schedule on fast-track. You see, most lawyers 170 challenged before waking up for court in the morning. Her awful disposition distracted my presentations but the outcomes were still based on her solid understanding of the facts, witness credibility issues, and the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1109
This judge is needlessly abrasive, firing rapid shot questions at counsel, interrupting with another question before counsel can answer the prior question. Ultimately seems to know what she is doing, however.