Hon. Lisa R Washington See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Lisa R Washington



Comment #: CA53943
Lisa A. Washington, [Redacted by Ed.], is a former public defender [Redacted by Ed.]ho seems to be misunderstood by the public. Contrary to popular belief, she does not represent "their" side.

She has deliberately misrepresented facts and cited the law as if her opinion were the ultimate authority. She does not follow proper procedures or adhere to appropriate points of order. It appears the court always calls my name last, ensuring there are no witnesses. There are no transcripts available to me, and the court reporters' names are withheld. This seems to be a recurring issue whenever my name is involved.

Lisa A. Washington, in her apparent authority, forgets that the law must remain unbiased and impartial. She is responsible for upholding all doctrines and the rights of individuals, which must be respected in private decorum.

The public is often unaware of their true capacities and lacks knowledge of the facts, not realizing they have entered a private judicial court. This is clearly established by the "black letter of the law," a fact that should be well known to Lisa A. Washington.

This principle is upheld by the Separation of Powers doctrine in the Constitution. Her actions appear to be motivated by prohibited bias, which is a fact.


Comment #: CA53698
Rating:Not Rated
This is a reply to the comment left on 12/25/2023 2:16:58 AM.

This woman lost custody because she slept with a 16-year-old for a year. Case and point. The evidence was overwhelming. I watched from the audience and this lady was unbelievable. Showed up on camera with the minor who was a runaway clearly in the same room. Lied under oath and said she was alone except with her dog then her dog showed up on the minor's camera.

The judge gave this person A MILLION chances to explain herself, and everything she said came off as disingenuous and frankly nuts. Never seen such a crazy person in my life. She is now on YouTube falsely claiming the judge and opposing counsel are Scientologists plotting against her because ... why not? When one lie doesn't work, just try another one.

Can't speak for the judge outside of this incident and the crazy behavior of this litigant before and after. But I can say this. This judge weighed the evidence. The judge gave everyone an equal chance to talk and make their case. The judge was patient with this lady's defiant witness and ultimately ruled against this lady based on the recommendation of the minor's counsel.

No judge has a positive average review in family law on this or any site. Aggrieved parties are the only ones who leave reviews. A lot of them lose because they do really egregious things, like this woman did.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53524
Pomona Courthouse simply replaced Rocky Crabb with another one. Lisa is just as bad if not worse. She clearly said, "The Court finds no evidence of Parental Alienation." Even after showing the Court, the mother illegally changed our daughter's last name, I am only given 1 10min phone call per week, have not had ANY holidays, breaks or birthdays in 11yrs & is teaching our daughter her past fiancés are our daughter's father. Lisa even ignored our daughter's increased anxiety since her mother removed me from her life & the mother clinically diagnosed mental disorders which she is refusing her required medication & therapy for. I also found out Lisa was presiding over my Ed's other paternity case which she did the same exact actions on that father as well. When I requested Challenge for Cause based on Conflict of Interest/Personal Knowledge of History & a Change of Venue, I was denied. Everyone needs to file a Judicial Complaint & get her REMOVED ASAP!!


Comment #: CA52318
She took my child away from me on ridiculous ground of being a "flight risk" with no evidence. She constantly is late to hearings, rolls her eyes at me, and refuses to let me or my witnesses speak. She also belittles and slanders me. She is so obviously biased and constantly sanctions me at every chance she gets without warrant.

If you have had a similar experience to that of myself, file a complaint with the Commission on Judicial Performance. https://cjp.ca.gov/file_a_complaint/

She needs to be removed from the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52101
Rating:Not Rated
How do I give her a zero? More important, how do we protect our children by getting her removed from the bench? She is set to destroy lives until 2029! She MUST be STOPPED! [redacted]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46667
“Judge” Lisa Washington is a joke! How she got appointed by Gavin Newsom is beyond me. Her favorite thing to do is roll her eyes like the rude fat slob that she is. She’s very biased and doesn’t care about the well-being of the child. How do you sign off on a temporary retraining order, seen the pictures, and still said that it wasn’t enough evidence? So you make the child spend every other weekend with his abuser. She’s a pathetic judge and shouldn’t be able to ruin any more lives!


Comment #: CA45306
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Washington is a contributor to racism. She ignored the racil discrimination insults about me. She slept in my trial. She is disrespectful rolls her eyes. One day the lord will judge her for her unfairness.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA35606
This rookie, so-called Judge is TERRIBLE! She is unfair, biased, rude and ignorant. I can't believe Governor Newsome appointed this pathetic individual to the bench. She is ruining lives at Pomona Court. Wrong Choice!!!!!!