Hon. Timothy M Weiner See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.1 - 2 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 8 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Timothy M Weiner



Comment #: CA54598
I have been before this judge twice, and both times he was fair and adhered to the law. He was well-informed about my case beforehand, and it showed when I stood before him. Unfortunately, I did not get the outcome desired. This was primarily because I didn't present my case as effectively as I could have. I see the negative comments on here about this judge and felt it was important to share my experience with him. I believe it's important to mention that I am a self-represented, non-causation, female litigant. He made an effort to explain the law and did not show any frustration doing so. I am here to say, do not be discouraged by the negative comments. This is an experienced Judge that knows the law and follows it, regardless of who is in favor.


Comment #: CA53054
Rating:Not Rated
I had a family law case in front of this horrible sexist judge and will echo whatever everyone else says about him. He was extremely nasty to me, a female litigant of color and very (to the point of ridiculousness) nice to the WHITE attorney on the other side who was behaving in the most disgusting and unprofessional manner toward me in the courtroom. I was 8 months pregnant at the time and attempting in pro per to get a restraining order against a deranged MALE ex extended. He continued the hearing 2 months based on the other side’s lies. When I protested that this date was right after my scheduled due date and begged that the hearing go forward as scheduled, he screamed at me that if I gave birth before the hearing I can always call the other side and the court to request a continuance. What a freaking joke!! What a nasty man who, due to his extreme blatant displays of sexism and racism, really should not be allowed to make decisions that can have such a profound impact people’s lives.


Comment #: CA52673
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is sexist and racist, and will side with men no matter what in family law cases. Change this judge immediately if he is assigned to your case women.


Comment #: CA52605
Extremely biased. Does nothing about perjury being committed even when perjury is admitted by the accused person. Does not take all facts into account and makes decisions based on his own misguided beliefs while ignoring the laws and guidelines that he's supposed to be following.


Comment #: CA49131
Exceptional Judicial Officer. Extremely professional, well prepared, excellent judicial temperament. This Judge is respectful to counsel as well as litigants. He is even-handed, committed to equitable and just result.


Comment #: CA47154
Part 3:
It is obvious that Timothy M. Weiner engaged in ex-parte communication with a supervising sheriff deputy who went into his chambers, shortly after counseling us on the use of cellphones outside of the courtroom!! I see people using their cellphones outside of courtrooms all the time and my understanding is that recording is prohibited inside courtrooms, not outside.
I believe that potential jurors, other bench officers, supervising judges, the public and politicians who place these bench officers should be aware of what happened today, as ex-parte communication, supposedly, is against court rules for obvious reasons and for the potential to prejudice litigants. It is exactly what happened and Timothy M. Weiner admonished me before my hearing even started, claiming that the supervising sheriff deputy admonished me for cell phone use outside of the courtroom. Neither judge nor the supervising deputy observed or recorded me doing anything with my phone; why the accusations, ex-parte and biased stand.
My name is Ahmed Dmini, 57, resident of Los Angeles County for the last 34 years.
If you want my opinion about
Timothy M. Weiner, Pacheco, Coletta, Dianna Gould-Saltman, Juhas, Friendenthal, Stein, Steinberg or others, seek my opinion or take my advice; change your names to "David" or "John" and hope that tribal instincts don't discover your faith or your accent!
Timothy M. Weiner kept schooling me on the importance and relevance of evidence despite the fact that he was denying me submitting the same evidence, especially when I turned to the subject of witnesses and defendants who defied subpoena and failed to show up to court despite being properly served. He said that he will not address the issue. When I asked for postponement until the witnesses are served again, he replied that he wasn't willing to do that in the middle of a trial. Surprisingly, he was very patient with other litigants, giving chances to talk, comment, explain, add and respond.
Timothy M. Weiner, you know well that you denied me justice today, you purposely denied protection to two innocent children and their disadvantaged mother and you should feel proud. Today, as I am observing Ramadan with a day-long fast, I prayed that I prevail in my cases. Your denial of justice of us, as you thought of it as a loss, is actually a win, as we rose above your hate, bias and discrimination and that of others like you.
Karma is real.
Ahmed Dmini.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA47152
Rating:Not Rated
Part 2:
One of the documents was a 60-day notice to remove my family and myself from our home by a landlord who was pressured by the instigators of crimes against us, ones present in court. Timothy M. Weiner, as if he was mocking me, asked one of the defendants if he was part of the law firm serving us with the notice and whether he knew about it. Defendant denied both. Yet, a letter from the defendant, around the same time of service, celebrated our impending eviction. When I informed Timothy M. Weiner that the defendant just lied under oath and I have the letter evidencing my claims in the same stack I wanted to submit, he downplayed it and repeated his threats to rule against me, supposedly, for being incorporative!
It seemed from the beginning that Timothy M. Weiner was going to be biased, he admonished me for a simple report that I, supposedly, took a picture of my aggressors laughing me off in the hallway outside of the courtroom, even if true, the taking of the photo should be a constitutional right!
I don't know how judges who are supposed to act on the constitution and get paid to protect it, are the first to violate it!
I know that the courts are biased and most engaged in violation of rights as opposed to preserving justice, equality and fairness, and these judges fool me every time.
Is it cultural, religious, political, mental or done out of some deep or historical mental illness! I am not a natzi, I never destroyed any temples and I never lived in Iberia during the inquisition or during any time and I am not even Palestinian!!
I just don't understand.


Comment #: CA47151
Rating:Not Rated
Part 1:
Muslim and Arab citizens, residents, visitors and students in the United States.
The Los Angeles County court system, based on my experience, will not give you any justice, will not protect you, will not protect your children, will deny you your constitutional rights, will rule against you, will penalize you, prosecute you prosecute, threaten to take your freedom away and intimidate you as opposed to treating you with equality under a law which was supposed to treat everyone the same!
The treatment, belittling, disrespect, bias and injustice which I experienced today, March 7th 2023, in department S16 in Long Beach Courthouse at the hands of Timothy M. Weiner will go down in history as one of the worst court experiences I have ever been part of.
I had 4 restraining order cases arising out the case of neighbors assaulting us and conspiring to force out for exposing fraud, embezzlement and corruption in our building and Timothy M. Weiner stated from the get go that he was inclined to dismiss the main case based on him wrongly interpreting my declaration or vindictively acting on a 170.6 filed on Coletta.
Timothy M. Weiner was a prosecutor before becoming a judge and knows how to twist the facts to achieve his biased goals.
Timothy M. Weiner refused to allow me to submit evidence to the court stating that he didn't want a stack of papers sitting on his desk!
I repeatedly stated that I needed the evidence, both to sustain my claims and to be part of the record but he kept denying accepting the evidence and threatening to rule preemptively in my case without reviewing the evidence.
In a way, he knew that if he accepted the evidence, it might help me in future appeals, a matter which likely would expose his bias and corruption or simply wanted to send me and my innocent children home empty handed.
Timothy M. Weiner wanted me to explain the relevance to each of my 21 documents and to explain the relevance to the case, when he repeatedly threatened to dismiss my case and treating me like a lower class litigant.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46723
He would not allow me to see my dying husband, though it was obvious that my stepson only brought a restraining order against me to isolate his father and control his estate.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46521
extreme bias, very rude, unprofessional, has disregard for facts, allows blatant perjury and should be removed as judge.


Comment #: CA41093
This “judge” was rude and imposed his own erroneous narrative to my case considering the evidence in front of him. He didn’t allow my attorney to speak, but allowed Father’s attorney to speak even after telling her she was not properly subbed in as representing attorney! He basically threatened me to let dad neglect our children as much as he wants without interfering or would give dad the children! My attorney was shocked at his behavior, he was not the original judge assigned to my case.


Comment #: CA38725
I had a family law case in front of him and he made a lot of terrible decisions that ultimately cost me a lot of money. It seems that he will favor the father more than the mother in family cases and was incredibly rude to me and my female attorney. My attorney even told me that he has a reputation for this which made me angry because she should have asked for another judge.


Comment #: CA37357
Racist and biased against pro per litigants. He was incredibly condescending and rude to me and was very patient and professional with the other side’s lawyer.


Comment #: CA35141
Going into long drawn out custody process. He was very even keeled regarding the unfortunate process and careful to find what would work best in the matter. A very professional and competent judge.