Hon. JoAnn Johnson See Rating Details
Superior Court
Ventura County
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Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. JoAnn Johnson


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54616
Rating:Not Rated
Judge JoAnn Johnson has ordered children to move to Italy. This was despite the children being U.S. citizens, and knowing no Italian. This order is destroying the relationship with mother.

There was no legal basis for Judge Johnson to make such an order.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39319
Dear Public,

I'm disappointed to hear that judge Jo Ann Johnson continues to wrongfully withhold three young children from their mother. The mother has no criminal record and initially sought to protect her kids from child abuse. She lost custody after her abusive ex-husband petitioned the court for full custody in an ex-parte hearing, which the court granted without the mother ever being served or notified. Her case has been going through the courts for 11 years, which is more than enough time to restore custody rights.

Judge Johnson is discriminating against this woman because she sought in-patient mental health treatment as a result of domestic violence. This discrimination, when used to harm victims of abuse, is an example of stigma that victims of crime often face in the courts. The courts don't want to believe victims and instead punish them further for the insolence of complaining about the abuse. It is wrong and shameful behavior by this judge.

Deputy District Attorney Alexa Leibl has doubled down on the government's corrupt persecution of this woman for her political protest, again accusing her of making "threats against the government" for 1st amendment protected speech. The only thing threatening Ms. Leibl are this woman's truthful accusations, which exposes corruption and bias that taints the court itself.

The mother's YouTube channel describes Judge Johnson as "a cheerleader for child abuse." We agree that the court's actions raise serious questions.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39157
Rating:Not Rated
If you end this woman’s conflict, I promise I’ll give you credit. Actually, I’ll give you credit either way. I promise :)

Like all Anonymous, I do it for the lulz. Don’t assume I get anything out of this other than seeing you in court on occasion so I can smile on the inside. You guys have no idea who I am or I would know about it first thing at 8am.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39156
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Johnson,

I would like to give you a gentle reminder of your duty to render evenhanded rulings, which is the only way to truly end conflict. You are scheduled to hear this woman’s case on 3/1/2022 to restore custody of her kids. The kids need their mother in their life. She is not a bad person despite the lies that are repeatedly told. Don’t believe the lies and restore custody now.

From 4 months ago, “Judge Johnson, you need to be more evenhanded so as to avoid revictimization. Only you can end this conflict, which has been going on for 11 years now. Create a clear pathway for this single mother to share in the custody of her kids, which is the only fair, just, and right way forward. Otherwise, this conflict will never end.”

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38019
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

We have learned that Deputy District Attorney Alexa Leibl has been retaliating against a single mother for her lawful protest of Judge JoAnn Johnson decisions against her and her family. Alexa Leibl misrepresented the mother's benign social media meme posts as "threats against the government," which she did to poison the well and prejudice this young woman's case. Alexa Leibl will "win at all costs" even at the expense of truth and justice.

The woman posted, "Having my son is essential. The Corrupt Government Stole my Son. She posted a picture of her son on the poster and commented in her social media post, "This picture was taken at my first protest 532 days ago... since then, the government stole my other two kids. And I don't even have a parking ticket on my record. All because I'm exposing their sick and twisted agenda. Now for the record, it has been 885 days since they stole my first born son, and 475 days since they stole my other 2 sons. The Ventura Superior Court and District Attorney's office have blood on their hands."

This is not even remotely a "threat against the government." What threatens Deputy DA Alexa Leibl is this woman's free speech, which threatens Leibl's reputation and the reputation of the office she serves.

The other Instagram posts Leibl misrepresented to the court include "Liked" meme posts such as "If standing up for your kids burns a bridge, I have matches." Again, these are not threats against anyone.

The real "Government Threat" is this woman's association with Ventura County's Radiant Truth and her prior protest and activism against the court advocating for her family. These actions by Deputy DA Leibl are obvious retaliation for 1st amendment protected activity.

Emails to VCDA special victims attorney Christopher Borkovek went unanswered. This shows you how much VCDA really cares about victims
and children!

We are Anonymous. We will always defend the innocent. Expect us.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37639
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge JoAnn Johnson,

Your bad decisions left a single mother homeless and living out of her vehicle. It was a shameful, corrupt decision that stripped this woman of essentially everything: her kids, her livelihood, and eventually her shelter.

I have encouraged her to park her vehicle outside your home and post her story on her windshield. I hope you live in shame of your neighbors knowing what a horrible excuse for a human being you are.

Your litmus test will be whether you offer to pay for her to get rehoused! Shame on you.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37157
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Other,

The judges, mediators, and everyone else know that the court’s legitimacy is under attack, and rightfully so given the corruption and misconduct that has been revealed through these efforts.

What surprises me is how some seem to double down after being exposed instead of reforming their behavior to be a better judge. Instead of learning from past mistakes, they’ve become even worse.

Anonymous Operation Ventura is not going away. I’m not a litigant after a single goal. My goal is to take away the veneer of a perfect court, which the court does not deserve to have.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA37139
Rating:Not Rated
like all family law judges in Ventura lazy the judges let the mediator hear the case and go by what the mediator says. unfortunately the mediator is a hormonally unbalanced woman. demand a judge if you can do not go to mediation ,this mediator is all over the place super unreliable .if your a attractive woman she will hate you, if your a good looking man and don't smile at her your out.her unbalanced menopause has tainted so many cases yet the lazy judges count on her option.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36826
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge JoAnn Johnson,

I would like to share an email that I sent to the victim:

You’re welcome. I created this movement because I was tired of seeing the courts taking the easy way out siding with abusers. It really is systemic how judges treat victims. I think the judges are motivated by annoyance of their busy schedules, a self inflicted problem they could easily solve by figuring out cases quickly and ending conflict instead of revictimization, which doesn’t solve anything and keeps the abuser coming back for more. The courts are being totally run on bias and discrimination. One judge even told a black defendant to stop schucking and jiving from the witness stand. It’s that blatant, and there’s zero accountability besides truth to power.

You’re not alone and there are many victims of legal abuse in the Ventura courts.”

Judge Johnson, you need to be more evenhanded so as to avoid revictimization. Only you can end this conflict, which has been going on for 11 years now. Create a clear pathway for this single mother to share in the custody of her kids, which is the only fair, just, and right way forward. Otherwise, this conflict will never end.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36816
Rating:Not Rated
I wish to share this feedback I received from the community,

“I agree. I believe that serving papers while someone is an inpatient is highly suspect also, and possibly planned.

This whole country needs to take a different look at mental health discrimination.”

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36815
Rating:Not Rated
Regardless of the circumstances the court uses to justify an initial decision, that rationale is no longer valid after 3 years.

This single mom hasn’t done anything wrong. Convicted felons get their kids back faster than she has. It’s not right. As far as I’m concerned, she earned the right to have 50/50 custody restored as soon as she became out-patient again. The courts need to stop discrimination against mental health. The courts need to be trauma informed.

There wouldn’t be an issue if the court were evenhanded, which this court has not been. This is where judicial corruption comes into play. 3 years is long enough to restore rights.

Restore custody NOW!

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36814
Rating:Not Rated
Judicial bias resembles a snowball effect of bad judgement after bad judgement. This woman can’t do enough to satisfy the courts and they hold her to the highest standards while holding her ex to no standard at all.

It has been 3 years. This woman has a 100% clean record. It is time for this family to be reunited. Return custody NOW!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36804
Rating:Not Rated
tl;dr - single mom had her kids stolen through abuse of process while she was seeking in-patient treatment for postpartum depression. The ex husband lied to the court falsely claiming she was in drug/alcohol treatment. He did this in secret without serving her papers she needed to show up in court. It has been three years and she still has 0% custody. That is 3 years too many. Return custody NOW!

Case information: http://www.ventura.courts.ca.gov/FamilyCaseSearch/CaseReport/D/398784

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36803
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge JoAnn Johnson,

As promised, Anonymous is going to make this single mom’s story viral. Your corruption will not go unnoticed.

Link to video: https://tinyurl.com/z5fh3ffs

3 years is long enough. Return custody NOW!

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not Forgive.

We do not Forget.

Ventura County, you should have expected us.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36774
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

If you have information on judge Johnson, we want to hear from you.

Anonymous wants to hear your stories of judicial misconduct and corruption so we can hold our leaders accountable for their actions.

Email what you know to RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36773
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Johnson,

You need to see the video posted by the single mother you wronged. See the emotional impact you had. It’s hard to watch the psychological damage you did to this woman by ripping her family apart and handing her kids to an abusive father.


She lost custody under false pretenses and abuse of process.

No more lies, obfuscations, or delays. RETURN CUSTODY NOW.

This woman has our eternal gratitude and support. She will prevail, and we will relentlessly pursue this case until every misconduct you’ve committed is exposed.

You only brought this upon yourself. Expect us.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36753
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Johnson,

We have been made aware of a case of continued parental violation and injustice that is occurring in your court. We have in our possession an audio recording of your proceedings, which we will release if you do not take our concerns seriously.

This young woman, a single mother and pro se litigant, was a victim of domestic violence. Her perpetrator is her ex-husband who beat her and left bruises on her body during an altercation that culminated in the abduction of her 3 and 7 year old children. This woman made a report of the incident to police and medical records exist to prove the violent abuse by her ex.

After this altercation and anticipating a TRO filed by the mother, the ex swiftly filed his own TRO. This is a common tactic by DV perpetrators who are paranoid of their actions and desire control of the narrative before the actual victim can act. The perpetrator filed this TRO and then lied about personal service to the victim, never serving her the papers she needed to even know about a hearing deciding her fate. It was wrong, calculated, and psychopathic behavior on the part of the ex, who went unchallenged at the subsequent TRO hearing against the victim.

“Dumpster service” of papers is a common legal abuse tactic of DV abusers who are masters of manipulation and deception by their very nature. The court should have recognized it or at least rolled back the results of the illegitimate TRO so that the victim had a chance to answer. This didn’t happen, and that was a mistake of your court. Grave injustice was the result.

Your rulings unfairly stripped this single mom of her children, giving them to the abusive dad, and caused the real victim to continue suffering PTSD from the repeated trauma and moral violation by her perpetrator and the courts.

Judge Johnson, you have blood on your hands and we will expose your misconduct unless you end this, restoring the rights of the mother immediately. Your hearing is today, 8/18/2021. We highly recommend you do the right thing in this matter and not let your ego cloud your judgement.

If you don’t take this seriously, we will relentlessly pursue this case, fully exposing the corruption, fraud, and injustice perpetrated by members of the court as we have done with other Ventura judges.

Return custody now or Expect Us.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth