Hon. Ayana K Young See Rating Details
Superior Court
Contra Costa County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.5 - 3 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 11 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Ayana K Young



Comment #: CA54413
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Ayanna Young needs more schooling. This Judge is terrible. Judge didn’t give me a chance to explain my case. She granted a restraining order on me. Even though Judge Marquez didn’t grant the restraining order against me. However, the Lawyer lied on me. I filed a restraining order on the person who’s been harassing me. Judge Ayanna put the restraining order on me. I had to file to end the restraining order. I got evidence showing the party who put the restraining order on me lied under oath saying I put a gun to her head. I came to the person home with an officer. I had a civil standby. I have evidence on video showing the defendant lied. Judge Young didn’t read any information about my case. I’m so lucky, I was able to obtain the transcripts. I think her court needs to be recorded and a court reporter needs to be in the court room at all time. I hope I never have to deal with her. She’s very unprofessional. Contra Costa County need a better judge to make rulings about people livelihood.


Comment #: CA53845
Rating:Not Rated
She is a terrible judge. She pushed my case from the front to the very end. Wouldn't let myself or my ex speak, said she read our declarations but clearly did not. She was very clearly in favor of my child's father. Instead of hearing our case she moved us to a long cause trial. She is rude, does not care about wellbeing of children. She is mean and has no empathy for anyone but the men. I try to explain how my son has been failing school while in the care of his father, I have begged him to get a tutor, offered to pay for it and she would not hear it. She is the worst judge my opinion and should not be working in family court. I agree with the previous comments stating she should go back to her previous job. It is hard enough dealing with "co parenting" but the stress of going to her court room is worse, she is literally the worst. I don't live in Contra Costa I live in Solano therefore I can't vote her out, please I beg you get rid of her!


Comment #: CA53346
She is INEXPERIENCED as a judge. When interviewing attorneys to represent me, the attorneys often asked who I had as a judge. When I said Ayanna Young, MANY OF THE ATTORNEYS CRINGED. Some of the attorneys comments were: "she's very green," she "shoots from the hip," "she's inexperienced," "she's moody and unprepared," "she doesn't read."

My experience:
(The bad)
-She is DANGEROUS! Not even kidding.
-She believes she's the ULTIMATE authority and no one has better qualifications than she does - including mental health professionals, minor's counsels, special masters, parenting coordinators, or even 730 experts.
-She doesn't read.
-She indeed "shoots from the hip."
-She doesn't care about the history of your case.
-She doesn't respect other professionals including mental health professionals.
-She is unprepared.
-She does NOT protect children from abusers.
-She does not follow the law.
-She abuses her "discretion" powers.

(the good)
-She seems to believe in 50/50


Comment #: CA53341
I have left her courtroom in tears every time. She is mean and has no empathy for anyone but the men. She acts like all men are good and trust me there are a lot of bad men, not to say all women are the best but she sides with the men all the time. Doesn’t care how it affects the children and their safety either. This judge is the worst in my opinion and should not be working in family court. Maybe she should go back to employment law work. She is literally making it worse for families and it’s devastating. She appears to have no remorse for her bad actions. Please don’t vote her in into this role going forward. We need better judges that aren’t biased and discriminating.


Comment #: CA53340
Rating:Not Rated
I feel she is very biased and not fair. In my opinion from observing her on several cases on many court dates, I find her to be very unprofessional, rude and always has an attitude. How is it allowed that she never has a courtroom recorder. She’s not helping families, she’s ruining lives. I wish I could have had another judge on my case.


Comment #: CA53074
I have attended several sessions in Judge Young's courtroom and have been blown away by how unprepared she is. She does not seem to Reed the briefs and she seems to flip flop from session to session contradicting herself. She definitely does not act in the best interest of the children. I am just an observer and not a litigant. But, I question how Judge Young is even qualified to bea judge!


Comment #: CA53057
She is biased. Has no court reporter and disabled the ability to communicate with your attorney via chat without addressing EVERYONE in the room.

I fear her ability to oversee family law matters from the last experience we had in court. The 2 previous judges in family court were beyond fair and reasonable. This is beyond concerning and detrimental to anyone already experiencing trauma in the family court system.


Comment #: CA52855
If I could give a negative 10, I would. I went before this Judge on several occasions, and my experiences has been nothing less than a nightmare. I don't believe that she reads the pleadings, she seems to always ask why are we here, she has been biased in my case, doesn't allow me to speak without cutting me off, rude, she rolled her eyes when I speak at times, I've sent plenty of evidence to support my case that I never get to introduce, my witness wasn't allowed to testify, I am spoken down to as opposed to being spoke to. I don't understand how this is allowed. It's insanity. I thought I was the only one, apparently I'm not.


Comment #: CA52005
My experience with this Judge was extremely traumatic. She totally pick a side since the my first court hearing . She’s been extremely rude and disrespectful tours me. Accusing me of being a bad person for not allowing what the other parent was asking for . Didn’t even ask one single question to the other parent. She’s not there to hear both sides of the story. She’s there to shame you . My last court with her . She leisure me the entire time and make me feel uncomfortable by the way she was speaking to me. She even told me that she can give the other parent primary custody then she catch her self saying that and went on to say she can give him more time as my child grows. So she pretty much told me that next time we are in court the other parent will get what he wants . So how do you find a solution when the judge is siding with the other parent . She did it in my first hearing and she did it again on the second . She seems very unprofessional and doesn’t seem to know much about family law . She asks her clerk for verification constantly and ask her question. She need to be remove . Now I am afraid to be in her court room since she kinda already threatened me on what she would rule . Without even asking the other parent anything or challenging him like she does with me . She takes advantage of her place there. She’s on the ethnicity side she likes.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA51961
If anybody is willing to go on record in any actions against Ayana Young, and either give witness testimony, or provide a sworn declaration regarding suspicion, or proof of corruption or unethical conduct. Please reach out to me at: courtobserver3@gmail.com

Court Staff

Comment #: CA51960
Ayanna Young is [Redacted by Ed.] judge, she has no business in family court. I have been in front of her a number of times and have been gathering evidence. I have filed a complaint with the DOJ and currently working with the FBI regarding Public Corruption. They are currently investigating and anybody who has evidence of Ayanna Young [Redacted by Ed.] contact Special Agent [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA49379
I cannot believe this Judge has made it this far. What I witnessed and personally went through in this courtroom is completely horrible. Children are not this judge best concern and I really hope she is investigated. A lot of families will be destroyed and children will end up suffering because of Judge Ayana Young and her bias ways and decisions. Please report her as she is NOT honorable.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49284
I pray this judge be removed very unprofessional does not care overrall for children well being picks a side based on ethnicity/like and overall not concerned for children well being. Favors one side without being open to any request almost feels as she is made her mind up before hearing any facts or real concerns


Comment #: CA49281
So unprofessional. Rolls her eyes in your face, and basically laughs at your situation. She is very RUDE and inconsiderate. She is not neutral. She picks a side and runs with it. The way she conducts herself in court is not okay. I cant believe she has made it this far. She will continue to fail so many children. Horrible horrible.


Comment #: CA49141
10/10 do NOT recommend this Judge. She is very rude and inconsiderate of real family issues. Does not do her job as a judge who is supposed to listen to facts and make a judgment on evidence at hand but instead practices law on the parties and force her bias views on coercing them to do as she say. She yell at parties and shut them down any chance they try to defend and speak for themselves. There are no recorders in her room so there is no proof of what goes in behind those closed doors. Violating a lot of constitutional rights and Putting children at risk for neglect, thinking she’s doing the right thing is going to hurt a lot of the cases. I am very disappointed in this judge and how she handles the cases presented before her.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48137
Judge Young is fair. I’ve seen her consider both parties. She is an advocate for “family”. She tries to encourage and ensure that both parents get a fair amount of visitation/custody with their children.


Comment #: CA46651
Rating:Not Rated
Very poor , not sufficient, She’s going to fail a lot of families and children in contra Costa county bias and very unfair for the communities she’s serving

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46650
Who made her a judge? After everything she says is you know what I mean, she’s bias and unfair and I don’t think she needs to be serving as a judge in contra Costa County because she grew up in contra Costa county which means she knows a lot of people there and that makes her being a judge for contra Costa county a big conflict of interest and poor decision making rulings for the people she knows.. a big lawsuit on contra Costa county is what I see real soon if she doesn’t transfer to another county major conflict of interest.