Hon. Hope Schwartz Zimmerman See Rating Details

Family Court
Nassau County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.1 - 28 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 57 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Hope Schwartz Zimmerman


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY14037
Rating:Not Rated
Does killing Tommy Valva have a measurement?


Comment #: NY13149
Rating:Not Rated
She is a very incompetent judge that left Tommy Valva to die. I highly don’t recommend her unless you’d like to see another kid end up dead.


Comment #: NY13148
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge should be removed and investigated. She was complicit in the Valva case, how many children have suffered due to her incompetence.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13139
Rating:Not Rated
How is this individual still presiding after her gross misconduct in the Tommy Valva case? She ordered a minor child to full custody to an abusive parent. wouldnt even allow visitation of the mother. The child froze to death. remove this judge immediately!! She is a threat to the community and has no business being a family court judge.


Comment #: NY13104
The media is covering Tommy Valvas death at the hands of his father. But why are they not exposing that this judge handed him over to the abuser, DESPITE the mothers pleas, supported by tons of evidence?? Instead of helping this child, this judge ordered a ‘custody evaluation’ (eg, at best, a money pit and time suck for litigants that allows judges to avoid making decisions) and then punished the mother when she wouldn’t ’cooperate’ bc she asked for her sessions to be recorded, likely knowing the deep flaws inherent in these evaluations. How has this judge not been censored?


Comment #: NY12823
Rating:Not Rated
Zimmerman is part of the heartless family court racket. Here’s how the racket works (excerpts by Frank Parlato from The Frank Report):

"Attorneys assess the family's net worth, who has control of the money, how hard each parent will fight."

"When they get a couple with assets, when one parent is abusive and the other is protective, when there is hatred or they can stoke it, this the potential 'high conflict' (i.e. high asset) case."

The judge, appoints a best interest attorney who is supposed to represent the children's best interest and who acts as the de facto judge. The BIA knows who brought him/her in, and is dependent on referrals. He/she will make findings based on maximizing billings for lawyers.

Sometimes they target the one with money to win, sometimes to lose. If attorneys work it right, he won't have money anymore. He will get the kids if all goes according to plan, but the lawyers will wind up with the college fund. A perfect high conflict is where there is a protective mother and a well-to-do protective father who controls the money.

"Parental alienation [accusations] will be used to take the mother away from the children, and, when the father alienates the mother, nothing is done. When the mother loses her children, she will act unstable, then the experts come in and say she appears to have a mental disorder. They will "find" the mother "insane" and give them to the father who is insane. It sometimes works in the reverse where the father is the protective parent. Sometimes, both parents are fit, but they can stoke the flames of hate. Then pick the parent to lose.

In the typical scenario, they know the protective mother will fight, though always in defeat, and make the father pay to avoid sharing marital assets, alimony or child support. He invests in his future by purchasing custody of the children.

As referees, the judges KNOW what they are doing --supporting attorney billings." They do not want it to stop. They are not in over their heads. They would be if they were seeking justice or the children's best interest, but they aren't. They know what the attorneys and BIAs want, which is to make sure rulings conform with maxium billings."

Bottomline, unless you want to lose everything you worked hard for and worst, your kids, avoid family courts. If you're an abused mom, you're better off putting up with it until the kids are old enough. The alternative is that they end up alone with the abuser.


Comment #: NY12374
Rating:Not Rated
There’s no discussion for settlement she decides opposite any decisions previously worked out


Comment #: NY12373
Rating:Not Rated
She is evil and vindictive and seems to be on a mission to destroy children in families already in crisis. She has no respect for the truth or the best interests of the child and openly stated several times in court “that’s what you get when you leave it to a judge to decide” to justify her punishment for seeking the help of the court.


Comment #: NY12319
Rating:Not Rated
She robbed me of everything my ex-husband was a cop and I lost everything she told me to get a job and move on as a housewife for 21 years I did get a job immediately but since I was out on the street I still can’t get my head above water and it pains me what she has done to that child


Comment #: NY12312
Rating:Not Rated
The stupidest judge there can possibly be; ignored facts, couldn't comprehend obvious lying by litigant, hostile, just wanted to get rid of case.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12311
Why is she still in her position and who is making sure those involved in her cases are physically and mentally safe from harm. Extremely concerned this judge is not on leave until investigation into all of her cases has been arranged & resolved!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12206

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11946
Start a class action lawsuit against Judge Hopeless Zimmerman now!!! All parents who she has ruled outside her authority, which is about every case, ban together and transform her life the way she has ruined your life and your childrens' lives. Contact the attorney for Mrs. Valva. Put pressure on the courts. Do not let her have a pension, put her in jail!!! She needs to pay back to the Community. Picket at the courts, where she lives, and those people she's associated with.


Comment #: NY11849
She was nasty and had me crying and ripped me from my life. I was told from my ex husband I should have had money to pay her under the table ad his attorney did.
She seemed to be very close with his attorney.
What happened to me is done and over with and can’t change it, but she ruined my life and I know she takes money and favors cops as my ex was.


Comment #: NY11845
Our courts are run by what is basically a criminal cartel that fixes custody cases, generally but not always, in favor of abusive, controlling men, while their members profit handsomely in the process. This cartel is called the AFCC. They groom judges to defer to their "experts", certify BIAs, blacklist ethical professionals, push pseudoscience with pedophile origins like "parental alienation" (which, sadistically, makes reporting abuse...the abuse) and train attorneys and social workers to equivocate on abuse. Zimmerman herself presented at one AFCC seminar called "Kids Come First, It's That Simple". Sounds good, but when you actually look at the contents of AFCC seminars, it's meaningless, ambiguous and vague "word salad". Egregiously, many of the AFCC seminars are about "self care" for the members, and that's another ruse to protect their members from accountability. They actually expect us to feel sorry for them that they're traumatized by the death or injury of a child who they knowingly and sadistically handed to an abuser. This organization also has a hand in getting unethical attorneys, like Zimmerman, appointed as judges. It's truly sinister and not limited to New Jersey. The AFCC touts itself as "global". They have taken over courts throughout the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, where there are increasing and inexplicable cases of children being handed to abusers, who kill them. Those are just the cases we know about. Many other children are suffering in silence.

Thomas' mother has filed a lawsuit against the judge, the BIA, the father's attorney and the head of CPS and the school system. They are all complicit. We're dealing with a organized criminal cartel. The question is whether the prosecutors will protect their criminal friends who have perverted the justice system and betrayed those they are duty bound to serve and protect, or children like Thomas Valva.


Comment #: NY11841
Rating:Not Rated
This monster architected a death sentence for Thomas Valva, couldn’t be bothered to do her job. I hope she rots in prison for life in a urine-soaked robe, the same status that this poor boy was sent to school in, starving, emasculates, bruised, abused, and wearing urine-soaked clothes. Really, I hope she is locked up and haunted and made miserable for the rest of her natural life and beyond. She had ALL the power to keep him from this unremitting hell of those two monsters—his father and girlfriend. They hate cops in the prison population—hope the inmates get a chance to express their ire over and over again. Justice for this poor child. Justice!!!


Comment #: NY11808
This Judge should be disbarred for her conduct in family court. She cost a child his LIFE, all he had to give. In listening to the court transcript, Judge Hopeless discarded the mothers' testimony even telling her to shut up at one point. She is not worthy of the bench.


Comment #: NY11724
This woman horrendously IGNORED complaints of abuse and neglect against Michael Valva And Angela Pollina against the Zubco children. How does she not have a conscious? How can she even think shes going to be allowed to stay on the bench until May? I know for a fact shes been reported for this. To knowingly willfully IGNORE the evidence any parent brings to court and leave a child with abusive people is absolutely disgusting. I refuse to pray that God has mercy on her soul.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY11713
This women needs to be relived of her duties and charged as an accessory to the murder of Thomas Valva.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11700
Rating:Not Rated
THIS RINGS TRUE! All too often, stubborn judges like her tend to have God-complexes. Also, where's the diversity in the court system? People tend to scream for diversity in NY, yet through my estimation, a lot of these appointed judges, at least 1/3, are Jewish people who tend to have narrow-minded views. Lets get some other races & ethnicities in there, more representative of the diverse mix in NYC.It's a fact that diversifying the judges and support staff in courts would most likely lead to better outcomes for litigants.


Comment #: NY11690
Rating:Not Rated
Steve Bellone’’s proposed fixes are a joke. Autism and caseload doesn’t explain why the mom lost all custody. Those SWs must have received orders to stand down on the credible abuse reports from the court.

People who sell out kids for money and then try to cover it up are a special breed. There’s vicarious sadism involved. Not one of these people have taken any actions to show remorse for what they put these kids and their mom through. Instead, taxpayers are footing the bill for a defense attorney to spew a bunch of lies. Meanwhile, Zimmerman sits arrogantly on the bench, ready to hand other kids to abusers in more fixed cases with impunity.

Steve, how about you stop protecting your sick AFCC “friends” like Zimmerman? The very fact that there’s no real investigation into the conduct of the judges tell us a lot. $hhhh.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11689
Rating:Not Rated

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11667
Impeach Hopeless Zimmerman. She is inept and needs to be disbarred. She has no honor and should not be allowed to "retire" with her pension benefits.


Comment #: NY11666
-10. This judge should be on trial for murder. I cannot believe she is still practicing and will be able to retire with a tax payer funded pension. The death of Thomas is on her hands as well as many other children that have been abused due to her ineptness. She has no honor & deserves zero respect.


Comment #: NY11639
Rating:Not Rated
She was my judge for 7 years and she did not listen to a thing I said despite it being abundantly clear my now-ex-husband was playing every game in the book. It was pretty clear she took revenge on me because her court also did not protect my children in a much more minimal case than the Valva case, and I went to the press. Ultimately, as a result of the press, the court acted more appropriately only about this issue, but she "punished" me by ruling against me in ways that were even illegal and that ultimately were reversed by the Appellate Division. She is a despicable person, a horrendous judge and has the I-am-God syndrome. She should be removed from the bench, disbarred and tried as a criminal, perhaps negligent homicide, in the Valva case. To her, 1 plus 1 equals 11, not 2.


Comment #: NY11637
She should no longer serve as judge in the family court system on Nassau County. Don't let her ruin anymore lives, or have one more child murdered. Make her lose her pension and be prosecuted for the abuse and murder of Thomas Valva. Lets not forget all the other parties who had a hand in this beautiful boys murder. Dont let this disgrace serve one more day in the family courts and ruin anymore children's or families lives again. Let there be some Justice for Thomas.


Comment #: NY11631
Disgrace and embarrassment to the profession. She should be in jail charged (at least) as accessory to the crime. Knowingly put defenseless children with 2 animals who tortured them and ultimately murdered one of them. I hope Tommy's face haunts her for the rest of her miserable life. Rot in hell!


Comment #: NY11628
Rating:Not Rated
Responsible for handing custody of the Valva boys to their father and fiancée who caused the death of little Thomas. Judge Zimmerman has proverbial blood on her hands and she is a disgrace to the bench. She needs to resign and be blacklisted from dealing with any cases for life.


Comment #: NY11627
Anyone who rates Judge Hopeless above a 1 is likely part of the same mischievous court as her. Unfortunately there are many victims of the Cults of Long Island Courts.


Comment #: NY11625
Rating:Not Rated
Why is Zimmerman still on the bench? Has she no conscience?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11610
Temperament inclines Judge Zimmerman to disregard individuals she deems difficult or disrespectful in her court, which is irrespective of the details of the actual case. Instead of recusing herself or allowing individuals a period of respite during proceedings, or providing clarity to uninformed parties as to how conduct and proceedings should be held in court, she is dismissive and subsequently turned off to presented evidence. This results in rulings that are weighed personally, versus evidentiary, which is dangerous for the parties involved as well as the law itself.


Comment #: NY11605
Rating:Not Rated
Numerous media outlets have reported that there was a pattern of complicity and collusion between Zimmerman and Michael Valva’s attorney and the the attorney for the children. Let’s monitor and track the sources or the origin and donor lists for Zimmerman’s campaign contribution. This data is publicly available through open.gov - search for campaign contributions for Hope Scwartz Zimmerman. Something very underhanded and fishy was going on here.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11602
Rating:Not Rated
What can you expect from a court system where judge have legal immunity and are not held accountable? They don’t have respect for their position, their title or the lives that will be affected by their decisions. As long as judges like Hope Zimmerman are not held accountable for for their actions, they will continue to act like Gods and wreak havoc on people’s lives. Why is there no oversight? Why is no one who was involved in the legal process not being held accountable? Michael Vilva’s attorney and the child attorney he paid off sure made a small fortune from this case yet the child attorney and judge and CPS who turn their backs in little Thomas face no consequence and zero repercussions for their role in how things eventually played out for him. Hope Zimmerman must be the first to go. What a sham! She’s presiding over a kangaroo court. A 10 year old could achieve better outcomes than this narcissistic psychopath.


Comment #: NY11599
Rating:Not Rated
Hope Zimmerman needs to go! She failed in her duty to the people and her oath to uphold the law and protect little Thomas.
She is not fit to be a judge. It’s clear lacks the disposition based on comments she made at Thomas Valva’s custody case. She failed in her duties to learn the facts, understand what’s at stake, know what’s going on at home and school and follow up with the report from authorities including teachers, gather information, hold a hearing, and examine if there was a the legal basis for a child abuse & neglect case against the dad. She did not study the case, broke her oath and neglected her own professional responsibilities as a sitting judge. She dropped the ball - BIG TIME! She is hot headed and arrogant with a huge chip on her shoulder. She has an enormous GOD COMPLEX. She made a rash and impulsive decision rather than use her brain to study the ins and out of the case. Was it worth it, Zimmerman? Do you have any regrets?
You Shameless woman! The concept of fairness & justice falls on deaf ears in front of this woman. I really feel the litigants who have appeared before her and their families, especially the children who have no say in the matter.


Comment #: NY11598
Rating:Not Rated
This type of female judge gives other judges esp. other female judges a bad name. She’s not bothered to gather facts/information first, examine the evidence then reach a decision. She comes in with preconceived bias and takes steps to close a cases lbased on her own gut feeling - she deliberately chose to give weight to unsubstantiated allegations rather than hold a trial or hearing to study the evidence first. Justyna’s attorney has raised an alarm and cautioned her that she is overstepping her role and responsibilities - but, she dismissed him. She’s extremely arrogant and shows contempt for the rule of law. She has a huge God Complex and zero integrity. She does not care about how her decisions ultimately impact the lives of kids or parents. She’s an nasty, incompetent, vindictive, arrogant, power-hungry and spiteful woman who should immediately be removed be removed from her position. The reviews in this website say it all!


Comment #: NY11590
This judge should be barred from ever practicing again. Her negligence resulted in the abuse and neglect of a child resulting in death. She needs to be stripped of her credentials.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY11589
This judge is a disgrace to her profession. She handed over a defenseless child to a murderer. She deserves to loose her position and her pension. She should be protecting children but she enabled a poor child to be murdered. I pray for justice that she will loose her position and be stripped of her credentials.


Comment #: NY11588
Rating:Not Rated
This person does not deserve to serve the people and hold the title of a judge in any court. This woman has absolutely NO concern for protecting or respecting either litigants rights or even worse those of innocent young children. She not willing to willing to do her homework. She has no respect for the rule of law wherein justice is blind. This woman has zero respect for her position and her litigants. She is lazy and arbitrary. She is anti intellectual and does not deserve this post. She is also shameless. She still has not resigned from her post. Stop occupying that court seat with incompetent judges like this one! Her arrogance is stunning. Please read the court transcript in little Thomas’ case - it’s maddening!


Comment #: NY11584
You’re a disgrace. You failed that boy and you failed at your job. Thomas Valva died because of you! You had a duty to protect that child and you didn’t!! YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL WITH THEM. YOU KNEW THE ABUSE THAT WAS GOING ON AND STILL SENT THOSE KIDS TO THAT HOUSE FOR THEM TO SUFFER AND DIE. YOU HAVE NO HEART AND SOUL. YOU HAVE NO EMPATHY YOU ARE JUST PURE EVIL.


Comment #: NY11583
This person is a huge danger to society. She does not have the temperament, emotional intelligence, impartiality or compassion to hold a position to decide life and death decisions. Please remove this person as a judge so she cannot cause the death of more innocent children and destroy lives. In a fair world she should be investigated and tried for murder.


Comment #: NY11581
Judge Hope Schwartz-Zimmerman should be held accountable for failing to protect this innocent child from his murderous father!!! Disbar her!


Comment #: NY11580


Comment #: NY11577
Rating:Not Rated
You might as well have pulled the trigger on Thomas yourself.
You should take what little dignity you have left, step down & go away until satan comes to take you home.


Comment #: NY11562
Rating:Not Rated
In case anyone thinks Zimmerman, who knowingly handed Thomas Valva to his abusive father and cut him off from him mom so he would have no one to protect him and show him love and care, has any remorse or conscience, think again. If she did, she’d step down. Instead, she’s probably very please with herself for getting away with murder. Thomas died half frozen, as his father mocked him , knowing no one would be coming to help him, He was only 8 years old. Please call your local governor. This is unacceptable and sadly, Thomas’ case is not rare or unusual. Zimmerman is part of a cult like organization called the AFCC and this is what they do. It’s time to shine the spotlight on this self described “global” organization and hold their members accountable.


Comment #: NY11561
Responsible for looking the other way while there was a blatant case of child abuse, neglect & abandonment going on under her own nose. She does not show respect for the rule of law and openly violates the principles upon which due diligence/due process are founded. How is it possible for such an incompetent judge to be on the bench? This judge ripped Thomas from his mother’s custody without even holding a hearing! There was no formal, court-filed accusation of wrongdoing against Justyna Zubko-Valva.

Zimmerman even went so far as to bar Zubko-Valva from any contact with her children — based on unsubstantiated complaints from the father’s lawyer.

How can a judge who has contempt for the law and does not follow basic legal procedures still hold a seat in Nassau family court?

She must immediately be removed from the bench. Her lack of ethics and integrity is truly astounding!


Comment #: NY11556
Rating:Not Rated
Basically a murderer. How you sleep at night is beyond me. I can't believe you think it's ok to stay in this position. You should be fired but that can't be done. Do the right thing and resign.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY11555
Her decisions directly placed a child in the hands of a murderer. She should be "court ordered" to live in a freezing cold garage until she dies. Then she will wallow in Satan's vomit in hell.


Comment #: NY11549
pure evil

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11548
Rating:Not Rated
Amazing that she has been elected to serve til 2027 which is far too long!! She has Thomas Valva’s blood in her hands and we should never allow her to presides over anymore court cases.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11547
Rating:Not Rated
All too often, stubborn judges like her tend to have God-complexes.
Also, where's the diversity in the court system? People tend to scream for diversity in NY, yet through my estimation, a lot of these appointed judges, at least 1/3, are Jewish people who tend to have narrow-minded views.. Lets get some other races & ethnicities in there, more representative of the diverse mix in NYC.


Comment #: NY11542
Overall she is a murderer she allowed Thomas valva to be murder shame on her!!!Zimmerman how do you close your eyes do you see Thomas precious face hope you do every night

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11540
Another judge with a God like complex who gets off on abusing parents and sentencing kids to death. She is most likely in cahoots with the cottage industry who preys on innocent families. Get her off the bench. We are sick of Judges who can't follow the law and don't care about people.


Comment #: NY11536
I asked this piece of garbage judge to order the mother to stop hurting my child. I didn't ask for custody or anything. I pleaded that my child not be hurt anymore. But this sicko refused to order even that. She is sick and depraved. I hope someone does to her children or grandchildren what she allowed done to my child.


Comment #: NY11533
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Zimmerman has the blood on her hands of 8 year old Thomas Valva. She needs to be tried criminally as an accessory to MURDER!!!!


Comment #: NY11531
Horrible, disgusting, and had no empathy for anyone. She allowed in divorce court for a man working for homeland security to forge a check. She didn’t to hear it with proof. She obviously knows the attorney on the opposing side. This attorney never lost a case. Only speculation I wouldn’t be surprised if she received money under the table.
Judge Zimmerman didn’t want to hear a word of what was going on with my 10 year old son at the time. Shame on her. I would love to bring all my proof forward to see her get what she deserves for allowing a sweet boy to suffer, and lead him to his tournament of death.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY11528
Judge Zimmerman's 2.6 rating, based on 79 reviews of her handling of cases says it all. Bear in mind 1 is the lowest possible rating on this site. In her courtroom 1+1 equals 3. She is vindictive, spiteful, and takes her childhood frustrations out on the public. You are better off letting a 2 year old decide your case. Be warned!


Comment #: NY11527
What a monster this judge is Because of her a child is dead That mother had evidence that proved the father was abusive She has no business on the bench


Comment #: NY11524
I am appalled that Hon. Zimmerman would allow Salva to have custody of his kids knowing all the proof that showed he was an abusive father. She failed those boys when they truly needed her. Shame on her. She should excuse herself from continuing to be a judge. Kids need someone on their side, not against them. How does she sleep at night?


Comment #: NY11516
This woman is a disgrace to her profession. She is a murderer and should be removed from the bench and in jail. She ignores evidence and sent a helpless 8 year old autistic child to his death despite desperate pleas from his mother, evidence from the school and cries for help from Thomas Valva. I can only pray she gets removed quickly and swiftly.


Comment #: NY11513
Rating:Not Rated
She construction states " you are handing your lives over to me and that is like going to Las Vegas! Ignores evidence. Is lazy. Condescending. She needs to be removed for the safety of children.


Comment #: NY11512
Judge Zimmerman called my testimony about the torment and abuse my children's mother subjected us to as "incredible". Yet she refused to admit the recordings I have proving my testimony. She refused my request for Orders of Protection and the abuse continued. She then gave full custody to the woman STILL abusing my children to this day. It is a monstrous injustice to my two little girls and I. I am currently petitioning again for custody and it is brutal. Zimmerman wrote a categorically false narrative about me in our first custody trial that I am struggling to unwind one thread at a time. My children cry to be with me. Their new lawyer has told the court the children flourish with me, want to be with me, and contradict mother's false allegations against me. Yet now I cannot get a Family Court judge to contradict Zimmerman's injustice without a significant change in circumstances. My children and I are in therapy for years now. I have been fighting and crying to everyone for help and the system fails my children and I time and again. No one worse than Judge Zimmerman. I am devastated again in light of that beautiful little boy Thomas and how this system and this judge contributed to his continued abuse and ultimate death. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!


Comment #: NY11510
I'm terrified that this judge reportedly places children with abusive parents, removing them from the custody of a loving parent trying to protect their child. The death of Thomas Valva could have been prevented. This mother was crying out for at least a year with proof of his father's abuse and wronged by a court system that often sides with abusers. This must stop now.


Comment #: NY11508
Rating:Not Rated
She needs to be disbarred. I went in front of her several years ago and she was terrible then. She dropped the ball- big time.


Comment #: NY11505
She killed an 8 year old boy!!
RIP Thomas Valva!!
Karma will get this judge!!


Comment #: NY11503
Through the tragic death of Thomas we have learned how incompetent you are as a judge as a human and as a member of our communities here on Long Island. You have failed this child and his siblings. You have caused trauma to children that can not be undone. You do not belong having so much power. I pray for you because as you can see in this case that even people of higher power (also Michael v ) are not immune to having mental diseases and narcissistic behavior. You lady are a psychotic woman who should not have control of anyone’s life. Life is in your hands?? You should be thrown out and put in jail. God knows how many other children and families suffer at your hands. May you get what you deserve in life. Justice for our innocent and incarnation for the rest!! You are a sick puppy lady.


Comment #: NY11501
Judge Zimmerman has failed miserably. She is biased and does not do her homework. She needs to be removed before any other children die from her negligence.


Comment #: NY11497
Rating:Not Rated
Absolutely horrible. I hope she realizes that she's a big reason as to why Thomas Valva is dead. Hard evidence was presented proving the father was abusing them and she ignored it. Allowing this little boy and his sibling to stay in the care of their father, who ultimately took his life. His blood is on her hands too. She did nothing to protect this innocent little boy who just wanted his voice heard.


Comment #: NY11494
Rating:Not Rated
She is a disgrace and should be jailed
For disregarding a child’s welfare. She should be in jail along with Thomas Valva’s father.


Comment #: NY11493
Rating:Not Rated
The reason why an 8 year old named Thomas Valva is dead is because of the constant mishandling of her cases. There are probably dozens of kids that are in harms way because of her rulings. She should be fired and never allowed to be in a position to rule over a beauty contest never mind a courtroom

Court Staff

Comment #: NY11491
After working side by side with Judge Zimmerman for mnany years I can assure you she is our most knowledgeable and diligent judge. She knows her cases completely, works countless hours and never decides a custody case without many hours of consideration and research. She is sensitive and generous and an asset to the court system


Comment #: NY11489
Unfortunately not surprised that this happened. She was the judge in my divorce. Had her mind made up PRIOR to going into the courtroom. For her it is impossible to find the truth because you need to care in order to do so. Simply put she doesn't as evidenced by Thomas's death. How do we get her off the bench so there will not be another Thomas. After she is off, how do we try her for aiding and abetting in Thomas's death


Comment #: NY11488
Rating:Not Rated
If this woman had ANY decency she would step down. She will have to live her life knowing that she failed the most innocent and he paid the ultimate price for HER decision. My heart breaks for the mother who tried so desperately to save her children and who was treated so poorly by This judge. What else would This judge have needed to take precautions to PROTECT these children? Step down because you are forever tainted. I cannot imagine anyone not requesting a new judge. Traffic court is even to good for her!


Comment #: NY11487
Rating:Not Rated
We will vote this judge out !! Your hands are dirty and you deserve to be prosecuted !!


Comment #: NY11486
Rating:Not Rated
This judge killed an 8 year old boy Thomas Valva. She might as well have blood on her hands. She needs to be held accountable. A wicked woman playing god in the court room is not needed. Step down - you clearly aren’t made for the job! No margin for error with the documentation of reports in your hand! I hope you pay in hell for eternity for being a horrible human being and making disgusting decisions that lead to a death of an innocent 8 year old child


Comment #: NY11485
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Zimmerman is a disgrace! She should be held accountable for the death of Thomas. Every single case she has ruled on should be reviewed. What a disgrace. Family Court is the beginning of the end. Another senseless death that was 100 percent preventable. I hope she never sleeps another night without seeing Thomas's face. She needs to be tossed off the bench and prosecuted!


Comment #: NY11484
Rating:Not Rated
She has no business being a judge of anything. She is equally responsible for this beautiful child and his murder. Get rid of her.


Comment #: NY11482
A judge who can send a defenseless child back with a documented abuser, has no business being a judge. Judge Zimmerman belongs in jail for what she helped put that poor boy through.
I hope she sees Thomas Valva every time she closes her eyes!


Comment #: NY11481
Rating:Not Rated
Her job was to protect this child! She failed and Tommy paid the ultimate price because of her mistake. There is no 2nd chance!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11480
She need to be fired .she didn’t look at both sides of Thomas case , judges need to be trusted, this mother is a victim just like her sons .iits a sad day when you can not trust a judge do see what really is going on. It’s time for her to leave ,!!


Comment #: NY11479
Useless, devoid of soul and morality. Unethical. Lazy. Not a Judge, a murderer's enabler. She would not leave her dog to die like that angel did.


Comment #: NY11477
She needs to be held accountable for her part in the death of Thomas Valva. She is just as guilty. She has the blood of this little boy on her hands. It’s apparent that she is a horrible judge. She needs to be removed from the bench so she cannot destroy anymore lives.


Comment #: NY11476
Rating:Not Rated
She should be forced to resign and face some sort of disciplinary action. She is as much responsible for this young boy’s death as the evil father and his skank fiance...get her off the bench...


Comment #: NY11475
She must be disbarred and arrested immediately for her role in this child’s death. It was her decision to ignore the poor mother’s warnings and send this innocent child into the hands of this evil man.


Comment #: NY11472
Rating:Not Rated
I hope this woman is taken off the bench. Her ruling in favor of an abusive evil animal cost an 8 year old boy his life. There was evidence from his school, a psychologist and his loving mother and this judge ignored it.


Comment #: NY11471
May you be internally tormented for the rest of your living days you POS for allowing the NYPD scumbag to continually abuse his son that has now caused his death. May KARMA take care of every one of you responsible for his death!


Comment #: NY11470
Rating:Not Rated
Poor excuse of a human being! How could she justify being a law abiding citizen and look at herself in the mirror knowing what she did? She is an evil scumbag! She needs to be FIRED!!! JUSTICE FOR THOMAS!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11469
Rating:Not Rated
Perhaps judge Zimmerman can sleep in the garage for the weekend when the temperature is below 20°


Comment #: NY11466
This evil person and CPS should be held accountable to the FULLEST extent of the law for their negligence and incompetence regarding Thomas Valva! That poor baby is dead because of this terrible lady and CPS! His blood is on her hands! She ignored hard core evidence!


Comment #: NY11463
Rating:Not Rated
It is very clear based on the years of reviews about Judge Zimmerman that she and the Nassau County Court need to take immediate action. I believe more people will be coming forward in relation to decisions she has made. Countless stories of being left in abusive homes. How many children have to suffer.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11462
Fire this horrible human. She cooperated to keep children in a house with abusive, evil parents. She is responsible for his death and can not be trusted to make decisions on cases where lives are at steak! She is despicable!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11460
Get ride of this judge that’s responsible for helping kill an 8 year old autistic boy. She was supposed to be the help!!! She needs to go!!!!!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11453
Recuse this judge!! She has been negligent and her negligence contributed to the murder of an innocent child.


Comment #: NY11452
This judge should be recused immediately. She ignored evidence and testimony and favored a parent due to his status as a police officer. Now a child has been killed by this man and she shares the blame. Step down now!!!


Comment #: NY11045
Rating:Not Rated
I had hope that Judge Zimmerman would be understanding of my position when I filed for a divorce. One of her comments was about my low pay but after 25 years of not working it was a challenge to find any job. Also since I needed to make continual court appearances I needed to find a job that would give me the flexibility to always show in court.

In the end, she didn't do right by me. To make a long story short, after more than two decades of marriage and two children I walked out with nothing. Yes no child support. No maintenance. I had to file for bankruptcy. My car was repossessed. If I didn't have my parents' home to return to I would be in Section 8 housing or live in my car.

She didn't look at my case in any proper manner. She was simply interested in getting it off her list of cases to show efficiency leaving me in my horrible situation.


Comment #: NY11032
Rating:Not Rated
Zimmerman favors attorneys that donate to her campaign, especially when they are litigants in her court.
She took my children away ex parte conference, I was a pro se litigant, and never received notice. Zimmerman never went on the record that day, never questioned the fictitious motion brought before her to suspend my visitation by my ex wife, who claimed I was suicidal and a threat to harm our children, all with zero evidence, who happens to be a matrimonial attorney in Nassau County.
Zimmerman then Ordered me to get a psychological evaluation at NUMC citing Artile 251, this took her an extra 4 days after our conference. It was explained to me that it would be an hour or two, outpatient procedure. I had 10 days to comply. I went the first day and was locked up in the Psych Ward, being told by staff that I would be in there for three days for observation. They even said they did not understand the Order, but locked me up anyway. I got released within three hours.
When I went back to court 12 days later with the report from NUMC clearing me of being suicidal or a threat to harm my children, she still did not allow me to see them unsupervised, even went so far as to tell my attorney that "I was on thin ice."
She later recused herself from the case when she read my ex's 6th motion in three months, which included an email from me accusing Zimmerman of being on the take.
This woman is a menace to society and law abiding single fathers. She gives all Officers of the court a terrible name just by association.
She should not only not be on the bench, she should lose her bar membership and face criminal charges for her illegal actions from the bench.


Comment #: NY10935
Spiteful, venomous snake without a single functioning brain cell. You dont stand a chance against this clown or the circus she calls a courtroom. Her ludicrous decisions are the law of the land and she will make sure other judges in other courts follow along. STAY AWAY!


Comment #: NY10762
Disqualified opposing attorney, let disqualified attorney's papers stand.
This includes a money judgement against me to pay the opposing attorney.
This judge is simply a miserable human being.

She is more concerned about her fellow female lawyers than about the financial destruction she wreaks upon the litigants in her "courtroom".

The only bench she should call "home" on is a bench in a park.

Her staff is excellent though...

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9811
This woman is a Joke to the Judicial System. Justice is not blind in her courtroom, her rulings are very personally based. She forms an opinion first and allows nothing to be heard. Seriously, how is it possible she is still allowed to wear the robe?


Comment #: NY9730
Horrible. Be prepared to lose the shirt off of your back when going in front of this evil woman. If you question her decisions there will be heavy consequences sanctioned against you. She will leave you penniless in the blink of an eye with no consideration of your means to survive or support your children. Most cold hearted woman I have ever come across. Favors attorneys that contribute to her campaign funds and makes very obvious one sided decisions. How has the Bar Association overlooked her shenanigans backed by hundreds of complaints???

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9347
The absolute pits! Judge Zimmerman is the prototype of what is so wrong at the Matrimonial Center. For the life of me, I can’t understand how she has not been dismissed. The most biased, lazy, short-tempered and atrocious judge. She has her clear favorites who happen to waltz right in, cut the line and get a half-hour sit down with her majesty.

It doesn’t matter how good your papers are or how hard you’ve worked on them, you cannot escape Judge Hopeless Zimmerman’s laziness. She will not review anything you submit, and come trial date, she’ll tell you that you are the one who is not prepared and adjourn it for another few months. Judge Zimmerman - time to step down!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY9123
Judge Zimmerman was fair and equitable on a recent divorce trial. She listened carefully, engaged with the litigants and asked her own questions. She was interested in their stories, listening carefully, and she was patient with the attorneys. She is fair and even, although she does not tolerate any nonsense either.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY8996
Rating:Not Rated
the court clerk is a stalwart. He is a delight

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8921
This Judge is the opposite of who should be representing justice; she refuses to read motions and refers even black-and-white, simple, already-ordered issues to a hearing, wasting enormous time and money for the litigants, in essence re-trying long-determined orders. She is as lazy and partial as a judge can be and is the antithesis of capable, fair, knowledgeable, interested, assertive on the side of justice.


Comment #: NY8659
She can care less and would rather leave children with an abusive lying mother then do the right thing and award them to a father. Like she tells everyone, "Leaving your life to me is like going to Las Vegas". It seems she and her favorite lawyers are the house! I used to believe in the legal system and the truth, but NOT after experiencing what she has done to my children and I! 1 thing is for sure I will make sure that what she has done to us goes VIRAL!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8645
Totally illogical, unprepared and UN knowledgeable, overlooks evidence when she feels like it. She's a travesty to the justice system.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY8642


Comment #: NY8529
Rating:Not Rated
Its scary to read about what she has done to families and kids on Long Island. We hope she get punished soon for her deeds.

So far she has already lost two cases in 2nd Department in 2017 and there are lot more to come in this year.

Score is 0-2 . LOL

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8458
It is always a pleasure appearing before Justice Zimmerman.


Comment #: NY8431
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge should be disbarred!!! ASAP!!! She left my 70 year old Mother destitute as a result of a post divorce action which she presided over for the last several years. She should be ashamed of herself, I don't know how she keeps getting away with destroying people's lives and leaving many in a worse predicament than when they started!! Even the State Commissioner's office saw what she did to my Mom, and protected her anyway! So my question is? Where do we the people get justice in an already defunct family court system!! I'm sorry to all who have had to deal with this woman!!! She's a complete and utter embarrassment to us women!!!


Comment #: NY7979
Terrible incompetent judge. Racist, bigoted and sexist.


Comment #: NY7917
Who regulates this mess? She is a disaster making master.


Comment #: NY7783
Judge Zimmerman has ruined my children's lives, and made mine extraordinarily difficult. She listened to NONE of the important testimony, read NONE of the pages submitted, and rendered the most disgusting decision possible. My children have had irreparable harm done to them. I pray for the day she steps down, or is forced out.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7696
Rating:Not Rated
Can we give her reading test , as she hates to read , she really need help .

Court Staff

Comment #: NY7666
I see this Judge distroying lives everyday with her power. Does not even care for families or kids.
I pray to God every day take her away. Staff is looking forward to end of her term. Amen

Court Staff

Comment #: NY7647
This judge is a disgrace to the whole Judicial system


Comment #: NY7611
Nine Years later and I still have nightmares.


Comment #: NY7469
She's just horrible. She should not be on the bench. It's sad that she holds the life of people in her hands and seems to take great pleasure knowing she holds the faith of people lives. Considering all the complaints, why is she still allowed to hold her job. Her opinions and decisions are so bias and due to her laziness things get drag on longer than necessary.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7409
Rating:Not Rated
We have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous and unethical actions committed by players in the legal arena and sometimes (knowingly and unknowingly) enabled by the very courts people believe will determine fact from fiction. Many Father's have an uphill challenge awaiting them as they seek what many others before the law and courts seek...fairness and the right to be heard. Having been a father before this Judge both as pro se litigant and represented by an attorney I can clearly state that many problems transpired on so many procedural and legal levels with little adherence to the standards of equitable distribution and best interest of the child...these were secondary to clearing a busy docket!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY7408
She is a menace who enjoys hearing the sound of her own voice in the courtroom more than anything else. She has no knowledge of the law or the facts of the case and displays a flagrant disregard for the law by denying due process and intentionally delaying time-sensitive proceedings to frustrte litigant's rights and spite their counsel with adjournments rather than letting the parties be heard. She needs to be removed immediatey.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY7389
Judge Zimmerman and the buffoon that assists her with her cases, the Referee Across the Hall Esq., are disgraceful. Her law clerk seems to be the only person there with sense and really should be the only one deciding these cases.

Judge Zimmerman seems to be in cahoots with select attorneys to strip litigants of every penny, dishing out thousands of dollars in unconscionable attorney's fees as if it's monopoly money. The Nassau County residents who appear before her are generally lower middle class litigants who clearly cannot afford to comply with her outrageous Orders, but that doesn't seem to phase her.

If you're not in the "club" tell your client to bend over because she and her cronies will make sure you walk out of 400 County Seat Drive penniless.

Her decisions are irrational and unless you can afford an appeal, good luck!


Comment #: NY7312
Referee lost my transcripts and she signed the Order without even looking at the record. Getting the transcript from the court reporter required “protracted attempts.” Then, when he got the transcript, it was a disaster: “a rough transcription replete with mistakes and omissions.” What a disaster. I can’t imagine the frustration I’d feel if this happened to my client, or my family. The whole reason transcripts exist is to provide a clear record of what happened at the trial. Without a transcript, it’s harder to tell if there was reversible error or not. So who pays that price?


Comment #: NY7291
She is not familiar with her cases,; her assistant reads them and talks to you about them. She is sorely lacking knowledge in the law or doesn't chose to apply it, she is biased and unfair to attorneys and clients, she doesn't pay attention when someone is speaking nor give you a chance to clarify, she oblivious to the needs of the children, she relentlessly post phones court dates incurring higher court fees for families, she's lazy and doesn't look at supporting documents that would add to issues in the case in favor of one party over another. I know this woman sits on numerous boards and associations that I wonder how she can keep her day job. I know in the past she has run unopposed. But I can't for the life of me figure out how this travesty of a person with such a mean spirited personality made it to secure a judgeship. Except for two attorney's who are probably afraid to speak the truth or maybe they won their cases, every review I've read mirrors my observations. Family court is the last place you want incompetence. She should be forced to hang up her robe. Incompetence when your dealing with people's lives should not be tolerated.


Comment #: NY7289
If you are looking for an arrogant, opinionated, biased Judge who has made up her mind before you walked into the room, one who will do everything in her power to impose her ill-willed wishes regardless of law, one who has the attention span of a chicken and the powers of God, well you've found it in Hope Zimmerman. Shame on a system that places this DISASTER in a position of such power!


Comment #: NY6486
This Judge is a woman who needs to be removed from the bench, she is adept at ruining the lives of her litigants and their children. She rarely follows the law, and instead substitutes her opinions and punishes those she believes deserve it, regardless of the laws.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY4837
Rating:Not Rated
She is unfit to serve the public. The staff here "hope" Judge Zimmerman does not get re-elected. She is a very hostile and disgraceful jurist, who tries to get the court staff to do shady things.


Comment #: NY4827
This horrible judge seeks pleasure in turning children's lives upside down. She ignores the obvious and shows hostility.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY4826
A complete disgrace! Our tax money is going to pay this lazy and bitter woman who hates her job and the litigants who appear before her. She is hostile to 90% of the members of the Bar. It seems that she reads People Magazine instead of the motions and issues before her. Her decisions make no sense and all of them require appeals if your clients can afford them. Prepare your clients for the appellate process and keep your affirmations under four pages, since she has the attention span of an unmedicated schizophrenic.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY4825
This is a politically motivated, nasty woman who chooses to cause more issues for litigants, rather than to resolve them, all for the benefit of the very unethical vultures that are her close circle of friends who are matrimonial lawyers. If you do not donate to her campaign, stay clear -- she will hurt you!

Court Staff

Comment #: NY4824
This is a very vindictive and politically corrupt woman. I hope that she is to be disbarred someday! She puts the needs of children in her courtroom last, and her close lawyer buddies in the matrimonial bar first.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY4336
She is a disgrace to the bench. She has destroyed many children and families and doesn't blink an eye. She lost the election for the reason that the people have decided she has to go and she needs to go now and be removed now before she continues her path of destruction. I've heard horror stories about her miscarriage of justice over and over again to the harm and destruction of our children and the community is outraged and has voiced their opinion in the election. Someone needs to gather the statistics on the outcomes of her decisions and follow up with the children to show the destruction she is creating. I'm sure if it were her children involved it would be another story. She is destroying our community of families and children.


Comment #: NY3813
Fair with her decisions, efficient and moves things along which is very important as children are often involved and the sooner things are settled, the sooner the children can heal. She is a bit tough and she tries to have parties work things out thus avoiding the expense of a trial. Her prior experience in abuse and neglect cases and her knowledge of the Peace Program comes through in her decisions. My family is only part of the way through the litigation process, but this has been my experience thus far.


Comment #: NY2638
Pathetic. Biased. Doesnt even address the issues at hand. On one occasion what is written is in stone. On another occasion what is written doesnt mean anything. WHICH IS IT?? My divorce dragged on forever because this judge wouldnt make a single fair ruling and I was forced to settle or be bankrupt on legal fees. My children are the ones that suffer. She doesnt want to do her JOB which is to BE FAIR and to HELP families. She is lazy, biased, and just wants to push cases through without doing a single thing. She couldnt have even READ my papers before making a decision. My ex lied and manipulated the system and now I am the one that is stuck and there is no way to get help. Thank god she lost the last election. I will campaign against her tirelessly again if she ever tries another run. Who oversees the martimonial part in Nassau County? Is ANYONE looking???

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY2498
Hard working and tries to be fair.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY1988
Rating:Not Rated
This judge does not allow lawyers to speak. What a disgrace to the bench. She is supposed to be helping families in crisis. What a shame for the families to have to go before this woman.Definitely mean spirited and miserable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY1329
the most irrascible and nasty judge in the family court of nassau. What a mean disposition she has!! I would never send an associate before this judge--she hates the job and lets all know it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY1316
Dumb. Doesn't listen. Jumps to conclusions. My client's ex said he was drunk and excited and was spitting when he spoke. She yelled for five minutes about how vile it was and disrespectful to women it is to spit on them, thinking it was intentional...I couldn't explain she said that's how she determined he was drinking and was not saying it was intentional. Forget it. The she said he did cocaine. It clearly said he went to rehab 10 years prior. Can you read? Can you listen?