Hon. Avelina S. Jacob (Fauquier)
Judge Jacob rules by emotion, not law. I have heard from several Loudoun attys that they have left her courtroom on numerous occasions scratching their heads over her decisions. I too have suffered this. She allowed a protective order to be placed on me with literally ZERO legal reason. The justification was she thought I "would call the plantiff if the protective order was not in place". That is NOT grounds for a protective order, especially on someone who has no police record of any kind. She let her gut over-rule the law. She should not be practicing law, and certainly should not be a judge.
Litigant - (1/28/2025 11:18:51 AM)
Hon. Stephen E. Sincavage (Fauquier)
While Judge Sincavage may have a fine courtroom demeanor, he does not rule lawfully. In my cases, I was represented my council on one occasion, and self-represented against my wife's atty on two. All three cases should have been simple wins for me. Each time though Sincavage ruled not by the law, but by emotion (I'm guessing). Even my atty, who has a great reputation in Leesburg, was surprised by the outcomes. Judges in general have far too much power in our legal system. They have no fear of retribution, and therefore can, and unfortunately do, act as they wish. Sincavage should not be a judge.
Litigant - (1/28/2025 11:11:02 AM)
Hon. Michael R Doucette (Amherst)
Totally incompetent on civil matters, but will not acknowledge his ignorance and pause to research before issuing rulings. Doesn't understand multiple basic concepts of civil procedure. Total disaster as a judge, and we're fortunate they stashed him away in a small, insignificant county.
Civil Litigation - Private - (11/14/2024 12:43:12 PM)
Hon. Margaret W. Deglau (Henrico)
So thankful for judge Deglau!! She granted me 50/50 custody even when the mother did everything in her power to keep my daughter from me
Litigant - (10/30/2024 8:26:45 AM)
Hon. Richard S. Wallerstein, Jr. (Henrico)
Judfe Wallerstein gave my son and excessive sentence that was not based on his charges. A severe sentence for racketeering requires sever predicated acts, large bank accounts, hidden funds, embezzlement, and other charges. My son was never arrested for that and only had 134.00 on him He received 20 minus 12 years for that one charge which was excessive. Racketeering is labeled as a Felony 6 which is 1 to 5 years. His sentence was rediculous and I'm trying to get it vacated now. My son has been in prison for 10 years now and there was no crime going on when he was arrested. He should not be on the bench making these horrible decisions about peoples lives for things that they did not do. Evgen after there was no evidence of any wrong doing and my son pleaded "Not Guilty" to 24 charges that he received.
Other - (10/1/2024 7:30:33 PM)
Hon. Penney S. Azcarate (Fairfax)
What can I say, best judge ever, so glad she was fair though I wished Amber didn’t get anything at the end, felt like they wanted not to just leave her out, 2mil for what? For destroying man’s life? I wish she didn’t take anything as it all was lies but hey, at least Johnny got the justice he deserved, the judge was fair, strong and very professional, kudos to you judge and thanks for the hard work.
Other - (9/18/2024 6:07:36 AM)
Hon. Penney S. Azcarate (Fairfax)
To the people who continue to rate this judge based on the high profile case, get over yourselves. She conducted herself in the most patient and professional way possible during the entire case. Unlike Heard, and her lawyers who were an absolute trainwreck nightmare to deal with. Their entire case was hearsay. If you had watched the entire case from start to finish on YouTube for FREE mind you, and not from deranged one sided “Believe all females nomatter what even when there’s EVIDENCE proving otherwise” TikTok clips.. you’d clearly see that the Jury’s ruling’s were spot on. The jury decided this case, not the judge. Y’all stay mad, cause it’s embarrassing you continue to come here and grasp straws this way. You weren’t in the court, stop selecting court staff etc, that’s what “other” is for. Move on.
Other - (9/18/2024 12:45:10 AM)
Hon. Kimberly A. Irving (Prince Edward)
Judge Irving makes up her mind in the first five minutes of a case. She doesn’t listen to the evidence, just goes with her first impression. This could be great for you if she likes your client at first glance, but not so good if you have an argument with any level of nuance. Further, she is so rude and disrespectful to litigants as to border on bullying. This judge should not be on the bench.
Civil Litigation - Private - (7/30/2024 3:04:03 PM)
Hon. Penney S. Azcarate (Fairfax)
What an excellant judge, I enjoyed this case though I felt really bad for johnny, but thankfully he came out on top and won the case, truth always wins, and lies always get revealed.
Court Staff - (7/21/2024 2:07:46 AM)
Hon. Penney S. Azcarate (Fairfax)
Ty judge for doing an excellent job, please do not care for heard comments, we can see she hired some bots to comment here, can’t believe she didn’t stop doing this old game till now, nothing will change the truth, she lied about everything, Ty judge, all my respect.
Other - (7/11/2024 2:27:45 AM)